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Strongest Empires by timeline

Hannibal probably was of Phoenician descent. You know that Cartage was build by the Phoenicians (modern Lebanese)? Does this man look African:


Whites throughout history have been stealing the glories of other civilization as their own. They even claim the Huns were white (caucasion) even though they are Asians, East Asians to be exact.
Arabs who other people accuse or blame of racism? Isn't that funny. At least Pakistanis and Iranians aren't treating Africans or other people like animals, while Arab countries/people around the Persian Gulf do.
I mean your really disgusting, how could you have "white complex" while your not white, and humiliating Africans and telling them not to write here because the title says "strogest emperors". Pakistan is not among them so GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD YOURSELF you racist.

Of course we are not White, who said we are White?

We are just stating facts.

BTW, how they treat Blacks in Arab countries:

Arab Racism against Black People in Iraq - YouTube
Whites throughout history have been stealing the glories of other civilization as their own. They even claim the Huns were white (caucasion) even though they are Asians, East Asians to be exact.

You want to deny that Carthage was build by Phoenicians?
I mean your really disgusting, how could you have "white complex" while your not white, and humiliating Africans and telling them not to write here because the title says "strogest emperors". Pakistan is not among them so GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD YOURSELF you racist.

Pakistan can be considered a successor of the Mughal Empire, Pakistan being the Muslim homeland of So Asia it holds the legacy of the Muslim Mughal Empire, hence I mentioned Mughals in my first post in the thread.

Even British historians agree Mughal empire was definitely one of the worlds strongest empires both militarily and economically.
Are you really surprised that his type of people are Racist?? Of course they are their entire mentality is extremely racist and twisted so much it is extremely pathetic. You say you are a Muslim yet color to you is a bench mark of people's worth. You say you are a Muslim yet you generalize by Races is it a surprise??? No not at all because we all know how people like you are. No different that any hate group out there.

We are suppose to be Muslims no race no color no nothing our faith brings us together if not then at least our humanities.
I agree 100%, I had a logical respected discussions with Iranians, I was compelled to be Pan-Arab to defend Arabs from those racist members. But inside me, I am a Muslim more than an Arab. But this person is unbelievably color-racist although he is not a white himself. So, imagine how much disgusting he is.
Speaking about African empires in general, like the Americas and Pacific Islands, Africa was cut off from the warfare and trade routes that stretched from central Europe to China for thousands of years and allowed for the massive exchange of ideas and technology that allowed Eurasia in general to develop so much scientifically.

Nevertheless, some of the North African places which were in contact with Eurasia, such as the Ancient Egyptians and the Moors achieved impressive scientific and cultural accomplishments.

In addition, Africa has had several major kingdoms in various regions. One of the most notable is the Abyssinian empire, which lasted for several centuries, decisively defeating an Italian invasion in the Battle of Adwa as recently as 1896.
Pakistan can be considered a successor of the Mughal Empire, Pakistan being the Muslim homeland of So Asia it holds the legacy of the Muslim Mughal Empire, hence I mentioned Mughals in my first post in the thread.

Even British historians agree Mughal empire was definitely one of the worlds strongest empires both militarily and economically.

Oh right...:lazy:
Hannibal probably was of Phoenician descent. You know that Cartage was build by the Phoenicians (modern Lebanese)? Does this man look African:


If your going to copy stuff from Wikipedia then try to be accurate at least.
"Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca was a Punic Carthaginian military commander and tactician"
"The Punics (from Latin pūnicus) were a group of western Semitic-speaking peoples from Carthage in North Africa who traced their origins to a group of Phoenician settlers, but also to North African Berbers. Punics were probably a mix of Berbers and Phoenicians in terms of culture and ancestry"

The picture you took from Wikipedia had this to say:
"some historians are uncertain of the authenticity of the portrait"
Moreover, Europeans have always had eurocentric view of everyone and everything. So of course they would portray their conquerors as European.
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