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kindly stop personal attack... I have no reason to belief that ahmedis wont start attacking shias and sunnis when they are in sizable number.. their belief system also based on excluding others, calling others as kafir.
BTW I am not advocating what is happening to them is right, they should have full right to live and practice their religion the way they want.

If you are going to label all ahmadis as potentially genocidal maniacs without doing enough research than I believe you are leaving yourself open to that type of ridicule from me. But if you think it was personal and you feel hurt, then I apologize. Sorry.

But regarding your thinking about ahmadis, Ill leave you with a single quote from the founder of the Ahmadiyya community, which should be enough in my mind to answer tat particular thought.

The Promised Messiah (as) writes:

"It is our principle to have sympathy for the whole of mankind. If a person sees that fire has broken out in the house of a Hindu neighbour and he does not get up to help put it out, I tell you truly that he is not of me. If one of my followers sees a Christian being killed and he does not go to rescue him, I tell you very truly that he is not of us…. I say it on oath and in truth that I have no enmity with any people."
kindly stop personal attack... I have no reason to belief that ahmedis wont start attacking shias and sunnis when they are in sizable number.. their belief system also based on excluding others, calling others as kafir.
BTW I am not advocating what is happening to them is right, they should have full right to live and practice their religion the way they want.

If you are going to label all ahmadis as potentially genocidal maniacs without doing enough research than I believe you are leaving yourself open to that type of ridicule from me. But if you think it was personal and you feel hurt, then I apologize. Sorry.

But regarding your thinking about ahmadis, Ill leave you with a single quote from the founder of the Ahmadiyya community, which should be enough in my mind to answer tat particular thought.

The Promised Messiah (as) writes:

"It is our principle to have sympathy for the whole of mankind. If a person sees that fire has broken out in the house of a Hindu neighbour and he does not get up to help put it out, I tell you truly that he is not of me. If one of my followers sees a Christian being killed and he does not go to rescue him, I tell you very truly that he is not of us…. I say it on oath and in truth that I have no enmity with any people."

bravo bravo ,my friend.:yahoo:
@Pakistani Exile .. if only I got 1p everytime they quote how death of 1 man equal to death of humanity and saving one man is like....... I would have gone to poundland.. :cheesy:
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@Pakistani Exile .. if only I got 1p everytime they quote how death of 1 man equal to death of humanity and saving one man is like....... I would have gone to poundland.. :cheesy:

You'll forgive me for not understanding what you mean...

So let me make it easier for you, Try and find anything in our literature which asks for ahmadis to kill non ahmadis, or behave in a violent way towards them.

Then try and find an example where ahmadi mobs have committed crimes against humanity. Oh and don't say ahmadis are few in number, because then I will ask you to go find the thread in which I showed that there are millions of ahmadis in just west Africa, where they live side by side with non ahmadis of all religion and none.
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Pashtuns are not the descendants of Gandhara people, Afghans speak an East Iranian language, while the ancient people of Gandhara who founded great cities of Takshashila or Pushkalavati spoke an Indo-Aryan language. Pashtuns migrated to Peshawar valley of Gandhara only a 1000 years ago.

Gandhāra (Pashto: ګندارا‎, Urdu: گندھارا‎) was an ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Swat and Kabul river valleys and the Pothohar Plateau, in northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan.[1

Gandhara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should read Guru Padmasambhava's works .You will realise what I am telling you because he was a syncretist of buddhism and shaivism and created Tibetan Buddhism and you will find the land of oddiyana was in Afghanistan.He is also said to have reincarnated as Guru Nanak.

@Pakistani Exile .. if only I got 1p everytime they quote how death of 1 man equal to death of humanity and saving one man is like....... I would have gone to poundland.. :cheesy:

it means you should try to save a person ,irrespective of religion.That is the spirit of the ahmedi muslims.Help thy neighbor.
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Gandhāra (Pashto: ګندارا‎, Urdu: گندھارا‎) was an ancient Buddhist kingdom in the Swat and Kabul river valleys and the Pothohar Plateau, in northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan.[1

Gandhara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should read Guru Padmasambhava's works .You will realise what I am telling you because he was a syncretist of buddhism and shaivism and created Tibetan Buddhism and you will find the land of oddiyana was in Afghanistan.He is also said to have reincarnated as Guru Nanak.

it means you should try to save a person ,irrespective of religion.That is the spirit of the ahmedi muslims.Help thy neighbor.

I don't know why but his post came across as taking the mick. I don't know maybe I'm still angry about all the anti ahmadi trolls on this site.
Rigved Pakthas[edit source | editbeta]

Pashtun men from southern Afghanistan
Part of a series on
Art Culture Diaspora Etymology Language Tribes
Lodi Suri Hotaki Durrani Barakzai
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The Pakthas were one of the tribes that fought against Sudas in the Dasarajna the Battle of the Ten Kings (dāśarājñá), a battle alluded to in Mandala 7 of the Rigveda (RV 7.18.7).[5]

Pakthas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You'll forgive me for not understanding what you mean...

So let me make it easier for you, Try and find anything in our literature which asks for ahmadis to kill non ahmadis, or behave in a violent way towards them.

Then try and find an example where ahmadi mobs have committed crimes against humanity. Oh and don't say ahmadis are few in number, because then I will ask you to go find the thread in which I showed that there are millions of ahmadis in just west Africa, where they live side by side with non ahmadis of all religion and none.

I have gone to sunni mosques in delhi as well as Ahmadi community centres in qadian disguised as a muslim.I know what I am talking about.I have heard the sermons of sunnis ,nearly always preaching hate for kafirs and ahmedis who preach helping each other and doing good deeds. So I know what I am talking about.Challenge Hinduguy in doing the same.He will realise there is lightyears of difference b/w mainstream sunni and Ahmadiyya muslims.
I have gone to sunni mosques in delhi as well as Ahmadi community centres in qadian disguised as a muslim.I know what I am talking about.I have heard the sermons of sunnis ,nearly always preaching hate for kafirs and ahmedis who preach helping each other and doing good deeds. So I know what I am talking about.Challenge Hinduguy in doing the same.He will realise there is lightyears of difference b/w mainstream sunni and Ahmadiyya muslims.

I don't know where you go but I don't believe you ... Don't spread false things here ..
Ever heard of Hindushahi dynasty of Kabul who were Janjua Rajputs existing before the land were annexed to Muslim invaders.

I was just trolling him. Obviously... :coffee:
I have gone to sunni mosques in delhi as well as Ahmadi community centres in qadian disguised as a muslim.I know what I am talking about.I have heard the sermons of sunnis ,nearly always preaching hate for kafirs and ahmedis who preach helping each other and doing good deeds. So I know what I am talking about.Challenge Hinduguy in doing the same.He will realise there is lightyears of difference b/w mainstream sunni and Ahmadiyya muslims.
well.. in that case you might be right...
my point was this, they are the persecuted lot, they have interest in showing themselves as good guys.. every religion in its infancy does that... once they are in a position to fight.. things might change..
or it might not.. who knows...
ps - am not anti ahmedi...am for their rights always.
I don't know where you go but I don't believe you ... Don't spread false things here ..

Chauma Masjid in Gurgaon twice.Jama Masjid in Chandni Chowk.

Funny about Chauma Masjid ,they give love jihad sermons there.
Islam is based on five pillars; namely the Shahada, Salah, Sawm, Zakah and Hajj. Tell me which one of these basic principles ahmadis violate? If not then tell me how you say ahmadis are not muslims. And yeh I don't particularly want to get into any religious debates either but please answer that one question.
And regarding ahmadis "play a fair game not victim card", do you by chance means that ahmadis should start shooting/bombing sunni mosques to "fair the game". Since Ahmadis have never carried out religiously motivated violence?

These 5 pillars are to be followed by muslims, TO BECOME A MUSLIM, there are 6 edicts he has to believe and one of them is to believe in the finality of Prophet hood

Believing in the Finality of Prophethood is one of the basic and core fundamental of Religion Islam. You lot violate that rule, hence you are not muslim but only a minority

I guess, you haven't read Kalmat ul Fasl. Written by your your own sect leader. How slanderously he tries to prove Mirza ghulam as a Prophet.

So kindly, Din't twist and malign us muslims. Don't associate your sect with Muslim Ummah, that's what stirs the conflict every time
well.. in that case you might be right...
my point was this, they are the persecuted lot, they have interest in showing themselves as good guys.. every religion in its infancy does that... once they are in a position to fight.. things might change..
or it might not.. who knows...
ps - am not anti ahmedi...am for their rights always.

Yeah yeah.

I will believe my experiences.Sikhism is a minority ,but if you were to listen to jat granthis in UK,Canada and even india and their bile of hate for muslims and hindus you would be taken aback. Go to Ahmaddiyya forums and sikh forums. discuss about hinduism there.You will be taken aback with the reaction of sikhs(how quickly they will start insulting you) and the reaction of ahmadis.

Try it.Open challenge.
Ahmadis from what we know are much more educated and tolerant than rest in the Muslim world. All the mess in this world is majorly a creation of Sunni's extremist ways to prove that what they do is right and is in light of true meaning of Islam.
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