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Stray dogs rounded up, culled in Karachi.

I agree dogs that bite people on the street need to be put down. But most definitely it does not mean that every dog on the street needs to be put down for what a very few have done? That's like saying everyone os responsible for the actions of a few.

Also, when one has been around dogs long enough, unless it has rabies, one realises that the instinct of every dog is not to bite but to defend itself by running away in stressful situations involving human beings. As a side note, it is a fact that it is almost always humans that treat dogs badly over a period of time that turn dogs into biters.

well Pakistan is not US or Europe , where there are proper places to to take care of such cat's and Dog's roaming on streets ... so they are normally beaten by people , so i guess there is no other way to dispose them ...
KARACHI: The Sindh government on Wednesday rounded up and culled a significant number of stray dogs in Karachi following reports of their rising population in the city.

The dogs were laid out in the hot sun after being killed and then dumped in a rubbish pile,Daily Mail reported.

Municipal workers prepare to dispose of a pile of dog carcasses in a suburb of Karachi on February 11, 2015. PHOTO: AFP

The campaign was launched at least three years ago after officials receiving several complaints of dog bites.

These animals are generally shot dead or fed poisoned meat on the orders of the authorities.

This is so barbaric,omg .
Stray dogs rounded up, culled in Karachi – The Express Tribune
I can't post the photos,click the link.
Same thing happened in Srinagar a few years back. It was very sad. :(

This is a thread for @jamahir btw. Prepare to be (truly)sick now.

Also did you read the comments? - regarding the 'Chinese premier...'

Correct. Actually it is done in even more horrible way.

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350 dogs killed in Cochin (Kochi) to prepare for the 2012 ‘Tourist Season’, 12 ABC dogs killed in Princess Street alone. You still want to vacation in Kerala?

Posted on | December 2, 2011

In Oct 2011, 350 dogs were killed in Cochin at the beginning of the tourist season our source reported today. A group of people possibly shopkeepers reportedly of a certain community got together to engage a group of people to kill the dogs. It is not know immediately that the people who killed were from outside Cochin or catchers/ employees of the Cochin Municipal Corporation

Earlier, in Sept 2011, 12 dogs were brutally killed in single busy tourist shopping street in Cochin (Princess Street). There were killed in front of several people our source personally received 7 different calls as the killing was going on. No one on location wanted to intervene out of the fear of the assaulters – who mercilessly killed the dogs in plain view. All the dogs were ABC dogs & were vaccinated by an NGO operating in Cochin.

Kerala Tourism | 350 dogs killed in Cochin (Kochi) to prepare for the 2012 ‘Tourist Season’, 12 ABC dogs killed in Princess Street alone. You still want to vacation in Kerala?

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Extremely human way of killing stray dogs in India

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As many as 56 stray dogs were killed in Mowlivakkam village panchayat, a western suburb near Poonamallee in the past two days.

According to members of Blue Cross of India, they received a call from residents of Mowlivakkam that stray dogs and puppies were being rounded-up and killed by administering lethal injections since Tuesday evening.

Dawn Williams, Residential General Manager, Blue Cross, Chennai, said he visited Mowlivakkam around 9 a.m. on Wednesday and noticed a tractor trailer filled with carcasses of stray dogs. There were 34 carcasses, including 11 pups. The tractor trailer was operated by the village panchayat to collect and dispose garbage as part of its solid waste management project.

Personnel at Mangadu police station, where a case was registered following a complaint from Mr. Williams, told The Hindu that enquiries revealed that the village panchayat's conservancy staff had acted on oral instructions from elected representatives. A total of 22 dogs and pups were killed on Tuesday.

While none has yet been named as accused, police said they were conducting further investigations. The carcasses were sent to Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Vepery, for post-mortem.

A ‘grama sabha' (village council) meeting of the panchayat was held on October 2 where the elected representatives promised to look into complaints of residents about the problems caused by stray dogs moving around in packs.

Mr. Williams said the animals were captured in a crude manner using rings made from steel strings attached to wooden poles. Once captured, the lethal injections were administered to them and the carcasses were loaded to the vehicle to be taken for mass burial. This practice was a blatant violation of Supreme Court guidelines and punishable under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and also under Indian Penal Code, he said.

Stray dogs poisoned to death in Mowlivakkam - The Hindu
So typically lobotomized of you. From all over the world you HAD TO bring in 'Indians killing stray dogs' to be on an equal footing.

If there's an animal, sir, with all due respect...it's you.
his is a thread for @jamahir btw. Prepare to be (truly)sick now.

i was about to reply.

These animals are generally shot dead or fed poisoned meat on the orders of the authorities.
This is so barbaric,omg .

That looks horrible. :(
But I'm sure authorities took this action after cogitating over other ways to solve this issue, vaccination would have been expensive and too late.

dogs have become a global problem, be it in india or in iraq... essentially all those places either politically destabilized or given to callous capitalism and consumerism or given to religious insanity.

let us first look at iraq... there is a link at the bottom of this very page in the "similar threads" section... ( Baghdad kills 58,000 stray dogs in 3-month span )...
In the capital, dogs have attacked children, in some cases killing them.

Under Saddam Hussein's regime, stray dogs were routinely shot. But their numbers grew steadily following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion when a host of more serious security issues sidelined efforts to deal with the dogs.

in india, dogs became a big problem starting 1998... and then they grew to the present 20+ million at least... the highest dog population in the world.

there is an insanity in india about keeping dogs or feeding street dogs even though dogs have killed people terribly over the years, attacking in gangs of eight or ten, tearing off faces and rest of the body... dogs have grabbed just-born infants from ill-maintained government hospitals... and quite sadly, dogs have made cats almost extinct in india.

bangalore city ( southern india ) is the dog capital of the world... an insane place where newly-rich middle-class software coolies and mba fools pamper dogs ( even in special dog-friendly restaurants ) while people in the same city have got attacked or killed by the same dogs... from ( Dog menace returns to haunt Bangalore | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis )...
During 2007-11, at least five children were killed in attacks by stray dogs in different areas in the city and several thousand others have been bitten by dogs. In 2008, a newborn baby (M Srinivas is four years old now) was attacked by stray dogs inside Bangalore University campus before being rescued by Mala Krishnappa, a varsity employee, who is now his foster mother.

dogs attack and kill humans like they kill cats... slowly and each member of the dog gang taking turns at biting and tearing... imagine the pain of the person or cat.

yet in places like bangalore, they are monthly dog shows... what insanity...

dogs chase after cars and attack two-wheelers...

the dog terror in india has made international news...


Arshpreet Kaur was 3 when a stray came in through her home’s open front door and bit her and her grandfather. Within a week, Arshpreet got a headache and then a fever. Her parents took her to a hospital, but she soon slipped into a coma, in which she remained for nine years before finally dying.

is the indian establishment protecting dogs??

Going to the dogs: Thousands are bitten and mauled by stray dogs every day as civil authorities fail to curb canine menace | Daily Mail Online

Same thing happened in Srinagar a few years back. It was very sad. :(

below is i suppose a common scene from srinagar ( your kashmir )... those dogs are waiting to kill somebody...



below are two idiots called krupakar and senani, from bangalore, who go into the local forests to photograph jungle dogs called dhole !!!


there should be a death sentence passed on these two.


cats, be it in cities or in jungle, are being wiped out by dogs... how many in india have seen a cat in recent years... and people have been brutally killed by dog gangs.

also, cities where dogs grow in number become crime-prone cities because people who tolerate the noise of dogs and cruelty of dogs also will ignore crime even happening in their area... people who become used to seeing dog gangs will also ignore criminality in their own area.

i want all dogs eradicated... every bloody breed, from the wolf to the jungle dhole to the common town dog... wipe them out like the filth they are.
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i was about to reply.

dogs have become a global problem, be it in india or in iraq... essentially all those places either politically destabilized or given to callous capitalism and consumerism.

let us first look at iraq... there is a link at the bottom of this very page in the "similar threads" section... ( Baghdad kills 58,000 stray dogs in 3-month span )...

in india, dogs became a big problem starting 1998... and then they grew to the present 20+ million at least... the highest dog population in the world.

there is an insanity in india about keeping dogs or feeding street dogs even though dogs have killed people terribly over the years, attacking in gangs of eight or ten, tearing off faces and rest of the body... dogs have grabbed just-born infants from ill-maintained government hospitals... and quite sadly, dogs have made cats almost extinct in india.

bangalore city ( southern india ) is the dog capital of the world... an insane place where newly-rich middle-class software coolies and mba fools pamper dogs ( even in special dog-friendly restaurants ) while people in the same city have got attacked or killed by the same dogs... from ( Dog menace returns to haunt Bangalore | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis )...

dogs attack and kill humans like they kill cats... slowly and each member of the dog gang taking turns at biting and tearing... imagine the pain of the person or cat.

yet in places like bangalore, they are monthly dog shows... what insanity...

dogs chase after cars and attack two-wheelers...

the dog terror in india has made international news...


is the indian establishment protecting dogs??

Going to the dogs: Thousands are bitten and mauled by stray dogs every day as civil authorities fail to curb canine menace | Daily Mail Online

below is i suppose a common scene from srinagar ( your kashmir )... those dogs are waiting to kill somebody...



below are two idiots called krupakar and senani, from bangalore, who go into the local forests to photograph jungle dogs called dhole !!!


there should be a death sentence passed on these two.


cats, be it in cities or in jungle, are being wiped out by dogs... how many in india have seen a cat in recent years... and people have been brutally killed by dog gangs.

also, cities where dogs grow in number become crime-prone cities because people who tolerate the noise of dogs and cruelty of dogs also will ignore crime even happening in their area... people who become used to seeing dog gangs will also ignore criminality in their own area.

i want all dogs eradicated... every bloody breed, from the wolf to the jungle dhole to the common town dog... wipe them out like the filth they are.
I agree stray dogs can be dangerous at times, but then aren't the authorities supposed to take action on this issue??
I luv dogs and it feels sad to see pics in which 100's of 'em lay dead.
If there's an aleternate way to solve this issue other than killing these animals then I'll support it.
hmm... I deeply wish the scum who ordered this, and the scum who carried out this, die a slow and a painful death along with their entire families. That would be the best which could happen post this tragedy.
If there's an aleternate way to solve this issue other than killing these animals then I'll support it.

the best way presently is to bring dog population down to a few thousand and transfer them to some big island... a dog safari island.

here's how some enterprising "doctors" from india are using dogs... ( Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Daily Mail Online )... these are the effects dogs bring to human society... insanity, yes??
She claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation Dr Sudam Munde in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

Suresh Shetty, the public health minister for Maharashtra - India - second most populous state - also admitted he had heard of foetuses thrown to the dogs in Beed

and we have a member on pdf, wolfschanzze, who's a "doctor" and sanghi, living in andhra, having six dogs ( he said so ) and has many times laughed off female infanticide... he may be doing the same as those "doctors" in "maha rashtr".

and here's how people in russia forming anti-dog militias... ( TASS Russia News Agency )... russia also has a serious problem with dog attacks so the people are hunting down the dogs in any way they can... the russians were always practical and logical though the article was written by some peta type.

dog is a dog, whether it be within a house compound or on the street or in the forest... it is a cruel creature whose automatic reaction is to form in gangs and kill... the dog in human society has one function only... if they are seen, either that society is degenerate or is beginning to make mistakes.

human cities should be compromise between humans and cats... this will yield a gentle and thoughtful city, removed of injustices and oppressions to the extent offered by its political system.
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if financial situation of the city permits ..................sterlization of stray animals should be first mode of action...........followed by caging of canines.

but , there has been incidents when MC said they sterlized 1000 dogs when population of dogs is only 200 ........what can be done ??
if financial situation of the city permits ..................sterlization of stray animals should be first mode of action...........followed by caging of canines.

but , there has been incidents when MC said they sterlized 1000 dogs when population of dogs is only 200 ........what can be done ??

the point is dogs attack and kill in the now... sterilization does not make their teeth and cruelty and aggression to vanish... that criminal, maneka gandhi, in 1998 ( as "environment minister", bjp party national government ) made a rule that those dogs that are sterilized ( after they have attacked or killed someone ) must be released back into the same area they were taken from... what stupidity is this...

also, sterilization does not prevent thousands more dogs in entering into cities from jungles and from outside city legal jurisdiction... these new dogs will enter your locality and join the gangs already present... how do you think india got the highest dog population in the world within 16 years??

here's your punjab parliament discussing the dog terror problem... ( Punjab MLA: Send stray dogs to north east, China - The Times of India )... he need not have said "north east and china" but he at least describes the problem...
Stray dogs are a big nuisance now, even going on an evening walk has become dangerous because of them.

Stray dogs are killing children, attacking the elderly," Mofar told TOI.

and that was from 2012... so any dog attack since is because of these criminal groups like pfa and peta who have prevented the logical solution from being initiated... maneka gandhi should be shot.

indian military should stop buying weapons and spend that money in removing this problem called dog terror.

hmm... I deeply wish the scum who ordered this, and the scum who carried out this, die a slow and a painful death along with their entire families. That would be the best which could happen post this tragedy.

i will take you to the family of some 4-year-old boy in india who was torn apart alive by a gang of eight dogs... you can vent your outrage there.
@haviZsultan @DESERT FIGHTER @rockstar08

You three clowns think you're some type of special geniuses with that "Koreans eat dog" joke?

And here I was (before I read this thread) thinking that my country could actually count on Pakistan as a true friend despite the both of us having different religions. Is my country making a mistake by having friendly relations with Pakistan?

Pakistan–South Korea relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistanis in South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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@haviZsultan @DESERT FIGHTER

You two clowns think you're some type of special geniuses with that "Koreans eat dog" joke?

And here I was (before I read this thread) that my country could actually count on Pakistan as a true friend despite the both of us having different religions. Is my country making a mistake by having friendly relations with Pakistan?

Pakistan–South Korea relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistanis in South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You don't judge us all because of doings of some individuals.Your country can still count on Pakistan and Pakistanis.
They should cull 2 legged stray dogs as well to save lives of mango citizens.
Stray dogs rounded up, culled in Karachi. Not true i see politicians all over the City.:pissed:
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