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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

That is not how your post#455 was presented. You changed your tune after some other polls were presented.

No change; it was to show that statistics can be obtained either way.

BTW, that graphic is much more solid fact than the polls. It just shows how many countries have relations with Israel, not people's opinions that are more volatile.

Like I said, countries maintain diplomatic relations, even cursory ones, just so they don't appear anti-semitic. People offer frank opinions.

That part is not Israel proper. BTW, I thought they are living in proper houses there, not refugee camps.

May be you consider the whole territory a large refugee camp. Fine.

The UN considers them refugees.
Some, many or most. Doesn't matter; it's only a matter of degree.

Your previous post :

No, because as I explained in a previous post, China's handling of Uighurs cannot be compared even remotely to the Palestinian situation. It's a matter of degree.

Is it your wish to be the laughing stock by this continuous rambling ? :crazy:
Sigh. Here it is. Try reading it slower next time.

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

Get it? "desperately needed"
As in "during the war".
Imagery was "desperately needed", much like common sense and reading comprehension on the part of you guys.

Sigh ! I am asking you the question you somebody else. Do you know to comprehend English ?

the Much needed imageries were provided through the Israeli Ofeq Recon satellites and then the imageries were transferred to India at real time.

What makes you think both statements cannot be true? They are not incompatible and are both true.
No flip flop. One is a subset of the other.

Pakistan is just a subset of Islam. Its not like Islam = Pakistan. So anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan are not one and the same. And this relationship is neither.

You ppl are not that consequential for that.

Man I am getting tired of exposing and pawning you. Dont ya get tired ?
Israeli's are tough people... we can learn a lot of things from them... I have a few israeli friends at the university... thier geopolitical views resonate with Indians. Indians have been always good at planning but executing those plans have always been effective.. These plans range from agri projects... defence plans.. foreign policy matters, hi-tech science LAbs and covert ops. Brutal execution of plans have been Israels forte. Bringing these two extremely resourceful cultures together will mean peace, prosperity and wellbeing for both the countries. We have had defense ties with russia but we could not culturally engage them to bring the two countries closer.. We have always remained political allies and have had kind of buyer seller relation .

But with Israel there is a possibility of shedding this buyer seller relation and becoming real friends with trust and coop in all fields of life. To consolidate the same virtue we need to take the first step by letting them know that we will stand by them if any harm comes there way.

I hope in near future we can have a strategic defence treaty with Israel, It is very important that we make larger investment in Tel-Aviv and open our markets to them.
No change; it was to show that statistics can be obtained either way.

Well, you certainly presented it as a proof of your position at that point.

The issue of ties with Israel still stands. Most of the world deals with them.

Like I said, countries maintain diplomatic relations, even cursory ones, just so they don't appear anti-semitic. People offer frank opinions.

I am not sure we want to discuss an opinion. I would prefer dealing with facts.

The UN considers them refugees.

Your previous post :

Is it your wish to be the laughing stock by this continuous rambling ? :crazy:

It has been proven that nothing that was said on this thread by Developero had anything to do with consistency or facts.

It was based on how he looked at the issue based on his own prejudices.
Your previous post :

Is it your wish to be the laughing stock by this continuous rambling ? :crazy:

The only people laughing are the ones at you for confusing two unrelated statements.

One is a statement of two situations being compared:
- Israeli murder and expulsion of millions of Palestinians.
- Chinese restrictions on religious activities of Uighurs.

The two are not even remotely comparable. This is not just my view; it is the view of the international community. Neither the UN, the US or anyone else compares the two situations. There are no UN resolutions, no statements by human rights organizations or anyone else equating the two in terms of scale. It is only the Indians' delusional attempt to malign China that compels you guys to make the comparison.

The statement about India's Muslims is different. The point of the statement is to ask what impact this relationship will have on the sensibilities of Indian Muslims. Certainly there will be a spectrum of reactions from total support to total aversion. Regardless of the actual percentage involved, the question is a legitimate one, and it was brought into this discussion by you, not me.

Now, I understand you want to backtrack and tap dance your way out of this hole, but I always enjoy watching people dance! :D
It has been proven that nothing that was said on this thread by Developero had anything to do with consistency or facts.

It was based on how he looked at the issue based on his own prejudices.

Sure thing, Nancy. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.

The actual posts are here for readers to decide for themselves...

Sigh ! I am asking you the question you somebody else. Do you know to comprehend English ?

the Much needed imageries were provided through the Israeli Ofeq Recon satellites and then the imageries were transferred to India at real time.

Oh, this is getting embarrassing to keep correcting you guys.

Here, once again.
IntelliBriefs: How Israel helped India win the Kargil War

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

"The terrains where they came from was all stones. The intruders merged in the background and it was not very easy to locate them. Secondly the targets where they had occupied the peaks, were also on the other side of the hills," Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia told CNN-IBN.

Tel Aviv stepped in with unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or drones in the battle zone to assist India direct its war effort. This was one force multiplication Pakistan had not reckoned with.

"Unmanned UAVs make a lot of difference. They fly for much longer - up to 24 hours and are able to sense even simple movements on the ground,” he said.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire.

Pakistan is just a subset of Islam. Its not like Islam = Pakistan. So anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan are not one and the same. And this relationship is neither.

Well, duh!
The relationship is anti-Islam, meaning it is against Muslim countries. Paksitan is a Muslim country, one of many, i.e. a subset.
It is only the Indians' delusional attempt to malign China that compels you guys to make the comparison.

I will let Karthic reply to the post but please can you stop this buttering of China (and trying to make us enemies) all the time.

Don't worry, no one is looking. ;)

It is clear that no one was "maligning China" here, just exposing some double standards.

Mission accomplished!
The relationship is anti-Islam, meaning it is against Muslim countries. Paksitan is a Muslim country, one of many, i.e. a subset.

Are you saying that anything against Pakistan is anti-Islam?
I will let Karthic reply to the post but please can you stop this buttering of China (and trying to make us enemies) all the time.

No buttering up, just calling a spade a spade.

And I don't need to make enemies of India and China -- your media and politicians are doing a bang up job of it!

Mission accomplished!

Like George Bush said in Iraq.
No buttering up, just calling a spade a spade.

And I don't need to make enemies of India and China -- your media and politicians are doing a bang up job of it!

They won't succeed. Nor would you guys.

As OOE says on WAB.. Well you know it and the pragmatic Chinese know it too.

Like George Bush said in Iraq.

And accomplished. Just needed a bit of a surge.
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