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Stockholm car blast kills one

Islam was never mentioned. What are you talking about

Some people are overly sensitive, I suppose. On the one hand they are absolutely certain that such acts have nothing to do with Islam, but on the other hand they resent journalists reporting that there are people who claim that the acts ARE committed for the purpose of supporting a particular religion ....
Al Jazerra reports:

Twin blasts rock central Stockholm

Last Modified: 12 Dec 2010 04:06 GMT

Two explosions have rocked central Stockholm, the Swedish capital, killing one person and injuring two, according to rescue officials.

The first blast came from a car that exploded near Drottninggatan, a busy shopping street in the centre of the city, Ulf Goranzen, a spokesman for the Swedish police, told Al Jazeera on Saturday.

Shortly afterward, a second explosion was heard further up the same street and the body of a man was found on the ground.

"There was series of minor explosions, causing a fire in one of the cars in the street. Some minutes later, we found a man seriously injured 300 metres away from the scene of the first explosion. This man died," he said.

Authorities suspect that at least one of the blasts was a suicide attack.

"Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm," Carl Bildt, the Sewdish foreign minister, said in comments on his Twitter account.

"Failed - but could have been truly catastrophic."

Bag of nails

Sweden's SVT television later reported that the man who died in the attack was the bomber. A bag filled with nails was found near the body, SVT said.

Neither the police nor the intelligence service have confirmed the SVT report.

The Aftonbladet newspaper quoted a source as saying that the man was carrying six pipebombs, of which only one exploded.

"I cannot confirm that the death is linked to the explosion of the car but I cannot deny it either," Petra Sjolandero, a police spokeswoman, said.

Soon after the blasts, the Swedish news agency TT said it had received an email warning with a threat to Sweden and its people ahead of the explosions.

It said the threat was linked to Sweden's presence in Afghanistan, where it has a force of 500 soldiers, and referred to caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed by Lars Vilks, a Swedish artist.

"There was no direct threat directed to any specific event or explosion ... it was directed in general to Sweden and to the Swedish people," Mats Johansson, the managing editor of the TT news agency, told Al Jazeera.

"There is no confirmation that the content of the mail has anything to do with these explosions."

Threat received

TT said that messages in Arabic and Swedish were received about 10 minutes before the first explosion.

"Our acts will speak for themselves," TT quoted the message as saying. "Now your children, your daughters and your sisters will die as our brothers, our sisters and our children are dying."

The message concluded by urging "mujahidin" to rise up in Sweden and in Europe, the news agency said.

The message was also sent to Sweden's Security Police.

Vilks, who depicted the Prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog in a cartoon in 2007, has been the target of previous attacks.

In March, an US citizen who called herself "JihadJane" was charged with plotting to kill the cartoonist. In May, arsonists tried to set fire to his house.

Sweden raised its threat alert level from low to elevated in October because of "a shift in activities" among Swedish-based groups that it was said could be plotting attacks there.

The security police said then that the threat remained low compared to that in other European countries, and no attack was imminent.

Twin blasts rock central Stockholm - Europe - Al Jazeera English
I hope the Swedish government takes actions against radical Islam before it's too late. Too bad the Swedish press hides crimes committed by radical muslims.
This will just cause Muslim immigrants and seekers of work visas more and more hassle when they travel to the west.

This will only lead to more and more hardliners getting into office all over Europe,a process already well underway.
That is one happy corner of the world and terror spreading its wings there also. :frown:
Some people are overly sensitive, I suppose. On the one hand they are absolutely certain that such acts have nothing to do with Islam, but on the other hand they resent journalists reporting that there are people who claim that the acts ARE committed for the purpose of supporting a particular religion ....
10 years on you're still blaming Islam for terrorism...

Are you winning yet? I wish I could be the Imran Khan that called the US delegation to his house and gave them a one hour lecture so that they could at least understand the mentality of the people fighting there and why they are fighting and how the US can win or at least end this war favorably for themselves.

Because if you're going to be so George Bush about terrorist incidents after 10 years, then there is no hope, you might as well pick up an AK-47 and start killing Muslims as well. Afterall Islam is committing terrorism and we all support Islam so we all should be killed right? Go ahead, but its really hard to give a damn about any incident when these are the terms at which we'd be talked (down) with.
Okay, this guy has to be the laughing stock of all terrorists. Has two CAR bombs, and only kills one person -- himself.
This will just cause Muslim immigrants and seekers of work visas more and more hassle when they travel to the west.

This will only lead to more and more hardliners getting into office all over Europe,a process already well underway.
this is a fantasm
Suicide bomber who died in Stockholm terrorist blasts studied at British university | Mail Online

Suicide bomber who killed himself in Stockholm terrorist blasts studied at British university
Last updated at 5:10 PM on 12th December 2010

A suicide bomber who died in a terrorist bomb attack which rocked Stockholm city centre, is believed to be a graduate from a British university.

A Facebook page thought to belong to the 29-year-old indicated that he studied sports therapy at the University of Bedfordshire in Luton. He graduated in 2004.

The man, named locally as Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly, had also posted numerous videos relating to the Iraq war, the war in Chechnya and the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.

The Iraqi-born bomber first set his car on fire and then walked 200 metres before the explosives, believed to be in a backpack strapped to his body, detonated.

Just minutes before, he had sent out an email to the police and a news agency warning of deadly reprisals for having Swedish soldiers in Afghanistan.

He was the registered owner of the car that blew up and was believed to have worked on the street corner on which he died, carrying a sign advertising a local fish-and-chip restaurant..

The man is also thought to have been active on Muslim contact sites, where he claimed to be looking for a second wife.

In one message on the site Muslima.com, he says that he was born in Iraq and moved to Sweden in 1992. He said he had two daughters, one aged three and one under the age of two. He said he wanted to marry again and that his first wife had agreed to this.

His favourite pages on Facebook included ‘Yawm al-Qiyaamah’, the Islamic ‘Day of Ressurection’. The page’s signature image features London’s Tower Bridge being engulfed in flames and floods.

'In the future, am looking for to move to an arabic [sic] country and settle down there,' he wrote.

Investigators will be certain to investigate the man’s connections with Luton, a town which has featured in numerous terror investigations in the past.

A leaked British intelligence report from 2008 identified Luton as being home to one of the main concentrations of Islamic extremists in the country.

The men behind the 7/7 bombings of London’s public transport system in 2005 gathered in the town before heading into the British capital. The leader of the gang, Mohammed Sidique Khan, was in regular contact with a man in Luton known as ‘Q’, who was funneling money and equipment to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Police currently believe his bomb may not have detonated properly and too early. They are keen to trace a man who was seen speaking to the suspect just minutes before his backpack exploded.

Officially, police said that they did not know the identity of the bomber.

But a source told the newspaper Expressen. that they were '95 percent certain” that the car owner and the suicide bomber were the same person. They have linked the blasts and are investigating them as 'crimes of terror.'

Swedish Radio claim that police are searching the suspected terrorist’s apartment in Tranås.

Shoppers were lucky to escape a 'catastrophe' according to Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt .

He wrote on Twitter: 'Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack. Failed - but could have been truly catastrophic.'

Two people were slightly injured when the car - packed with gas cannisters - exploded at 4.50pm on Saturday.

Ablaze: A firefighter attempts to put out the fire following a car bomb explosion in Stockholm

Firemen pour in foam to douse the flames of the burning car in Stockholm

The second blast was about 200 metres (650 feet) away. A man thought to be the bomber was found injured on the ground and later pronounced dead.

A bag filled with nails was found near him, according to Swedish news agency SVT. Witnesses said he had a large wound to his stomach as if something had exploded there.

Gabriel Gabiro, who heard the second blast from inside a watch store across the street, said: 'There was a man lying on the ground with blood coming out in the area of his belly, and with his personal belongings scattered around him

'It shook the store that I was in. Then there was smoke and gun powder coming in. I saw some people crying.'

The local news agency TT received an e-mail in Arabic and Swedish saying 'the time has come to take action.'

The e-mail referred to Sweden's silence surrounding cartoonist Lars Vilk's drawing of Muhammad as a dog and its soldiers in Afghanistan.

It warned: ' Our acts will speak for themselves. Now your children, daughters and sisters shall die like our brothers and sisters and children are dying.'

Punitive actions would continue 'as long as you do not stop your war against Islam, your degradation of the Prophet and your stupid support for the pig Vilks.'

Vilks has been the object of death threats and at least one plot to kill him.

In the message to his family contained in the audio file sent to the news agency the man referred to an earlier trip to the Middle East:

'I never went to the Middle East to work or earn money. I went there for Jihad,' he said.

The message concluded by urging 'mujahideen,' or Islamic fighters, to rise up in Sweden and in Europe, the news agency said.

TT said a similar warning had been sent to the Swedish Security Service SAPO.

Sweden has 500 soldiers serving with NATO's International Security Assistance force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, but their mandate only runs to January 1, 2011, and would need to be renewed by parliament for them to stay on.

On October 1, Sweden's intelligence agency Saepo said it had raised the alert level for attacks from low to elevated, putting it at three on an alert scale of five.

There is an interesting hint to be taken from this..
The growing rise of homegrown extremism in Britain..and the lack of any concrete action by the authorities to control it. Is it possible that Muslim concentrations might become the subject of another operation by the British military similar to the effort in Northern ireland..

Reminds of this movie called "Children of Men"..
Where all Immigrants had been moved out to separate cities..much like the Jews.. and Muslims were leading an "intifada" against the British government..
Who knows.??
British Universities are infested with Jihadi's trying to indoctrinate all and one with their usul brand of nonsense.

The British government needs to wake up and take action against this scum who could disrupt the life of many peaceful Muslim citizens of UK.

UK does host the largest Pakistan diaspora in the west and UK is still by and far the most tolerant and welcoming place in the west. With such actions, more and more will become enraged and there will be severe backlash against the local Muslims.

All these Islamic clubs at Universities and other such groupings are a way of enticing and distorting many minds.

There has to be an end to this.
There's a saying that goes: "When you go to war, you bring a little of it back home."

If it was, say, Mexico that was being attacked by NATO, instead of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, you would see counter-attacks by Mexicans. If these people really were carrying out terrorists attacks in the name of religion instead of revenge, why hasn't there been any attack from a Malaysian, Indonesian or from any other Muslim-majority country that is unrelated to this war?
The point is, if one attacks a country, one sould expect them to try and cause damage to us in any way they can, irrespective of their religion.
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