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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Doesn't that apply to everybody though?

Well, not to the same degree. I think the primary purpose of education is to make people objective, to enable them to see facts as they are and not through jaundiced eyes.
But we do practice what we preach: we do not do recognize Israel.
No hypocrisy involved, unless you will try that lame canard of equating China's treatment of Uighurs with Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

Is that all you could make out!

Practicing what you preach would be reversing the ethnic cleansing in West Pakistan, returning all their lands and property, acknowledging and apologizing for Somnath, golden temple desecration by Abdali, the destruction of 10000 temples, the genocide of 80 millions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and modern India by those invaders, the rapes and genocides and enslavements and so on.

Basically reversing all the consequences of that barbarism from the region.

The implicit assertion here is that only Arabs should care about the Palestinian suffering. Anyone else sympathizing with them is being 'more Arab than the Arabs'.

Thanks for showing us you view the world through a racial prism also.

You may care for anything you want to. Just don't try to force your warped thought process on others.

China doesn't consider Israel as oppressing Muslims or against Islam, else they won't keep relations with such evil entity. No?

After all they respect their Uighurs and care for their sentiments so much. ;)
here most people majority from pakistan can call jews will all kind of bad words, but they expect jews isreal to treat all the Muslims in fair and dignified manner. but when come to protection of minority in there own country against the use of draconian barbarian laws, ( EX asia bibi) they run away from the debate,

i want to tell here that relation between isreal and India is relation between two countrys , here individual like and dislikes doesnt matter
isreal has provided many key technology's india was looking for (green pine radar , barak-2 SAM,ext )this technology and weapon will help India in future battle against our enemy , not only formilitary, israel as providing key technology in the field of agriculture which is helping millions of farmers in India(ex drip irrigation) , nano-technology. joint development of satellites intelligent's shareing much more.

green pine radar is one of the key component of our anti-ballistic missile , using this this if we prevent pakistani nuclear attact(at the time of war), it will same many indian muslims life's to .
more over benefits are mutual , it will benefits both the nation
Is that all you could make out!

Practicing what you preach would be reversing the ethnic cleansing in West Pakistan, returning all their lands and property, acknowledging and apologizing for Somnath, golden temple desecration by Abdali, the destruction of 10000 temples, the genocide of 80 millions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and modern India by those invaders, the rapes and genocides and enslavements and so on.

Basically reversing all the consequences of that barbarism from the region.

You my care for anything you want to. Just don't try to force your warped thought process on others.

China doesn't consider Israel as oppressing Muslims or against Islam, else they won't keep relations with such evil entity. No?

After all they respect their Uighurs and care for their sentiments so much. ;)

Here's what wiki had to say

With the end of the Cold War in 1991, the People's Republic of China has continued to support the Palestinian cause but this time in a more limited fashion. Under Deng's successors, China has continued its relations with both Israel and the Arab States. Under Presidents Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao China has been balanced and moderate in its dealings with both Israel and the Palestinians and it favors peace between both sides. China has supported the Middle East peace process and the Oslo agreements. Both Yasser Arafat and his successor Mahmoud Abbas have visited China on several occasions and have met with Chinese leaders. Also, China was one of the countries that voted in 1998 to give Palestine more rights at the UN despite the opposition by both Israel and the United States.

The Chinese position before economic reforms was firmer for the oppressed against the oppressor due to communist ideology.
The whole edifice of developero is based on several faulty premises.

That Israel is recognized as anti-Islam by everyone- Not true. Most of the world including their great ally China has relationship with them.

That any relationship with Israel can only be anti-Islam- Not true for the same reasons. Also in any relationship you don't have to agree with everything the other party does.

That Israel discriminates against Muslims because of their religion- Not true. Most Muslims have nothing to do with Palestine or Arabs.

Once these faulty premises are torn down, what remains is a rotten structure built on hatred, rhetoric and plain lies.
Here's what wiki had to say

The Chinese position before economic reforms was firmer for the oppressed against the oppressor due to communist ideology.

And this is the same position as India's. India has been one of the foremost supporters of Palestinians and continues to be one.

India also engages both Israel and Palestinians and has excellent relations with most Arab and Islamic states. We didn't have any official relations with Israel till 1991 but realized that this policy was not helping anyone and started diplomatic relations while maintaining our support for Palestinians and a two state solution.

I see no practical difference in the approach of India and China.
And this is the same position as India's. India has been one of the foremost supporters of Palestinians and continues to be one.

India also engages both Israel and Palestinians and has excellent relations with most Arab and Islamic states. We didn't have any official relations with Israel till 1991 but realizes that this policy was not helping anyone and started diplomatic relations while maintaining our support for Palestinians and a two state solution.

I see no practical difference in the approach of India and China.

Me either other than a basic sense of justice coming from two people who have been oppressed in their day and time.
Me either other than a basic sense of justice coming from two people who have been oppressed in their day and time.

Exactly. But we are coming back and that is what matters. What is gone is gone. One can only learn from it.

They won't dare try it the next time.
So are we decided that the relationship between India-Isreal is a nothing but formal ties between two friendly countries and has nothing to do with anti-Islamic sentiments?
The strength of alliance between India-Israel can be ascertained by this song accurately! :lol:

Sorry if posted before!
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So are we decided that the relationship between India-Isreal is a nothing but formal ties between two friendly countries and has nothing to do with anti-Islamic sentiments?

that might not be the main cause...but still possibility lies in there...
I am new to this forum:
From my observation of what I have read,

pakistanis seem to get all rattled up whenever Indian ties get stronger with any nation...

Indo - israel : Zionist agenda

Indo - US : All about money and exploitation

indo-Russia: On the brink of death

Indo-Saudi: Indian trickery

Indo-Euro: Anti-islam agenda.

India in saarc: Indian Hegemony

India in UNSC: not a deserving candidate

Indo-Afghan: Trying to strangle pak

Indo-Iran: Playing shia-sunni rift...

Why is pakistan so insecure about every thing india does.

India/indians dont care about your relation with France, Ukraine, china US or Afghanistan. We have our own aspirations and everything is not about pakistan or ISlam

I know lot of members here don't acknowledge our democracy, our diversity or our cultural heritage,

But we must have done something right... we have a booming economy... one of the largest military in the world...free media... Only a foolish nation in the world would not want to have good relation with india.

China is the largest population and the next superpower, although we have fought wars and have territorial disputes.. still we have good diplomatic and economic relations with each other...

IMHO pakistans fears are highly misplaced...
Practicing what you preach would be reversing the ethnic cleansing in West Pakistan, returning all their lands and property, acknowledging and apologizing for Somnath, golden temple desecration by Abdali, the destruction of 10000 temples, the genocide of 80 millions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and modern India by those invaders, the rapes and genocides and enslavements and so on.

Basically reversing all the consequences of that barbarism from the region.

Like I said, you are still wallowing in your anti-Islam hatred based on alleged events hundreds of years ago. For people like you the equation is simple:

Muslims invaded India, therefore
Muslims are evil, therefore
Anyone who kills Muslims is good.

You may care for anything you want to. Just don't try to force your warped thought process on others.

To repeat, you claimed that only Arabs may care for Palestinians; anyone else who does is is being 'more Arab than Arabs'.
You see the Palestinian cause, not as human rights issue, but an Arab issue.
That shows your tendency to view the matter through a racial prism.

China doesn't consider Israel as oppressing Muslims or against Islam, else they won't keep relations with such evil entity. No?

China's relationship with Israel is a separate subject and is part of a greater game of chess between China and the West. Given your ignorance of geopolitical issues outside of ancient India, I seriously doubt you would have the faintest clue what game is afoot there.

The whole edifice of developero is based on several faulty premises.

That Israel is recognized as anti-Islam by everyone-

Not true.
I claim that Israel is anti-Muslim, but not everybody recognizes this fact.

That any relationship with Israel can only be anti-Islam-

Again not true.
I never claimed that countries that do business with Israel are anti-Islam; only that they wilfully ignore or rationalize away Israel's discriminatory policies.

That Israel discriminates against Muslims because of their religion-

Absolutely true. It doesn't mean all Muslims around the world since they have no interaction with Israel. But the Arabs were evicted from their homes in Palestine because they are Muslim (or Christian) and they are refused to return because they are Muslim (or Christian).
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