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‘Stand Up to US or Have Future Generations Deride Us’ – ISI Chief

"...There are three intelligence agencies inside Pakistan that serve different purposes: the Intelligence Bureau (IB) is responsible for domestic intelligence gathering, the ISI is responsible primarily for foreign intelligence gathering, & the there is the Military Intelligence (MI), which is a Pakistan Defence Forces intelligence agency and that is responsible for the military intelligence services in Pakistan. It is also refers specifically to the intelligence components of the Pakistan Armed Forces. MI conducts operations, identifying and eliminating sleeper cells, foreign agents and other anti-Pakistani elements within Pakistan."

So...help this poor ferenghi out-

1. Does the IB turn over information, evidence and intelligence involving "...sleeper cells, foreign agents and other anti-Pakistani elements within Pakistan..." to the MI for prosecution or your law-enforcement agencies and judicial courts?

2. What happens when the IB or law enforcement officials find themselves following criminal activities within Pakistan conducted by possible locally-based proxy assets of ISI foreign intelligence operations? How is that conflict of responsibility resolved? Or, more to the point, whom takes precedent in those matters?

An example might be the allegations of rapes/murders within FATAville in January 2010 by senior members of the Haqqani network.

Now, perhaps you don't believe the Haqqani network exists within Pakistan. Perhaps you do but don't believe this network has any relationship with the ISI or elements within the ISI as a retained proxy force against Afghanistan. Perhaps you agree with both former assertions but don't believe these alleged rapes and murders occurred.

Still, who would lead such an investigation and upon whose desk would decisions to prosecute ultimately fall?


Helping the farangi..

Same way as FBI's "most wanted list" does not show Osama's name but CIA was hunting for him throughout the world.. mate..

Every one interacts with each other, and like FBI, CIA and Police in US, sometimes, their interests collide too.. but then, for the "greater good" one of them "compromises".. sounds familiar??

Thanks :pakistan:
Has any body taken a notice that US is not blaming Pakistani President for any wrong doings plus his team while its the Army and ISI being grilled

Those are the only functional departments which US has not been able to buy out.. If you guys remember crying of late Benazir about PA not allowing her "near" the Nuclear sites.. So, US is trying to put PA and ISI on the back foot.. trying to find an opening in defense lines protecting Pakistan's Nuclear Assets..
If an Islamic government was in power at the time of OBL's discovery certainly the US would have blamed the government for sheltering and aiding OBL. Since a pro-american, secular governemnt is in power, therefore, the governemnt is not to be blamed, instead the ISI and PA are being blamed as if they are not part of the government. Everywhere you see you'll find the rotten stench of uncle sam's hypocrisy.
I would have loved to sit in this session, or at least watched the video. The essence seems to have been that parliament now appears to have greater oversight BUT Pasha refused the notion that he would assist parliament in restructuring or reforming his agency. Still, it sounds like a step forward. South Americans have discovered that embarrassment is just the thing for putting down the military and re-asserting parliamentary rule.

Nobody had questions for Kiyani? Strange. I would at least have asked him who ordered that the military surround OBL's home while the Americans were there - and why.
US provided much help after the huge flooding in Pakistan both in $$ and manpower which many people fail to mention.
The head of Pakistan’s powerful Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) offered his resignation to the country’s prime minister on Friday as he sought to defend the role of the spy agency. Lieut. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the ISI chief, conceded that Osama bin Laden’s presence in Pakistan had been an “intelligence failure” and that he was prepared to step down and submit himself to any scrutiny, parliamentarians from both government and opposition parties told TIME on condition of anonymity. Gen. Pasha was speaking at a rare, closed-door briefing to Pakistan’s parliament where the lawmakers swore an oath not to reveal details discussed.
The head of Pakistan’s powerful Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) offered his resignation to the country’s prime minister on Friday as he sought to defend the role of the spy agency. Lieut. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the ISI chief, conceded that Osama bin Laden’s presence in Pakistan had been an “intelligence failure” and that he was prepared to step down and submit himself to any scrutiny, parliamentarians from both government and opposition parties told TIME on condition of anonymity. Gen. Pasha was speaking at a rare, closed-door briefing to Pakistan’s parliament where the lawmakers swore an oath not to reveal details discussed.

Yup!! Same as OBL's drama.. no video or Audio.. just "word of mouth".. so shall we accept it? :P
if pasha really wants this to happen then being a nation we will make this happen INSHALLAH ..............
how come only the leaks with the discussion where pasha was strong are available and about nisar it is written that he gave fiery spweches. Why has his speeches not been leaked. it is being made to look like as if there was just a monologue so quite convwniemt leaks qith the right amount of jingoism. Always like old times. Recipe always works in tough times for the army. And what was that blackmailing comment about nisar that pasha made? So isi has not changed that political information gathering policy. Regarding the isi being under the government control i am surprised that no one brought up the 2008 attempt to this discussion. The government control was quite clear there. was it not?
Wow, Pasha nailed it and then the Air Chief states that they can shoot the drones if the government gave the orders...
Now let's see what other excuses the government comes out with....

Anyways, if they feel so strongly about the drones then why don't they debate the issue in NA and give the go-ahead to strike them down instead of R.Malik saying childish things like drones fly higher than F-16s...
Wow, Pasha nailed it and then the Air Chief states that they can shoot the drones if the government gave the orders...
Now let's see what other excuses the government comes out with....

Anyways, if they feel so strongly about the drones then why don't they debate the issue in NA and give the go-ahead to strike them down instead of R.Malik saying childish things like drones fly higher than F-16s...
R.Maliks statement was probably based paf chief's earlier statement where he said that we cant strike drones. I think paf chief has nicely screwed the govt. By giving 2 different statements on the same issue, expecting that the parliament will instantly order to strike the drones (keeping in mind that paf cannot shot the drone down).
Yup!! Same as OBL's drama.. no video or Audio.. just "word of mouth".. so shall we accept it? :P
Ouch! Yes, you're probably right. The politicians swore to secrecy, but not the spooks, leaving the spooks free to put out their own version of events without fear of being contradicted. That, or the elect broke their oaths. Either way, can't trust it.

As for "OBL drama": American officials are accountable. I'm not worried. It's Pakistan that has the problem.
Both Pakistani Military leadership and Pakistani Government's credibility and image is ruined, whether one or the other deserve blame or not doesn't matter at this point.

DG ISI Pasha should resign and offer his head, it would be the decent thing to do perhaps he can redeem himself for the past major failures of the years...

If Gen. Pasha was serving as the DG of the Osmanli Ordusu IA the Sultan would have been off with his head a long time ago...
Both Pakistani Military leadership and Pakistani Government's credibility and image is ruined, whether one or the other deserve blame or not doesn't matter at this point.

DG ISI Pasha should resign and offer his head, it would be the decent thing to do perhaps he can redeem himself for the past major failures of the years...

If Gen. Pasha was serving as the DG of the Osmanli Ordusu IA the Sultan would have been off with his head a long time ago...

Why should he resign? What do you think how these intel work? Have u watched / read interviews of the people living adjacent to that compound? They even are not aware of obl's presence in that compound bcaz he didnt come out of that compound. ISI doesnt work using safli ilm. Further just name the people who resigned after 9/11 or 26/11 or inability to find wmd in iraq?
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