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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

So a thread about the bilateral relationship between Israel and India based on national interest has gone from its original purpose to mind-policing of Indian Muslims and then how its anti-Islam and then becoming how it is Pakistan-centric with the general attidude of Israelis thrown inbetween and then finally moving right now to how Muslims must play the Christian game to fool the world.

Kudos to the hijacker. :tdown:
yigeOn the Uighur culture, I say more, modern civilization is a thing to be accepted, the Uighurs have to accept modern education, which can both develop their own more integrated and the world.

Islam says that a Muslim should be a good citizen of the country where they live, so the religious scholars should be encouraged to emphasize that aspect of Islam.

I understand the situation with Uighurs and Tibetans is more complex than the Hui, because the former also have territorial issues. Perhaps it can be resolved by giving some level of autonomy or like with Native American tribes in Canada and the US.

The important thing is to address the core concerns before extremists hijack the situation.
ni ha
Please. Don't even dream of bringing in Saudi Arabia. They will turn every single Uighur into a terrorist.

I wish Pakistan could help, and there are good people in the government, but the top level ministers are all hopeless. They will just take your money and not deliver anything.

They should not, they should be wise not to undermine that trust, and I believe the Chinese government has adequate measures to prevent it. no Uighurs, but the HUI. Although I also have a cautious approach to it.Until now Saudi Arabia is only limited to the impact of religion, they also invest a lot of money to improve local people's lives. It is sardines.

I mean, Saudi Arabia has influence from years ago.

I'm sorry, my friend, you still do not understand China's policy of regional ethnic autonomy, both Xinjiang and Tibet have been very extensive rights of autonomy, certainly no army, the other whether it is self-governance or the central government funds are very Okay, so there are some problems in other areas, not in this, unfortunately, the West still has some impact on promotion.
It's one thing to remember history; it's quite another to hold an "open wound".

Unless closed, all wounds remain open. Nothing has changed for me to close those wounds. It is not a choice I made.

They have healed though, just the scars remain, I hold no grudges or hatreds against anyone.

But we remember the kind of barbarians there are in the world like the Chinese will never forget the Mongols or Japanese in WW-2 or the Central Asians and Arabs will never forget the Mongols or the crusaders.

Even you remember quite a long history of Israel that you narrated here and used that to justify why you want them to be forced out!

That's irrelevant. Nobody is excusing anything that happened centuries ago. We have all moved on. I suggest you do the same.
This ithe crucial part: you are still waiting for "the Islamic world" to apologize. You want Turkey to apologize? Saudi Arabia?

I will let the ummah figure that out! ;)

BTW, you have not totally lost that connection, have you? Are not the worst of those bigots the biggest of your heroes? Does that not show that there are still people right inside Pakistan (and in powerful positions) who would like to repeat to others what happened to their own ancestors at the hands of those barbarians?

Basically, you are holding modern Muslims, including Indian Muslims, hostage until someone apologizes to close your "wound".

Nothing of that sort. I just want to make sure that history is not repeated again.

And what barbarity we could be dealing with if we falter again.

Exactly. So a majority of Indians still hold Muslims, including Indian Muslims, hostage to the partition saga.
You guys really need to move on.

No one is holding anyone hostage. And moving on is the last advice we need from people who want to go back to the 7th century desert again for that supposed utopia!

They still have the dreams of world domination and winning back all the lost "Islamic lands". India and Spain top that list. No?

That poll reflects the results not for Indian Muslims. It is a result of continued terror from Pakistan for decades.

Perhaps in a relevant thread. Not this one.

Sure. My purpose was mainly to counter your own poll.

Only Islamophobes use words like infidel, kaffir, ummah, dhimmi, etc. Maybe you have been reading too much of their literature.

Is it? Where did all these terms originate? Who used them first and for centuries and even now?

What is wrong with these terms now suddenly after all those centuries?

Only because India has 8x the population -- if half a million people die on each side, it will be a smaller percentage within a bigger pool.

And therefore a much smaller crime rate? And not a total ethnic cleansing like you?

It was you who posted the poll numbers, not I.

I replied to another poll from you! It was not related to Indian Muslims.

Is that what they teach you guys in India? Most people know that it was a bloody partition. On both sides.

You said this:

Most of the Hindus left in 1947.

Would you also say that "Most of the Palestinians left in 1947/48."

Because Israel (and Sudan) are the only two countries currently creating refugee at this scale.

But you don't have any regrets for your past actions!

No, the basic facts have been stated early on; they haven't changed.
Israel's Law of Return and its refusal to let non-Jewish refugees return is the crux of the accusation.

You talked of "discrimination on the basis of religion"!

An Israeli has already replied to the issue of why Israel doesn't allow the return of non-Jewish refugees. I see no need to justify it but I can see why Israel doesn't want to lose its Jewish character.

Anybody who uses words like infidel, kaffir, ummah and dhimmi will be labelled an Islamophobe.

So all your scriptures and Hadhith are Islamophobe? All the policies that were perpetrated by Islamic rulers throughout your history based on these concepts were Islamophobia?

What has changed now to make these terms acceptable?

Anyone who holds today's Muslims hostage to an apology for whatever happened several centuries ago is just looking for an excuse to hate Muslims.

You can help correct the perceptions by denouncing those bigots as villains and barbarians rather than Pakistani and Islamic heroes.

Things may just change for the better if you do that.

No, that's the whole point. When we are discussing apartheid and someone wanders off into crimes by other black countries throughout history, it is a diversion.

You were justifying your hatred for Israel and that is where it came in.

I am not speaking for other Islamic countries, although Morocco, Malaysia, etc. are quite multireligious and multiethnic.
And yes, in some ways, minorities are treated better in Pakistan than they are in the West, especially after 9/11. You will disagree, and I don't want to get into it, but I have lived in Pakistan and the West and I fully stand behind that statement.

I have replied to it already. No repartition, you can check my earlier posts on why I think your sanctimony is wholly undeserved.

Ironic, coming from you.

Ironic but true.

That is a statement of fact regarding Israel.

We were discussing Islamic countries! And your own?

Is this a good enough standard? Would you be satisfied with just not being herded in a ghetto?

You demand much more from countries that you continuously denounce while defend far worse treatment in your own countries.

We all see it and that is why we find it funny to see the sanctimony from your ilk.

Because I am talking about a current situation that is being perpetrated even as we speak. You are talking about what happened centuries ago. Most people in the subcontinent have moved on. By your logic, all mistreatment of Muslims around the world is justified until you receive your "apology" from some unnamed entity to close your "wound". It's an excuse for perpetually hating Muslims, and everyone can see through it.

You also talked of events 60 years to 100 years old to justify your current position. You can't arbitrarily draw the line where you want to.

The major issue is: what has changed from those barbaric periods? Can the final and perfect be bettered? Can it evolve?

Yes, I know you are itching to launch into another one of your postgs about the evil Muslims.

Not unless you get into another of your sanctimony and I need to challenge it with facts.

Of course. The whole world is crystal clear that Darfur should be resolved and the government held accountable.

OK, and what has your country done about it?

There haven't been any threads on Darfur that I know. I just brought it up just now.

That shows the extent of the concern? Yours and others' who rail so much about Israel!

That's the part under debate. The whole thing was forced onto the Palestinians who had no say in the matter.
It was backroom dealings between the British, French, Americans and Zionists. The Arabs were never involved.

But they did try the force of arms to try and decide the issue!

What would they have done had they come out the victors?

Why expect a different treatment once they lost?

Nonsense. Why would I ever say that Israel can kick Pakistan's as$?
What I said was that Israel saved your as$ in Kargil.

Basically, you are saying that Israel can defeat Pakistan with loose change? Something it can spare while still keeping enough for Arabs?

Sure, that's exactly what the article says. Why not? :hang2:

Good one! I guess this is an improvement over 'Islamist' :)

Its not mutually exclusive at all. In most cases, it is just a substitute. ;)

Because then you couldn't use this thread as a springboard to launch into irrelevant anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan speeches.

That part having been done ;) , why should I not think that your sanctimonious lecture to India was only because you were jealous that India was benefiting more from this relationship?

Then why do you suppose they are forming this alliance with India? Are you saying the benefit is purely one way? That India contributes nothing to the 'alliance' other than money?

That is what you said.

I think the relations are mutually beneficial, like all such relations.

We have a lot of complimentary strengths and together we both win.

They don't need us for handling Palestinians or Arabs and we don't need them for handling Pakistan.
Islam says that a Muslim should be a good citizen of the country where they live, so the religious scholars should be encouraged to emphasize that aspect of Islam.

But for Indian Muslims you say this!

We notice how you guys have to jump ever higher to prove your loyalty and patriotism.

You are one funny guy. ;)
Thank you. How Israel came into being etc. is just a small part of the bigger jigsaw. The bigger picture is that there needs to be a sweeping rethink by the Muslim world in order to manage an image makeover amongst the rest of the world. Media management is an important cog, but would lack credibility without a perceptible change in the way the Muslim world re-integrates with the bigger world - both the Christian one as well as the others. And there are hardly any real neutrals here, that is very obvious.

So here is where the very pertinent exchange between you and Vinod on the issue of "open wounds" comes in. And there lies the real big difference between senior statesman world religion of Christianity and the bad boy maverick religion of Islam in the way the world at large sees them. let me explain.

Islam is now an old world religion that is unfortunately not yet matured or grown up. In many pockets of the world even today, it behaves as a brand new infant religion that is in peril, that needs constant re-affirmation and protection, that needs to be actively spread at the risk of dying out, and that is always at war with and suspicious of other faiths and their followers. A religion that is close to a millenia and a half old needs to come across very differently. But it does not. A here lies the reason for the open wounds.

It is in the nature of all wounds to heal with time. For closure one way or the other. Either the wound heals or it suppurates and leads finally to loss of limb or life. Both Christianity and Islam have over centuries inflicted serious wounds upon the world. Upon the lands and people they have conquered in their relentless march towards propagation and consolidation. But over time Christianity has changed. At least on the outside, in its overt missionary zeal, in the larger give and take with other religions and people. The Church has learned to live alongside other houses of faith that it once ravaged and pillaged and destroyed.

Islam has not learned to do so.

Even today, in the modern world where people have moved on as you put it, Islam has not. That is why there is a degree of intolerance and separatism linked with the people and political leadership and clergy of Muslim countries, that is not seen overtly in Christian dominated ones. Hence "the other" world, non-muslim and non-christian, have learned to be more comfortable and accepted and integrated into mainstream Christian dominated society than Muslim. Hence where the wounds inflicted by champions of the cross have slowly healed and the past forgiven, such is not the case for the warriors of the crescent.

The world's perception of Islam will not change by the change in behavior and outlook in pockets of liberated no-radical Islam. Instead, Islam will be judged by its behavior where it is the majority faith with unbridled power, and un-enforceable social responsibility. That is the need of the hour. Everything else will follow.

Excellent analysis. I would agree with most of it.
So a thread about the bilateral relationship between Israel and India based on national interest has gone from its original purpose to mind-policing of Indian Muslims and then how its anti-Islam and then becoming how it is Pakistan-centric with the general attidude of Israelis thrown inbetween and then finally moving right now to how Muslims must play the Christian game to fool the world.

Kudos to the hijacker. :tdown:

I think the discussions have been pretty good if "off topic" or hijacked.

It has largely remained quite civil and both sides expressed themselves with no holds barred.

I may not agree with his views but I enjoyed the debate.

Lack of agreement is only to be expected and is the reason we are here. To debate with people who have opposing views. ;)
But for Indian Muslims you say this!

You are one funny guy. ;)

Leave it yaar... He has made so many flip-flops and has been exposed so many times and still carries on as if he is right :woot:

"Never argue with a ............beat you with their experience". Ring any bells ?
Leave it yaar... He has made so many flip-flops and has been exposed so many times and still carries on as if he is right :woot:

"Never argue with a ............beat you with their experience". Ring any bells ?

It does. But I think he is one of the best debaters from Pakistan.

The flip flops are just because what he defends is indefensible. ;)
Please guys dont reply to Pakistani or Chinese trolls they are hijacking this thread when it has nothing to do with them stick to the subject matter at hand.

Leave it yaar... He has made so many flip-flops and has been exposed so many times and still carries on as if he is right :woot:

I made three statements regarding this relationship:

- It is Pakistan-centric. This is a factual statement: it started out that way, although it may have grown to encompass your 'eastern neighborsr'.
- Israel is anti-Islam. I also stand by this statement and have demonstrated why that is so using the Law of Return and refugee situation.
- It is anti-Islam and any military ally of Israel is anti-Islam. I agree this is too strong and refined it to 'any military ally of Israel indirectly helps in oppression of Palestinians'.

So, if you are saying the refinement of the third statement is a 'flip flop', then whatever...
Even you remember quite a long history of Israel that you narrated here and used that to justify why you want them to be forced out!

I don't want anyone forced out and I gave the history to provide context of why the Palestinians refugees should be allowed to return. In fact, of all the solutions, including the unworkable two-state solution, mine is the only one that doesn't make anyone leave their homes -- Jews or Arabs.

I will let the ummah figure that out! ;)

Well, you won't get any apologies because there is no one today responsible for whatever happened centuries ago. Do you honestly think the Arabs are waiting for an apology from the Mongols, or the Germans and Brits from the Italians (Romans)?

BTW, you have not totally lost that connection, have you? Are not the worst of those bigots the biggest of your heroes? Does that not show that there are still people right inside Pakistan (and in powerful positions) who would like to repeat to others what happened to their own ancestors at the hands of those barbarians?

We have moved on. Just like the Germans and Brits are proudly Christian and don't really hold a grudge against whatever invaders brought Christianity to their shores. The names of ancient invaders are commonplace in Britain and Germany.

No one is holding anyone hostage.

As long as you keep demanding an apology for centuries old events, you are holding the present hostage to the ancient past.

And moving on is the last advice we need from people who want to go back to the 7th century desert again for that supposed utopia!

The idea of an Islamic Caliphate similar to the Zionists' dream of reestablishing ancient Israel. Both groups should not be allowed to displace or damage people currently living on the land.

They still have the dreams of world domination and winning back all the lost "Islamic lands". India and Spain top that list. No?

So does the Akhand Bharat crowd. People can dream. It's not going to happen.

That poll reflects the results not for Indian Muslims. It is a result of continued terror from Pakistan for decades.

It's a poll about Muslims in general. There is evidence, from Indians, that innocent Indian Muslims get rounded up every time there is a terrorism scare, even if the culprits later turned out to be Hindu.

Sure. My purpose was mainly to counter your own poll.

I can bring up any number of polls that show Israel is one of the most distrusted countries on the planet. The point of these polls is not to justify anything, but to dispel your claim that most people in the world approve of Israel (per the diplomatic relations graphic you showed). Most governments have (cursory) relations with Israel, mostly so they don't appear anti-semitic, but most actual people believe Israel is the cause of trouble.

Is it? Where did all these terms originate? Who used them first and for centuries and even now?

What is wrong with these terms now suddenly after all those centuries?

They may have been mainstream long time ago, but are now used only by extremists on both sides.

And therefore a much smaller crime rate? And not a total ethnic cleansing like you?

Simple math. Let's say that Muslims represented 10% of the population in the Hindu-majority states and vice versa.

For Pakitan with population 30 million, 10% is 3 million.
For India with population 300 million, 10% is 30 million.
So, if each country loses 3 million as refugees, Paksitan will lose most of the Hindus, while India will still retain 27 million Muslims.

Would you also say that "Most of the Palestinians left in 1947/48."

Again, the situation is not analogous. In the subcontinent, both Hindus and Muslims had agreed to separate. There was no such agreement by the Palestinians. They were simply forced out of their houses by Jewish terror groups. This is not propaganda; the chief of the Haganah himself admits it and modern Israeli historians agree.

But you don't have any regrets for your past actions!

Of course, but we are not holding people in refugee camps against their will to this day. That is the point.

An Israeli has already replied to the issue of why Israel doesn't allow the return of non-Jewish refugees. I see no need to justify it but I can see why Israel doesn't want to lose its Jewish character.

Not good enough. We are not talking about restricting new immigration -- every country has the right to form whatever policies.
These are people who were forced out of their homes by Jewish terror groups to create this Jewish character in the first place.

So all your scriptures and Hadhith are Islamophobe? All the policies that were perpetrated by Islamic rulers throughout your history based on these concepts were Islamophobia?

They were relatively humane in the context of their times. The standard fare was to decimate your victims; the Muslims instead levied a tax on them, like Romans did.

You can help correct the perceptions by denouncing those bigots as villains and barbarians rather than Pakistani and Islamic heroes.

Things may just change for the better if you do that.

Already explained above the situation in Britain and Germany. People move on.

You were justifying your hatred for Israel and that is where it came in.

Exactly. If someone is justifting their hatred of apartheid, you will bring in black crimes elsewhere?
What's the point, other than to justify apartheid?

We were discussing Islamic countries! And your own?

No other countries, Islamic or otherwise, have such refugee camps except Israel and Sudan.

Is this a good enough standard? Would you be satisfied with just not being herded in a ghetto?

You demand much more from countries that you continuously denounce while defend far worse treatment in your own countries.

We all see it and that is why we find it funny to see the sanctimony from your ilk.

We are not talking historical, but current, events. Nothing else compares in the current world. Sanctimony justified.

You also talked of events 60 years to 100 years old to justify your current position. You can't arbitrarily draw the line where you want to.

The events of early 20th century were to give context of why the current refugees deserve to return.

The major issue is: what has changed from those barbaric periods? Can the final and perfect be bettered? Can it evolve?

Different times; different standards of conduct. Unfortunate but that's the story of the world. Whatever happened in the past was not pretty, but that was standard fare across the world at the time.

OK, and what has your country done about it?

This is not about Sudan. I brought it in as another case, although I am pretty sure we are not supplying weapons and training to the government militias.

That shows the extent of the concern? Yours and others' who rail so much about Israel!

I didn't open the thread about Isreal.

But they did try the force of arms to try and decide the issue!

What would they have done had they come out the victors?

Why expect a different treatment once they lost?

The point is it shouldn't have come to that in the first place.

Regarding the part about Israel kicking Pakistan'as $, I was being sarcastic. There is even a crazy icon next to it. Meaning "yeah right".

That part having been done ;) , why should I not think that your sanctimonious lecture to India was only because you were jealous that India was benefiting more from this relationship?

You can believe me or not. I am not the least bit jealous. Trust me.
I made three statements regarding this relationship:

- It is Pakistan-centric. This is a factual statement: it started out that way, although it may have grown to encompass your 'eastern neighborsr'.
- Israel is anti-Islam. I also stand by this statement and have demonstrated why that is so using the Law of Return and refugee situation.
- It is anti-Islam and any military ally of Israel is anti-Islam. I agree this is too strong and refined it to 'any military ally of Israel indirectly helps in oppression of Palestinians'.

So, if you are saying the refinement of the third statement is a 'flip flop', then whatever...

sir y did u bring islam in israel india thread???
it was going well before this.
this could be done in other thread:cry:
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