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Sri Lanka rejects UN Resolution on International probe

it has..don't you know that UNSC has previlage of sending troops and impose sanctions??

That is when the security of the member states are threatened. It is not punishments for wrongdoing. Just a defensive measure.
Kashmir issue is different from Tamil issue.Equating it with Sikh Genocide would be a right comparison.And Srilanka rejecting the probe does indicate that Srilanka was involved in war crimes.

so why dont u do an investigation on sikh genocide.
You are wrong. what happened in SL was not sikh genocide or even Kashmir. Remember i didnt equate Kashmir to SL. What was there in SL was a fully fledged war between two warring parties of which both were equipped with modern weapons. was that the same in Sikh riots where Hindus went after sikhs?

SL army didnt go after tamil civilians and killed them . SL targetted LTTE and LTTE used tamils as a human shield to cover their sorry a$$es.
Did sikhs came to armed Hindus looking for refuge? The tamils in the war torn areas came towards SL army defence lines not one or two but close to 300,000 civilians. Why would tamils come towards SL army looking for refuge? would you do that if SL army were going to kill u? There are eyewitnesses, video evidences and ICRC reports on LTTE shooting at tamil civilians.

If you want to talk about SL then get knowledged about it.

Kashmir issue is different from Tamil issue.Equating it with Sikh Genocide would be a right comparison.And Srilanka rejecting the probe does indicate that Srilanka was involved in war crimes.

If I said youre wife is hiding drugs under her skirt and that i need to peep in and verify and your rejection to do so makes my point prove? Dont bring childish arguments.

actually,it does.

No it doesnt UN has been a royal flop when it comes to war crimes. UN has been a silent spectator in almost all the war crimes by world powers and has been successful only in punishing african countries and weak small countries.
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U mean just coz US did injustice in Iraq, it means there was no War Crimes in SriLanka? Logic?

If US can do all the naughty things and go out free why cant SL? The reality is US has committed so much of war crimes worse than what SL is even accused of. So the US's moral highground is highly questionable.

The fact that US or even UK has no moral high ground to point at SL is a strong point. There is no other country except US that has killed people all over the world in such a magnitude and go unpunished.
nuclear bombing of Japan, war crimes in Germany against surrendered germans, bombing in Cambodia, bombing in Vietnam, My Lay massacre. US bombed Vietnam droping 40000 tons of bombs within 12 days. The american who masterminded the bombing in cambodia was given the nobel prize for peace. Killed people through sanctions in Iraq, and the war crimes in Iraq and Afganistan.. Supporting rogue regimes world over like Khmer Rogue in cambodia and toppling legitimate governments in lathin america that didnt act according to US. Recen Ukraine instability and that issue was initiated by US.

And most importantly there is NO enough evidences to start a international investigation in SL. Such investigations has to be based on either mass grave site or with evidence to mass scale massacres. In SL's case there is none. Only propaganda type videos.

SO the basis of which this investigations was initiated is wrong. UN reports talk about unsubstantiated and un verified civilian losses.
That is when the security of the member states are threatened. It is not punishments for wrongdoing. Just a defensive measure.

wrong.its not Defensive Measure.for smaller countries,an well placed sanction is death warrant.

No it doesnt UN has been a royal flop when it comes to war crimes. UN has been a silent spectator in almost all the war crimes by world powers and has been successful only in punishing african countries and weak small countries.

IMO UN was doing fine job for what it was created.its main problem is its not an independent entity,it has to rely on members for soldiers and fund.but apart from that,its doing a fine job.now,if you expect it to become "All powerful Superpower",its not its role.its just provide a platform to all the countries to discuss certain matter.
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wrong.its not Defensive Measure.for smaller countries,an well placed sanction is death warrant.

IMO UN was doing fine job for what it was created.its main problem is its not an independent entity,it has to rely on members for soldiers and fund.but apart from that,its doing a fine job.now,if you expect it to become "All powerful Superpower",its not its role.its just provide a platform to all the countries to discuss certain matter.

I dont want it to be a super power, UN is a foreign policy arm of USA. I think you have missed what UN is. If UN is just a platform to discuss certian matters, what is their job in SL?

UN was created after world war to avoid such a situation again. The reality is UN is useless thing. UN couldnt stop vietnam massacres, Iraq invasion and many other war crimes done by the west. It is just a tool where african and small asian countries is controlled.

And there are no sanctions on SL.
And also Indian abstain of conducting a referendum in Kashmir indicate that India is holding onto something that is not theirs and India is acting against the will of the Kasmiri people.

Read the conditions for referendum ......... First Pakistan has to vacate the area before conducting the referendum .

They have not done that and hence no referendum .
Read the conditions for referendum ......... First Pakistan has to vacate the area before conducting the referendum .

They have not done that and hence no referendum .

And why should we allow any foreigner to conduct probes in Sri Lanka when those foreigners do not even have any legal binding with Sri Lankan people?

Why should we accept a verdict of a foreigner to be an ultimate truth?
wrong.its not Defensive Measure.for smaller countries,an well placed sanction is death warrant.

Before that it needs a prior approval in the security council.

IMO UN was doing fine job for what it was created.its main problem is its not an independent entity,it has to rely on members for soldiers and fund.but apart from that,its doing a fine job.now,if you expect it to become "All powerful Superpower",its not its role.its just provide a platform to all the countries to discuss certain matter.

This is what I was telling you this whole time. UN is not an independent entity because it's main fund raiser is US government. It is a political tool of the US.
And why should we allow any foreigner to conduct probes in Sri Lanka when those foreigners do not even have any legal binding with Sri Lankan people?

Why should we accept a verdict of a foreigner to be an ultimate truth?

It's not a foreigner ........ It's the UN in which you are also a member .
The reality is UN is useless thing. UN couldnt stop vietnam massacres, Iraq invasion and many other war crimes done by the west. And there are no sanctions on SL.

please include genocidal Lanka's invasion of Tamil Elam to your reality

BBC News - UN 'failed Sri Lanka civilians', says internal probe

The United Nations failed in its mandate to protect civilians in the last months of Sri Lanka's bloody civil war, a leaked draft of a highly critical internal UN report says.

"Events in Sri Lanka mark a grave failure of the UN," it concludes.

Apr 02, New York: The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked the Sri Lankan government to constructively engage and cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the implementation of the resolution adopted last week by the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Sri Lanka : UN Chief asks Sri Lanka to constructively engage with UN High Commissioner
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It's not a foreigner ........ It's the UN in which you are also a member .

Then UN should allow its member to do his work rather than not accepting what he do based on racist judgements.
Then UN should allow its member to do his work rather than not accepting what he do based on racist judgements.

It is not a racist judgement but a decision based on reality afaik and approved by majority heading the panel .

Whether it is a binding one or not , I have no idea .
It is not a racist judgement but a decision based on reality afaik and approved by majority heading the panel .

What reality? The judgment is based on accounts of ex-LTTE cadres, LTTE sympathziers who are either politicians in Sri Lanka or activists in foreign countries which have no understanding on the typical life of Tamils in Sri Lanka and self righteous people who have blood on their hand.
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