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Suicide blast in Karachi leaves 11 police officers dead 36 injured

BJP is power, look thier past, what you call them terrorsit organization?
By equating BJP with MQM, you are not doing any good to MQM. On one hand, you are supporting BJP while knowing all too well about its involvement in terrorist activities against the minorities in India, and on the other hand, you are accepting that MQM also believes in the philosophy of intolerance.
@BATMAN : You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. Please keep your 'cortection!' to yourself. What happened on May 12, 2007 is enough of a proof of what MQM is, and in which type of politics she believes.
what happen to may 12 , was also a proof of conspiracy conducted by a supreme court judge, & politicans of the opposition of that time ?
also you dont trun & twist the facts , just because you dont like it, yes. PDF is a place to say what you like , but only with facts ?
the fact was , that was political voilence constructed by all of the politiacl parties, & every one was the victim?
i mean MQM members also, got killed on 12 may 2007 ?
by who, ohh angels ?
sorry, you are trying to hard to defend the terorists , who are described bern terrorists by the whole world!

By equating BJP with MQM, you are not doing any good to MQM. On one hand, you are supporting BJP while knowing all too well about its involvement in terrorist activities against the minorities in India, and on the other hand, you are accepting that MQM also believes in the philosophy of intolerance.
its way of politics , in south east asia not by now, since begiing?
who killed gandhi jee, why?
go & learn about it?
but BJP is the most voted party of INDIA ?
so they have thier rights to govern india?
we not live in perfect west minster democracy, & we will never?

Okay, Munna g,
thank you dipper creature?
by the bottom of heart from MUNNA BHAI MBBS? lolzz
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but BJP is the most voted party of INDIA ?
so they have thier rights to govern india?
If people decide to elect criminals, murderers, rapist, smugglers, terrorists, does this mean that they are clean and acceptable for the society? If that is the case, disband police, close down the courts, and let criminals prove their innocence through elections.
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I thought TTP agreed on ceasefire. Would army retiliate as TTP has accepted responsibility?
And whats up with the fake encounters of taliban by police? , shahidullah shahid is mentioning it alot in his interviews.
My IQ dropped 10 points reading this thread.
becarefull it, can further down to, - 000?
just keep learning, who is who here?

I thought TTP agreed on ceasefire. Would army retiliate as TTP has accepted responsibility?
And whats up with the fake encounters of taliban by police? , shahidullah shahid is mentioning it alot in his interviews.
fake encounters of TTp?:omghaha:
so you mean, TTp never fight with police, they are the cowards just come & sit in police vans , whenever police wanted them?:omghaha:

If people decide to elect criminals, murderers, rapist, smugglers, terrorists, does this mean that they are clean and acceptable for a society? If that is the case, disband police, close down the courts, and let criminals prove their innocence through elections.
its just happened in pakistan on 13 may 2013, elected ones are mostly croupts, supporters of terrosists even supported by terrosrists, announcing thier support in the media?
ohh you not remember?
its just happened in pakistan on 13 may 2013, elected ones are mostly croupts, supporters of terrosists even supported by terrosrists, announcing thier support in the media?
ohh you not remember?
I do, and I also remember that the same is going on in Karachi from as early as 1986. MQM was and is voted based on ethnic bias. Bhai's speeches are on the record, "if I nominate a poll, people will vote for it".
Day by day the outcome of the talks is becoming very clear, TTP is simply not interested in peace, they want to project its power by saying if you don't agree with us, we will carry on bombing and targeting anyone, Military and targeted operation against these zombies will have to happen sooner than later because Pakistan as state cannot tolerate these kind of attacks forever.
This thread is really getting off topic - TTP accepted responsibility.

Sadly, i think Pakistani's are getting info overload, getting pulled from left to right, up and down so much that you can't see the wood because of the trees. Please get a grip guys.

Put 2 and 2 together: Shahidullah said police are picking off Taliban in encounters. Next day Taliban kills police.

Seems like GOP was trying to be clever and using talks to kill off Talibans behind the scenes, but they made a major mistake because instead of weakening it, they have given it so much publicity and legitimacy. This animal Burka Mullah is now openly threatening the entire country!

PS. Imran Khan has wittingly or unwittingly ushered TTP into the halls of power in Karachi and Lahore, he may even have destroyed Pakistan. First he diverted attention from TTP brutality for many years by blaming USA/RAW/Mossad - which allowed them to grow a support base. Then he actually blocked drones from targeting TTP, allowing them to roam freely and grow stronger. Now he is the main cheerleader for the peacetalks and constantly engaged in confusing the public. Imran needs to state openly if he wants TTP Sharia in Pakistan, if not he needs to stand up against it and condemn the group. He's making decent people think that the TTP are acceptable.

It is really shocking how a proud, powerful character like Imran has gone so wrong.
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@PersonasNonGrata: Cant agree more with your last paragraph.

However, I don't agree with this:
This thread is becoming a joke - TTP accepted responsibility.

You can argue that the focus of this thread is lost, but it is becoming a joke is kind of an overstatement.

At this point of time, there are a number of threats to Pakistan's security. TTP (alias JI/JUI) is obviously the most prominent one. Than we have non-TTP (alias JI/JUI) terrorists active in Balochsitan. Than we have groups who do not believe in the ideology of Pakistan, parties such as MQM, and ANP are among those. All are a threat, but can be categorized in order of immensity, and severity. The security forces are engaged with all these threats, and hence it not not at all a joke to talk about them.

What a hypocrite. What a loser.

Outside powers? TTP (alias JI/JUI) has slapped him with her recent statement on Karachi blast.
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@PersonasNonGrata: Cant agree more with your last paragraph.

However, I don't agree with this:

You can argue that the focus of this thread is lost, but it is becoming a joke is kind of an overstatement.

At this point of time, there are a number of threats to Pakistan's security. TTP (alias JI/JUI) is obviously the most prominent one. Than we have non-TTP (alias JI/JUI) terrorists active in Balochsitan. Than we have groups who do not believe in the ideology of Pakistan, parties such as MQM, and ANP are among those. All are a threat, but can be categorized in order of immensity, and severity. The security forces are engaged with all these threats, and hence it not not at all a joke to talk about them.

Thanks, given the circumstances 'joke' was probably the wrong word, but i wish people would stop getting sidetracked.

There are many threats to Pakistan, but this multi-headed extremist threat is most lethal because they cannot be reasoned with - even when they play football with a soldier's head they believe they are in the right.

The MQMs of this world want money and power, they kill for greed and lust but they don't often kill randomly or attack the civil institutions. The TTP feels justified to kill anyone. That's why i think all Pakistanis and Muslims need to close ranks against them now.
This thread is becoming a joke - TTP accepted responsibility.

PS. Imran Khan has wittingly or unwittingly ushered TTP into the halls of power in Karachi and Lahore, he may even have destroyed Pakistan. First he diverted attention from TTP brutality for many years by blaming USA/RAW/Mossad - which allowed them to grow a support base. Then he actually blocked drones from targeting TTP, allowing them to roam freely and grow stronger. Now he is the main cheerleader for the peacetalks and constantly engaged in confusing the public. Imran needs to state openly if he wants TTP Sharia in Pakistan, if not he needs to stand up against it and condemn the group. He's making decent people think that the TTP are acceptable.

It is really shocking how a proud, powerful character like Imran has gone so wrong.

Raja Zafar Ul haq is also blaming foreign countries although TTP is accepting responsibility
and when TTP spokesman doesnt accept responsibility.... (Aha) says jamat Islamai Imran Khan and Nawaz league claiming.. "DIDNT WE SAY SO BEFORE? ITS NOT OUR BROTHERS"...

but in excitement they on purpose ignore the second part of the TTP spokesman statement here he praises such attacks and calls it according to Islamic Shariah...
Raja Zafar Ul haq is also blaming foreign countries although TTP is accepting responsibility
and when TTP spokesman doesnt accept responsibility.... (Aha) says jamat Islamai Imran Khan and Nawaz league claiming.. "DIDNT WE SAY SO BEFORE? ITS NOT OUR BROTHERS"...

but in excitement they on purpose ignore the second part of the TTP spokesman statement here he praises such attacks and calls it according to Islamic Shariah...

It really is infuriating. They are playing politics but i don't think they realise that the "prize" they are after is being smuggled from them under their noses.

Do you have any ideas as to what IK and PML-N's game is? Do they sincerely support TTP or do they think they can use them and dump them?

This is the only part i struggle with. These are clever people, i'm not sure what their strategy is.
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