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Stupid :Why China is progressed more than India according to Rahul Gandhi

@anant_s we need REMOTE CONTROLS.

You know why, b'coz this is what we DESERVE.

If we can't stand up to a woman who wanted to take all power & does not want to take the responsibility & far from any accountability than this is what we DESERVE.

If even after 10 years, we are still fighting over MODI - To Be or Not To Be, than YES, this is what we DESERVE.

I've great respect for Dr Manmohan singh and what he did under P V Narsimha Rao as finance minister. However he and his relatively clean image has been used blatantly by Congress as a smoke screen against innumerable no. of scams and misadventures. You see Congress cannot come out of the position it finds itself in for two main reasons:
1. Dynastic politics will never allow a true leader to develop. I mean Rahul has been almost carried on shoulders to no. 2 position in his party. he never did hard miles and is therefore very far away from reality, something you will realize in his speeches.
2. The structure where a select few rule the party never allows it to function democratically. this essentially errodes away grass root netwrok which is life blood of any political party. A local leader knows to grow in party all he needs is some chamchagiri and that cuts him off the people. similarly a dedicated party worker will sooner or later loose away his interest and move away.
I've seen a lot of people who have never even seen or heard Modi, talking to support him. In my mind he doesnot have any magic wand to correct whatever is wrong with our country today, but atleast he appears to be one amongst us. And that gives a lot of hope.
Only time will tell if Modi is country's next PM, but i wish this time around when we go for voting we give a thought to how we wish to see our country in next 10 years and how & with whom can we pin our hopes on.

PS: I think while we are having an interesting share of thoughts , we are not in synch with the title of thread. Can we move this discussion to your General election thread?
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china progressed more because of the practical decisions they took in last decades..

When they needed liberalization, they did, and when the sectors needed govt help they did, when the requirement was to reign in overheating is some sectors of economy, they reigned in, when they needed some policy to be enforced they did. unlike India whose most decisions were lackadaisical at best.

GST is still not being implemented and so many other crucial policies have been put to back burner just to appease the people before elections !
I've great respect for Dr Manmohan singh and what he did under P V Narsimha Rao as finance minister. However he and his relatively clean image has been used blatantly by Congress as a smoke screen against innumerable no. of scams and misadventures. You see Congress cannot come out of the position it finds itself in for two main reasons:
1. Dynastic politics will never allow a true leader to develop. I mean Rahul has been almost carried on shoulders to no. 2 position in his party. he never did hard miles and is therefore very far away from reality, something you will realize in his speeches.
2. The structure where a select few rule the party never allows it to function democratically. this essentially errodes away grass root netwrok which is life blood of any political party. A local leader knows to grow in party all he needs is some chamchagiri and that cuts him off the people. similarly a dedicated party worker will sooner or later loose away his interest and move away.
I've seen a lot of people who have never even seen or heard Modi, talking to support him. In my mind he doesnot have any magic wand to correct whatever is wrong with our country today, but atleast he appears to be one amongst us. And that gives a lot of hope.
Only time will tell if Modi is country's next PM, but i wish this time around when we go for voting we give a thought to how we wish to see our country in next 10 years and how & with whom can we pin our hopes on.

PS: I think while we are having an interesting share of thoughts , we are not in synch with the title of thread. Can we move this discussion to your General election thread?

@anant_s we can ask Mods to merge the thread.

@anonymus would it be ok if we ask mod to merge this thread to the Indian General elections thread??

@ Indians, Please request you to discuss all Political aspects of India in the sticky (unless a new thread is a must), this way we break the continuity of discussion.

@samantk @Dillinger @kurup @Koovie @Joe Shearer @Ayush @Bang Galore @JanjaWeed

Whats your take??
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Rahul Gandhi's take on relatively faster rise of China vis-a-vis India: A study in stupidity by contrast.


Rahul Gandhi’s dragon cliché​

The Congress vice-president would do well to ponder why China has outperformed India on every social and economic indicator.

Rahul Gandhi


This is the quality of leader we are struck with.:hitwall:

This mother-son duo with able guidance of Rasputlin council (NAC) has destroyed India's economy by running expensive bribery Oops poverty alleviation programs and not doing anything to bring reforms which this country desperately needs. Instead what we see is a rampant socialism with a penchant for mediocracy in this party.Every day some of the member from "inner circle" ( I am talking about jokers like Jairam ramesh) makes some statement as to why India is a sh!tty place and needs to bring more yojna's for poor. He seems to conveniently forget that GoI's Fiscal deficit at 5.7% of GDP any it is already ruining growth by crowding out enterpenurs from debt market and if resources are raised by increasing taxes, it would be ruinous for middle class which is reeling under double whammy of high Inflation and low growth.Not to say increased government spending would be a source of Inflation in itself.This party seems to hate anyone who is not dependent on Government doles for his livelihood.

Congrees has a USP of being Pro-People and to prove it has started many Poverty alleviation program like NREGA. These programs which at surface seems to be well intentioned but suffers from a fundamental flaw in my opinion which is that they seems to misjudge the nature of poverty.

Poverty could not be defined just by lack of resources. Even i live in a quasi slum and sometime have to make decisions like forgoing breakfast so that i may have some money left for lunch. A lot of other student stays in conditions which could be described as borderline poverty but neither have i ever felt like poor nor have i ever claim to be.

Poverty is more than lack of resources.It is lack of future and a soul breaking disillusionment.The poor person not only suffers from lack of resources but also from a nagging regret that he could do nothing to improve his situation.

Schemes which provide a poor person with free entitlements are actually responsible for perpetuating poverty as not only are they not providing a poor person skill to better his life but also extinguishing whatever motivational drive that person may have for improving his life.These schemes reduce their status to that of beggars and dependents of state.The only good they serve is to convert them into static votebanks.

In my opinion, yojna's like NREGA should be scrapped and the resources spent on them should be diverted towards improving Rural infrastructure which would pull out rural poor from poverty by providing them access to market and skill development programs which would enable them to take advantage of opportunities.

Another peculiarity of current regime is it's insistence on right based approach. The problem with this approach is that just because you have defined some basic need as a constitutional right, resources would not become available for it's fulfillment.They simply could not.Constitution is not some magical document which provides resources for what it written in it.The resources would be provided by very economy which congress seems to view with a sense of disgust.

The ascension of Rahul Gandhi is going to make problem worst.He has repeatedly shown a lack of understanding of basic problems facing this country.

It is said that patriotism is a refuge of scoundrel. I would like to add to this correct saying is that not only patriotism but religion, socialism and any other ideology which has an emotional appeal is an refuge of scoundrel.

People who are not good enough to formulate their ideas with clarity usually hide behind a ready made ideology. The current glut of quasi-socialist policies is a result of neither Rahul nor Sonia having any firm grounding in Economics and them trying to go along with ideas which sound good on surface.

@Dillinger @arp2041 @Ayush @ZYXW @Jade @janon @Ajaxpaul @godofwar @Guynextdoor2 @KRAIT @sandy_3126 @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Bang Galore @Chinese-Dragon @neehar @johnSeb @Samantak @kurup @Syama Ayas @RISING SUN @doublemaster and any other member interested.

@jbgt90 Sir, i knew you are the supporter of congress but you are also one of the most sensible posters here. Could you shed some light as to why congress insist with Gandhi family when there are more competent people than them in congress itself.

@Chinese-Dragon If congress loses next election, India-China relations are bound to improve.This editorial is an example of misunderstanding that heir apparent of Congress have for China.:enjoy:

@Dillinger since we are struck with rahul, can't we force him to have some proper education.:D

@ all posters, if you visit website of hindu (Clicking on the given link), take trouble of reading the comment section also.It would give a good insight as to what is wrong with Indian society. Most of the posters there are advocating that Rahul should be given a chance to put his ideas into action as if India is a toy that some crown prince should experiment with.

He should have not dragged China into the discussion. I believe that in such densely populated areas their way of doing things makes sense. What is the point of being democratic and getting nothing done. The reasons Gujarat has made so much progress is that the leader who wants to work has all the power. There are 100 good things you can learn from China. I appreciate China a lot.
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Yes man,

Go forward and do it.I was myself thinking of posting it in sticky but didn't as i have observed that sticky thread does not get a lot of traffic and i did not wanted to go my analysis of Rahul and Congress go waste.

@anant_s we can ask Mods to merge the thread.

@anonymus would it be ok if we ask mod to merge this thread to the Indian General elections thread??

@ Indians, Please request you to discuss all Political aspects of India in the sticky (unless a new thread is a must), this way we break the continuity of discussion.

@samantk @Dillinger @kurup @Koovie @Joe Shearer @Ayush @Bang Galore @JanjaWeed

Whats your take??
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Yes man,

Go forward and do it.I was myself thinking of posting it in sticky but didn't as i have observed that sticky thread does not get a lot of traffic and i did not wanted to go my analysis of Rahul and Congress go waste.

Mate, just do what you did in this thread.

If you think that something is worth sharing with other Indians, Post it in the sticky & than just simply TAG as many of Indians as you can.

If no one replies, atleast you can always count on me :)
GST is still not being implemented and so many other crucial policies have been put to back burner just to appease the people before elections !

GST and Labor reforms along with land acquisition policy formulation are perhaps biggest of the big ticket reforms required right now. Industry leaders have already complained the amount of time it takes to get clearances (especially from environment ministry) and then almost non-existential land acquisition rules make it next to impossible for a person to start a green field project. These reforms should have long been implemented had govt had some guts. Alas!
China progressed because of it's leaders, India progressed despite it's leaders.

China is blessed with good leaders who have controlled the economy, it is a huge misfortune of ours that our country is being run by chor netaas who care more about filling up their own pockets and passing off their seat to their son as if it is some family property. Despite these thieves in power, India has managed to progress at a good rate.
GST and Labor reforms along with land acquisition policy formulation are perhaps biggest of the big ticket reforms required right now. Industry leaders have already complained the amount of time it takes to get clearances (especially from environment ministry) and then almost non-existential land acquisition rules make it next to impossible for a person to start a green field project. These reforms should have long been implemented had govt had some guts. Alas!

I would add to that agricultural marketing reforms, police reforms , Higher education reforms and so on.

And the worst part of this whole business is that it is taking place under a government which has most comfortable majority in 2 decades.

UPA I could be forgiven for not acting but UPA II does not have an excuse . Inaction on part of UPA II could only be portrayed as deliberate and malicious.

@arp2041 if i were you , i would leave that wikileaks thread alone. That thread has degenerated into petty communal mudslinging. I myself have differences with congress but does not appreciate Sikular this, Sikular that narrative.
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I completely agree with you and understand. But all I am saying is that people need to be able to understand where he is coming from. He isn't as off as you guys put him out to be.

Yes, many of the things he says, even I DON'T AGREE WITH, but I just feel like he is different from the rest of his family. He should be given a chance. Yes, this policy may not be the best idea, but he is not completely wrong and should be given credit for what is correct. His idea of equality and even ending corruption is commendable, but everyone just seems to resort to criticising him.
His party is in the govt for last9 years. Any ministry is his for the taking. The PM has repeatedly invited him to join the cabinet. If he did not take the chance for 9 years why should we give him one now? Just because he is a Gandhi ?
No, I have looked at the Map very carefully an it's GDP.... but You did not answer my question properly, Again the question is, Do you think that Punjab is poorer then Gujarat?

what's ur problem, ur either comparing UP with BIHAR or GUJRAT with PUNJAB........Where the **** are you are you from.....is this the way we are gonna grow? Dividing ourselves in state and comparing? i don't think so.
Rahul Gandhi's take on relatively faster rise of China vis-a-vis India: A study in stupidity by contrast.

Rahul Gandhi’s dragon cliché
Thanks for tagging me in your analysis, it was a good one and as @Dillinger said we do not need any thing more to explain why Rahul Gandhi should be excommunicated from Indian polity.

On a side note, I think you got my handle wrong :P

But he is right though........

Each country has it's own path and competition is not necessary honestly. India is on it's own path to development and so is china. Now india is on a better path and it is harder for india becaus eof it's democracy, china is the way it is and growing as rapidly as it is, is because of its centralized system and no democracy. I think he is correct in the point he is making.

But how can you assume this....give him a chance!!

Its good to see Pakistanis taking genuine interest in our politics.

However, being a democracy does not mean that one has to make the processes of doing business in India so complex that some people get scared and some people loose hope.

I completely agree with you and understand. But all I am saying is that people need to be able to understand where he is coming from. He isn't as off as you guys put him out to be.

Yes, many of the things he says, even I DON'T AGREE WITH, but I just feel like he is different from the rest of his family. He should be given a chance. Yes, this policy may not be the best idea, but he is not completely wrong and should be given credit for what is correct. His idea of equality and even ending corruption is commendable, but everyone just seems to resort to criticising him.

Where is he coming from, the Gandhi family? Should it be so easy for a person in the Gandhi family to pole-vault into the PM race and leave behind so many people who have given their life for the country? Two of my most respected leaders are from Congress(Not technically now), Pranab Mukherjee and Chidambaram, I feel that they have achieved more than any one in Congress despite their differences. Rahul was born with a silver spoon and I do not blame him but this aint his family business, he needs to have solid credentials, despite being the blue-eyed boy of congress and in politics for 10 years he has not achieved anything worth mentioning. I do not have faith in the unknown, congress is not mine and should not be any Indian's religion.

How is he different?

Criticizing because he has pole-vaulted into the PM race without breaking a sweat, should it be that simple for a leader?
@arp2041, I believe @anonymus is right, we would not have seen so much participation if posted in the sticky. Maybe we can start threads like this and ask mods to merge once critical momentum is achieved in the discussion? @Dillinger
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