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Stockholm car blast kills one

10 years on you're still blaming Islam for terrorism...
And for how long now that muslims blame the generic 'The West', or more specifically the Jews, the Mossad, the CIA, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and so on...for their problems?

Are you winning yet?
Are you? It has been a difficult war against 'The West', has it not?
There's a saying that goes: "When you go to war, you bring a little of it back home."

If it was, say, Mexico that was being attacked by NATO, instead of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, you would see counter-attacks by Mexicans. If these people really were carrying out terrorists attacks in the name of religion instead of revenge, why hasn't there been any attack from a Malaysian, Indonesian or from any other Muslim-majority country that is unrelated to this war?
The point is, if one attacks a country, one sould expect them to try and cause damage to us in any way they can, irrespective of their religion.
We do not conduct our lives in an intellectual and moral vacuum. At the more basic level, hunger and thirst are justifications for certain actions. Ignorance, or fear of it, is justification for education. Poverty can be justification for a bank robbery. If Mexico is attacked, the preservation of the political entity called 'Mexico' is justification for certain actions by Mexicans. So what are the intellectual and moral justifications for this attack against Sweden? Is it in the defense of honor for a man long dead but since then deified by a religion's believers?
This looks more like a message from the CIA to Sweden in connection with Wikileaks
Stockholm suicide bomber aspired to jihad

By Lisa Lundquist, December 12, 2010

In the hours since the suicide and car bomb attacks in downtown Stockholm yesterday, more information has emerged about the car used in the attack and identity of the suicide bomber, who killed only himself in the explosions. The vehicle, which had been loaded with canisters of gas, belonged to the bomber, and a well-trafficked jihadist forum has announced his identity.

The Shumukh al Islam jihadist forum confirmed the identity of the suicide bomber as Taimour Abdulwahab in a statement released today on their website.

"It is our brother, mujahid Taimour Abdulwahab, who carried out the martyrdom operation in Stockholm," said the website Shumukh al-Islam.

Swedish police confirmed that the owner of the car used in the bombing has been identified as Taimour Abdulwahab, born Dec. 12, 1981; today would be his 29th birthday, according to Swedish journalist Per Gudmundson. The car was purchased as late as November of this year.

There was an R.I.P. page on Facebook for Abdulwahab, created earlier today, noting he "died an heros dead in Stockholm" on Dec. 11. Abdulwahab's own Facebook page, which appeared under the nom de guerre "Taimour Al-Abdaly," is replete with references to militant Islam and videos from Iraq and Chechnya, and listed "favorites" include "Islamic Caliphate State" and Sheikh Abu Muhammad al Maqdisi, the radical Jordanian cleric and mentor of Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Within the past few hours, both Facebook pages have been taken down.

One of the links on Abdulwahab's Facebook page shows photos of him in what appears to be Jordan.

The warning emailed to Swedish authorities shortly before the bombing yesterday contained a request for forgiveness from the plotter's family for deluding them about a recent trip to the Middle East; the trip was made for terrorist training purposes.

"I never went to the Middle East to work or earn money. I went there for Jihad," he stated.

More information about Abdulwahab pops up on a Muslim dating website, which contains statements in both Arabic and English. An excerpt reads as follows: "I was born in Baghdad, Iraq. We moved to Sweden in 1992. I moved to UK 2001 to study. I have Bacholar degree in physical therapy. I am married sence 2004 and have 2 girls. One is 3.6 and the second is 1.6 years old. I want to get married again, and would like to have a BIG family. My wife agreed to...."

Abuldwahab studied at the University of Bedfordshire in Luton, England, from 2001-2004, obtaining a degree in Sports Therapy. It is possible that while in Luton he was in contact with the infamous "Luton cell" that was active at the time. According to The Local, a Swedish newspaper in English, there may be some connection between the Stockholm bomber and the Islamic extremist community in Luton, which has been linked to al Qaeda and the London Tube bombings of 2005.

Swedish authorities have condemned yesterday's bombings as an incidence of terrorism and are conducting an investigation as to the origins, extent, and perpetrators of the plot.

Read more: Stockholm suicide bomber aspired to jihad - The Long War Journal
And for how long now that muslims blame the generic 'The West', or more specifically the Jews, the Mossad, the CIA, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and so on...for their problems?
Which Muslims? There are no generic Muslims. Only crackpots amongst us shout out "Amreeka Shaytaan". I'm just wondering the George Bush level westerners are the counterparts of those guys?

Are you? It has been a difficult war against 'The West', has it not?

Probably never will. But I don't have any desire to wage war either. However just to set things in perspectives, after 10 years on (and god knows for how much long), if the west has this crackpot mental state about finding enemies in Islam rather than understanding this is a larger law n order and preferential treatment issue, then it too is equally responsible for this war.

9/11 may have started it for you, but there is only a limit till where you can be a kid about things and keep saying "They started it".

What are you going to do with this attitude against Muslims? What are you expecting? We leave Islam? Can't happen. We control them? Can't happen. Kill us? Can't happen. So what are you going to do, other than marinade in hatred?
And for how long now that muslims blame the generic 'The West', or more specifically the Jews, the Mossad, the CIA, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and so on...for their problems?
They've been blaming them for as long as its been their fault.

If you want to troll, then troll away.
Which Muslims? There are no generic Muslims. Only crackpots amongst us shout out "Amreeka Shaytaan".
And they number in the tens of millions.

I'm just wondering the George Bush level westerners are the counterparts of those guys?
Bush was not elected in order for 'The West' to wage any kind of war against the muslims. For any Western leader, he or she is elected to create jobs, to engage in trade, and to maintain internal stability. Bush reacted to an attack against his country the way any leader should. To compare Bush to any suicide bomber is absurd.

Probably never will. But I don't have any desire to wage war either. However just to set things in perspectives, after 10 years on (and god knows for how much long), if the west has this crackpot mental state about finding enemies in Islam rather than understanding this is a larger law n order and preferential treatment issue, then it too is equally responsible for this war.
Then from where else? Buddhism? Law and order? Another absurd argument. What is the goal of a bank robber? Money. What is the goal of a rapist? Sex and power over his victim in the most obscene. We have gradations of responses to every threat to society, from within to without, based upon the goals of the perpetrators. Islamic jihadists do not care about money or about sex. They are going to get both a million fold in the afterlife -- supposedly. A mercenary is just a different shade from a bank robber. A soldier is different from a bank robber and a mercenary in that he fight for and upon a cause. An Islamic jihadist a soldier. A policeman is the appropriate response to a bank robber, whose goal is physical and the product quite easily replaced. The loss of national security and perhaps even independence are intangible and much more difficult to regain once lost. The soldier is the appropriate response to another soldier. Cause meet cause.

9/11 may have started it for you, but there is only a limit till where you can be a kid about things and keep saying "They started it".
That is how wars usually started.

What are you going to do with this attitude against Muslims? What are you expecting? We leave Islam? Can't happen. We control them? Can't happen. Kill us? Can't happen. So what are you going to do, other than marinade in hatred?
Of course you can. It is called education and reform your religion to get rid of the mentality that created these 'crackpots'. The burden is not upon us non-believers to make that distinction. But of course it is convenient for you to place that burden upon us in order to portray the muslims in the most sympathetic light as possible. That tactic is failing and its failure rate is accelerating.
And they number in the tens of millions.

Bush was not elected in order for 'The West' to wage any kind of war against the muslims. For any Western leader, he or she is elected to create jobs, to engage in trade, and to maintain internal stability. Bush reacted to an attack against his country the way any leader should. To compare Bush to any suicide bomber is absurd.

Then from where else? Buddhism? Law and order? Another absurd argument. What is the goal of a bank robber? Money. What is the goal of a rapist? Sex and power over his victim in the most obscene. We have gradations of responses to every threat to society, from within to without, based upon the goals of the perpetrators. Islamic jihadists do not care about money or about sex. They are going to get both a million fold in the afterlife -- supposedly. A mercenary is just a different shade from a bank robber. A soldier is different from a bank robber and a mercenary in that he fight for and upon a cause. An Islamic jihadist a soldier. A policeman is the appropriate response to a bank robber, whose goal is physical and the product quite easily replaced. The loss of national security and perhaps even independence are intangible and much more difficult to regain once lost. The soldier is the appropriate response to another soldier. Cause meet cause.

That is how wars usually started.

Of course you can. It is called education and reform your religion to get rid of the mentality that created these 'crackpots'. The burden is not upon us non-believers to make that distinction. But of course it is convenient for you to place that burden upon us in order to portray the muslims in the most sympathetic light as possible. That tactic is failing and its failure rate is accelerating.

Reform our religion? you got to be kidding me. This religion that you people point to has more than a sixth of world's population as it's followers. Are they all crackpots? Be careful here dude.

You might wanna leave this topic to rest, for today 6 NATO troops found themselves at the receiving end of the Taliban, or the so called enemies that the west portrays.

How many people were dying in suicide bomb attacks before 2001?

WoT has just made matters worse. Tell me one place where it has improved.

Every christmas, so called Terrorists are plotting attacks and shipping bombs via FedEX.

You might wanna re-actualize your goals and see what the real enemy is, if any, and not any phantoms that you created for your own goals, which are now a nightmare for the entire world.

6 NATO troops just paid the price of that, and many more would continue to do so.
Reform our religion? you got to be kidding me. This religion that you people point to has more than a sixth of world's population as it's followers. Are they all crackpots? Be careful here dude.
Nope...Just tens of millions out of one billion muslims. That is a formidable army -- numbers wise. How many are embedded in the societies who admitted them?

You might wanna leave this topic to rest, for today 6 NATO troops found themselves at the receiving end of the Taliban, or the so called enemies that the west portrays.
Are you saying the Taliban is what the ummah should strive to be? For what they are and what they have done to US, I see no reasons to consider them friends or even allies.

How many people were dying in suicide bomb attacks before 2001?
Oooohhh...In the US, about three thousands people. All in one day at that.

WoT has just made matters worse. Tell me one place where it has improved.
So is this your logic? Do not go after criminals or terrorists just because they might fight back?

Every christmas, so called Terrorists are plotting attacks and shipping bombs via FedEX.
Thnx for the heads-up.

You might wanna re-actualize your goals and see what the real enemy is, if any, and not any phantoms that you created for your own goals, which are now a nightmare for the entire world.
We do not need to 're-actualize' any enemies. We hear those 'Death to America' calls well enough.

6 NATO troops just paid the price of that, and many more would continue to do so.
Many more Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters paid their prices. We welcome the escalation of this civilization level conflict.
Stockholm bomber was thrown out of Luton mosque for trying to recruit extremists

Gordon Rayner, Andy Bloxham and Laura Roberts 12:47PM GMT 13 Dec 2010

Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, 28, tried to recruit other Muslims to share his fanatical views when he was given a chance to preach at the Luton Islamic Centre.

Sources there said he then turned his attention to trying to recruit students by giving sermons at the Islamic Society of the University of Bedfordshire, of which he was a graduate.

On Saturday Abdulwahab set off a car bomb in a busy shopping street in Stockholm before blowing himself up, injuring two people.

Qadeer Baksh, chairman of the Luton Islamic Centre, also known as the Al Ghurabaa mosque, said the bomber believed Western governments had no right to involve themselves in Iraq or Afghanistan and urged others to "take matters into their own hands" because traditional mosques were not proactive enough.

Mr Baksh said: “He arrived at the mosque at the start of Ramadan [the Muslim holy month of fasting] in 2007.

"We hadn't seen him before but he was very nice, a gentle, bubbly character. People liked him and he was very helpful to them.

"He was like that for a couple of weeks and he was given the opportunity to preach.

"Some of the members brought it to my attention that his views were extreme so I challenged him

"It was all about Iraq and Afghanistan. He was saying that Western governments had no right to be there and how too many Muslims remained silent.

"He said we should be more proactive and take matters into our own hands but he never directly advocated violence.

"He said the leaders of Muslim nations had to take more action and said scholars here were working for the government.

"It was quite serious because some of the worshippers were starting to really listen to him.

"I talked to him and went through his arguments and countered all of them theologically and he accepted it. I thought that was the end of it but he carried on.

"So one day, before the end of Ramadan, when the mosque was full I directly challenged all his misinterpretations of Islam.

"He just stood up and stormed out. We never saw him again - but I heard he'd gone to the Islamic Society at the university and continued to preach his extremist views."

The mosque has been linked in the past to extremist groups including Al-Muhajiroun, the banned organisation which was headed by the firebrand cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Mr Baksh said that the mosque remained vigilant against infiltration from organised extremist groups.

He said: "We removed them from our mosque. We are sick of them.

"We see them as problematic. They have a completely distorted view of Islam."

Meanwhile, it has also emerged that Abdulwahab sent a chilling audio recording in English shortly before the bombings warning his actions would "speak for themselves".

A man is heard describing the Islamic state as a "reality" in Europe and in Sweden.

He spoke hurriedly but calmly and quietly and cleared his voice several times during the message that lasted less than a minute.

The recording states: "Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality. I don't want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves."

He added: "We are not a lie, or imagination. We are real."

He also referred to the depiction of the prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog in a 2007 cartoon by a Swedish artist which enraged many Muslims.

He said: "Stop your drawings of our prophet...No more oppression against Islam or Muslims will be tolerated in any way or by any means."

The bomber, who was due to turn 29 on Sunday, had a wife and three young children who still live in Luton. Neighbours said they had seen him in the town as little as two and a half weeks ago.

The former physical therapy student attended Bedfordshire University in Luton. He was born in Iraq and moved with his family to Sweden at the age of 11.

Video: Stockholm bomber was thrown out of Luton mosque for trying to recruit extremists - Telegraph
May the dead rest in Peace , and those who are killing innocent civilians all over world Rot in hell!
Sweden suicide bombings: wife 'knew nothing' of Stockholm bomber's 'double life'

The wife of the suicide bomber who blew himself up in a crowded Stockholm street has claimed the double life he lived meant she had no idea what he was planning.

His wife Mona Thwany, also 28, who runs a mobile beauty business from their semi-detached Luton home, today said she had no clue to his plans.

Three weeks prior to the attack, Abdulwahab vanished from the terrace-property giving no explanation to his wife and three young children.

He had previously lived in Sweden and was a Swedish citizen but had moved to Britain in 2001 to complete a degree in sports therapy at the University of Bedfordshire. He graduated in 2004.

When asked if her husband had told her about the plot, Mona Thwany said "No, of course not. I really don't want to talk about it right now, I am very devastated and upset."

In a letter to police and a Swedish news agency, Abdulwahab pleaded with his family for forgiveness over his lies.

He also apologised for keeping his beliefs secret to his family saying he had visited the Middle East not for a job as he had told them but for the sake of jihad.

He said "Forgive me for my lies. I never went to the Middle East to work or earn money, I went there for jihad. I hope that you can understand me some time. I could never have told you all this or to anyone."

He also left a message for his children to be told: "Daddy loves them."

Neighbours of Abdulwahab said he was a loving father. Noreen Hussain, 30, said: "He loved his kids very much. He was a nice man and they were a nice family."

Another neighbour, Nasim Hassan, 51, said he did not think Abdulwahab worked as he was "always playing with the kids in the daytime".

Reports also said he had been looking for a second wife on an Internet dating site, describing himself as "very religious" and saying that he was considering moving to an Arabic-speaking country in the future.

British police are said to be investigating reports that he was radicalised at the university.

Sweden suicide bombings: wife 'knew nothing' of Stockholm bomber's 'double life' - Telegraph
May the died RIP ....

Any organisation or someone claimed this attack??
Probably never will. But I don't have any desire to wage war either. However just to set things in perspectives, after 10 years on (and god knows for how much long), if the west has this crackpot mental state about finding enemies in Islam rather than understanding this is a larger law n order and preferential treatment issue, then it too is equally responsible for this war.

Please do not trivialize the issue calling it law and order. You know it is not. It is the interpretation of islam that is aimed at spreading the religious and political ideology through violence. And the idea of the life on earth being less worthy than the supposedly rewarding afterlife. Sweden is one of the most tolerant and progressive societies in the world. If some one still finds a reason to wage a suicide attack, it is definitely his ideology which is at fault.
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