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Strongest Empires by timeline

The biggest Empire of South Asia needs a mention.

So its all a lie that Blacks hunted their own and sold them to the Whites?

Its a lie that Africans ate people of rival tribes once they caught them?

I can go on and on about the barbaric way of living of the native Africans.

Ok, since Africans are now exposed to "challenges", why have they not developed a strong nation?

Where is Liberia? Is it at the level of China?

Where is Haiti? Is it at the level of Japan (a country that got bombed to the ground, not to mention nuked twice)

Where is Ethiopia?

Where is Somalia?

This isn't the time of isolation anymore, so how are African nations underdeveloped despite so much outside contact?

WTF are you even Pakistani? Why are you consumed with hatred? Can't even talk civilised, ****ing weirdo.
What a ****ing moron. Arabs had contact with Africans for thousands of years and were no slave trade existed until the Europeans rose. Why is this? MOST the "Arab slave trade" was basically hunting down Africans so they could sell to Europeans.

You need to ask yourself, where are the millions of black Africans in Arab countries today living in ghettos? Where did these so called slaves go? Besides a few thousand there are none. They all went to America and Brazil.

That is how you thank the Muslims who liberated you from Slavery, and put the blame on them for blacks in America and Brasil who were hunted down and put in chains by the Europeans who needed cheap labour for the Americas, They were sold as a commodity by Jews (it was their wall street than) not by the Arabs.
Please Indians really need to stop fantasizing about this ancient peace loving Buddhist dynasty that managed to expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist. Mauryan is not considered even in the top 20 strongest empires of history.

:lol: Peace loving? Read up on battle of Kalinga.
WTF are you even Pakistani? Why are you consumed with hatred? Can't even talk civilised, ****ing weirdo.
The last resort of your kind :lol:

Can't even talk civilised, ****ing weirdo.

Your telling me i can't talk civilized when you're the one who's resorting to foul language and personal attacks.

So how does it feel like living in a White man's country? Maybe you should go back to African nation from where you cam originally.

Or better yet, go to some Arab country, they will call you "Abeed", they term anyone dark skinned a "Abeed".
Looking at Africa, the only parts of Africa which are comparatively advanced today is the North Africa, which was conquered by Islam in early stages. GDP/capita of Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia etc. are higher than most of African nations. Only exception seems to be South Africa, still their GDP/capita is not as high as Libya.

If north Africa wouldn't have been conqered by Islam, they would still be barbarians like the rest of Africa.

I am almost inclined to say that Africans are genetically inferior. I know there are great africans, so don't take it in a bad way. But they have historically remained barbaric and backward.
US will cease to exist after by 2020. Who will be the strongest empire then?
Mate we all know Africans are a defeated and self-defeated race they are not capable nor advance and thousands of years of history has proven that. No need to discuss about Africa in a thread called Strongest Empire may be Weakest Civilizations thread but not this one.

If this post doesn't constitute blatant ignorance and racism and doesn't get deleted, I'm done with this forum.

If we are incapable of advancing why do you have a black President?
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