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Staines murder case: Life sentence for Dara Singh

Why bother, the person you are trying to reason with lives in a kind of Stalinist ghetto and an avowed Leftist. I am not sure if Abir is a Left extremist as well.

Why bother to galvanize opinions of people who are Hindu-haters/baiters? As it is, their relevance in national policy making is disappearing by the day, with, perhaps the exception, of the loony fringe consisting of SFI, NSUI activists and the professors and students of the JNU?

I wonder how Mr G Parthasarathy has lent credence to an institution like this in the country....beong one of its founding members..

Sir no amount of excuses can condone the killings by fanatics does it?

And why dont you accept that the fault lies with this human discriminatory cast system
Why bother, the person you are trying to reason with lives in a kind of Stalinist ghetto and an avowed Leftist. I am not sure if Abir is a Left extremist as well.

Why bother to galvanize opinions of people who are Hindu-haters/baiters? As it is, their relevance in national policy making is disappearing by the day, with, perhaps the exception, of the loony fringe consisting of SFI, NSUI activists and the professors and students of the JNU?

I wonder how Mr G Parthasarathy has lent credence to an institution like this in the country....beong one of its founding members..

Left and Congress have become common bogey for people trying to subdue the inherent secularism of India that made Republic of India possible. I don't understand which post of mine gave people the impression that I'd like to associate myself with a failed ideology such as Communism, and I thought I'm intelligent enough.

All I asked what philanthropic works are Hindu institutions doing to counter the missionaries, and the Hindus in the forum failed to come up with a single example apart from their usual excuse of making the seculars a scapegoat of their inability, such informed our Rig Vedic Hindus are! But wait, it's the left-extremist Abir to rescue, he cited the example of RamKrishna Mission, ironic isn't it?

Coming from Calcutta, you must know about Missionaries of Charity. Would you explain to us why the biggest missionary in India being present in Bengal for 70 odd years, failed to Christianise Bengal? Why did people from Calcutta needn't burn Mother Theresa to save Hinduism?
It's like a strong deja vu - Islam is religion of peace, those who go around killing people are not Muslims.

Why don't you prevent Ram Sene from band-naming your religion, why seculars around the world has to do the dirty work for Hindus, Muslims and Christians?

As far as I am concerned I made it very clear that Ram Sene & Co have nothing to do with Sanatana Dharma. More likely that they are being used to divide votes. Now what do you want.
The same missionaries went to Africa to spread their 'gospel of god'. They destroyed their social fabric and polarized Africa into religious camps.

Their 'gospel of god' actually consists of 'anti-pagan' (even anti Islam) hate speech.
Left and Congress have become common bogey for people trying to subdue the inherent secularism of India that made Republic of India possible. I don't understand which post of mine gave people the impression that I'd like to associate myself with a failed ideology such as Communism, and I thought I'm intelligent enough.

All I asked what philanthropic works are Hindu institutions doing to counter the missionaries, and the Hindus in the forum failed to come up with a single example apart from their usual excuse of making the seculars a scapegoat of their inability, such informed our Rig Vedic Hindus are! But wait, it's the left-extremist Abir to rescue, he cited the example of RamKrishna Mission, ironic isn't it?
I fail to understand what your point is. Do you have a point. Do you think people don't know about Ramakrishna Mission. If you knew about it then why did you ask.

I already made it clear that the best way to serve the poor, as I see it, is to remove from power the blood-suckers that rule us.

Coming from Calcutta, you must know about Missionaries of Charity. Would you explain to us why the biggest missionary in India being present in Bengal for 70 odd years, failed to Christianise Bengal? Why did people from Calcutta needn't burn Mother Theresa to save Hinduism?

One can say a lot of things about Mother Teresa, such as the fact that her spiritual advisor in the Catholic Church was a notorious pedophile -

For He Has Sinned

A new lawsuit sheds light on the S.F. years of Mother Teresa's spiritual adviser – who is also one of the Jesuit order's most notorious convicted pedophiles.

For He Has Sinned - Page 1 - News - San Francisco - SF Weekly

But I think you suffer from some disability of logic or comprehension. I was talking about unscrupulous soul-harvesters ... please tell me when I included Mother Teresa in that category. Also, who told you that you need to burn her? If nobody told you then why are you exhibiting your lack of logic ... or maybe you can't help it.

As regards West Bengal, its main problem is that the secularists have already put millions of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh on the electoral rolls, so that they may continue their secular blood-sucking.
Left and Congress have become common bogey for people trying to subdue the inherent secularism of India that made Republic of India possible. I don't understand which post of mine gave people the impression that I'd like to associate myself with a failed ideology such as Communism, and I thought I'm intelligent enough.

All I asked what philanthropic works are Hindu institutions doing to counter the missionaries, and the Hindus in the forum failed to come up with a single example apart from their usual excuse of making the seculars a scapegoat of their inability, such informed our Rig Vedic Hindus are! But wait, it's the left-extremist Abir to rescue, he cited the example of RamKrishna Mission, ironic isn't it?

Coming from Calcutta, you must know about Missionaries of Charity. Would you explain to us why the biggest missionary in India being present in Bengal for 70 odd years, failed to Christianise Bengal? Why did people from Calcutta needn't burn Mother Theresa to save Hinduism?

Abir, first things first:

a) Your rebuttal to my comments are misplaced. My comments were related to some of the earlier posts by you. Trust me, with comments like "You Hindus", "Not a single Hindu came up", do NOT prove your secular credentials, but rather makes you suspect in the eyes of the common man. Quite similar to the "Tsarina" of the Indian Liberal English Media aka Sagarika Ghose who suddenly wakes up one day and writes in Twitter something like "suddenly the Internet Hindus come swarming .........hiding behind their mummyjis' sarees, while conveniently forgetting the fact that they themselseves are Hindus to start with.

b) If "Secularism" is/was/has been inherent in minds of People of India, what was the need to introduce the word in to the Constitution of India by a legislation? And I am sorry the people of India would not like to "give credence" to the version of "Secularism" the Cong and the Leftists want the Indians to believe in.

c) I am afraid Communism is just not a political ideology, there are many things to it apart from the politics part. Most importantly it is also an economic ideology. So all the Bengalis who hav been voting them to power all these years necessarily need not believe anything and everything the cadres say.

d) I see, that there is a tendency of Bengali nationalism in you, which is not much different from the political party/ies that you hate. But again that is a separate discussion.

I sense there is an attempt to brush the revered RKM as a Bengali Institution, and this is something not new. The Communists have been basking unnecessarily in the glory of Bengali Nationalism, whether real or surreal.

And RKM is just not the only one, I think it is quite churlish to ask that question even , "what are the Hindu" organizations doing social work. It is above reportage and ofcourse it is a sin to report or educate the masses about these.

e) Since you mention RKM, please let your fellow "secular religionists" also know that unlike other organizations, this does not ask you your religion, nor bars you from entering the premises, nor does it not permit you to sit for the evening bhajan, nor does it ask the religion when admitting patients to the Ramkrishna MissionSeva Pratisthan...

Can the same be said about World Vision or even the Missionaries of Charity? The jury is out on this.
Abir, first things first:

a) Your rebuttal to my comments are misplaced. My comments were related to some of the earlier posts by you. Trust me, with comments like "You Hindus", "Not a single Hindu came up", do NOT prove your secular credentials, but rather makes you suspect in the eyes of the common man. Quite similar to the "Tsarina" of the Indian Liberal English Media aka Sagarika Ghose who suddenly wakes up one day and writes in Twitter something like "suddenly the Internet Hindus come swarming .........hiding behind their mummyjis' sarees, while conveniently forgetting the fact that they themselseves are Hindus to start with.

Hindu is socio-geographical term, I should have been more politically correct and say 'Hindu's who are trying to Justify Stain's murder', but then again you got the drift didn't you?

Also the very fact Sagarika and millions of others are Hindus as well is ignored by some Hindus when they try to portray themselves as caretaker of Hinduism. If I am a Hindu them my view is also deserve an attention when speaking in context of Hinduism. Why do people think they are more Hindu than we are?

b) If "Secularism" is/was/has been inherent in minds of People of India, what was the need to introduce the word in to the Constitution of India by a legislation? And I am sorry the people of India would not like to "give credence" to the version of "Secularism" the Cong and the Leftists want the Indians to believe in.

Probably to safeguard it from the neo-Hindus, who's Hinduism is more Semitic than Indian.

c) I am afraid Communism is just not a political ideology, there are many things to it apart from the politics part. Most importantly it is also an economic ideology. So all the Bengalis who hav been voting them to power all these years necessarily need not believe anything and everything the cadres say.

Just because rulers are Communists, that don't make Bengalis communist. Just as, Shiv Sena winning election in Maharastra don't make all Marathis chauvinist.

d) I see, that there is a tendency of Bengali nationalism in you, which is not much different from the political party/ies that you hate. But again that is a separate discussion.

I sense there is an attempt to brush the revered RKM as a Bengali Institution, and this is something not new. The Communists have been basking unnecessarily in the glory of Bengali Nationalism, whether real or surreal.

And RKM is just not the only one, I think it is quite churlish to ask that question even , "what are the Hindu" organizations doing social work. It is above reportage and ofcourse it is a sin to report or educate the masses about these.

I mentioned RKM because of the very foundation they are based on, which is a caste-less society, the firm base which prevented low-caste Bengalis to convert.

The very question remains, why the tribals finding themselves gullible to missionaries? This is but the fact that they have been discriminated for centuries by upholder of Hinduism, just as, it's a truth that non-Abrahamic subjects have been discriminated by Abrahamic religions.

I ask again, what you're doing to abolish this discrimination which is making tribals to convert. What is preventing you from advertising Hindu philanthropist acts which national media don't?

Roti, Kapda, Makan come before religion to common people, why should I blame the missionaries if they are providing those?

e) Since you mention RKM, please let your fellow "secular religionists" also know that unlike other organizations, this does not ask you your religion, nor bars you from entering the premises, nor does it not permit you to sit for the evening bhajan, nor does it ask the religion when admitting patients to the Ramkrishna MissionSeva Pratisthan...

Can the same be said about World Vision or even the Missionaries of Charity? The jury is out on this.

Yes and that's why I'm proud of them. Give us more reason to be proud of our ancestral believe and customs rather shamelessly defending a murderer.
The same missionaries went to Africa to spread their 'gospel of god'. They destroyed their social fabric and polarized Africa into religious camps.

Their 'gospel of god' actually consists of 'anti-pagan' (even anti Islam) hate speech.

Again, is the social fabric of your society defined by religion? Because it's not in my sociey
I fail to understand what your point is. Do you have a point. Do you think people don't know about Ramakrishna Mission. If you knew about it then why did you ask.

I already made it clear that the best way to serve the poor, as I see it, is to remove from power the blood-suckers that rule us.

One can say a lot of things about Mother Teresa, such as the fact that her spiritual advisor in the Catholic Church was a notorious pedophile -

But I think you suffer from some disability of logic or comprehension. I was talking about unscrupulous soul-harvesters ... please tell me when I included Mother Teresa in that category. Also, who told you that you need to burn her? If nobody told you then why are you exhibiting your lack of logic ... or maybe you can't help it.

As regards West Bengal, its main problem is that the secularists have already put millions of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh on the electoral rolls, so that they may continue their secular blood-sucking.


All I asked what are you doing to uphold the Sanatana Dhrama of yours as opposed to Ram Sene, Tirupati looters, Dara Singh etc, and I get verbal diarrhoeal in return.

It's easy to make others scapegoat than do something by yourselves. Oh, yeah, you're spreading the awarenesses, well good-luck with that.
Again, is the social fabric of your society defined by religion? Because it's not in my sociey

You misunderstand me. In my opinion India society is defined on a sense of shared culture and civilization (more or less)

Christians Kerala or Goa, are extremely well (culturally) integrated into India society. However neo-converts are not. They are fed hate speeches and urged to show the "light of god" to these "ignorant pagans" .

I've personally witnessed this while in Hyderabad

Read this
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The National Liberation Front of Tripura, a rebel group operating in Tripura, North-East India classified by the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism as one of the ten most active terrorist groups in the world, has been accused of forcefully converting people to Christianity.[6][7][8] The state government reports that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the NLFT.[7][8][9] The Church is also reported to encourage the NLFT to murder Hindus, particularly infants.[9] NLFT has also declared a ban against Hindus celebrating Durga Puja and other Hindu festivals.[10]

The insurgency in Nagaland was led by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) and continues today with its faction NSCN - Isaac Muivah which explicitly calls for a "Nagalim for Christ."

In Assam, an extremest group named Manmasi National Christian Army (MNCA) with around 15 members from the Hmar ethnic group, have placed bloodstained crosses in Hindu temples and forced Hindus to convert at gunpoint.[12]

This is what happens when you let missionaries run rampant.
As far as I am concerned I made it very clear that Ram Sene & Co have nothing to do with Sanatana Dharma. More likely that they are being used to divide votes. Now what do you want.

The same attempt at manoeuvring yourself of all the responsibilities. Why don't you arise against them and destroy the very ploy played by seculars to destroy Sanatan Dhrama. But no we find people defending all sort of goons and thakedar of Hinduism.

If Al-Qaeda is not muslim, Ram Senes are not Hindus, I wonder who are they actually? Agnostics and Atheists?

a) not all missionaries are like that. There's a small percentage of Christian missionaries who force conversion and preach death to non-christians. Similarly, there is a small percentage of Hindu babas as well who preach death to non-hindus. But those are only small percentages and the problem is not as serious as is projected here.

b) that's not to say I condone these guys. What they are doing is against the law and it's the job of the law enforcement agencies to deal with them. We can't have mavericks like Dara Singh running around trying to become Robin Hoods.

Everything should be seen in the larger context IMO.

All I asked what are you doing to uphold the Sanatana Dhrama of yours as opposed to Ram Sene, Tirupati looters, Dara Singh etc, and I get verbal diarrhoeal in return.

It's easy to make others scapegoat than do something by yourselves. Oh, yeah, you're spreading the awarenesses, well good-luck with that.

My dear fellow it was you who started blabbering about burning Mother Teresa and what not.

What is so hard to understand about the fact that to serve the poor we need to remove the blood-suckers who are causing the poverty and letting the soul-harvesters run rampant.

Yes, RKM is doing good work but that is not the solution. RKM may have a budget of a few crores but the blood-suckers are stealing lakhs of crores from the poor, who are consequently being victimized by all kinds of charlatans including the soul-harvesters. So the solution has to be political.

As regards Ram Sene, I have already explained how they are in all likelihood a secularist ploy to divide votes. Now what do you want me to do.
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