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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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A lady went to the store to buy a parrot and asks the sales person
"What's so special about the parrot ?"

Sales person : "This parrot can talk"

So the lady asks the parrot
"How do I look?"
The parrot replies
"U look like a Fcuking slut?":O

The lady gets pissed of and tells the sales person that its a very rude parrot and she cannot buy it.3-|

The sales person tells her to wait for 2 mins.

The sales person takes the parrot to the back of the store and shoves the parrot into a bucket of water and when he pulls the parrot out he says

"If you disrespect the lady out there ill soak you in water again" and takes the parrot back outside

The sales person asked the lady to ask the parrot another question

Lady: "if I come home with one man what would you think?">=)

Parrot: "He's your husband":)

Lady: "2 men";)

Parrot "Your husband and his brother":D

Lady: "3 men":/

Parrot: "Your husband his brother and your brother"8-|

Lady :"4 men";;)

Parrot: "Bring the Fcuking bucket of water I already told you she's a Fcuking slut =)) :p
well after spending so much money on MMRCA and MKI and the Mighty 7th Generation Tejas there was only enough left for a Lathi
You are right sir TEJAS is 7th generation plane, that's why no one has seen it,it is completely invisible to eyes too with 0 rcs, we have 1 squadron already, but can't show you:enjoy: :rofl:
You are right sir TEJAS is 7th generation plane, that's why no one has seen it,it is completely invisible to eyes too with 0 rcs, we have 1 squadron already, but can't show you:enjoy: :rofl:

Yaar relax its a stupid and funny section
if I was serious I would have told you about JF-thunder MK60 which has its own coffee machine & will fire photon torpedoes when completed.
it was actually the cost of its building that Bhutto convinced us to eat grass in solidarity with vegetarian Hindus but some of us betrayed him and didnt give up their taste for meat.
so the result was Zahid Hamid's ray gun
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