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so is Ali azmat, salman ahmad, rahat fateh ali and many many more, not to mention Nawaz sharif and General Raheel sharif ! :D

I met Salman Ahmed few days back. Was invited in a Pakistani gathering here. Junoon performed. It was awsome!! Are u from Govt. college?
So u are from one of the best college. Great!! :) :tup:

possibly the best for grooming and exposure. however, starting open merit to girls and co-education has ruined its stature as boy's college, with that fall in results as well. they say boy-girl ration in BA/BSc classes is 1:3 now, which was 6:1 before introducing the semester system in 2006.

It was probably the only college dominated by boys, but not anymore.
Why do you think that? How does one estimate the amount of "appreciation" deserved by such a topic? And just how should this "appreciation" be expressed?

I felt that it remain unattended for quite time, hence I tagged some friends who I was sure would give positive response !
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