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Standard equipment of an average Pakistani Soldier ...

do gunners still us fingers as earplugs/ear defenders?

I go to military shooting ranges often. Even small remote ones. And they always have Proper over ear protection and ear plugs there. As from what I’ve noticed. The men in the field usually have them. But the ones deployed at guarding or sentry posts around non sensitive areas like a military cantonment do not have them. That being said. Many opt not to have them. Which is indeed dangerous for your ears, but it doesn’t just kill you right off. I’ve had to shoot without those too, it’s nothing that bad.

One thing that I didn’t see included was individual Communication systems for each soldier. And yes, we’ve begun doing that. Individual not as in the P25s. But the ones with the ear piece and the microphone. I do not know which model our regular army uses. In the past they had only been issued to SSG and then LCB. We don’t see them in combat often because soldiers are trained on them after they come back from combat. But the ones visiting for a second term will always be using those at the front line. As an example. It’s use us now so prevalent that the regular infantry that stands guard at the Checkpost near to my house each have an individual set. And they’re not even in a sensitive area. They’re inside a closed military base. All in all. It’s amazing to see these advancements first hand. Good thread too.
  • The standard equipment of the average Pakistani soldier has been changed and improved quite a lot since 2005 after the modernization campaign started. This however did not happen over night, (took 12 years and is still in effect )

    The process slowly first phased out the old standard uniform , then focused protective gear, then weapons package upgrade (Optics, laser pointers etc) , communication equipment, and lastly other small touches like combat gloves.


    2005 Equipment


    2018 Equipment


    Uniform Camo


    Semi-pixelated arid/desert pattern

    First appearing in late 2012, the Army has standardized a newer semi-pixelated arid/desert pattern camouflage for the army. This new camo has proven to offer good concealment and camouflage in many environments. Standardization started in 2013 and completely replaced the older camo by 2017.


    Oakley SI Assault Gloves


    Oakley SI Assault Gloves

    The army had started issuing soldiers the Oakley SI Assault Gloves since 2014 and now has become standard .These have hard carbon fiber knuckle plating for hard-hitting protection. Made with a durable micro-venting leather fingers and a premium leather palm to last the duration of your mission. They are light enough to give you feeling in your finger when shooting a weapon and or working with tools. In addition they added rubber texture on the fingers for extra grip. ( They come in black as well)


    Tactical Combat boots


    Delta series combat boots

    Pakistan army now issues the Delta series combat boots to it's infantry. These are reliable and durable boots according to soldiers reviews. The army first started issuing these in 2009 which gradually started replacing the older army leather boots. These have been proven to be comfortable and durable on various terrain as stated by the army.


    GIDs Ballistic helmet


    GIDs Ballistic helmet

    The Pakistan army issues GIDS's Ballistic Helmet which has level NIJ Level IIIIA .Orignally the army ordered more than 30000 LWH helmets from USA but soon the local company Gids started making very a very similar helmet. This was chosen to be issued as standard. The helmet protects the user from bullets, fragments and provides wearing comfort due to balanced weight distribution which does not impede the performance of the user. The construction of inner suspension system ensures that a gap is always present between the head and shell which minimizes the effect of blunt trauma experienced by the user. It includes an adjustable headband and a comfortable chinstrap assembly. The helmet is relatively lightweight and provides maximum comfort, mobility & protection in its class.


    GIDs Muhafiz bulletproof jacket


    Note their jackets

    The Pakistan army issues GIDS Ballistic jackets to all it's troops as standard . These jackets are suitable for both military as well as non-military applications as these jackets can be used as a stand alone providing NIJ Level IIIA protection (Can stop pistol rounds) or with Ballistic plates to further enhance protection level to NIJ Level III plus (Can stop 5.56 and 7.62 standard rifle rounds). In the army these are commonly used with the ballistic plates (Obviously) protecting the sides and collar as well aside from front and back.


    Tactical vests


    Note their different Vests

    Pakistani soldiers are mainly issued two types of equipment vests as presented above. These are standard for carrying on field ammunition and other essential supplies. The vests themselves offer level 3 protection from bullets . Their are smaller versions which can easily be worn over bullet proof jackets while keeping the BP jackets pockets open.


    Tactical Elbow/knee guards


    Note the Elbow/knee guards

    It seems Pakistan army had started issuing these to soldiers since 2009. Today the army has multiple types of these protective guards (It's varies according to the regiment). These are one very important piece of gear that offer good protection of the knees and elbows. Military purpose built guards officer good cushioning on the inside while being very tough on the out side.


    Polarized protection glasses


    Note both their glasses

    While these have not been made standard yet, they are being issued to more and more front line soldiers recently. Their main use is eye protection from damage by stray small pieces of shrapnel and of course to protect the eye sight.


    Multipurpose tool kit

    The multipurpose Knife

    Just like rest of the world the average Pakistani troops is also issued a multipurpose took kit which includes knife for fighting as well as cutting things, common weapon maintainance tools as well as some other accessories.


    Aimpoint CompM3 / CompM4S


    Aimpoint CompM3

    Since 2009 Pakistan army has actually begun issuing optics to regular soldiers which were previously only issued to special forces and a few other units. The army choose the Aimpoint CompM3 / CompM4S as standard because these were already in use in the army and their good reliability. Today almost every army soldier is issued these optics to be used on the primary weapon. Their are other optics also in use how ever the Aimpoint CompM3 / CompM4S are considered standard. Both of these are very popular sights which are in use with many police and armed forces personnel.


    Sheba night vision goggles


    Sheba night vision goggles ( Mounted on helmet)

    Standard issued to infantry for night time operations. The goggles are Sheba a high performance night vision product of ( Institute of optonics ) which fall under the minister of defence. It is a list weight system designed for long wearing comfort. These can be hand held as well as mounted on a helmet. It is said to be based of STG principal of design.


    Shibli thermal binoculars


    Shibli thermal binocular/Scope

    Previously and still currently to some extent regular binoculars are issued to soldiers however since 2015 the army has begun issuing the Shibli thermal binocular and optics to soldiers for their enhanced magnification and thermal imaging capably. Currently they can not be considered standard issue how ever the military is increasingly purchasing more and equipping more infantry with them.


    P-25 Personal Role Radio

    P-25 Personal Role Radio

    The Personal reply radio issued to soldiers is the P-25 , the P-25 is Very/Ultra High Frequency (V/UHF: 300 megahertz to three gigahertz). Produced in Pakistan the P-25 tactical radios are in use by Pakistan Army and the country’s paramilitary organisations.


    Military Digital watches

    These are quite a new addition to the soldiers inventory, Military Digital watches are reliable and durable can give accurate time measure temperature and other readings. Not exactly issued to each soldier yet however they are slowly being distributed more and more


    Field long-term engagements gear


    Hydration System (On his back)

    Now I'm going to introduce the standard long term engagements gear issued to Pakistani soldiers to be used in times of war. This equipped is primarily produced by POF

    Note : The gear below is now available in newer army camo


    POF Webbing


    Chest rig

    Pakistani soldiers are issued the POF standard chest rig which facilitates the soldier in patrolling and operation of short duration while carrying his essential combat loads with Moll System for attachments/ detachments. It is made of Cordura Cloth 1000 Den Polypropylene Webbing


    POF Ruck Sack



    Pakistani soldiers are issued the POF standard Ruck Sack which is compatible for Operational and Logistic requirements of an individual soldier to providing him the flexibility for operating more than 48 hours.


    Detachable Small Field Pack


    Detachable Small Field Pack

    Pakistani soldiers are issued the POF standard detachable Small Field Pack used to enable a soldier to carry his personal kit items during operational environments


    Military Hydration System


    Military Hydration System

    Pakistani soldiers are issued the POF standard used to facilitate the troops to meet their drinking water needs during combat movements / training. Troops can just drink the water from the pipe when ever the wish.


    POF Pistol holster


Which Army has that all?
I go to military shooting ranges often. Even small remote ones. And they always have Proper over ear protection and ear plugs there. As from what I’ve noticed. The men in the field usually have them. But the ones deployed at guarding or sentry posts around non sensitive areas like a military cantonment do not have them. That being said. Many opt not to have them. Which is indeed dangerous for your ears, but it doesn’t just kill you right off. I’ve had to shoot without those too, it’s nothing that bad.

One thing that I didn’t see included was individual Communication systems for each soldier. And yes, we’ve begun doing that. Individual not as in the P25s. But the ones with the ear piece and the microphone. I do not know which model our regular army uses. In the past they had only been issued to SSG and then LCB. We don’t see them in combat often because soldiers are trained on them after they come back from combat. But the ones visiting for a second term will always be using those at the front line. As an example. It’s use us now so prevalent that the regular infantry that stands guard at the Checkpost near to my house each have an individual set. And they’re not even in a sensitive area. They’re inside a closed military base. All in all. It’s amazing to see these advancements first hand. Good thread too.
I meant Artillery Gunners not riflemen


I was originally asking Oscar the mod but then i realized it was "beneath" his status to reply me,thus I edited my post and removed his name.

anyhoo see no ear-defenders and no helmets either





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I meant Artillery Gunners not riflemen


I was originally asking Oscar the mod but then i realized it was "beneath" his status to reply me,thus I edited my post and removed his name.

anyhoo see no ear-defenders and no helmets either






Ah, I thought you meant riflemen. I think can answer this one too.
I’ve recently only observed Our SP gunners in action. They have helmets available inside the Crew compartment of the artillery when deployed. I’ve always seen them use rubberized headgear with built in radios and static to cancel out noise during firing. Much like the ones worn by the tankers. I remember as far back in 2013 when I went to the Tilla ranges that those were standard. I also remember shooting a tank cannon without one and regretted life for an hour after it. The officers were using ear plugs aswell.
As for The towed guns. They have helmets and ear protection available too. I do believe there’s no rules regarding ear protection under normal circumstances and those should be enforced quickly, but the helmets come with being in the war zone. Even if they’re not worn during exercises. That being said I have seen both helmets and ear protection in use by gunners. It’s just not all the time. Not sure why, maybe a difference between older and newer pictures and one from training and and in the field.


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I always wondered why our Army is purchasing helmets that are a bit too large from the sides ..

Turns out we have a good reason , its on GIDs official website :-
GIDS's Ballistic Helmet protects the user from bullets, fragments and provides wearing comfort due to balanced weight distribution which does not impede the performance of the user. The construction of inner suspension system ensures that a gap is always present between the head and shell which minimizes the effect of blunt trauma experienced by the user. It includes an adjustable headband and a comfortable chinstrap assembly. The helmet is relatively lightweight and provides maximum comfort, mobility & protection in its class.

Models of Ballistic Helmet

BH A140 1.36 Kg

BH A150 1.50 Kg

SBH 400 1.60 Kg
(Magnum resistant)
gear is important, after that training and then logistics in combat to make a winning combination.

I meant Artillery Gunners not riflemen


I was originally asking Oscar the mod but then i realized it was "beneath" his status to reply me,thus I edited my post and removed his name.

anyhoo see no ear-defenders and no helmets either





ur right, PA doesn't cater for ear plugs in artillery.
Strangely Enough I like the 2005 Uniform
The only thing perhaps which needed change was the large "bag" at back

It's big as a camping or mountaineering pack

Additions recommended for this Uniform next stage

a) Helmet
b) Elbow Protector/ Knee Protector
c) New Ligher Rugged Shoes
d) Backpack weight / size need to be reduced

Would be interesting to know what was the old weight being carried by solider in Bag pack plus Gun / Ammo weight vs new Gear is the weight being carried lesser?
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hmmm... should aim to make at least 100,000 of our infantry look like USMC...

In fact, the Pak Navy Marines should be modeled after the US Marines and qualified as special forces. You will lose some numbers, but what is left will be a fairly large SOF that supplements the SAG-N
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