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Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again


Aug 20, 2011
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NEW DELHI: Despite India's strong reservations about a Chinese nuclear submarine at the Colombo port in September, the government has learned that Sri Lanka has permitted another Chinese attack submarine to dock at a Lankan port.

According to the information received, the second docking is likely to take place very soon.

The presence of Chinese submarines across Palk Straits has deeply disturbed the government which is
making another call to Lankan authorities, this time to convey strong displeasure. The news of a second Chinese submarine docking in Sri Lanka comes days after the visit of Vietnam PM Nguyen Tan Dung to India :lol:and in complete disregard of India's message to Lankan defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa earlier this month.

The Chinese fleet of submarines, both diesel and nuclear-powered (of which three can fire ballistic missiles), represent some of Beijing's most offensive military capabilities and have been the focus of international media when one of them propelled through Indian Ocean waters for the first time earlier this year, making its way to the Persian Gulf.

In a recent report, Wall Street Journal described the Chinese submarine fleet as Beijing's most significant military challenge in the region. And for them to surface at Lankan ports brings alive some of New Delhi's worst fears of China's expanding presence in India's neighbourhood.
Sri Lanka's assurance — even from the highest level — that China has no military presence in the island nation does not inspire confidence. Consider the following:
* Coinciding with the election of Mahinda Rajapaksa as president in 2005, assistance from China has grown manifold and in infrastructure.

* Of the totals assistance of $5.056 billion extended to Lanka by China from 1971 to 2012, around 94% or $4.761 billion came between 2005 and 2012. In the past two years (2012-2014), China has committed another $2.18 billion, mostly as loans with a high rate of interest.

* With its "no strings" overseas-aid policy, China has replaced Japan as the No. 1 donor to Sri Lanka.

* India believes that the Chinese have been favoured despite the commercial and economic viability of their projects being suspect. Traffic generated at Hambantota port and Matara international airport, both built by
China, are said to be far below expectations.

* The Rajapaksa regime has not been deterred by the poor execution of projects by Chinese companies. One glaring example is the $1.35 billion Norochcholai coal power project which Sri Lankan authorities failed to rectify and have now asked the Chinese to operate it. Poor quality of equipment was said to be one of the reasons for the breakdown.

What seems to have angered New Delhi is that the permission for docking another nuclear sub comes even after India conveyed to defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is also brother of the president, that it had serious reservations about the Colombo docking on September 15. :rofl:

This Colombo stop for the sub in September came while President Pranab Mukherjee was touring Vietnam and when Indian and Chinese troops were locked in a face-off at Chumar in southeastern Ladakh. China later said the sub had docked in Colombo on its way to the Gulf of Aden.

Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again - The Economic Times


Nooo Sri Lanka dare India again :rofl:
NEW DELHI: Despite India's strong reservations about a Chinese nuclear submarine at the Colombo port in September, the government has learned that Sri Lanka has permitted another Chinese attack submarine to dock at a Lankan port.

According to the information received, the second docking is likely to take place very soon.

The presence of Chinese submarines across Palk Straits has deeply disturbed the government which is
making another call to Lankan authorities, this time to convey strong displeasure. The news of a second Chinese submarine docking in Sri Lanka comes days after the visit of Vietnam PM Nguyen Tan Dung to India :lol:and in complete disregard of India's message to Lankan defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa earlier this month.

The Chinese fleet of submarines, both diesel and nuclear-powered (of which three can fire ballistic missiles), represent some of Beijing's most offensive military capabilities and have been the focus of international media when one of them propelled through Indian Ocean waters for the first time earlier this year, making its way to the Persian Gulf.

In a recent report, Wall Street Journal described the Chinese submarine fleet as Beijing's most significant military challenge in the region. And for them to surface at Lankan ports brings alive some of New Delhi's worst fears of China's expanding presence in India's neighbourhood.
Sri Lanka's assurance — even from the highest level — that China has no military presence in the island nation does not inspire confidence. Consider the following:
* Coinciding with the election of Mahinda Rajapaksa as president in 2005, assistance from China has grown manifold and in infrastructure.

* Of the totals assistance of $5.056 billion extended to Lanka by China from 1971 to 2012, around 94% or $4.761 billion came between 2005 and 2012. In the past two years (2012-2014), China has committed another $2.18 billion, mostly as loans with a high rate of interest.

* With its "no strings" overseas-aid policy, China has replaced Japan as the No. 1 donor to Sri Lanka.

* India believes that the Chinese have been favoured despite the commercial and economic viability of their projects being suspect. Traffic generated at Hambantota port and Matara international airport, both built by
China, are said to be far below expectations.

* The Rajapaksa regime has not been deterred by the poor execution of projects by Chinese companies. One glaring example is the $1.35 billion Norochcholai coal power project which Sri Lankan authorities failed to rectify and have now asked the Chinese to operate it. Poor quality of equipment was said to be one of the reasons for the breakdown.

What seems to have angered New Delhi is that the permission for docking another nuclear sub comes even after India conveyed to defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is also brother of the president, that it had serious reservations about the Colombo docking on September 15. :rofl:

This Colombo stop for the sub in September came while President Pranab Mukherjee was touring Vietnam and when Indian and Chinese troops were locked in a face-off at Chumar in southeastern Ladakh. China later said the sub had docked in Colombo on its way to the Gulf of Aden.

Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again - The Economic Times


Nooo Sri Lanka dare India again :rofl:
what is the problem with letting to dock ? :undecided:
only concern should be if there is chinese base or not ? this is really silly :disagree:
How dare the Sri Lankans defy supa pawa India? The Brahmin Indians took over it thousands of years ago in their space ships with the use of ancient nuclear weapons! Under Modi-Ji, India will turn into a modern-ancient supa pawa and take over again if Sri Lanka doesn't behave.
They are a sovereign country. They can make their own decisions.

No need to give India any more hot air to blow. Their citizenry are pretty damn good at it already.

The problem with India is that it wants Sri Lanka to be another Bhutan that it can control and lecture their foreign affaire :lol:, but Sri Lanka know how to show the middle finger when It doesn't agree with India to middling their foreign diplomacy.:cool:
I really don't see what the problem is.

- Indian naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Pakistani naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Japanese naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- French naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Australian naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports

So... why can't Chinese submarines dock at Sri Lankan ports when they are passing through?

Meanwhile India:

1) Armed, trained and funded the LTTE and has never expressed regret for this.
2) Voted against Sri Lanka not once but twice at the United Nations (the only Asian nation to do so)
3) Pampers politicians from Tamil Nadu who support separatism in Sri Lanka, and spread anti-Sri Lankan vitriol
4) Does absolutely nothing about the thousands of Tamil Nadu fishermen poaching in Sri Lankan waters on a daily basis, yet cries foul when they are arrested.
5) Refuses to have a complete defence relationship with the island.
6) Refuses to invest in Sri Lanka yet cries foul when China does so.
7) Tries to manipulate Sri Lankan politics to further its own interests.
8) An Indian prime minister has not visited Sri Lanka on an official government visit for.... how long now?

This is called a 'dog in the manger' attitude.

It's up to the Indian government to fix its foreign policy failure in the region.

On the other hand China:

1) Provided arms and training to Sri Lanka to defeat the LTTE
2) Gave full support to Sri Lanka at international fora, including the United Nations by voting against the US sponsored resolution
3) Continues to support Sri Lanka politically, economically and militarily
4) Has a full defence relationship with Sri Lanka and is eager to expand this relationship (held back on the Sri Lankan side by "Indian concerns")
5) Has heavily invested in Sri Lanka in several major projects and continues to seek other areas to invest in.
6) Promotes tourism to the island amongst its people and encourages people to people contact
7) Chinese president Xi Jinping made a personal visit to Sri Lanka this year and re-iterates Chinese support for Sri Lanka.
8) Does not manipulate Sri Lankan politics to suit its ends.

So I wouldn't don't blame China... or Sri Lanka at all.

India needs to learn from China.
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what is the problem with letting to dock ? :undecided:
only concern should be if there is chinese base or not ? this is really silly :disagree:

Indians believe Indian Ocean is Indian's Ocean so when Chinese sub dock into any country inside the Indian ocean will become their problem. Some Indians were bragging that they will send the P-8 to hunt down our subs to collect the noise signitures but end up to have finger pointing at Sri Lanka gorverment...LMAO

I really don't see what the problem is.

- Indian naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Pakistani naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Japanese naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- French naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports
- Australian naval ships have docked at Sri Lankan ports

So... why can't Chinese submarines dock at Sri Lankan ports when they are passing through?

Meanwhile India:

1) Armed, trained and funded the LTTE
2) Voted against Sri Lanka not once but twice at the United Nations (the only Asian nation to do so)
3) Pampers politicians from Tamil Nadu who support separatism in Sri Lanka, and spread anti-Sri Lankan vitriol
4) Does absolutely nothing about the thousands of Tamil Nadu fishermen poaching in Sri Lankan waters on a daily basis, yet cries foul when they are arrested.
5) Refuses to have a complete defence relationship with the island.
6) Refuses to invest in Sri Lanka yet cries foul when China does so.

This is called a 'dog in the manger' attitude.

It's up to the Indian government to fix its foreign policy failure in the region.

On the other hand China:

1) Provided arms and training to Sri Lanka to defeat the LTTE
2) Gave full support to Sri Lanka at international fora, including the United Nations by voting against the US sponsored resolution
3) Continues to support Sri Lanka politically, economically and militarily
4) Has a full defence relationship with Sri Lanka and is eager to expand this relationship (held back on the Sri Lankan side by "Indian concerns")
5) Has heavily invested in Sri Lanka in several major projects and continues to seek other areas to invest in.
6) Promotes tourism to the island amongst its people and encourages people to people contact

well said man, Sri Lanka should stand up for itself, dont be another Bhutan, you will have China full support.

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maybe u should read what sl naval chief said. to..to..our gov query about chinese sub..maybe u will stop jumping around on pdf. hmm ? :tup:

Sorry I'm only interested on this related article, if you Indians are so sure of yourself why bother to be concern of what so ever China do in Indian ocean.
Sorry I'm only interested on this related article, if you Indians are so sure of yourself why bother to be concern of what so ever China do in Indian ocean.

lol..ok babylee..u wana have fun ? have fun...mwaaahh...:lol:

btw, you should read what the SL naval chief said. it is about the same subject. it will prick your balloon.. :lol:

When will Indian subs visit Taiwan? One word of advise to Taiwanese. Do not get to close to the sub while docked because it might explode.

says a dumb blonde on the internet. maybe you should watch out for sun's radiation. they make them testicles even smaller.

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