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State-sanctioned murder: India’s secret policy

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What are you trying to say is that BSF should not kill and allow free flow of people across the border.
The BDF is known to have killed farmers ploughing their fields or taking their cows out to pasture.

damn true . BDF = Bangladeshi defnce forces ? right !
there are a lot of unknown acts going on in indo-bangla border

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.
Donald Rumsfeld
A typical Indian trolling response to a well argued article.

A equally enlightened reply keeping in line with the article's tenor and timbre of fantasy and fake concern.

The whiteman and his missionaries' days of romping the Orient and spreading the Lord's word is over.

These are the new 'missionaries' in 'concerned' avatars to incite disharmony so that they can rule the roost by default and deceit with the same aim of the missionaries of yore.

They are the past masters at disinformation and psy ops!

For example, Anyone with some knowledge would know that the US Peace Corps was sent to 'help' the 'poor unfortunate under developed countries'. And anyone who has read about their exploits would know how many CIA operatives were thrown in to work on their missions to destabilise!

The Red Indian saying should never be forgotten - The whiteman speaks with forked tongue.

Nor should anyone forget that the US coined the term - snake oil salesman!!
If the Bangladesh Government adopted State Sponsored Murder as a policy on the borders I think many Indians would have been killed in the last 30 years. As it is only the BSF that practices murder the figures of Bangladeshis illegally crossing the border is highly skewed. The BSF also kills from across the border so not all deaths are related to actual border crossings. The BDF is known to have killed farmers ploughing their fields or taking their cows out to pasture. These activities have nothing to do with illegal border crossing but the BSF like a bunch of lunatics shoots anyway.

I seriously don't find killing Bangladeshis anything evil...because I personally hate you guys.But thats the personal opinion..others might be a bit more sensitive and diplomatic.My hatred list :-
4.North Korea
6.New Zealand

I love these nations(except India):-
If the Bangladesh Government adopted State Sponsored Murder as a policy on the borders I think many Indians would have been killed in the last 30 years. As it is only the BSF that practices murder the figures of Bangladeshis illegally crossing the border is highly skewed. The BSF also kills from across the border so not all deaths are related to actual border crossings. The BDF is known to have killed farmers ploughing their fields or taking their cows out to pasture. These activities have nothing to do with illegal border crossing but the BSF like a bunch of lunatics shoots anyway.

I am remind of the hymn:

Tell me the old, old story, tell me the old, old story,
Tell me the old, old story, of Jesus and His love.

Must we forget the ULFA and the Bodos and their sanctuary and their forays that are State sponsored from beyond India's borders?

The BSF has nothing to do but kill innocent Bangladeshis?

The BSF is also on the Pakistan border.

How come they (Pakistanis) are not complaining?

One is lead to seriously wonder if the complaints from BD is basically because the Bangaldeshis are being denied their 'profession' of human trafficking, smuggling and cattle rustling.

I am ready to be educated if the view is not kosher.
I seriously don't find killing Bangladeshis anything evil...because I personally hate you guys.But thats the personal opinion..others might be a bit more sensitive and diplomatic.My hatred list :-
4.North Korea
6.New Zealand

I love these nations(except India):-

MODS please ban this guy.

Bengalis wanted Indian help in 1971, i guess they got it now.
I seriously don't find killing Bangladeshis anything evil...because I personally hate you guys.But thats the personal opinion..others might be a bit more sensitive and diplomatic.My hatred list :-
4.North Korea
6.New Zealand

I love these nations(except India):-

You sir, really fail.

MODS please ban this guy.

Bengalis wanted Indian help in 1971, i guess they got it now.

So, you are appealing for a ban against the chap?

Whatever for?

Do look around and see the flamebaits.

There is nothing wrong with Bengalis.

What is wrong is with 'some' Bengalis, who have an agenda to raise flamebaits to overcome their insecurity and to be in the limelight.

There was this posted in a thread

Bangladesh undermines WTO rules

Sunita Paul - 6/8/2008

According to rules of World Trade Organization (WTO), none of its member countries are allowed to maintain total ban on another member country. Bangladesh is a member of WTO and continues to undermine such rule, thus in other words, violating international law. Because of this specific rule of WTO, country like Saudi Arabia even lifted trade embargo on Israel.

A 6/8/2008 article posted today (15/05/2011)!!!!!

If an ancient article of 2008 is posted in 2011, then what is it?

A flamebait.

So, guess who should be banned?

In case you don't find the link, check Google.

This is what Google says:

Bangladesh undermines WTO rules - SUNITA PAUL
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 1 hour ago
According to rules of World Trade Organization (WTO), none of its member countries are allowed to maintain total ban on another member ...
I don't see how that article and post is anti-Indian.

I am not surprised that you don't.

But intellectually, it is defies logic and intelligence that, without context, an article that is of 2008 should be a starter for a thread in 2011!

You had a post too IIRC that egged the man on and had a harangue on Ms Paul and India!

So, please don't get cute!

WTO has moved on!

The fact that the thread seems to have gone missing, does show that it was so bogus in intent that it got removed!

Since you asked me, I gave you the reply!

Let us stay on course!
I am not surprised that you don't.

But intellectually, it is defies logic and intelligence that, without context, an article that is of 2008 should be a starter for a thread in 2011!

You had a post too IIRC that egged the man on!

WTO has moved on!

Nothing wrong in sharing an old article, even though it has already been proven that the original writer (Sunita Paul) is a fake. In fact, that person don't even exist.


The curious case of 'Sunita Paul'

The focal point is what does the discussion have to do with India? So far, you haven't shown any proof.
Don't get cute.

Acting smart knowing fully well that the thread has been sent to Kingdom Come?

Produce the thread and you will be exposed for what you are worth!
Nothing wrong in sharing an old article, even though it has already been proven that the original writer (Sunita Paul) is a fake. In fact, that person don't even exist.

The focal point is what does the discussion have to do with India? So far, you haven't shown any proof.

Don't get cute.

Acting smart knowing fully well that the thread has been sent to Kingdom Come?

Produce the thread and you will be exposed for what you are worth!

If Sunita Paul does not exist just because some Bangaldeshi paper says so, could we also believe that you don't exist?

If one has the money, one could pay a newspaper and prove it so with paid news.

I presume you are a greenhorn as far as newspaper management is concerned.

(this is a double post since I did a quote, lest you, given your courage would have deleted your post and then feigned that you are purer than driven snow!)
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