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Strongest Empires by timeline

Not all of Africa is backward and barbaric. the Nothr African countries which were conquered by Islam in early stages, like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria are pretty advanced economically and have GDP/capita (PPP) of around 10-12,000 region.

Not entirely true. Those North-African countries had also civilizations before the Islam came by.
Yeah that is the historical exception and most of us here understand that. Though those lands may be in continental Africa, the people or civilization and race wasn't African/Negroid it was mostly Semitic Arabs and under the Ummayad and Abbasid and eventually Fatimid empires this region prospered.

PS not to mention under Roman Empire.

Yeah, and the most shocking fact is that those North African nations are mostly just barren desert if you look at a satellite map, yet they are relatively better. Whereas, the central and South African nations are "green" with arable land and have abundance of all sorts of natural resources, yet ramain backward and barbaric for the most part.
In stead of labeling my post as "blatant ignorance" and "racism" just debunk my point or thesis, debunk
It with facts support your counter argument.

Also, I can't believe you brought up Pres. Obama a man who is half-white and half-black born to a white mother raised by a white family, given a white upbringing, went to Harvard, had the help of white people and white corporate elites to become Presidet. Great argument... That sure proves thousands of years of African history wasn't backwards or stagnant.

This is what i don't get, you give them simple facts in front of their eyes and they refuse to believe the truth.

Ok, just to make Yahya happy

Christopher Columbus was a Ethiopian who discovered the Americas.

Benjamin Franklin was a Black African who was one of the founding fathers of America

Thomas Edison was a Black African who invented the light bulb and the Telephone.

The Wright Brothers were Black Africans who invented the Airplane

African invented the automobile

The Romans were Africans

Africans invented the compass

Africans invented the steam engine

Africans invented the locomotive

African invented the computer

While Whites are barbaric people who eat their own, sell their own into slavery, and blame the poor Blacks for their problems, yet they go to African countries to enjoy lavish lifestyle.
Go and cry may be the sand below you will absorb your tears. You sound like a Zionist countering people's argument with "you're an anti-Semite!" because you can't face the truth, reality, and history.

I mean your really disgusting, how could you have "white complex" while your not white, and humiliating Africans and telling them not to write here because the title says "strogest emperors". Pakistan is not among them so GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD YOURSELF you racist.
Yeah, and the most shocking fact is that those North African nations are mostly just barren desert if you look at a satellite map, yet they are relatively better. Whereas, the central and South African nations are "green" with arable land and have abundance of all sorts of natural resources, yet ramain backward and barbaric for the most part.

That's cause those were the places with resources (before oil became popular), and thus were heavily exploited by the colonial powers (and continue to be exploited, this time with puppet governments and CIA interference). Just look what happened to people like Thomas Sankara.
Yeah, and the most shocking fact is that those North African nations are mostly just barren desert if you look at a satellite map, yet they are relatively better. Whereas, the central and South African nations are "green" with arable land and have abundance of all sorts of natural resources, yet ramain backward and barbaric for the most part.

Excellent point, even with environmental advantage the race in question failed to develope. This should be mentioned in textbooks.
Hannibal was an African (negroid) and he at one point conquered Spain.

Hannibal probably was of Phoenician descent. You know that Cartage was build by the Phoenicians (modern Lebanese)? Does this man look African:

I mean your really disgusting, how could you have "white complex" while your not white, and humiliating Africans and telling them not to write here because the title says "strogest emperors". Pakistan is not among them so GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD YOURSELF you racist.

Are you really surprised that his type of people are Racist?? Of course they are their entire mentality is extremely racist and twisted so much it is extremely pathetic. You say you are a Muslim yet color to you is a bench mark of people's worth. You say you are a Muslim yet you generalize by Races is it a surprise??? No not at all because we all know how people like you are. No different that any hate group out there.

We are suppose to be Muslims no race no color no nothing our faith brings us together if not then at least our humanities.
Hannibal was an African (negroid) and he at one point conquered Spain.

Hannibal was Phoenician, please don't distort history and please delete or edit your post.
Yeah, and the most shocking fact is that those North African nations are mostly just barren desert if you look at a satellite map, yet they are relatively better. Whereas, the central and South African nations are "green" with arable land and have abundance of all sorts of natural resources, yet ramain backward and barbaric for the most part.

The problem of some of these countries is that they have leaders propped up by the West that are just no interested in the well being of their citizens. However, the notion that there are no African successful stories is just an outdated myth. Look at Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda these are all countries that have double digit growth rates for the past decade. This massive development is unfolding right under our eyes and morons like you refuse to let go of colonial attitudes and see that things are changing in Africa. This is especially disappointing as you are Chinese and ignorant of the colossal resources and infrastructure building your country is putting into Africa.
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