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Arab slavery of Black Africans:




Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ARAB SLAVE TRADE - The Legacy and History of the Arab Slave Trade

Thats what I am really ashamed of. But this slavery wasn't in Islam. Western countries enslaved others in the near past and you talk about Arabs before 1500 years?
Give me historical reference of any native black African civilization.

Africa is blessed with so many natural resources and so much wealth, yet where is Africa today?

Look at China, they were colonized, they were victims of the opium wars, they were brutally massacred by the Japanese, they faced difficult odds, yet look at China today and look at Africa, and not only Africa but Haiti as well.

I can give you references to Arab Muslims who ventured into Africa and what they described native Africans as, you will forget European racism.

I am not denying Africans may have underachieved, probably so. But we are definitely not the no-doers as we are often depicted in the media or even some academic circles. I've thought about this many times and I must say I was struck by what Sarkozy had to say:

The African peasant, who for thousands of years has lived according to the seasons, whose life ideal was to be in harmony with nature, only knew the eternal renewal of time ... In this imaginary world, where everything starts over and over again, there is room neither for human endeavour, nor for the idea of progress.

You have to remember Africans were the first human beings, those who went north to the colder region had to innovate to get warm and got their white skins because of lack of sunlight, these people basically were required to think outside the box for them to survice. I think the need of innovation was absent from Africans and they continued to live the same way for thousands of years because there was no need for change, their thinking process was always in cycles and never challenged. I think environment played a large rule, would be interested to hear other opinions.

ps there is a book called "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" that goes into depth about this theory, haven't read it yet but will soon.
Guys stop talking about Africans in a thread called Strongest Empires...lol
Turkey have more partners in the west. Iran have more influence in the Middle-East. I'm not only saying this, but almost all of the Middle-Eastern expert. But Iran and Turkey are both the naturally leaders of the Middle-East.

What a ****ing moron. Arabs had contact with Africans for thousands of years and were no slave trade existed until the Europeans rose. Why is this? MOST the "Arab slave trade" was basically hunting down Africans so they could sell to Europeans.

You need to ask yourself, where are the millions of black Africans in Arab countries today living in ghettos? Where did these so called slaves go? Besides a few thousand there are none. They all went to America and Brazil.
Thats what I am really ashamed of. But this slavery wasn't in Islam. Western countries enslaved others in the near past and you talk about Arabs before 1500 years?

Please don't talk about Western countries, because in Western countries there is no longer any slaver, but in Gulf Arabs countries as well as in Black countries there is still slavery, and that too at the hands of the natives themselves.

Its funny how people like to blame the White man for all their problems. Most Europeans did not enslave Africans, the British and the French did.
the problem is you think accepting Islam means accepting Arabs . well it's not the case .
and The name is Islamic Republic of Iran , I don't see any Arab in it .
we accepted Islam but we kept our tradition ,for example your greatest feast is Eid ul-Fitr but ours is norooz
your language is Arabic but ours is Persian . and still remain the fact that our science and Art and literature
was in a coma when we were under Ommayed dynasty but after we made our own Dynasties at the end of
Ommayed ,you see Iranian Artists , poets and .... show themselves and the golden age of Muslims begin

about Avesina name lets not enter in a heated discussion his birth place was in Iran , he died in Iran and he
never left Iran , so where the Idea of he being Arab come from ?

and about Mesopotamia Civilization they were not Arab after Arab invasion they lost their Culture and become
Arabs .and for gods sake Egyptian were nor Arab neither Semite and certainly they have no 15000 year history

Who are you?
Read all my posts on this thread and you will have you answer.
There are millions of Arabs living in Iran for thousands of years till now.
You are refuting everything that is Arab and Muslim, I am pretty sure you are not a Muslim and that you are trolling...
You like it or not, Egypt is Arab Mesopotamia was in Arab land, Egypt has more than 15 000 years history and Ibnu Sina was an Arab Whose parents immigrated to Persia as his name indicates Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā(does it sound Persian to your ears), do you know where Sina is, its in Egypt between the gulf of suez and the golf of aqaba all Arabian land.
If you were anywhere near to be a Muslim, hearing the word Arab should bring up a good emotion in you as I feel when I hear the word Iranian.

Yale: Art find in Egypt 15,000 years old - Connecticut Post
Please don't talk about Western countries, because in Western countries there is no longer any slaver, but in Gulf Arabs countries as well as in Black countries there is still slavery, and that too at the hands of the natives themselves.

Its funny how people like to blame the White man for all their problems. Most Europeans did not enslave Africans, the British and the French did.

they are called maids not slaves you ignorant. You are back to "neglect" list.
Please don't talk about Western countries, because in Western countries there is no longer any slaver, but in Gulf Arabs countries as well as in Black countries there is still slavery, and that too at the hands of the natives themselves.

Its funny how people like to blame the White man for all their problems. Most Europeans did not enslave Africans, the British and the French did.

The Jews were the Businessmen behind slavery for thousands of years.
I am not denying Africans may have underachieved, probably so. But we are definitely not the no-doers as we are often depicted in the media or even some academic circles. I've thought about this many times and I must say I was struck by what Sarkozy had to say:
So its all a lie that Blacks hunted their own and sold them to the Whites?

Its a lie that Africans ate people of rival tribes once they caught them?

I can go on and on about the barbaric way of living of the native Africans.

You have to remember Africans were the first human beings, those who went north to the colder region had to innovate to get warm and got their white skins because of lack of sunlight, these people basically were required to think outside the box for them to survice. I think the need of innovation was absent from Africans and they continued to live the same way for thousands of years because there was no need for change, their thinking process was always in cycles and never challenged. I think environment played a large rule, would be interested to hear other opinions.

ps there is a book called "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" that goes into depth about this theory, haven't read it yet but will soon.
Ok, since Africans are now exposed to "challenges", why have they not developed a strong nation?

Where is Liberia? Is it at the level of China?

Where is Haiti? Is it at the level of Japan (a country that got bombed to the ground, not to mention nuked twice)

Where is Ethiopia?

Where is Somalia?

This isn't the time of isolation anymore, so how are African nations underdeveloped despite so much outside contact?
The Jews were the Businessmen behind slavery for thousands of years.

Maybe in Europe, but not one Arab slavery. Maybe we can state that slavery is developed by the Semitic people, Arab and Jews.
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