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Sukhoi signs agreement to move SSJ production to China


Oct 30, 2007
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According to Chinese newspaper Zhengzhou Daily, on Sunday in the capital of China's Hunan Province Zhengzhou City signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding between JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (SCAC) and Chinese companies China Tianli Aviation Technology Co., Henan Oberoi Aircraft Company and Shanghai Yuan Fei Aviation Technology Sompany on the organization of assembly plant in Zhengzhou regional passenger aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet SSJ100.

The memorandum states that Henan Oberoi Aircraft Company can purchase 100 aircraft and, together with the GSS to build assembly plant for these aircraft at the airport in the city of Zhengzhou. The other two Chinese companies will play the role of technical consultants in the implementation of the project. It is assumed that if the project will be developed safely, the first aircraft could be delivered to the customer as early as next year.

UAC source confirmed the signing of the memorandum.

Sina Military
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Henan Oberoi Aircraft Company????
Oberoi is an Indian name.
Does it mean it's a joint development?

Nothing to do with india!

The Henan company's name in the OP's article was " Henan Oberoi Aircraft Company"
They terribly messed up the name of the Henan company, so unprofessional!
including this
and this
Airliners.net and perhaps many more

The name of the company is called something like 河南欧贝飞机公司 " O-Bay Aircraft "


Credits to @cnleio and @StarCraft_ZT here reporting on the same: China aircraft company to buy Russia’s SSJ-100 planes for $3,5 billion. The above media should thank our Chinese members here for their good efforts!
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i guess if airbus is producing in china russia has to produce in china as well, just shows you how much europe likes russia that they rather produce in america and china than in russia.

I still think the accident in indonesia was sabotaged by the west so this plane became a failure, if its really the case i hope china enjoys western technology to steal from
Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe the plane is too complicated with all these components from different developers, i hope sukhoi doesnt rely on faulty foreign technology for their next superjet.
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