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Strongest Empires by timeline


I would call them one of the most strongest muslim countries. Military they are, but when you're talking about influence in other countries Iran is ahead of Turkey.

Pics speak of itself:

They are not Arabs. Name one historian who call them Arabs. Even Zawi Hawass say this:

"Hawass further observed that "[Ancient] Egyptians are not Arabs and are not Africans despite the fact that Egypt is in Africa."

Another fail.
ahahahah i will laugh omgggg iran is ahead of turkey in influence??? HAHAH what is he saying someone? influencing lubnan? lol please i say nothing







DOn't be racist
AFricans had a suprior History as well about same time as the Romans
Go educate yourself or is that too difficult for you.
What's so racist about the truth?

What civilization did Africans build? Did they have a written language as the Europeans and Asians did?

What did Native Africans from the continent of Africa invent that is comparable to the Automobile, the Locomotive, the calculator, the refrigerator, the air plane, the Ships, the computers, the light bulb, the telephone, the compass.

Look at Haiti, a Black country that got its independence from France a few decades after the United States got its independence from Britain, yet Haiti still remains in shambles while USA has become a super power.

Still don't believe me? Look at Liberia, a nation where freed American slaves were sent to after the American Civil war, where is Liberia today? Cannibalism, civil war, killing their own and eating little babies and drinking their blood before battle, fighting naked with guns, 85% female population raped.

Still don't believe me? Look at South Africa now, once the only nation in Africa that was making strides, and now look at it, read about the farm murders, the rape, and all of that other crap that has prevailed in that nation.

Listen to what this guy says from 5:02

Her name is "Ms. Ann" - YouTube
people will lauigh at that look at many professors at turkeys influence today they are even saying turkey influences most arab countries , + balkan countries it can influence + azerbaijan + cyprus + turkic states

lol africans were never strong unfortunately they were colonized by nearly all empires
ahahahah i will laugh omgggg iran is ahead of turkey in influence??? HAHAH what is he saying someone? influencing lubnan? lol please i say nothing

Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, South America, Afghanistan, Iraq. Every Middle-Eastern expert will state that Iran's influence in those countries is bigger than Turkey's influence.
south america ? what world you in? because iran visited cuba or something do you think they influence them? they influence one third of iraq no country in south america , never seen them influence gaza lol i see turkish flags in gaza not iran , the rest are true , also never seen much influence in afghanistan tbh
people will lauigh at that look at many professors at turkeys influence today they are even saying turkey influences most arab countries , + balkan countries it can influence + azerbaijan + cyprus + turkic states

lol africans were never strong unfortunately they were colonized by nearly all empires
Turkey influenced Arab only because it was in the name of Islam not turkey race. but when turkey strayed we kicked it out in 1917.
Arabs are proud themselves of Ottoman empire before 1900.
today other than energy iran cant even be compared to us mate sorry dnt compare altay tank and zulfiqar rust

you kicked us out or you licked britians foot and other parts aswell and licked queens nails?

lol iam nt against iranians dnt get me wrong they are more civilized than arabs , arabs will betray each other if another country gives them 1 more dollar or gold they will do anything for money anything
Turkey influenced Arab only because it was in the name of Islam not turkey race. but when turkey strayed we kicked it out in 1917.
Arabs are proud themselves of Ottoman empire before 1900.
What did the Turks do that they deserved to be kicked out by Arabs and therefore gave the British Palestine on a platter, where the British then established the state of Israel.
south america ? what world you in? because iran visited cuba or something do you think they influence them? they influence one third of iraq no country in south america , never seen them influence gaza lol i see turkish flags in gaza not iran , the rest are true , also never seen much influence in afghanistan tbh

You think Turkey's influence in Gaza and Afghanistan is bigger? Haha, who are you fooling. Iran is paying Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. in Gaza and they are following in most matters Iran's will. Same for Karzai and Afghanistan.

Iran's Influence in Latin America

The recent loan of $280 million given to Bolivia by the Iranian government serves as another example of Iran’s growing influence in Latin America. This loan is given to Bolivia in addition to 1.1 billion Euros that Iran pledged in August 2007 to invest in Bolivian agriculture, industry, energy and humanitarian affairs. Many leftists regimes in the Latin America -including Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Ecuador- have developed strong bilateral ties with the Iranian government. This Press TV article details the close relationship enjoyed between Iran and countries in Latin America


Since coming to power in 1998, President Hugo Chavez has increased cooperation with Tehran. He has made five official visits to Iran and has publicly stated that he considers the country a model for development. Iran has cemented its relations with Caracas through investment, with bilateral trade currently standing at approximately $2.5 billion. In March 2007, Iranian vehicles were introduced to the Venezuelan market through joint venture Venirauto; energy companies in the two countries have formed a joint venture company, Venezirian Oil.
Venezuela and Iran have agreed to act jointly in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). They are also working together to persuade other oil-producing countries to reduce oil production in order to raise prices and thus promote their economic development. Chavez has welcomed Iran’s observer membership of the Cuban-Venezuelan alternative to the US-promoted Free Trade Area of the Americas, which further illustrates the growing relationship between Caracas and Tehran.


Cuba is one of Iran’s most natural allies in the region. US sanctions have been imposed on both countries as a penalty for their pursuit of independent policies. Cuba has repeatedly defended Iran’s right to access nuclear energy. In a February 2006 vote at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Cuba, along with Venezuela and Syria, voted against an unfair resolution, promoted by imperialist and Zionist international circles, to impose sanctions on Iran. Havana and Tehran are now exploring cooperation in the textile, agriculture, and petrochemical industries.


In 1979, the Sandinist revolution in Nicaragua destroyed the incumbent pro-US regime and became a light of hope for Latin America. The revolutions of Nicaragua and Iran soon initiated friendly relations and Nicaraguans found inspiration in the Iranian revolution.
The victory of Daniel Ortega in the 2006 presidential elections has deepened Iran-Nicaragua relations. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a guest of honor at Ortega’s inauguration ceremony in January 2007, where the Iranian president was awarded two state medals. The two leaders signed agreements for bilateral cooperation in 25 sectors including energy, trade, the economy, infrastructure, student exchange, and joint business ventures.

Brazil – Mexico – Ecuador

In 2004, Brazil and Iran took their first step toward economic and political cooperation by signing a memorandum of understanding for increased communication and commercial exchange. In February 2005, Iran and Mexico signed a memorandum of understanding to promote collaboration in oil, gas and petrochemical sectors. Iranian authorities have already met with officials from Mexico’s state oil company, Pemex. Iranian-Ecuadorian cultural and commercial cooperation has also increased in recent years and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has stated that he wants closer ties with Tehran.

What you're right in is that Turkey have a more positive image in the Arab world and they are military stronger than other muslim countries, but on influence not entirely.
You're African?

You just use Arab names, dress, and praise Arab leaders and never take fun of any respected civilization.
If you continue of this arrogance I will start threads about Arab-Persian wars...:rofl:
So, would you like me to start such threads? :fie:
You just use Arab names, dress, and praise Arab leaders and never take fun of any respected civilization.
If you continue of this arrogance I will start threads about Arab-Persian wars...:rofl:
So, would you like me to start such threads? :fie:

Why did Arabs betray Turks in WW1? Why did Arabs help British establish Israeli State?
I never knew we had so many racial supremacists on this forum, but for all those who refuse to acknowledge or appreciate African civilization I hope you read the book the "Destruction of Black Civilization" which is really a groundbreaking book at every level.

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