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Subramanian Swamy questions 'PK' funding, hints at 'Dubai', ISI link

All religions are wrong..............some more,some less.

There is a philosophy in Hinduism, which deals with worship and rituals we call it Bhakti yog. All religions are part of it. It is not wrong, it is the simplest way. We spend time debating if it is right or wrong, which is foolishness.
Founders never trolled , they were the ones who have bring changes because of which our existing social, criminal etc laws are there.

My problem is with supernatural aspect of religions.
There is a philosophy in Hinduism, which deals with worship and rituals we call it Bhakti yog. All religions are part of it. It is not wrong, it is the simplest way. We spend time debating if it is right or wrong, which is foolishness.

Religion is not just philosophy but even spirituality and understanding the reality of life.

My problem is with supernatural aspect of religions.

Supernatural aspect do try to explain many things on which the scientists are trying to work. Religions do make us to understand the evolution of the human kind from that era till to this era. Religion is not Myth.
Religion is not just philosophy but even spirituality and understanding the reality of life.
spirituality and understanding it, is mentioned in Raja Yog. Its is away from following any religion or doing rituals.
Religion are made by man to keep the populace in the state of oblivion.

Religion make us to understand who we are and give a detailed depth of those eras.

spirituality and understanding it, is mentioned in Raja Yog. Its is away from following any religion or doing rituals.

There is truth in religion which we all cant deny.
There is truth in religion which we all cant deny.

Yes, no doubt. but those who believe one's religion is superior to other or they are right others are wrong, are the biggest losers. And my animosity is only due to those who say that and I don't generalize this.
Yes, no doubt. but those who believe one's religion is superior to other or they are right others are wrong, are the biggest losers. And my animosity is only due to those who say that and I don't generalize this.

Those talks are not about the existence of God but are mainly related to geo politics.
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