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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

If you hate the institutions that much, look in the mirror - they ARE YOU. Your DNA and values run in them as much as anyone elses and all it shows is what would happen if you give guns and power to any Pakistani.
It is good you came across this point and raised it everywhere, now and then.
But Sir, that is no excuse. A profession is a profession. If one takes responsibility and abuses, he must be punished twice as much.

Many Pakistanis do not have the 'DNA' of fighting, so should army follow it?
Each son of Adam is capable of sinning, and Iblees is there to boost it.
Can human beings make a case on judgement day on these bases?

Lastly, hero 'worshipping' is in every culture, whether a pop star or politician. Our history is such that we consider the 'horse rider' a messiah. People are suppressed, obliged and subdued but don't respect crooks (politicians, police, bureaucracy, etc.). It is just that army's facade disappears and has joined the same rank. If IK is no different from those criminals, then people will treat him the same.

Don't worry, every evil has some cult following. Dajjal will have, Ibless has, Musaylima had, and all thugs of Pakistan have too.

However, you aren’t the first to blame the institutions - it has been happening for decades and at the end the same Pakistanis that hate the Pakistanis in those institutions, welcome them and lick their bum holes so much

For me, it is not a correct analysis as alienation has been increasing. Such as 5% in 50s, 90% in 70s, 30% in 90s, 60% in 2000s, and 70% now.
You can see, people welcome Asim and the sentiments are somewhat settled. They are now back at the same level. Do you think, people look up to the army the same as in 65? or nearby?
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When In Gilgit, a unit was deployed along with GB scouts to quell a sunni-shia issue which had taken to the roads. The unit CO didnt discriminate between sending sunni or shia soldiers to the venue for duty. He was of the opinion that a soldier was meant to do his duty regardless of his sect in faith. I think it was the correct decision. The shia soldiers among sunni soldiers stood in front of the shia protestors. 3 days later, the unit returned without any incident.

The FF units in military have a good enough strength of Pushto speaking and pathan background officers and jawans, yet punjabis like Gen RS joined FF regt too so the ratio may tilt somewhere but the duty comes foremost for any unit. Same for Baluch or Sindh Regiments having a comfortable ratio of personnel from all regions of Pakistan. Yes Pathans prefer joining FF regt just like an incident I narrated of a conversation between two pathan officers of Signals, a Maj General and a young officer, who agreed that if Signals hadn't accepted them, they would be in FF regt. In 1971, the EBRs were mainly composed of East Pakistan ethnic troops which resulted in successful mutinies so Army changed the ratios of units after that.

The issue you mention mainly concerns paramilitary forces like FC, FC of Police, Levies and Khasadars who are locals of the area and usually are deployed in their local areas. I have heard cases of Pushtuns turning on retired Pushtun officers who followed Military orders and were later gunned down by tribals, so those cases exist too.

However, tell me how hard is it to make an explosive jacket at home in Pakistan ?
In this incident, the man tried to enter Isb from Rwp. There are markets in westridge, saddar, Raja bazar, etc who sell all the material used in making this bloody jacket and there is no check balance who bought what and by whom and for what reason.

The major issue still stands. A TTP operator or sympathizer, mixed with in the society, because Pakistani society doesn't shun TTP styled mindset since extremism runs deep down with in the society. It is a reality so when fingers are pointed at crossings on border from Afghanistan into Pakistan, then the reflection should also be given that these elements do not thrive in tunnels rather they are welcomed by community to sit, eat, sleep, rest, weaponize and transported in public by public.

ICT Police is well trained, this incident is a proof of that, as the policeman could identify an old model Toyota or Suzuki car driven by ordinary citizens with isb/rwp number plates, but to stop a taxi on basis of doubt meant the policeman had a clear understanding of the duty as he kept a close watch on the passenger of the taxi and recognized the pattern of face expression, body language, dressing etc and the doubt was 100% correct, something which wasn't shown by policemen in incidents occurring in KPK. Otherwise one can say, it was mandatory by ICT policemen to stop and check every taxi and there was no suspicion but the incident occurred during routine checking. Due to culture of veil/burqa system in KPK, It can also be put forward that every picket manned by KPK police should have 2-3 lady constables, for checking lady passengers in cars.

The extremism of the society can be clearly seen in this thread. The sacrifice of life of a policeman on duty is being undermined because the inability to accept a universal fact that every coin has two sides. Humans have both good and bad sides. Coupled with judgmental nature, extremism doesn't allow an individual to think and differentiate right from wrong, It makes a human stick to an incident for life and from there on, that individual derives strength from the belief of that incident for life without understanding that variety is the very spice of life. Any profession has good or bad individuals. Lawyers, doctors, Govt employees, engineers, army officers etc.

Majority of members have not served with uniformed personnel of Pakistan whether from Police or Army, while a very few members have. These members do not understand the basics of command structure in the room of HQ and the command structure when deployed in field whether in war zone or a street of a city, the difference is always there.

To tell it straight on the face- a member who has either commanded or worked alongside uniformed policeman or soldier can understand the tragedy of loss of life of this policeman in this incident.
About the text in red, can you elaborate? If he was blending in with the people around him, how would others know if he's aiding TTP or not, wouldn't they just assume he's a normal everyday person?
he didnt contact, Dr. Usman, who is also known as Mohammad Aqeel, served in the Pakistani Army Medical Corps...
That's what these traitors did.
They do everything to protect their economic interests. For decades they nurtured afghan taliban and then betrayed them so they got the backlash.
Allah says

وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَقَّ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
Dont mix truth with falsehood. This is what security and military establishment did. For all who were played took revenge.
Now I truly understand the feelings of bengali. How they were forced to part ways for these handful of khaki traitors.
Isn't he the same who busted and failed the ISI's attempt to topple Benazir's government ?
he forewarned Benazir of what they were planning against her?
Or may be I'm confusing him with someone else?
for the VONC? perhaps.. Benazir bought back the MNAs and won the motion.
Anyway, what a legend he was. Listen, Brig Hamid Saeed
Core problem:

Afghanistan: Afghans
Pakistan: Afghans and their local sympathisers


-Destroy Afghans in Afghanistan using proxy of Tajiks/Hazaras.
-Fortify the border security and surveillance on western front
-Monitor all refugees from Afghanistan.
-Political stability - bring Immy back but give him redlines he shouldn't cross

It is too late for all of these things. Bajwa made a deal. That deal cannot be broken with the Western powers. It will have serious economic repercussions. I am afraid we are now stuck with the current situation for the unforeseeable future.

We knew about the watches, but the terrorist entered the capital with 15 kg of explosives, we did not know.

What does this expose? At any rate, such a blatant attack in your capital city is a serious problem.
It is too late for all of these things. Bajwa made a deal. That deal cannot be broken with the Western powers. It will have serious economic repercussions. I am afraid we are now stuck with the current situation for the unforeseeable future.
there must be something of the colossal size that the army cannot step back.
it is not just corruption or supremacy thing like you said. or perhaps it is accountability and article 6 for bajwa and harry.
It is good you came across this point and raised it everywhere, now and then.
But Sir, that is no excuse. A profession is a profession. If one takes responsibility and abuses, he must be punished twice as much.

Many Pakistanis do not have the 'DNA' of fighting, so should army follow it?
Each son of Adam is capable of sinning, and Iblees is there to boost it.
Can human beings make a case on judgement day on these bases?

Lastly, hero 'worshipping' is in every culture, whether a pop star or politician. Our history is such that we consider the 'horse rider' a messiah. People are suppressed, obliged and subdued but don't respect crooks (politicians, police, bureaucracy, etc.). It is just that army's facade disappears and has joined the same rank. If IK is no different from those criminals, then people will treat him the same.

Don't worry, every evil has some cult following. Dajjal will have, Ibless has, Musaylima had, and all thugs of Pakistan have too.

For me, it is not a correct analysis as alienation has been increasing. Such as 5% in 50s, 90% in 70s, 30% in 90s, 60% in 2000s, and 70% now.
You can see, people welcome Asim and the sentiments are somewhat settled. They are now back at the same level. Do you think, people look up to the army the same as in 65? or nearby?
Any profession will reflect the society from where it sources its resources. Fighting or no fighting - that is irrelevant. The DNA isn’t about what you do in that profession but rather how the values in it are shaped by society and whether you can push those valued back into society from it.

Islam in it’s inception was an institution - the same daughter burying arabs went into it and came out changed people. Not just because of its leadership but because it wasn’t an exclusive club. Any commoner could question the prophet and anyone could be part of it.

The institutional and social culture in Pakistan is all about economic or ethnic class structures which is why even if good values are gained from one spot the other side is not taken as equal to allow them to permeate.
There are so called Punajbi Taliban too who share no ethnicity with Pashtuns or Afghans. Stop being Xenophobic.
How many Punjabi Taliban ? come on I have no love for Punjabi's as well as they are next to Pashtoons, but just because they share culture with Afghans we have to let those Afghani's in, not just in but they took over every city, they even killed Pashtoons in Karachi, yeh Jahan jaate hai woh area Ganda kerte hai. Karachi mai Jahan Jahan Pashtoons/Baloch/Sindhi majority Abadi hai those areas are filthy and Gande, its not Xenophobic or whatever to speak Truth, just because you don't like it doesn't make it false. Keep living in that delusion until the next Afghan blow him/herself in a market and than PDF'ians Chawals will be posting same condolences and RIP posts, but lets not address the real problem because Xenophobic etc etc, don't be a snow flake/woke emotional 16 year old.

These Afghandu MC have literally turned our beloved country to like theirs stone age graveyards. How many more lives will we loose before we find out they were,are and will always remain snakes towards Pakistanis.

Imran Khan had such a soft corner for them, KP government is equally responsible. It is now time to throw these beghairats back and create a buffer zone. Anything that moves from the western border should be flattened out.
No No, we can not even do that because Pathano ko bura lag jaye ga, Truth is that Pashtoons are still giving Afghans massive support in Pakistan, from giving them shelters to help them getting CNIC and Passports, and than these Afghans travel abroad and do F'd up's and people blame Pakistan. But don't say that either because we have 16 year old mods who get trigger.
Is this black material PETN?
And does it not explode on hammering like they are doing?

(Source) (Source-2)
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HUM News said that terrorist hired/rented a taxi and taxi driver has died too
And that there was no woman in car, just 2 men, driver of taxi & suicidal
And that it was a jacket, & car was NOT rigged, but that's HUM News , from the debris of car it doesn't look like just a jacket
Jacket alone would not have caused engine bock ⬇️ to fly away and be on the side of road away from car's body

View attachment 907464

View attachment 907465

Isn't he the same who along with IB busted and failed the ISI's attempt to topple Benazir's government ?
he forewarned Benazir of what they were planning against her?
Or may be I'm confusing him with someone else?


And also created Taliban (source)
No that is not PETN, PETN is white as is TATP. ANFO is normally white but certainly can be brown to black. See image below:


That image you have shared is definitely ANFO because it is easier to manufacture for Taliban and easier to handle vs PETN or TATP.
During pti tenure, 100s of ttp were released as goodwill with bajwa and faiz incharge

Now its biting back.
There can’t be permanent solution unless we get rid of ALL afghan refugees, cancel cnic’s they all got, deport them
This shit is getting seriously out of hand

None of the political parties have any solutions, even pti is sympathetic to ttp and taliban.
Thats not right.
During pti tenure, 100s of ttp were released as goodwill with bajwa and faiz incharge

Now its biting back.
There can’t be permanent solution unless we get rid of ALL afghan refugees, cancel cnic’s they all got, deport them
This shit is getting seriously out of hand

None of the political parties have any solutions, even pti is sympathetic to ttp and taliban.
Thats not right.
All types of appeasement has to stop immediately.
The major issue still stands. A TTP operator or sympathizer, mixed with in the society, because Pakistani society doesn't shun TTP styled mindset since extremism runs deep down with in the society. It is a reality so when fingers are pointed at crossings on border from Afghanistan into Pakistan, then the reflection should also be given that these elements do not thrive in tunnels rather they are welcomed by community to sit, eat, sleep, rest, weaponize and transported in public by public.

Indias stance that Pakistan is a terrorist state stands validated then? In light of your assessment, there are terrorists in all strata of life in Pakistan. Might be some Generals in GHQ too?

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