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To the ignorant mind everything looks like a conspiracy theory. But those who are rational and open minded are willing to learn.

Regarding Tirupati - Hindu Temples - The loot and scoot syndrome

A book about the Indian political system - Democracy at Risk

Raising awareness is a part of the fight against Adharma.

Sorry I'm at loss here, if Hindu temples are used for looting, then it's Hindus who are to blame. And yeah rise against those looters, let the Hindus also have something to be proud of. Don't go around beating couples and vandalizing art exhibition in the name Hinduism.
Christian missionary like Staines go to remote tribal villages and work with the villagers in solving their basic problems and live with them.And so called hindu saints who shout day in and day out on tv live in cities in their centalised A/c ashrams move in luxurios cars,buy island in uk.thats the reason Christians missionaries are more popular than the fake hindu saints.

Fake saints ka bhagwan bhi fake hota hai.

so why should tribals believe in hindu saints as compared to christian missionary.

Christian missionary works on the concept of “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"
The best way to fill the belly of poor Indians is to get rid of all the politicians (mostly secularists) who are drinking the blood of this country.

It is because I care about them that I want to get rid of those who are drinking their blood.

And what are doing for those you care? Apart from burning down people and kids? Maoists say the same and they are revolting against GoI. Atleast they not only talk the talk, but walk the walk as well. What are you doing apart from posting in online forums.
Instead of killing Christians for converting deprived Hindus to Christianity , if these champions of hindus dharam give equal status to the low cast hindus they wont convert to other faith

You are not willing to feed them and you dont see them being fed by others and you still want them to remain under you. it wont work like that.

Start giving them better living and they might not convert
Christian missionary like Staines go to remote tribal villages and work with the villagers in solving their basic problems and live with them.And so called hindu saints who shout day in and day out on tv live in cities in their centalised A/c ashrams move in luxurios cars,buy island in uk.thats the reason Christians missionaries are more popular than the fake hindu saints.

Fake saints ka bhagwan bhi fake hota hai.

so why should tribals believe in hindu saints as compared to christian missionary.

Christian missionary works on the concept of “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"

There are Hindus who have been doing more work than those missionaries. But neither do they want fame nor they go around killing people like these Vajrangis.
To the ignorant mind everything looks like a conspiracy theory. But those who are rational and open minded are willing to learn.

Regarding Tirupati - Hindu Temples - The loot and scoot syndrome

A book about the Indian political system - Democracy at Risk

Raising awareness is a part of the fight against Adharma.
I'm not sure but isn't it true that 70-80% of hindu temples proceeds go tho the treasury of Govt.of india.Imay be wrong about the percentile figure but majority of it go to the GOI unlike WAKF Board and churches.
There are Hindus who have been doing more work than those missionaries. But neither do they want fame nor they go around killing people like these Vajrangis.
But work of missionaries are more visible on ground than the hindu saints.btw bajaranjis are self appointed thekedars nothing else.they must be banned by goi.
Christian missionary like Staines go to remote tribal villages and work with the villagers in solving their basic problems and live with them.And so called hindu saints who shout day in and day out on tv live in cities in their centalised A/c ashrams move in luxurios cars,buy island in uk.thats the reason Christians missionaries are more popular than the fake hindu saints.

Christian missionary works on the concept of “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"

so when u guys are inviting these angels called Christian missionary to work in Pakistan, Afghanistan,Sudan,Somalia etc ??

I"m sure some missionary must be dying to come to unfortunates living there and reveal Jesus to them. I even heard some missionary died after they reached these destinations.Sad.
Sorry I'm at loss here, if Hindu temples are used for looting, then it's Hindus who are to blame. And yeah rise against those looters, let the Hindus also have something to be proud of. Don't go around beating couples and vandalizing art exhibition in the name Hinduism.

Yes, followers of Sanatana Dharma are to blame for allowing the (mostly secularist) political class to drink our blood and rig our elections.

Organizations like Ram Sene who go around doing the activities that you decry are in fact agents of anti-Indic political parties. Pramod Muthalik, for instance, was fighting elections to divide the non-psecularist vote.

For now it is better to build awareness, in due course of time political change will become inevitable.
Yes, followers of Sanatana Dharma are to blame for allowing the (mostly secularist) political class to drink our blood and rig our elections.

Organizations like Ram Sene who go around doing the activities that you decry are in fact agents of anti-Indic political parties. Pramod Muthalik, for instance, was fighting elections to divide the non-psecularist vote.

For now it is better to build awareness, in due course of time political change will become inevitable.

It is important to raise awareness. There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

I burn six people before breakfast every morning. :blink:

It's like a strong deja vu - Islam is religion of peace, those who go around killing people are not Muslims.

Why don't you prevent Ram Sene from band-naming your religion, why seculars around the world has to do the dirty work for Hindus, Muslims and Christians?
But work of missionaries are more visible on ground than the hindu saints.

Ram Krishna Mission

The principal workers of the Mission are the monks. The activities of Ramakrishna Mission covers the following areas,[10]
Educational works
Health care
Cultural activities
Rural uplift
Tribal welfare
Youth movement etc.
The Ramakrishna Mission has its own hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity clinics, tuberculosis clinics, and mobile dispensaries. It also maintains training centers for nurses. Orphanages and homes for the elderly are included in the Mission's field of activities, along with rural and tribal welfare work.[15]
In educational activities, the Ramakrishna Mission has established many renowned educational institutions in India, having its own university, colleges, vocational training centers, high schools and primary schools, teacher's training institutes, as well as schools for the visually handicapped.[15] The Ramakrishna Mission has also involved in disaster relief operations during famine, epidemic, fire, flood, earthquake, cyclone and communal disturbances.[15]
The Ramakrishna Mission played an important role in the installation of Photovoltaic (PV) lighting systems in the Sunderbans region of West Bengal. Due to the geographical features of the Sunderbans, it is very difficult to extend the grid network to supply power to its population. The PV lighting was used to provide electricity to the people who were traditionally depending on kerosene and diesel.[16]
so when u guys are inviting these angels called Christian missionary to work in Pakistan, Afghanistan,Sudan,Somalia etc ??

I"m sure some missionary must be dying to come to unfortunates living there and reveal Jesus to them. I even heard some missionary died after they reached these destinations.Sad.

finding escapes is not appreciated.

They are already working since long. the onus is more on you because you guys claim many thing ranging from secularism to the claim that hindus dont believe in a static faith rather you are free to worship any object then why this unease over conversion to Christianity ?
To the ignorant mind everything looks like a conspiracy theory. But those who are rational and open minded are willing to learn.

Regarding Tirupati - Hindu Temples - The loot and scoot syndrome

A book about the Indian political system - Democracy at Risk

Raising awareness is a part of the fight against Adharma.

Why bother, the person you are trying to reason with lives in a kind of Stalinist ghetto and an avowed Leftist. I am not sure if Abir is a Left extremist as well.

Why bother to galvanize opinions of people who are Hindu-haters/baiters? As it is, their relevance in national policy making is disappearing by the day, with, perhaps the exception, of the loony fringe consisting of SFI, NSUI activists and the professors and students of the JNU?

I wonder how Mr G Parthasarathy has lent credence to an institution like this in the country....beong one of its founding members..
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