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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Earth to fateh71: Feel free to rejoin the discussion when you have returned from your mental trip into weirdoland. When you decide to rejoin, try to form a coherent line of thought and actual debating points instead of stringing together random phrases.

Most peiople see through the war-on-terror euphemism.

Fateh to Earth, there is nothing to debate, you have expressed your view that you will dictate indian muslims what to think and we've had a our laugh. you have told us that pakistans fight against terrorism is jihad but india's fight against terrorism is anti islam. You have told us that all muslims are equal but some are more equal than uighur muslims.

As your so called arguments are based on these arrogant false assumptions, there's nothing to debate here. we can however laugh at your discomfort and mental twists. here's one more meaningless phrase for you - Gravity is myth, Earth sucks!
Fateh to Earth, there is nothing to debate, you have expressed your view that you will dictate indian muslims what to think and we've had a our laugh. you have told us that pakistans fight against terrorism is jihad but india's fight against terrorism is anti islam. You have told us that all muslims are equal but some are more equal than uighur muslims.

As your so called arguments are based on these arrogant false assumptions, there's nothing to debate here. we can however laugh at your discomfort and mental twists. here's one more meaningless phrase for you - Gravity is myth, Earth sucks!

hahahaha..very true indeed...
To me, demanding from others what you won't practice yourself is hypocrisy.

Something on display abundantly in this laughable attempt at moral high ground. Fact is there is no moral ground for such people to stand on. They have a permanent filter on their brain that filters out all inconvenient stuff and allows them to continue to believe in their own conspiracy theories and moral superiority when the reality is 180 degrees opposite.

Here is an excellent peace by a Pakistani writer that exposes this mentality. Suits some to the T.

Why Do They Pick On Us Pakistanis?

Pervez Hoodbhoy January 06, 2011 08:39

If Pakistani-Americans want to feel welcome in the land they have chosen to settle in, they must actively combat the cancer of radicalism.

" My green passport requires standing in a separate immigration line once my plane lands at Boston’s Logan airport. The “special attention” from Homeland Security, although polite, adds an extra 2-3 hours. I belong to the fortunate few who can get a visa but I am still annoyed. Having traveled to the US frequently for forty years, I now find a country that once warmly welcomed Pakistanis to be strangely cold. The reason is clear.

Foreigners carrying strong negative feelings – or perhaps harmful intentions – are unlikely to find enthusiastic hosts. I know that the man who tried to bomb Times Square, Faisal Shahzad, a graduate of the University of Bridgeport, is my compatriot. So is Aafia Siddiqui, our new-found dukhtur-e-millat (daughter of the nation). Another Pakistani, Farooque Ahmed, with a degree from the College of Staten Island, made headline news in November 2010 after his abortive attempt to blow up DC Metro trains.

If such violent individuals were rarities, their nationality would matter little. But their actions receive little or no criticism in a country consumed by bitter anti-Americanism, which now exceeds its anti-Indianism.

Example: after the Faisal Shahzad news broke in early May 2010, TV channels in Pakistan switched to denial mode. Popular anchors freely alleged conspiracies against Islam and Pakistan. None revisited their claims after Shahzad proudly pleaded guilty in June. Calling himself a “Muslim soldier”, he read a prepared statement: “It's a war...I'm going to plead guilty a hundred times over”.

Psychologists say that even hard facts can be denied when people subscribe to a radically different vision of the world. A glimpse of the current Pakistani weltanschauung – the mental makeup which selects and filters facts before they reach the conscious brain – can be had through the lives of the three young US-educated Pakistanis mentioned above..."

[Seems familiar, the good old denial ;)]

"...Idealistic in their own way, they fought for a cause they believed was just. Influenced by an ambiance that puts America as the source of the world’s grief, they bravely sacrificed their jobs and careers. Having inhabited some part of their universe, I can understand something of what they went through.

Like Aafia Siddiqui – now Al-Qaida’s poster girl – I too was a student at MIT. And, like her, I was furious at America. In the late 1960’s, American B-52’s were flattening Hanoi and Haiphong, while napalm and Agent Orange were destroying Vietnam’s people and jungles. When Nixon ordered the Christmas bombings of 1972, I wept. How could one live in America and not fight it? But instead of wanting to bomb Harvard Square, I chose to return to Pakistan – for good.

Reason and observation slowly changed me. Cruelty to the weak is not an American monopoly; wars and brutal conquests are as old as history. The US cannot be forgiven for the Vietnam and Iraq wars, among others. But should India be forgiven for killing Kashmiris, West Pakistan for the East Pakistan massacres, Turkey for the Armenian genocide, or Japan for the Rape of Nanking? Countless states have blood on their hands. But retribution would surely make the world an inferno.

If Pakistani-Americans wish to feel welcome in the country they have chosen to live in then they must judge the West and Pakistan using exactly the same criteria, and expose three popular falsehoods.

First, it is a lie that American Muslims are victims of extreme religious prejudice. Certainly, no country is free of religious discrimination. But, the secular West is infinitely less discriminatory than any Muslim country. How many churches are there in Saudi Arabia? Yet Muslims have built hundreds of new mosques in America – with Saudi money – and many after 911. New churches or temples are impossible in Pakistan; even old ones are burned down by rampaging mobs.

In America, Muslims successfully use the legal system to seek damages if there is discrimination in matters of employment, housing, or access to public facilities. But in Pakistan, if you are a Christian, Hindu, or Ahmadi, you simply accept your fate.

Second, it is a lie that US Muslims are physically endangered. In fact, Muslims are far safer in the US than in Pakistan. Does one see Kalashnikov toting guards during Friday prayers outside a mosque in the West? Yet if you are a Barelvi or Shia Muslim in Pakistan, your life may end at your place of worship. Scattered body limbs and pools of blood at Data Darbar, Abdullah Shah Ghazi, and the Pakpattan shrines testify that the cruelest of Islam’s enemies come from within.

While Pakistan’s terrified religious minorities live in fear of an intolerant majority, American Muslims get protection both from its people and the state. A personal example: the day after 911, I was appalled by the wild joy among my students. Worried about my former students, now studying in various US universities, I emailed them. Their return emails were reassuring. White American students had formed defence committees; no Muslim student was ever harmed on any campus. So even though George W. Bush – a religious zealot – was preparing to invade Iraq, ordinary Americans were largely decent.

Third, the nauseating hypocrisy of Pakistan’s radicalizing West-hating, West-baiting leaders needs to exposed. For example, Imran Khan – who speaks of the West as the fountainhead of evil – prefers to keep his family in London and New York, owes his fame to a game invented by British colonialists, and employs real doctors rather than hakeems for his cancer hospital.

To conclude: if Pakistani-Americans want to feel welcome in the land they have chosen to settle in, they must actively combat the cancer of radicalism. They must want to be part of the modern world, not the one they came from. To mosque imams and radical Islamists, they must say clearly and loudly: we want to live peacefully with other Americans in a modern, pluralistic, and secular society that values freedom of belief, freedom for art and music, and freedom for thought and expression."

Why Do They Pick On Us Pakistanis? - Chowk: India Pakistan Ideas Identities.com
weltanschauung – the mental makeup which selects and filters facts before they reach the conscious brain –

Yes, that is the word that describes such people the best. The funny part is, they actually get convinced by their own rhetoric. Such is the efficacy of this filter.
I read the original article again and couldn't find anything anti Islam about it.

Unless some people chose to equate Islam with the extremists who have every reason to be afraid of this relationship.

It is a natural relationship between the only democracies in a region full of autocracies and threatened by violent regressive fundamentalism.
Good. You pass the patriotism test.


And you pass the test of being more Arab than the Arabs. Again.

They will not regret converting you any longer.

But isn't it an endless race for you? You need to run forever and still stand where you were!
Then, why could a Muslim not support his nation's ties with Israel that are mutually beneficial? What exactly is your issue with that except the pathetic thekedaari of Islam.

Because the vast majority of Muslims around the world realize that Israel discriminates against Muslims because of their religion. Even in Muslim countries that do business with Israel, it's the government, not the general population, that supports Israel.

And I have already posted an Indian source confirming that Indian Muslims in Kerala have similar attitues atgainst Israel. Now the question becomes, are the rest of India's Muslims somehow different? Or are they just cowed by the militant majority to suppress their true preference?

And btw why delte th part about Pakistan govt growing a pair and saying the word Uighur to China ?? No they wont because if they do those pretty F-22Ps,A-100s,JF-17s , the various aids would all be stopped. Aint it ?

No, because as I explained in a previous post, China's handling of Uighurs cannot be compared even remotely to the Palestinian situation. It's a matter of degree.

Ahaan now comes the real intention. Dude if you had said this I would have had no reason to argue with you. Why bring in words like 'Humanitarian' , 'principles' etc to mask the real concern that with Israeli tech India is just widening the military gap :lol:

Not at all. I am not debating India's defence dealins with France or Germany or Russia or even the US.

The issue here is the uniquely evil nature of Israel and what it means to support such a regime.
Third, the nauseating hypocrisy of Pakistan’s radicalizing West-hating, West-baiting leaders needs to exposed. For example, Imran Khan – who speaks of the West as the fountainhead of evil – prefers to keep his family in London and New York, owes his fame to a game invented by British colonialists, and employs real doctors rather than hakeems for his cancer hospital.

Doctor Hoodbhoy needs to consult a doctor for his abnormal mental tendencies. :lol:

His hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis knows no limit.
You mean those behind whom the Hamas terrorists hide?

No, I mean like the famers growing olives, or the Arabs going to work through checkpoints, or the Palestinian teenagers who get brain haemorhage because IDF soldiers whack them on the side of the head repeatedly to obtain "confessions".

because he doesn't bring religion into that relationship like you. Its two states having mutually beneficial relations.

But is is Israel that brings religion into the debate, regardless of what anyone else does.

You are a true hypocrite. You claim to be speaking for human rights but when it comes to your own issues, you hide behind cries of "Islamophobe".

No, I don't use the term Islamophobe lightly, but it applies precisely to someone like you.

Only Islamophobes use words like "infidel" and "ummah". Only Islamophobes drag in Islamic invasion of subcontinent into this debate. Only Islamophobes churn out a litany of human rights abuses by Muslims, while selectively ignoring similar crimes by other religions.

You, my friend, are a dyed-in-the-wool Islamophobe. Your posts prove it, as did your old posts before you were banned.

As I told you, you are a true Ummah spokesperson. Only you have no credibility with anyone.

Ah, the famed 'ummah' again. Quick, let's see if you can slip in the word 'infidel' somewhere...

Where did you get that from? Muslims were predominant landowners only in West Pakistani provinces. Land reforms were totally secular in nature, something a person like you can never understand.

Admittedly, the following is mostly about north India. The situation could have been different in the south.
The Partition of India « History of Islam

In a broader sense, the tug of war between the Congress and the League was a struggle between the old landed aristocracy and the emerging money lending class. The landed aristocracy had inherited their holdings as jagirs from the Moguls and the succeeding nawabs.
The Congress party drew its financial backing from these industrialists while its voter base was primarily Hindu in spite of its broad national appeal. The Muslim League, on the other hand, represented the interest of the land owning class, and tended to champion their cause. The voter base of the League was almost exclusively Muslim.
the struggle between the Muslim landowners and the Hindu money lenders determined the shape of politics in 20th century India.

But that is besides the point. Because you claim to be so hypocritically concerned about Palestinians (but apparently never moved a finger to help them, except on your keyboard), why not start nearer home and set an example. Why bring in unrelated issues?

The issue, as you keep avoiding, is not about helping Palestinians, but supporting Israel. Do try to focus.

Only in your mind. I have nothing against any religion including Islam. We don't insult any religion like you do the religion of your ancestors.

You really think this invites respect for your current one?

How delighfully ironic!
In the space of two sentences you contradicted yourself and showed up your Islamophobia by taking a gratuitous dig at Islam.

Most of the blame goes to the cowardly Hamas hiding among the civilians and firing their cowardly rockets.

Terrorism is wrong, nobody's disputing that. The issue here is the Israeli actions that precipitaed that situation in the first place.

That is the real issue.

You are just typing words for the sake of it, I see.

Many Muslim countries have relations with Israel as they see fit.

Despite their people's wishes.

No one needs your approval. Given your support for Afghan Taliban that caused much bigger human right problems in your immediate neighborhood, I see your obsession with kaffirs amusing.

More diversionary tactics...
And there's the obligatory Islamophobic reference I was looking for!
I was expecting 'infidel'. but 'kaffir' will also do....

No. You don't know jackass about it and you only tried to guess it.

Not everybody revels in ignorance like you do.
You brought in Turkey as a diversionary tactic, not having the faintest clue about the reasons for Turkey's relationship with Israel.
Hint: it has to do with Arab revolt against Ottomans; it has to do with Arab support for Greeks in Cyprus; it has to do with appeasing US and Europe. It is a very comples subject that won't fit in your blissfully ignorant view of the world.

This is a person speaking who knows more about Kargil than internet warriors like you will ever know. Facts don't really matter to people like you when speculation and chest beating can substitute for them.

USA saved your arse in Kargil. This is admitted by your own PM of the day and every person who knows what happened then.

The US involvement was much later -- after the tide had turned in India's favor. I am talking about earlier in the war when Pakistan had captured key peaks and India was floundering until Israel came to your aid with high-altitude airplanes. Feel free to google to educate yourself.

There was laso the case where a politician was roaming with a lookalike of Osama Bin Laden in Bihar. Politicians try to get votes by appealing to the most regressive elements, it should not be taken seriously.

As usual, you completely missed the point, which was about the sentiments of Kerala's Muslims -- overwhelmingly against Israel.

I never said it is religious. It is you and you only.

Reading comprehension difficulties again? Read that paragraph again.

An advice that will work for you. This relationship is not about any religion as far as I am concerned.

Regardless of whether you see it as a religious issue, as the Israelis do, or as a humanitarian issue, as I do, the conclusions are the same. Israel is an evil entity.

:crazy: You have become a broken record. Since there is no substance. Never was. Just pathetic hypocrisy and self righteousness which doesn't have a leg to stand on.

When one starts analyzing your own actions and that of your heroes, there start the accusations of Islamophobia.

Just because I don't entertain your diversionary Islamophobic drifts into Islamic history of the subcontinent doesn't make me a hypocrite. The Mughal era is past. Get over it and join the 21st century. Or wallow in your hatred. It realy doesn't affect me one bit. I wil continue to ignore your rants about India's Islamic past because they are not relevant to this topic.

Guess what, you have been exposed for being a hypocrite with no love for anyone including the Palestinians. You reject the only solution that can give them relief.

You are also willing to put the entire Middle East to danger to massage your ego.

I am a realist who knows the Israeli peace offers have been sham media stunts which no reasonable person would have accepted. The only people who believe the stunts are people who desperately want to excuse Israel's behavior.

Everything to so with hypocrisy. You don't want to be judged by your own actions.

No, once again, the topic is India-Israel, not India-Lebanon. A refresher course in English would really do you good.

This is fact!

Once again, your obsession with India's Islamic past is indicative of the deep hatred in which you continue to wallow.
This is the 21st century. The Mughals are gone. Deal with it or get therapy.

Ooh, 'infidels'. Yay. I knew you would use that word sooner or later...

It is you who want conditions that would cause that doctrine to be executed. I want a peaceful two state solution with a viable Palestinian state and secure Israel. That will help the whole region except some Islamists like you who will rage but who cares for your rage?

So everyone who dares to oppose Israel is an Islamist, eh? We better add that one to that standard knee-jerk Israeli defenses like anti-semitism, Holocaust sympathy, etc, etc.

You want the thief to keep what he stole - I want justice for the victims.
Fateh to Earth, there is nothing to debate, you have expressed your view that you will dictate indian muslims what to think and we've had a our laugh. you have told us that pakistans fight against terrorism is jihad but india's fight against terrorism is anti islam. You have told us that all muslims are equal but some are more equal than uighur muslims.

Fascinating. Absolutel fascinating!
Instead of addressing the issues, you wander off again into fantasy land and respond according to your delusional interpretation of what I actually wrote.

Here, let me bring you back to Earth...

I am not dictating anything to anybody; merely questioning if the Indian Muslims really support Israel as it is claimed. It is a legitimate question since most Muslims throughout the world do not support Israel, even within the countries that work with Israel. Even in Kerala, Indian Muslims do not support Israel. So the question arises, what percent of Indian Muslims truly support Israel?

Secondly, both India and Pakistan have the right to fight terrorism. The issue is not terrorism, but doing business with a country that discriminates against people purely on the basis of religion.

Finally, the Uighurs are not less equal, but their situation is not the same as the Palestinians. And, more importantly, the subject of this thread is about Israel, not China.

As your so called arguments are based on these arrogant false assumptions, there's nothing to debate here. we can however laugh at your discomfort and mental twists. here's one more meaningless phrase for you - Gravity is myth, Earth sucks!

From what I've heard, people in mental asylums also laugh a lot. Doubtless, you share the same affliction seeing as you spend a lot of time in make-believe land.

To me, demanding from others what you won't practice yourself is hypocrisy.

But we do practice what we preach: we do not do recognize Israel.
No hypocrisy involved, unless you will try that lame canard of equating China's treatment of Uighurs with Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

And you pass the test of being more Arab than the Arabs. Again.

The implicit assertion here is that only Arabs should care about the Palestinian suffering. Anyone else sympathizing with them is being 'more Arab than the Arabs'.

Thanks for showing us you view the world through a racial prism also.
I think Media loves david vs goiliath stuff...

They love showing kids throwing stones at Israeli tanks ... how many time do we get to see ... hamas and hezbullah firing katyushas rockets at israeli cities...

I hope next time there is a real standoff between arabs and Israel ... India sends it A/C carrier in the gulf for support...
Doctor Hoodbhoy needs to consult a doctor for his abnormal mental tendencies. :lol:

His hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis knows no limit.

Is it so? I didn't get this impression.

He seems to be a lone voice of sanity in a sea of extremism and fanaticism. Someone who keeps hopes about Pakistan alive along with people such as Edhi.

Frankly there are too many of the Hafiz Saeeds and too less of the Idhis and Hudbhoys in Pakistan. Much more are needed to turn the tide of intolerance sweeping the country.
Because the vast majority of Muslims around the world realize that Israel discriminates against Muslims because of their religion. Even in Muslim countries that do business with Israel, it's the government, not the general population, that supports Israel.

What discrimination Israel has done against you as a Pakistani or against any Indonesian or against a Malaysian or against an Indian Muslim?

I know of none.

Are Arabs same as Muslims for you? Even within Arabs, you can probably make that claim about Palestinians.

How does that equate to Islam and Muslims except in your warped mentality?

And I have already posted an Indian source confirming that Indian Muslims in Kerala have similar attitues atgainst Israel. Now the question becomes, are the rest of India's Muslims somehow different? Or are they just cowed by the militant majority to suppress their true preference?

Given your limited experience with how electoral democracy works in India, you jumped to conclusions without knowing facts.

Politicians may make anything an issue. It doesn't mean anything. As I told you, a Bihar politician was roaming with an OBL lookalike to get Muslim votes. Doesn't mean Muslims like OBL.

But difficult to make you see facts.

No, because as I explained in a previous post, China's handling of Uighurs cannot be compared even remotely to the Palestinian situation. It's a matter of degree.

It's a matter of your convenience and nothing else.

Not at all. I am not debating India's defence dealins with France or Germany or Russia or even the US.

The issue here is the uniquely evil nature of Israel and what it means to support such a regime.

But all these countries support Israel or have relations with them. Shouldn't Pakistan boycott them all?
weltanschauung – the mental makeup which selects and filters facts before they reach the conscious brain –

Yes, that is the word that describes such people the best. The funny part is, they actually get convinced by their own rhetoric. Such is the efficacy of this filter.

Doesn't that apply to everybody though?
No, I mean like the famers growing olives, or the Arabs going to work through checkpoints, or the Palestinian teenagers who get brain haemorhage because IDF soldiers whack them on the side of the head repeatedly to obtain "confessions".

That is bad. As bad as the terrorists firing rockets into civilians, blowing up trains and markets to get their 72 virgins or using an infant to try and blow up Benazir in Pakistan.

But is is Israel that brings religion into the debate, regardless of what anyone else does.

I have not seen Israel make it a religious issue.

No, I don't use the term Islamophobe lightly, but it applies precisely to someone like you.

Only Islamophobes use words like "infidel" and "ummah". Only Islamophobes drag in Islamic invasion of subcontinent into this debate. Only Islamophobes churn out a litany of human rights abuses by Muslims, while selectively ignoring similar crimes by other religions.

You, my friend, are a dyed-in-the-wool Islamophobe. Your posts prove it, as did your old posts before you were banned.

I knew you have nothing else to say when challenged with reality. Just go round in circles and accuse others of the cliched "Islamophobia".

You have failed and have been thoroughly exposed for your hypocrisy and weaseling out of uncomfortable facts.

Ah, the famed 'ummah' again. Quick, let's see if you can slip in the word 'infidel' somewhere...

Running away again from facts.

Admittedly, the following is mostly about north India. The situation could have been different in the south.
The Partition of India « History of Islam

In a broader sense, the tug of war between the Congress and the League was a struggle between the old landed aristocracy and the emerging money lending class. The landed aristocracy had inherited their holdings as jagirs from the Moguls and the succeeding nawabs.
The Congress party drew its financial backing from these industrialists while its voter base was primarily Hindu in spite of its broad national appeal. The Muslim League, on the other hand, represented the interest of the land owning class, and tended to champion their cause. The voter base of the League was almost exclusively Muslim.
the struggle between the Muslim landowners and the Hindu money lenders determined the shape of politics in 20th century India.

Those Muslim landowners were mostly based in West Pakistan areas.

Weren't they all holding land snatched from the natives? Don''t you see your hypocrisy again now?

The issue, as you keep avoiding, is not about helping Palestinians, but supporting Israel. Do try to focus.

So the cat is out of the bag. You care a damn about Palestinians, just hate the Israelis.

How delighfully ironic!
In the space of two sentences you contradicted yourself and showed up your Islamophobia by taking a gratuitous dig at Islam.

Where is Islam here? Stop hallucinating.

Terrorism is wrong, nobody's disputing that. The issue here is the Israeli actions that precipitaed that situation in the first place.

For you the issue will always be blaming the kaffirs. Never owning responsibility for your own actions.

Despite their people's wishes.

That's what you think. Who gives a damn!

More diversionary tactics...
And there's the obligatory Islamophobic reference I was looking for!
I was expecting 'infidel'. but 'kaffir' will also do....

Labeling people is your favorite hobby. Trying to call people Islamophobe, Indian, Indian troll etc. shows what stuff you are made of.

You don't have any credibility left if you already didn't guess so, thoroughly exposed for your hypocrisy and lack of facts.

Not everybody revels in ignorance like you do.
You brought in Turkey as a diversionary tactic, not having the faintest clue about the reasons for Turkey's relationship with Israel.
Hint: it has to do with Arab revolt against Ottomans; it has to do with Arab support for Greeks in Cyprus; it has to do with appeasing US and Europe. It is a very comples subject that won't fit in your blissfully ignorant view of the world.

Only in your ignorant mind.It has just to do with their national interests as they perceive it.

The US involvement was much later -- after the tide had turned in India's favor. I am talking about earlier in the war when Pakistan had captured key peaks and India was floundering until Israel came to your aid with high-altitude airplanes. Feel free to google to educate yourself.

Which planes were those? What high altitude that Indian planes couldn't fly to?

Even the highest peaks of the world can be overflown by any Indian plane that has been in the inventory for decades. You obviously know little and are but just a fanboy.

As usual, you completely missed the point, which was about the sentiments of Kerala's Muslims -- overwhelmingly against Israel.

Usual ignorance at display.

Reading comprehension difficulties again? Read that paragraph again.

Obviously reading and comprehension is not your forte.

Regardless of whether you see it as a religious issue, as the Israelis do, or as a humanitarian issue, as I do, the conclusions are the same. Israel is an evil entity.

For you. Not for the vast majority of the world. The overwhelming majority of countries have relations with Israel. That includes China (your greatest ally), USA (that gives you aid) and a large number of Muslim countries. If Israel was so anti-Islam why would it have relations (including military relations) with them?

Why would it work with Pakistan in 1979 and beyond to supply the Islamist Afghan rebels (your holy warriors)?

Just because I don't entertain your diversionary Islamophobic drifts into Islamic history of the subcontinent doesn't make me a hypocrite. The Mughal era is past. Get over it and join the 21st century. Or wallow in your hatred. It realy doesn't affect me one bit. I wil continue to ignore your rants about India's Islamic past because they are not relevant to this topic.

It was just to expose your hypocrisy. Mission accomplished.

I am a realist who knows the Israeli peace offers have been sham media stunts which no reasonable person would have accepted. The only people who believe the stunts are people who desperately want to excuse Israel's behavior.

Your wanting to force the Israelis out doesn't seem to show that? It only shows an intolerant bigot who would not mind rivers of blood flow from a safe distance. All to satisfy his bruised ego.

No, once again, the topic is India-Israel, not India-Lebanon. A refresher course in English would really do you good.

You don't get to decide the topic while jumping all over from Indian Muslims to trying to speak on behalf of everyone. You just want to avoid anything that exposes your intolerance as off-topic.

Doesn't work.

Once again, your obsession with India's Islamic past is indicative of the deep hatred in which you continue to wallow.
This is the 21st century. The Mughals are gone. Deal with it or get therapy.

Yes, they are gone. Those who think they are their inheritors however are still here. Only fake ones like they are fake Arabs.

Ooh, 'infidels'. Yay. I knew you would use that word sooner or later...

Yes, I have caught up to you guys. Finally.

So everyone who dares to oppose Israel is an Islamist, eh? We better add that one to that standard knee-jerk Israeli defenses like anti-semitism, Holocaust sympathy, etc, etc.

Not everyone may be. But you and your ilk are.

You want the thief to keep what he stole - I want justice for the victims.

No. You care a damn for any victims anywhere. Don't even try to pretend. You have been thoroughly exposed.

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