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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

A blog! Does that prove anything?

Not this again. A blog quoting the air marshall.
Unless you think he is lying outright.

Are you saying that anything against Pakistan is anti-Islam?

Ah, time for logic lession #2: reverse logic.

Pakistan is many things, Islamic being only one of them.

To make up a hypothetical example, if you join some weird anti-Pakhtun alliance to exterminate them, you might attack Pakistan.

In that case, the attack on Pakistan would have nothing to do with Islam.
Not this again. A blog quoting the air marshall.
Unless you think he is lying outright.

I don't give credence to a blog. It may claim to quote anyone.

Ah, time for logic lession #2: reverse logic.

Lol. I have to agree with JayAtl now. ;)

Pakistan is many things, Islamic being only one of them.

To make up a hypothetical example, if you join some weird anti-Pakhtun alliance to exterminate them, you might attack Pakistan.

In that case, the attack on Pakistan would have nothing to do with Islam.

India's enmity has nothing to do with Islam. Won't you say?
India's enmity has nothing to do with Islam. Won't you say?

How can it? India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan does.

I think it is some sort of weird anger that Pakistan dared to break away. Like a younger brother leaving home.
How can it? India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan does.

Good. So our enmity with Pakistan has nothing to do with Islam. So, even if we agree that Indo-Israel relationship has Pakistan as a factor, it won't be anti-Islam.

I think it is some sort of weird anger that Pakistan dared to break away. Like a younger brother leaving home.

I know you guys want to believe it. I would love a detailed discussion on this. May be some other thread.
Oh, this is getting embarrassing to keep correcting you guys.

Here, once again.
IntelliBriefs: How Israel helped India win the Kargil War

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

"The terrains where they came from was all stones. The intruders merged in the background and it was not very easy to locate them. Secondly the targets where they had occupied the peaks, were also on the other side of the hills," Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia told CNN-IBN.

Tel Aviv stepped in with unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or drones in the battle zone to assist India direct its war effort. This was one force multiplication Pakistan had not reckoned with.

"Unmanned UAVs make a lot of difference. They fly for much longer - up to 24 hours and are able to sense even simple movements on the ground,” he said.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire.

Pardon me for asking - but are you illiterate ??

I have already clarified that Herons were not even in Israeli Defence Forces in 1999 let alone IAF and that the Searcher deal was concluded before the even the first infiltrator was detected in Kargil. Not during the war.

As for the Imageries they were transferred by Ofeq Satellites during the war.

Yet you keep posting the same crap link with same bolded lines. Posting it 100 times doesnt make it true.

Or are you pretending to be Goebbels repeating the lie again and again till it becomes the truth.?

Either way you just FAIL !.

Well, duh!
The relationship is anti-Islam, meaning it is against Muslim countries. Paksitan is a Muslim country, one of many, i.e. a subset.

Just clarify is it anti-Islam or anti-Pakistan.They both are not same. But even then both of these are inconsequential in Indian scheme of thinigs. We have bigger fish to fry.
How can it? India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan does.

I think it is some sort of weird anger that Pakistan dared to break away. Like a younger brother leaving home.

Although seems vinod and you are having a ball out here... there is no anger about pakistans existence... no disrespect to pakistanis, foreign policy of pakistan has always been anti India. what little knowledge I have of history; Idea of pakistan was to create a state for political and administrative representation of muslims which might have been threatened in hindu dominated india. We were fine with that, but you dictators turned pakistan into a non-secular islamic state. You weaponised your self to the teeth since 60's when India was struggling and launched assaults into our country to forcibly take kashmir. That sowed the seed for animosity and not ISLAM.

If pakistan did behave like the younger brother and maintained family relations we would have shed our blood to route out the predator drones from your soil, but you tried to bleed us through thousand cuts so we will remain indifferent to you and your aspirations.

We have decided to go our own way towards social justice and harmony in diversity... the world said 65 years ago india is term like equator not a country. We strived to prove them wrong. We will continue to struggle and strive to bring equality and prosperity among our people.

Pakistani establishment has chosen to be next messiah of ISLAM... you want to take up causes of kashmir..palestine.. indian muslims iraq afghan etc etc thats your own choice...
The only people laughing are the ones at you for confusing two unrelated statements.

Another attempt at back-tracking from you previous post some pages back :lol: you are just amazing.

One is a statement of two situations being compared:
- Israeli murder and expulsion of millions of Palestinians.
- Chinese restrictions on religious activities of Uighurs.

The two are not even remotely comparable. This is not just my view; it is the view of the international community. Neither the UN, the US or anyone else compares the two situations. There are no UN resolutions, no statements by human rights organizations or anyone else equating the two in terms of scale. It is only the Indians' delusional attempt to malign China that compels you guys to make the comparison.

Typical Pakistani attempt to grovel before the Chinese. Nothing much to say as this is on full display throughout the forum in all threads. :lol:

The statement about India's Muslims is different. The point of the statement is to ask what impact this relationship will have on the sensibilities of Indian Muslims. Certainly there will be a spectrum of reactions from total support to total aversion. Regardless of the actual percentage involved, the question is a legitimate one, and it was brought into this discussion by you, not me.

I brought in with the disclaimer "SOME" not all. But you immedaitely generalized those religious nutjobs to be the microcosm of the average Indian Muslim.

The average Indian muslim is what you see in this thread placing his national interest above religion.

But I bet this must difficult for a man in whose country most people identify themselves as Muslims rather than Pakistanis and are more Arab than Arabs, more Turk than Turks and more Palestinian than Palestinian themselves.

Also I dont understand how can such a country even have the gall to speak for Palestinians when their erstwhile Army Chief was at the forefront of killing of about 25K Palestinian refugees and fighters in what was called "Black September".

Now, I understand you want to backtrack and tap dance your way out of this hole, but I always enjoy watching people dance! :D

Look upto yourself in the mirror. You will enjoy the most. :wave:
Typical Pakistani attempt to grovel before the Chinese. Nothing much to say as this is on full display throughout the forum in all threads. :lol:

What is unique is the compulsive need for individual Pakistanis to do that to Individual Chinese members on an anonymous forum!
Pardon me for asking - but are you illiterate ??

I have already clarified that Herons were not even in Israeli Defence Forces in 1999 let alone IAF and that the Searcher deal was concluded before the even the first infiltrator was detected in Kargil. Not during the war.

As for the Imageries they were transferred by Ofeq Satellites during the war.

Yet you keep posting the same crap link with same bolded lines. Posting it 100 times doesnt make it true.

Or are you pretending to be Goebbels repeating the lie again and again till it becomes the truth.?

Either way you just FAIL !.

I am entirely literate. I posted an actual quote by an IAF air marshall who said, "The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire."

You, on the other hand, keep blabbering on and contradicting the air marshall.

I think I will trust the military man over an internat fanboi, especially one without supporting links. Even if we accept your assertion that Israeli satellites were used, it still does not invalidate what the air marshall is saying, and only strengthens my claim that Israel saved your as$ during Kargil.

Just clarify is it anti-Islam or anti-Pakistan.They both are not same. But even then both of these are inconsequential in Indian scheme of thinigs. We have bigger fish to fry.

Israel's agenda is anti-Islam, i.e. anti-Muslim countries. Pakistan is a Muslim country (a subset of Islam) and India-Israel find common ground against Pakistan.

Although seems vinod and you are having a ball out here... there is no anger about pakistans existence... no disrespect to pakistanis, foreign policy of pakistan has always been anti India. what little knowledge I have of history; Idea of pakistan was to create a state for political and administrative representation of muslims which might have been threatened in hindu dominated india. We were fine with that, but you dictators turned pakistan into a non-secular islamic state. You weaponised your self to the teeth since 60's when India was struggling and launched assaults into our country to forcibly take kashmir. That sowed the seed for animosity and not ISLAM.

If pakistan did behave like the younger brother and maintained family relations we would have shed our blood to route out the predator drones from your soil, but you tried to bleed us through thousand cuts so we will remain indifferent to you and your aspirations.

We have decided to go our own way towards social justice and harmony in diversity... the world said 65 years ago india is term like equator not a country. We strived to prove them wrong. We will continue to struggle and strive to bring equality and prosperity among our people.

Pakistani establishment has chosen to be next messiah of ISLAM... you want to take up causes of kashmir..palestine.. indian muslims iraq afghan etc etc thats your own choice...

Oh, I think the cat's out of the bag now. We have gotten a look at the heart of the anti-Pakistan harted ingrained in so many Indians. Many of you are still obsessed with the ancient Islamic conquest, and the more recent partition. It's still an "open wound", meaning it's an open-ended carte blanche to indulge in anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan hatred. Posts in this thread confirm the mindset, no matter how people try to backtrack and sugar coat it.

Another attempt at back-tracking from you previous post some pages back :lol: you are just amazing.

No backtracking. Just educating you guys about basic logic and English.

Just because the same word "degree" is used in two unrelated sentences doesn't mean it has the same connotation. I use the word "it" in many sentences but it doesn't mean the same thing everywhere. Words are used in context and simply matching up two words in different contexts to try and make something out of it only exposes your desperation to clutch at straws.

Typical Pakistani attempt to grovel before the Chinese. Nothing much to say as this is on full display throughout the forum in all threads. :lol:

No grovelling; we have excellent relations with China, much to India's chagrin. Burn baby!

I brought in with the disclaimer "SOME" not all. But you immedaitely generalized those religious nutjobs to be the microcosm of the average Indian Muslim.

The article says "some" and it is reelvant to delve into that question to see how big that "some" could be. It is your assertion that only religious nutjobs would oppose the India-Israel relationship. An unproven assertion.

The average Indian muslim is what you see in this thread placing his national interest above religion.

And yet we are told continually by you guys that we shouldn't generalize a billion people based on posts in the forum. Convenient double talk. But expected from the likes of you.

But I bet this must difficult for a man in whose country most people identify themselves as Muslims rather than Pakistanis and are more Arab than Arabs, more Turk than Turks and more Palestinian than Palestinian themselves.

Yawn. Give it a rest. It was old even before Vinod tried it.

Also I dont understand

There is much you don't understand, that much is clear.
Many of you are still obsessed with the ancient Islamic conquest, and the more recent partition. It's still an "open wound", meaning it's an open-ended carte blanche to indulge in anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan hatred. Posts in this thread confirm the mindset, no matter how people try to backtrack and sugar coat it.

Another Goebblism. You just keep on repeating the same thing.

I challenged some of your assertions and you don't want to discuss them.

The obsession with those barbaric invasions is more with you guys who want to repeat what was done to your own ancestors and believe that you share more with them Arabs, Persians, Kazhaks and Turks them with the people who share the same ethnicity and last name just across the border.
Oh, I think the cat's out of the bag now. We have gotten a look at the heart of the anti-Pakistan harted ingrained in so many Indians. Many of you are still obsessed with the ancient Islamic conquest, and the more recent partition. It's still an "open wound", meaning it's an open-ended carte blanche to indulge in anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan hatred. Posts in this thread confirm the mindset, no matter how people try to backtrack and sugar coat it.

Not really.. Pakistan had no role in islamic invasion of ancient india...although its a convenient for Pakistan to claim Islamic invaders to be their own legacy to up its tactical impotency against india, it’s a ridiculous thought for us to hold a grudge (open ended wound) against pakistanis. The main reason for animosity is not anti –Islamic but simply nationalistic. You are a smaller country which launched assaults into India to secure a disputed territory. And then your entire idea of insurgencies is basically revival of mujhahideen plan used against Russians… to keep antagonizing the armed forces in india… when that stopped working… PAK establishment started launching assaults into the widely populated cities. No matter which religion that you belong to in india… if you are an Indian you will be disgusted at a nation whose foreign policy revolves around de-stabilizing India.
Anti – Pakistani sentiment arises from the nuisance value that you posses and not from islam.

As far as Indo-Israel ties are concerned. It comes from being victims of state sponsored terrorism and not anti-islam. Post cold war geo politics has lead to strengthening of Indo-Israeli ties. Pakistan’s Proliferation regime is seen as direct threat to Israel, so their move to build a solid mechanism to pressurize Pakistan is very valid…
Not really.. Pakistan had no role in islamic invasion of ancient india...although its a convenient for Pakistan to claim Islamic invaders to be their own legacy to up its tactical impotency against india, it’s a ridiculous thought for us to hold a grudge (open ended wound) against pakistanis. The main reason for animosity is not anti –Islamic but simply nationalistic. You are a smaller country which launched assaults into India to secure a disputed territory. And then your entire idea of insurgencies is basically revival of mujhahideen plan used against Russians… to keep antagonizing the armed forces in india… when that stopped working… PAK establishment started launching assaults into the widely populated cities. No matter which religion that you belong to in india… if you are an Indian you will be disgusted at a nation whose foreign policy revolves around de-stabilizing India.
Anti – Pakistani sentiment arises from the nuisance value that you posses and not from islam.

As far as Indo-Israel ties are concerned. It comes from being victims of state sponsored terrorism and not anti-islam. Post cold war geo politics has lead to strengthening of Indo-Israeli ties. Pakistan’s Proliferation regime is seen as direct threat to Israel, so their move to build a solid mechanism to pressurize Pakistan is very valid…

Pakistanis are just Hindu converts as far as we are concerned.

Some of us think of them as self loaths, who surrendered their identity to all comers and hate the people who didn't do that. They need constant reassurance that they did the right thing, like all others who also went through similar experiences ;).

They had nothing to do with that barbarity in India, they were the first victims of it. They were just weaklings who surrendered (or were made to surrender) and became apologists for those who persecuted them.

At best you can say we have contempt for that mindset. No hatred.

That part is only for the actions of Pakistan.
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