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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Actually we find it funny that Pakistanis take it upon themselves to speak on behalf of those invaders!
I am entirely literate. I posted an actual quote by an IAF air marshall who said, "The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire."

You, on the other hand, keep blabbering on and contradicting the air marshall.

I think I will trust the military man over an internat fanboi, especially one without supporting links. Even if we accept your assertion that Israeli satellites were used, it still does not invalidate what the air marshall is saying, and only strengthens my claim that Israel saved your as$ during Kargil.

If the Air marshall says Herons were used in Kargil then it only discredits whatever he says as I have clearly proved that Herons were not even made at that time :lol:

You just post a crappy source and keep blah blah ing with it. The bottom point is Pakistani as$ was deep fried in Kargil war.

BTW contradicting an Air-marshall isnt exactly new to you guys right ?? You want to know what I am talking about ? ;)

Israel's agenda is anti-Islam, i.e. anti-Muslim countries. Pakistan is a Muslim country (a subset of Islam) and India-Israel find common ground against Pakistan.

Israel did not make you enemy - you made Israel your enemy when you sent your pilots to the Arab Israeli wars.

BTW we dont need Israel to fry your rear - we have already did it many times and a nation to the East of West Bengal is testimony to that. :D

No backtracking. Just educating you guys about basic logic and English.

Just because the same word "degree" is used in two unrelated sentences doesn't mean it has the same connotation. I use the word "it" in many sentences but it doesn't mean the same thing everywhere. Words are used in context and simply matching up two words in different contexts to try and make something out of it only exposes your desperation to clutch at straws.

Ok Mr.Pakistani version of Wren & Martin. Did you know that you can apply to the Guinnes for world record in Backtracking and obfuscating.

No grovelling; we have excellent relations with China, much to India's chagrin. Burn baby!

I am certainly not burning more than you guys with Indo-Israeli relations, Indo-Russian relations and more recently Indo-US relations. :lol:

The article says "some" and it is reelvant to delve into that question to see how big that "some" could be. It is your assertion that only religious nutjobs would oppose the India-Israel relationship. An unproven assertion.

You are an Indian or I am one ?? Who lives in India and gets to see Indian Muslims all year round ?

And BTW so too is your assertion that ALL Indian Muslims will be influenced by Palestine and Indo-Israeli relations.

While mine is atleast subtantiated in the article ; yours is no where.

And yet we are told continually by you guys that we shouldn't generalize a billion people based on posts in the forum. Convenient double talk. But expected from the likes of you.

Well when an Indian who lives in India and gets to see all types of people says that this is the average Muslim who places his national interest over his religion obvioulsy there is some truth and if a person who has never been in India has never interacted with Indian Muslims on ground tell he does not believe - well who cares ???

Yawn. Give it a rest. It was old even before Vinod tried it.

Well somethings are evergreen and they never become passe.

There is much you don't understand, that much is clear.

No try to explain why your country murdered 25000 Palestinians and effectively ended their resistance when you supposedly sympathise with them ?? Arab Money perhaps ?
BTW contradicting an Air-marshall isnt exactly new to you guys right ?? You want to know what I am talking about ?

Is it this gentleman by any chance? ;)

Even this air marshal exposes many Pakistani myths that every fresh Madressa grad carries with him.
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Is it this gentleman by any chance? ;)

Even this air marshal exposes many Pakistani myths that every fresh Madressa grad carries with him.

It was a happy coincidence that there was another Air-Marshall exposing some myths - but he was not the person I intended.

I was mentioning the former Air Chief Marshall Nur Khan.

Nur Khan reminisces ’65 war

Pakistan sent infiltrators to Kashmir in ’65: Nur Khan

Now let us ask our fanboi whether he agrees or contradicts his frmr.Air Chief Marshall 'bout the 1965 Indo-Pak war. :D

P.S: But these things make us realize one thing for sure - those who had fought India on the ground get to realize the futility of it. It is only the fanbois and e-warriors who have not even fired a gun who go on spouting BS. :lol:
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Pakistanis are just a bunch of converts as far as we are concerned.

A bunch of self loaths, who have surrendered their identity to all comers and hate the people who didn't do that.

They had nothing to do with that barbarity in India, they were the first victims of it. They were just weaklings who surrendered (or were made to surrender) and became apologists for those who persecuted them.

At best you can say we have contempt for that mindset. No hatred.

That part is only for the actions of Pakistan.

Vinod bhai... Nation building is an outcome of policies for growth, development and promoting social values. Generals and politicians who dub religion as the basis for nation building are to begin with ....

Nations which base their foreign and security policies on "religious legacy" and name there defence equipment after looters and robbers will have a floundering situation in economy and its reputation.

Pakistanis are just a bunch of converts as far as we are concerned.

A bunch of self loaths, who have surrendered their identity to all comers and hate the people who didn't do that.

I would object to this... it's an individuals choice to belong to whichever religion it wants to follow... every first generation of the religion adopted/coverted to a religion, only their progeny were born into the religion... so by my understanding is pakistani muslim / indian muslims/ indonesian muslims are as muslim as a muslim can get. Lets refrain from bringing conversions into this discussion
I would object to this... it's an individuals choice to belong to whichever religion it wants to follow... every first generation of the religion adopted/coverted to a religion, only their progeny were born into the religion... so by my understanding is pakistani muslim / indian muslims/ indonesian muslims are as muslim as a muslim can get. Lets refrain from bringing conversions into this discussion

It was more in the context of them trying to assume the mantle of the invaders and persecutors of their own ancestors. And trying to assume their identity.

As an example, there were many Chinese collaborators when the Mongols were massacring the Chinese or Muslim collaborators when they were perpetrating genocides in Central Asia and Middle East.

If some Chinese or Central Asian descendants of those victims start calling themselves Mongols (just because they were collaborators or just submitted to the Mongols), it would be just as hilarious.
It was more in the context of them trying to assume the mantle of the invaders and persecutors of their own ancestors. And trying to assume their identity.

As an example, there were many Chinese collaborators when the Mongols were massacring the Chinese or Muslim collaborators when they were perpetrating genocides in Central Asia and Middle East.

If some Chinese or Central Asian descendants of those victims start calling themselves Mongols (just because they were collaborators or just submitted to the Mongols), it would be just as hilarious.

Well if they want to disown the legacy of their ancestors and embrace the legacy of invaders and looters (based on the names of thier missiles) then its there own choice... we cant do anything about it ....

Disassociation from shivaji and Ashoka to come closer to ghauri and ghazniavi seems idiotic to me. Although aurangazeb was an indian ruler ... but he was evil so we hate him same applies to the invaders... If same follows, future pakistan might end up disassociating more of its prominent founders and leaders to leaders of the Arab world ...what will remain is just hatred for indians
It was more in the context of them trying to assume the mantle of the invaders and persecutors of their own ancestors. And trying to assume their identity.

As an example, there were many Chinese collaborators when the Mongols were massacring the Chinese or Muslim collaborators when they were perpetrating genocides in Central Asia and Middle East.

If some Chinese or Central Asian descendants of those victims start calling themselves Mongols (just because they were collaborators or just submitted to the Mongols), it would be just as hilarious.

Well if they want to disown the legacy of their ancestors and embrace the legacy of invaders and looters (based on the names of thier missiles) then its there own choice... we cant do anything about it ....

Disassociation from shivaji and Ashoka to come closer to ghauri and ghazniavi seems idiotic to me. Although aurangazeb was an indian ruler ... but he was evil so we hate him same applies to the invaders... If same follows, future pakistan might end up disassociating more of its prominent founders and leaders to leaders of the Arab world ...what will remain is just hatred for indians

Though offtopic a look at the names of their weapons shows how much they are disconnected from their past - Al-khalid, Babur,Ghauri. No Porus, no Dahir .
They say imitation is the best form of flattery!

I am flattered. More than once in this thread. ;)

Did you invent the phrase?
By that logic, you have been flattering me throughout the thread by reusing the bit about living vicariously.
It shows the extent of your desperation that you are pathetically trying to salvage your pride by claiming ownership of English phrases. :rofl:

it’s a ridiculous thought for us to hold a grudge (open ended wound) against pakistanis.

The cat's out of the bag. No amount of tap dancing and sugar coating will hide the fact that some people in India justify their continuing Islamophoba and anti-Pakistan obsession because the ancient invasions and partition are still an "open wound" for them.

Pakistanis are just Hindu converts as far as we are concerned.

I know. You are still stuck in the past.
Akhand Bharat ain't happening. Get with it or get therapy.

That part is only for the actions of Pakistan.

You brought up ancient invasions in the context of the Palestinians.
We know exactly how you guys feel about all Muslims, including Indian Muslims.
"Open wound" indeed.

If the Air marshall says Herons were used in Kargil then it only discredits whatever he says as I have clearly proved that Herons were not even made at that time :lol:

You just post a crappy source and keep blah blah ing with it.

The air marshall only mentioned UAVs. The blogger calls them Herons. The air marshall's quoted statement remains valid regardless of the the blogger's comments.

The bottom point is Pakistani as$ was deep fried in Kargil war.

Uh no. India was floundering until Israel saved yout as$. I'll take your military man's word for it.

BTW contradicting an Air-marshall isnt exactly new to you guys right ?? You want to know what I am talking about ? ;

The rest of your (and Vinod's) posts are the usual off-topic forays.
By now we know what it means when you guys start running off into diversions and flat out fabrications...

Oh no ! China expanding ties with anti-Islam Israel. :eek:
What will Developereo think about it ?? And more relevantly what will the Uighur Muslims think about it ?

We have seen how you guys have trouble with math, logic, history, geopolotics and English.
Let's add amnesia to the list, since we've already covered the dynamics of China-Israel relationship.
Well if they want to disown the legacy of their ancestors and embrace the legacy of invaders and looters (based on the names of thier missiles) then its there own choice... we cant do anything about it ....

Nobody's disowning anything. Muslim history as as much a part of our legacy as anything else.

It is the Islamophobic Indians who are committed to disowning a part of their own history.

By that logic, since Buddhism was mostly eradicated from India by militant Hinduism, the descendents of all the Buddhists who converted to Hinduism are now celebrating their oppressors.
Though offtopic a look at the names of their weapons shows how much they are disconnected from their past - Al-khalid, Babur,Ghauri. No Porus, no Dahir .

It is indeed off-topic, but it serves the very useful purpose of exposing the roots of Islamophobia amongst some Indians.

That festering "open wound"...
The air marshall only mentioned UAVs. The blogger calls them Herons. The air marshall's quoted statement remains valid regardless of the the blogger's comments.

Duh ! It Shows the credibility or the lack of it of the 'blog'.:lol:

Uh no. India was floundering until Israel saved yout as$. I'll take your military man's word for it.

Oh yes ! Pakistani rear was so deep fried that your PM had to run to US to save your country. :lol:

The rest of your (and Vinod's) posts are the usual off-topic forays.
By now we know what it means when you guys start running off into diversions and flat out fabrications...

Since you say that you take words of military man's seriously what tdo you think about ACM Nur Khan's and ACM Asghar Khan's words seriously or they fall under the category of 'fabrications' since it does not agree with the Pakistani version of the 1965 war ? :lol:

We have seen how you guys have trouble with math, logic, history, geopolotics and English.
Let's add amnesia to the list, since we've already covered the dynamics of China-Israel relationship.

I am seeing your problem with double standards and blatant hypocrisy.

Let me be simple for you to grasp:

Indian trade with Israel - anti-Islam, blood money. OK

China's trade with Israel - for world peace ??

Give it a rest dude - enough grovelling b4 the Chinese for today :lol:
It is indeed off-topic, but it serves the very useful purpose of exposing the roots of Islamophobia amongst some Indians.

That festering "open wound"...

Islamophobia ?? Lolzzz It just shows your disconnect when a tank is named after an Arab invader rather than a Punjabi hero who almost brought Alexander to his knees. :lol:

We are more than happy to be in touch with our culture and roots. The names of our weapons show that. We are not the ones suffering from an identity crisis.
Nobody's disowning anything. Muslim history as as much a part of our legacy as anything else.

It is the Islamophobic Indians who are committed to disowning a part of their own history.


Not true... state an example

This whole islamophobia is based actually on your own hindu phobia... wasn't that the reason for creating pakistan... where has india discredited itself from islamic rulers... we haven't detroyed budhhist structures in our country...
But you on the other habd have distanced yourself from hindu and buddhist empires.... your loss ...and stop you anti-islam BS... in india, like most of the developing world .. the only divide is economy class divide...

squabling over religion is work of weakest politicians who cant deliver on progress... If we were so concerned with religion, how the hell was our last president muslim... and our current PM sikh
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