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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

Good good, continue with such actions, get it off your chest.
Smearing pages on the Internet will naturally change all the ground realities.
I-8 Markaz suicide attack, June 2011, two killings F-8 district court attack, March 2014, 11 killings. Make no mistake, this is a new wave of militant violence in Pakistan and requires a proactive approach if we are done playing game of thrones in Punjab.
This is somewhat acceptable for negotiating ceasefires, but filling your country with a recruitment pool of people that are hellbent on contributing to terrorism, and taking down the fence that prevents them from crossing freely into the country, helps the desired outcome??

You're literally giving them strategic depth by doing this.

Diplomacy does not work with uncivilised nations like the Afghans. They can't ever be trusted or relied upon.

I respect you but your takes are getting worse and worse, stop defending Taliban Khan's shitty policies
Long ago Gen Nasir ullah Baber said, whenever terrorist comes to the negotiation, behind the scenes they are busy regrouping for the next attack.
One of the most excellent Interior ministers in Pak history.

Chukidar protecting the Rich , shaheed keisa ?

Nice Villas all over 3-7 Crore Rupee
Not challenging your sentiments, but a person's judgment is very much dependent on his last actions just before his death.
On a grand scale, we all are accomplices as we are not thwarting evil or at least civil disobedience and we are contributing to the economy which eventually ends up with politicians and the army.
So, Allah will only ask what responsibility he has given us.
"لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا “​

However, I should not commit a crime, at least a vivid one, at anyone's behest.
Nah Bro that Reverse Psychology does not works there is Evil in Islamabad

It has nothing to do with Pakistan it is Pure Evil pulling strings for all Courts and institutes

There is also no democracy as no elections are held

Anyone protecting the Evil is associated to that Evil, all Systems are optimized to protect the Evil which reigns in Pakistan , living life of Luxury and wealth and women

Police ke Sath Jo Ho Rha hai , it is due to their Kartoot

If it is country for people of Pakistan Election Kiyon Nahi Karate?

Untill Elections are held , Islamabad is a Rouge Entity
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Negotiating with terrorists encourages more terrorism’​


Should we negotiate with terrorists ? a question for you jernel sahib​


Negotiating with terrorists encourages more terrorism’​


Should we negotiate with terrorists ? a question for you jernel sahib​

Few issues, we avoid addressing. In reality...... @Irfan Baloch and @Signalian ...Pashtun units rarely do operations in the Pashtun area, because terrorist easily target their families...when units come from Punjab that causes race hate ... terrorist still loves to play the 1971 Bangladesh card in modern day terror activities.

Punjab the most hated one ...we don't say they are angels but they are circumstantial victims too..
Nah Bro that Reverse Psychology does not works there is Evil in Islamabad

It has nothing to do with Pakistan it is Pure Evil pulling strings for all Courts and institutes
There is also no democracy as no elections are held
yeah, sure. Absolute power develops arrogance, anger and resistance to compromise
Anyone protecting the Evil is associated to that Evil, all Systems are optimized to protect the Evil which reigns in Pakistan , living life of Luxury and wealth and women
sad truth. Yes, firoun guards sank with him.
Police ke Sath Jo Ho Rha hai , it is due to their Kartoot
Yup, at least people (police, public, army, etc,.) should do good. If they do bad/injustice/corruption etc,. it will have consequences in terms of more corruption, fitnah, fasad, etc,.
We need positive energy to overcome this curse of terror ..

Few issues, we avoid addressing. In reality...... @Irfan Baloch and @Signalian ...Pashtun units rarely do operations in the Pashtun area, because terrorist easily target their families...when units come from Punjab that causes race hate ... terrorist still loves to play the 1971 Bangladesh card in modern day terror activities.

Punjab the most hated one ...we don't say they are angels but they are circumstantial victims too..
TTP primarily comprises Pashtun fighters and commanders. Punjabis form the second major ethnic composition of TTP cadres. There was a separate faction of Punjabis with TTP known as the Punjabi Taliban led by Asmatullah Moaviya who later defected. TTP's inroads in Balochistan
are instructive. Earlier Aslam Baloch Group from Noshki also pledged allegiance to TTP. This is the second grp to join TTP from Balochistan in 2022. In 2021, the LeJ-Saifullah Kurd faction under Commander Khushi Muhammad joined TTP.
TTP primarily comprises Pashtun fighters and commanders. Punjabis form the second major ethnic composition of TTP cadres. There was a separate faction of Punjabis with TTP known as the Punjabi Taliban led by Asmatullah Moaviya who later defected. TTP's inroads in Balochistan
are instructive. Earlier Aslam Baloch Group from Noshki also pledged allegiance to TTP. This is the second grp to join TTP from Balochistan in 2022. In 2021, the LeJ-Saifullah Kurd faction under Commander Khushi Muhammad joined TTP.
Intelligence agencies know these group leaders ..but, they live happily in the open ... no doubt...this is another issue we have a very weak security apparatus. Where all these leaders have their own handlers and guarantors...
TTP primarily comprises Pashtun fighters and commanders. Punjabis form the second major ethnic composition of TTP cadres. There was a separate faction of Punjabis with TTP known as the Punjabi Taliban led by Asmatullah Moaviya who later defected. TTP's inroads in Balochistan
are instructive. Earlier Aslam Baloch Group from Noshki also pledged allegiance to TTP. This is the second grp to join TTP from Balochistan in 2022. In 2021, the LeJ-Saifullah Kurd faction under Commander Khushi Muhammad joined TTP.
Punjabis fighting for TTP must be some low IQ inbreds lmao

TTP is an Islamist Pashtun separatist group

I guarantee you if TTP was actually a genuine Islamic reformist group for the whole of Pakistan, it would probably win. But most people know it's just a Islamist Pashtun separatist group with primary focus on their own areas.

Negotiating with terrorists encourages more terrorism’​


Should we negotiate with terrorists ? a question for you jernel sahib​

There's nothing inherently wrong with this meeting, IEA was a reality next door so it's better to gauge their sentiments and warn them not to support terror groups against us.

The issue is the stupid security policies against an enemy nation, Taliban Khan suggested having no border fence, releasing the captured terrorists, and flooding the country with more terror recruits who hate Pakistan and Pakistanis like their life depends on it.

You don't need to be a security expert or genius to know that this is the opposite of what you should do
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My one issue with the bomber, why did not he detonate at the ghq who gave birth to them in an illegitimate relationship.
The problem is at the Border

The General in charge of region should be questioned how these folks got thru and also ISI head should answer

If someone will ask them about Performance? They will make a weird face as if they ate a sour candy and attacking the Public "How dare you ask me about my Performance? "

Will any General come on TV and Claim , these folks came from his side of Border, and they failed to stop them? Never

The motives of TTP are always strange but they always happen when there is ample confusion in country

+PDM is greatest source of confusion in country
+Not having election is source of confusion

But we are in Banana Republic, expecting logical thing is illogical

Instead, a new headline, TTP came to steal Tosha Khana gift will be circulated and I will laugh at the absurd nature of the news but then realize, it's fine we are a Banana Republic After all
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Punjabis fighting for TTP must be some low IQ inbreds lmao

TTP is an Islamist Pashtun separatist group

I guarantee you if TTP was actually a genuine Islamic reformist group for the whole of Pakistan, it would probably win. But most people know it's just a Islamist Pashtun separatist group with primary focus on their own areas.

There's nothing inherently wrong with this meeting, IEA was a reality next door so it's better to gauge their sentiments and warn them not to support terror groups against us.

The issue is the stupid security policies against an enemy nation, Taliban Khan suggested having no border fence, releasing the captured terrorists, and flooding the country with more terror recruits who hate Pakistan and Pakistanis like their life depends on it.

You don't need to be a security expert or genius to know that this is the opposite of what you should do

Evolution of Evil--------the present born in the past..


On March 30, 2009, militants launched a deadly assault on a police training center outside Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s Punjab Province. Eight police cadets were killed 1. Less than a month earlier, on March 3, gunmen in Lahore ambushed members of the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team, killing at least eight people. Punjab, the most populated of Pakistan’s provinces, has largely escaped the bloodshed plaguing the country’s troubled northwest 2. Yet since 2007, violence has escalated in the province. The bold terrorist attacks in Pakistan’s heartland—within Punjab Province and in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad—show that local logistical support for these attacks is attributable to what is often labeled the “Punjabi Taliban” network 3. The major factions of this network include operatives from Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan and Jaysh-i-Muhammad—all groups that were previously strictly focused on Kashmir and domestic sectarian violence.

Members of these groups are increasingly supporting Taliban elements from Pakistan’s tribal regions to conduct attacks in sensitive cities such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. Ongoing investigations into the Marriott Hotel bombing that rocked Islamabad in September 2008, in which dozens of Punjabi suspects were arrested and interrogated 4, demonstrate the role played by Punjabi militants 5. One investigator working on the Marriott attack revealed that “all evidences of the terrorist bombing led to South Waziristan via Jhang [a city in Punjab where Lashkar-i-Jhangvi has strong links]. The truck that was rammed into the hotel was also from Jhang.”

This article attempts to define the Punjabi Taliban network, in addition to profiling the three main factions that contribute to its ranks.

Who are the “Punjabi Taliban”?

The Punjabi Taliban network is a loose conglomeration of members of banned militant groups of Punjabi origin—sectarian as well as those focused on the conflict in Kashmir—that have developed strong connections with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Afghan Taliban and other militant groups based in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) 6. They shuttle between FATA and the rest of Pakistan, providing logistical support to FATA- and Afghan-based militants to conduct terrorist operations deep inside Pakistan. Between March 2005 and March 2007 alone, for example, about 2,000 militants from southern and northern Punjab Province reportedly moved to South Waziristan and started different businesses in an effort to create logistical support networks 7. Given their knowledge about Punjabi cities and security structure, they have proved to be valuable partners for the TTP as it targets cities in Punjab, such as Lahore, Rawalpindi and Islamabad 8.

Perhaps the best explanation of the Punjabi Taliban’s structure came from Tariq Pervez, the newly appointed head of Pakistan’s nascent National Counterterrorism Authority (NACTA): “ideas, logistics, cash [comes] from the Gulf. Arab guys, mainly Egyptians and Saudis, are on hand to provide the chemistry. Veteran Punjabi extremists plot the attacks, while the Pakistan Taliban provides the martyrs” 9.

The name “Punjabi Taliban” was first used for ethnic Punjabis associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islam (HuJI) who, under the leadership of Qari Saifullah Akhtar, went to support and join the regime of Taliban leader Mullah Omar in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s 10. The second time the name was used was in 2001-2003 when former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf banned some militant and sectarian groups that had a support base in Punjab 11. As a result, some of these elements began moving to FATA to seek safe havens and establish new camps. These Punjabi militants also reportedly established separate training centers in FATA, especially in North Waziristan 12. The most recent use of the name began in 2007, when Maulvi Nazir, a militant leader who with some official Pakistani support challenged Uzbek foreign fighters residing in South Waziristan, was hailed by some as a leader of the Punjabi Taliban. This allegation arose because Maulvi Nazir attracted many Punjabi recruits from banned organizations to fight Uzbek foreign fighters 13. The plan worked, but not without creating another frightening menace in the shape of a reenergized “Punjabi Taliban.”

The current Punjabi Taliban network has a number of key features. First, it lacks any organization or command structure and operates as a loose network of elements from distinct militant groups. Members from Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (LeJ), Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Jaysh-i-Muhammad (JeM) and their various splinter groups are all considered to be part of this loose network. Small cells unaffiliated with any larger group are also involved. This designation, however, does not apply to all members of LeJ, SSP, and JeM; it only refers to individuals or factions who shifted to FATA or collaborate closely with the TTP, Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat- e-Mohammadi (TNSM) and other militant groups from the tribal areas.

Second, many of these militants directly benefited from state patronage 14 in the 1990s (and in some cases even later) and were professionally trained in asymmetrical warfare, guerrilla tactics and sabotage. The Punjabi Taliban are increasingly using heavy weapons and operating independent of the TTP or other militant groups that belong to the area. In late December 2008, for example, five Punjabi Taliban killed in a drone missile attack were observed “patrolling the area [South Waziristan] in pickup trucks mounted with heavy guns and had been firing at drones wherever they spotted them. The vehicles were camouflaged with mud and grass” 15.

Third, most of the groups are Sunni and Salafist in orientation. A recent International Crisis Group report maintained that “violent Deobandi networks in Punjab lie at the root of Pakistan’s militancy problem” 16. The various components of the Punjabi Taliban owe their ideological training to hardline Deobandi madrasa networks that were nurtured and expanded in Punjab during President Zia ul-Haq’s years in office from 1977-1988.

Fourth, Punjabi militants are distinct from traditional Pashtun Taliban—in terms of language, dress and other identifiable features. The Punjabi Taliban are comparatively more educated, better equipped and technologically savvier than their Pashtun counterparts 17. This is a result of their upbringing in Punjab Province (which has better educational facilities) and urban linkages where internet access and communications equipment are more readily available.

Fifth, unlike TTP cadres and Afghan Taliban, the Punjabi Taliban are purportedly more prone to mercenary actions. Pakistani intelligence sources claim that the Punjabi Taliban can be hired by domestic as well as regional operators to undertake freelance operations 18. For instance, it is widely known in Punjab law enforcement circles that many in the Punjabi Taliban began their careers as criminals 19. They originally moved to FATA (after their organizations were banned) to raise funds through drug smuggling and acquire weapons from the weapons markets of Dara Adam Khel 20.

Finally, the Punjabi Taliban are more likely to conduct fidayin attacks, which, in the South Asian context, implies that the attacker comes equipped with weapons and ammunition and is willing to fight until death. This is in contrast to suicide bombings, where the death of the attacker is required.

Major Factions of Punjabi Taliban Network

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (LeJ)

Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)

These two associated and banned groups are largely Punjab-based. Estimates place LeJ’s numbers at less than 1,000, and the group is almost entirely composed of militants. The SSP, which is also a political group, has been estimated to have around 100,000 active members, but the number of active fighters is probably in the 2,000-3,000 range 21. Although both groups are anti-Shi`a in essence, their members have been involved in pursuing other agendas vis-à-vis Kashmir and Afghanistan. For instance, one of the former members of the SSP, identified as “Commander Tariq,” reportedly heads the local Taliban in Darra Adam Khel, located between the Kohat area in the NWFP and Orakzai Agency in FATA 22. Tariq, who has been monitored by law enforcement for years, was previously primarily engaged in sectarian attacks on the Shi`a. Lately, however, he has been found involved in kidnappings-for-ransom and attacks on foreigners. He played a central role in the February killing of a Polish engineer who was working in the area for an NGO 23.

Similarly, LeJ is believed to be the “lynchpin of the alignment between al-Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban and sectarian groups” 24. LeJ was the first Punjab-based militant group to shift its members to Afghanistan during the Taliban era. This allowed it to establish early connections with al-Qa`ida’s leadership in the mid-1990s.

Many mosques and madrasas linked with LeJ and SSP in Punjab operate as the networking centers for the Punjabi Taliban 25. After recent police interrogations of LeJ members, Karachi’s police chief publicly maintained that these militants “confessed to involvement in attacks on security forces and NATO suppliers in northern areas” of Pakistan while also admitting that they select “prospective fighters from the city [Karachi] and trains them in Waziristan and Miranshah for combating security forces” 26. Despite being banned, both groups are active throughout Pakistan. Although LeJ has been targeted by Pakistan’s civil and military agencies, the SSP has largely managed to escape such targeting because of its larger support base, evident through the fact that prior SSP candidates have won national assembly seats.

Jaysh-i-Muhammad (JeM)

A splinter group of Harkat-ul Mujahidin (HuM) 27, JeM derives its strength from Punjab Province. Although banned in 2001 and having faced internal divisions, it is still operative and changes its name every few years to evade scrutiny. General estimates place its active ranks at around 5,000, with about 1,500-2,000 fighters 28. Part of the reason its cadres are not pursued effectively is due to the incompetence of civilian law enforcement. Pakistani analyst Amir Rana, however, alleges that another factor explains why JeM has retained its strength: “The military wants to keep alive its strategic options in Kashmir” 29. Although the government of Pakistan claims they do not know the whereabouts of JeM’s chief, Masood Azhar, it is rumored that he is with Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan 30.


More information is needed to fully understand the dynamics of the Punjabi Taliban network, but early indicators are that it is still in the initial stages of development. It caters to the aspirations, financial needs and worldview of those militants who believe that they were abandoned by the intelligence agencies in pursuance of Musharraf’s directives after 9/11 31. Elements from groups such as Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (and its associated group, Jama`at-ud-Da`wa), however, are apparently not linked with the Punjabi Taliban because their command and control as well as hierarchical structure has remained intact over the years. In comparison, LeJ and JeM splintered into smaller groups due to policy differences among leaders and disagreements over properties and finances.

It is unlikely that the Punjabi Taliban network will transform itself into an organized group in the near future. Instead, it will remain a loose coalition of members from more prominent terrorist organizations. The purpose of undertaking operations under the moniker of the “Punjabi Taliban” is that they have the freedom to operate without the level of command and control inherent when working for the more established militant outfits.

Other analysts are less sanguine. Pakistani security analyst Zeenia Satti recently predicted that the “Punjabi chapter of the Tahrik-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan will emerge with a ferocity that may dwarf the Baitullah Mehsuds and the Mullah Fazlullahs of NWFP” 32. This development would amount to a significant danger to Pakistan because Punjab is not only the most populous and prosperous province, but is home to the army headquarters and sensitive nuclear installations. Furthermore, a major component of the Pakistan Army comes from the province; if civil strife or civil war were to escalate and the army was called in to control law and order, it could cause cracks in the army’s discipline. Although this is a worst case scenario, it is nevertheless critical to enhance Pakistan’s law enforcement capacity and counterterrorism strategy to prevent this outcome from becoming a reality.

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