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Sunni Insurgents Step Up Attacks in Iran

The best option for Iran is to stop persecuting Sunnis in Sistan and include them into the national fold. Has anyone ever wondered why no such insurgency of this magnitude had taken place when Iran was not rule by discriminatory beard bearers?

Because there was no global terrorism back in 70s, there was no suicide bombings, street terrors, etc.
Iran indeed needs to focus on developing southeastern areas, but with these terrorists launching attacks from Pakistan's soil, any kind of development plan will be abolished since development comes only with security. It doesn't matter what their nationality is, what matters is where they come from and where they take shelter.

And please dear, don't compare Sipah Muhammad with these terrorists,first of all, they didn't attack your soldiers from our soil and the allegation that Iran has supported them only comes from the fact that they were Shias, nothing more. Also, their main objective was targeting Taliban and similar groups. I'd like you to add a list of real terrorism acts conducted by Sipah e Muhammad and and comparison with those committed by Taliban, LeJ and other groups and let's see how they get their share in terrorism. But all of this doesn't mean I support any kind of militias destabilizing a country, no matter if they are Sunni or Shia, but facts are facts and should be noted here, in all fairness.

I do blame my countrymen for not taking enough measures to prevent these bastards from crossing the border. That idiots put the lives of soldiers in danger by not providing proper equipment to some border posts, and also by not building a huge wall on our borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan, it may cost a lot, but it will also save many lives.

We are not blaming Pakistan as if it is doing all this intentionally, of course that's not the case. I know Pakistan itself faces insurgency and we see terrorism activities against your own people. But we also believe that Pakistan's army is strong enough to conduct a 'Zarb-e- Azb'-like operation in Baluchistan region to get rid of them, but unfortunately there is no political will to do it for various reasons.
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As Serpentine said Iran is not saying that Pakistani government is supporting these terrorists, what Iran says is that Pakistani government does little to control its borders and hunting done the operation base of these terrorists.

Jeish al adl is based in Pakistan, their leader was recently assassinated in Quetta.

Also just some weeks ago there was an attack involving 26 armed pick-ups whom attacked an Iranian border post from Pakistan, after the arrival of reinforcement they fled back to Pakistan.

Pakistani government should do more to protect its border.
pakistan is like switzerland. in switzerland one can hide all illegal money he has. in pakistan one can hide all terrorists. ne it kurds uzbeks uighur indian afghan iranian list goes on
lol. Pakistan is switzerland of terrorists yes but there are no Iranian terrorists there (daily life criminals not included). We barely have any serious terrorists within our own borders nevermind abroad.

These terrorists need to be crushed with a iron fist, if we dont act quickly upon this threat we risk of sharing the same fate of Pakistan,Iraq and other wartorn countries.

Just build a huge wall with miles long electrical fence so that if anyone approaches illegaly he/she will get fried to death.
the answer is so simple my friend. THEY RUN INTO YOUR COUNTRY !!!....

your logic is flawed because:
They first cross YOUR border before heading to our country.

Why do you let them cross YOUR border?

Because your guards are sleeping?
Why do you let them cross YOUR border?
then your logic is f....ed up :lol: cuz they mostly attack our gaurds in border if you don't know.
btw how about YOUR guards? :lol: if there be one single pakistani guard in border of course.
thousands of kilometers border .how many guards do we need to put there to stop all the terrorists coming from pakistan? the best idea is to build a great wall.INDIA needs a wall as well.
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Both countries know , that what Sh!t they are into , if we are not saints, so as Iranians are not Angels as well
give them money and weapons let the iranians feel how it is te terrorized ahahah...
then your logic is f....ed up :lol: cuz they mostly attack our gaurds in border if you don't know.
btw how about YOUR guards? :lol: if there be one single pakistani guard in border of course.
thousands of kilometers border .how many guards do we need to put there to stop all the terrorists coming from pakistan? the best idea is to build a great wall.INDIA needs a wall as well.

you Indian?
Ever travelled from Quetta Chaman Zahidan route. If you do, you will know.

Read the whole news. Don't jump on headlines.

This is a separatist Balochi group that has more similarity with Balochi insurgents in Pak.

No this is an internal Iranian issue

just like BLA is internal Pakistani issue.

We should not blame India for BLA

Iran should not blame Pak for their insurgents.

plain and simple

You are right..Allow each nation to deal with their situation independently...Provide help when someone is requesting you.Otherwise, your help will not be appriciated.
You are right..Allow each nation to deal with their situation independently...Provide help when someone is requesting you.Otherwise, your help will not be appriciated.

Well said my dear bro

well said.

It is better to provide help when asked,
and we should not get into blame game.

It will not improve the matters, and many a times make them much worse.
What about stop oppressing and racism against Sunnis and Balouchis in Iran? ain't it a cheaper plan?
that's right but the point is that there is a difference between balouchis and jaish-al-adl .jaish-al-adl don't have much acceptability inside balouchi people . they really don't care about balouchi rights ( jondollah used to care however they were terrorists as well ) jaish-al-adl's ideology is like al-qaeda. even top mowlavis in balouchestan condemned jaish-al-adl attacks.
jaish-al-adl don't have much acceptability inside balouchi people .
How do you know? Are you a balouch?
they really don't care about balouchi rights ( jondollah used to care however they were terrorists as well )
BS. Source?
jaish-al-adl's ideology is like al-qaeda.
From where this come from?
even top mowlavis in balouchestan condemned jaish-al-adl attacks.
Even the molavi appointed by mullahs, condemned regime more than them. Although, he has no freedom to fully speak his true opinions in Iran, other wise regime would kill him immediately.
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