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Sri Lanka gets US$2.5bn dollars in China financing

Kindly tell me how can Chinese energy needs be secured by having a naval base in SL.You guys are known to create enemies unnecesarily.

With all due respect it is our background and we are no Phillipines or Vietnam...we have a formidable navy which will be very lethal by 2020..Such thinking would only lead to clashes which will be in Indias own backyard.You may not be able to sustain operations for long in a region away from your base.

Lastly,no one is planning to cut your supplies.You guys are unnecesarily creating problems in the region.

I don't want to get off topic here it would be better to have a topic about this on the china section, but a final last reply, it's mainly to enforce china's string of pearls and protect the energy needs the concern isn't India but the USA china also will be building a blue water navy right now lets say a conflict broke out china energy and needs would be halted, china presence in the indian ocean is limited and would be destroyed unless it had a blue water navy to sustain operations which I've said no base right now but it's a possibility after 2020, but lastly also Sri Lanka has to agree if it says no it's fine we won't force a base.
And you are assuming china will sit with hands tied behind their back.:lol: You will also lose a lot
in any war. The base will be there to show the chinese might in the region and that she is the
dominant power of the IR and whole of asia. It would be a guarantee of security of her trade routes that IN possibly can harass. And forget annexing any country. SL is not sikkim.

when did i say I will tie China's hands.:lol:

I already said when India will decide to attack that Base (IFFFFFFFFFFFFF it ever comes up in first place) then India would ALREADY HAVE DECIDED TO GO ON WAR.. So losses will be there who is denying that, economic losses happen in any war.

as for SL, surely u think SL can take on u guys and beat u blue and black and overrun your country. Sorry India wont need more then 2-3 days to take over SL, if SL does allow a Naval Base in SL TO ATTACK INDIA.

But obviously SL is India's friend and leave that before that it is a sensible nation. So I am sure these wet dreams of some people will never come true. No PLAN in Sri Lanka, as I am sure SL friends wont approve it.

but it's a possibility after 2020, but lastly also Sri Lanka has to agree if it says no it's fine we won't force a base.

it is a big NO to you from SL.

You cant force SL for a base.

After 2020 there is 0 chance, as India would be 10 times more powerful. ( even now if u try there is only .00001% chance)
I don't want to get off topic here it would be better to have a topic about this on the china section, but a final last reply, it's mainly to enforce china's string of pearls and protect the energy needs the concern isn't India but the USA china also will be building a blue water navy right now lets say a conflict broke out china energy and needs would be halted, china presence in the indian ocean is limited and would be destroyed unless it had a blue water navy to sustain operations which I've said no base right now but it's a possibility after 2020, but lastly also Sri Lanka has to agree if it says no it's fine we won't force a base.

Although you are a sensible Chinese member here which is quite rare on PDF but i still dont agree with your points coz you are favouring your country more..you are not considering the fact what is in pipeline for Indian Navy.Anyways lets not get offtopic like you said and deleted my one message also which was rightly aimed at someone to show him his true self..

China should deploy its naval assets in SL, Myanmar, BD, Maldives. Pakistan and encircle India completely.
China should deploy its naval assets in SL, Myanmar, BD, Maldives. Pakistan and encircle India completely.
why not better directly Nuke. I smell u have India personally ( has nothing to do with B/D and Bangladeshis. We have good relations with them) and cant do anything about it, so want to USE China to do work for you. China aint listening from you and taking orders. :lol:

at the end of day China also knows fighting India would be a big disaster for China.
why not better directly Nuke. I smell u have India personally ( has nothing to do with B/D and Bangladeshis. We have good relations with them) and cant do anything about it, so want to USE China to do work for you. China aint listening from you and taking orders. :lol:

at the end of day China also knows fighting India would be a big disaster for China.

indian navy would be target practise for the PLAN.
the entire indian military is a very disorganised and amateur military with massive corruption.
it basically a rag tag military similar to the iraqi military.

PLA is a very well organised, highly trained, and well equipped military.

if india ever mess with the PLA, india will be reduced to rubble.

indians were overconfident in their military in 1962 and got absolutely pwned in that war.

trust me, the very last thing india wants is to pick a fight with their former conquerers.
the mental scars will be opened up if the indian military even threatens china and any base we have in sri lanka in any way shape or form.

its all very well bragging about war like indians usually do, but when the shooting starts, it wont end until india is humiliated worse than 1962. then india will have to live with another defeat at the hands of the PLA and lick their wounds until the next war. india have been licking their painful wounds since 1962, they mess with us again, we will deliver the knockout punch.

india is in absolutely no position to fight the PLA, the gap between the PLA and indian military is further increasing and india is being left behind.

i personally think it will be great if we could build a base in sri lanka.
not a damn thing india can do to stop it.
why not better directly Nuke. I smell u have India personally ( has nothing to do with B/D and Bangladeshis. We have good relations with them) and cant do anything about it, so want to USE China to do work for you. China aint listening from you and taking orders. :lol:

at the end of day China also knows fighting India would be a big disaster for China.

You hate us, yet you are trying to speak on our behalf? :rofl:

Your Indian Armed Forces have already admitted that India can never hope to match China.

The Indian Armed Forces know a lot more than some internet fanboys.
Hambantota Port bunkering facilities constructing by Chinese company. It's a Chinese built port so why Indian members think Chinese don't get advantage from that from Sri Lanka?

Why SL government refused the Indian offer to expanding/re-construction project of Palali Air base?

Looks like somethings are happening...

Chinese spy ship docked at Colombo Port, says Indian media

I think "China Bay" naval and air base which is already in here will become China's naval/Air base.


A future base in SL is for energy needs, so there is no concern with any usa bases.

If thats the case, a future base in vietnam is unstoppable for india !!
Even Mongolia asked IAF to have a base in their country, but india refused not liking to start tensions in a peacefull environment..
If china takes any steps, i am sure, there will be equal and opposite reaction...
indian navy would be target practise for the PLAN.
the entire indian military is a very disorganised and amateur military with massive corruption.
it basically a rag tag military similar to the iraqi military.

PLA is a very well organised, highly trained, and well equipped military.

if india ever mess with the PLA, india will be reduced to rubble.

indians were overconfident in their military in 1962 and got absolutely pwned in that war.

trust me, the very last thing india wants is to pick a fight with their former conquerers.
the mental scars will be opened up if the indian military even threatens china and any base we have in sri lanka in any way shape or form.

its all very well bragging about war like indians usually do, but when the shooting starts, it wont end until india is humiliated worse than 1962. then india will have to live with another defeat at the hands of the PLA and lick their wounds until the next war. india have been licking their painful wounds since 1962, they mess with us again, we will deliver the knockout punch.

india is in absolutely no position to fight the PLA, the gap between the PLA and indian military is further increasing and india is being left behind.

i personally think it will be great if we could build a base in sri lanka.
not a damn thing india can do to stop it.

Well the subcontinentals don't consider the world'd largest open toilet as some kind of supa pawa. Neither does the babus ruling you think that they can get away by attacking a chinese naval
base upon no provocation from the other side. The world doesn't revolve around bollywood
fantasies like you delusional indians think.:)

neither does any logical person consider u as a logical person...kudos

You hate us, yet you are trying to speak on our behalf? :rofl:

Your Indian Armed Forces have already admitted that India can never hope to match China.

The Indian Armed Forces know a lot more than some internet fanboys.

and some chinese internet fanboys believe everything thats in their favour...now if i tell u china has illegally occupied aksai chin...which indian govt, armed forces etc etc keep saying...u wont believe...so...shhhhh...

indian navy would be target practise for the PLAN.
the entire indian military is a very disorganised and amateur military with massive corruption.
it basically a rag tag military similar to the iraqi military.

PLA is a very well organised, highly trained, and well equipped military.

if india ever mess with the PLA, india will be reduced to rubble.

indians were overconfident in their military in 1962 and got absolutely pwned in that war.

trust me, the very last thing india wants is to pick a fight with their former conquerers.
the mental scars will be opened up if the indian military even threatens china and any base we have in sri lanka in any way shape or form.

its all very well bragging about war like indians usually do, but when the shooting starts, it wont end until india is humiliated worse than 1962. then india will have to live with another defeat at the hands of the PLA and lick their wounds until the next war. india have been licking their painful wounds since 1962, they mess with us again, we will deliver the knockout punch.

india is in absolutely no position to fight the PLA, the gap between the PLA and indian military is further increasing and india is being left behind.

i personally think it will be great if we could build a base in sri lanka.
not a damn thing india can do to stop it.

ever considered scriptwriting for bollywood movies as ur career??...

indian navy would be target practise for the PLAN.
the entire indian military is a very disorganised and amateur military with massive corruption.
it basically a rag tag military similar to the iraqi military.

PLA is a very well organised, highly trained, and well equipped military.

if india ever mess with the PLA, india will be reduced to rubble.

indians were overconfident in their military in 1962 and got absolutely pwned in that war.

trust me, the very last thing india wants is to pick a fight with their former conquerers.
the mental scars will be opened up if the indian military even threatens china and any base we have in sri lanka in any way shape or form.

its all very well bragging about war like indians usually do, but when the shooting starts, it wont end until india is humiliated worse than 1962. then india will have to live with another defeat at the hands of the PLA and lick their wounds until the next war. india have been licking their painful wounds since 1962, they mess with us again, we will deliver the knockout punch.

india is in absolutely no position to fight the PLA, the gap between the PLA and indian military is further increasing and india is being left behind.

i personally think it will be great if we could build a base in sri lanka.
not a damn thing india can do to stop it.

Indians in their deluded minds think that
the gap between China and India will decrease
over the next 10-15 years.

While they brag that they will get Mig-29Ks
on 2-3 medium sized aircraft carriers, China
is already testing the far more capable
J-15 on the much larger Varyag.

Looking at 2020 and beyond, China is likely to
field stealth jets on 100,000+ tonne aircraft

The Chinese Navy will completely dominate
the India Navy in the Indian Ocean from 2020
and beyond.
Good going SL. I would love to see a chinese naval base in SL with chinese aircraft carriers stationed in Hambantota. But I don't think it would be before 2020/2025. By that time BD may also be hosting some kind of refueling facilities for china.:)

LOllllll in some year when bangladesh goes under water china will send there oil rig to drill oil over there .....no need of refuelling.....

this guys behave like they are some big shot and there nation are gonna change the tide of history.........You guys nothing but a pawn in a larger game......that is what u r and u will always be
By Doing such a act.......u will render u r nation a tissue paper nation...which is just 4 use and throw purpose...
We are already seeing a tissue paper nation going down the drain......rest is Ur Destiny...;)

Let see how chinese Investment work...

1) China loans money...... charge interest
2) China makes all project to be handled by chinese------>Job for Chinese ---->stimulus of China GDP
3)Must use chinese instrument.....Money goes back to china giving stimulus to its economy
4) Did china use money to set up industry-----> NO-----> no job creation
Did China employ local ppl--------> NO------> No Local Earning
5)So it the End U r in Debt with No gain in productivity nor Employment....with a sparkling new Airport,HIghway :tup:

Superb Investment cycle......... this is what i call a perfect con

Indians in their deluded minds think that
the gap between China and India will decrease
over the next 10-15 years.

While they brag that they will get Mig-29Ks
on 2-3 medium sized aircraft carriers, China
is already testing the far more capable
J-15 on the much larger Varyag.

Looking at 2020 and beyond, China is likely to
field stealth jets on 100,000+ tonne aircraft

The Chinese Navy will completely dominate
the India Navy in the Indian Ocean from 2020
and beyond

I din't know u fanboy where on a chinese team of aircraft manufacturer....Did u personally fly that or test it .....
China military planning being done by a Bangladeshi sitting in US:lol:
OOoooh it must "YES MASTER syndrome"
Many ppl are affected by it on this forum........ Cheerleaders:D
SL government will allow Chinese Naval base for sure! :agree:

Forget Sri Lanka, even Chinese government would not dare put their Naval base in SL.

We have been helping Lanka out a lot. as for the second part lets wait until 2020. :enjoy:

More time you take for putting a Naval Base in SL, harder would it become for China. 2020 will be markedly different.

I don't want to get off topic here it would be better to have a topic about this on the china section, but a final last reply, it's mainly to enforce china's string of pearls and protect the energy needs the concern isn't India but the USA china also will be building a blue water navy right now lets say a conflict broke out china energy and needs would be halted, china presence in the indian ocean is limited and would be destroyed unless it had a blue water navy to sustain operations which I've said no base right now but it's a possibility after 2020, but lastly also Sri Lanka has to agree if it says no it's fine we won't force a base.

As time passes, US would be a less of a concern for China and India will take precedence. India is itself developing Blue Navy capabilities. If China starts poking its nose in Indian Ocean region, then expect India's involvement in SCS, naval bases in Vietnam. I hope Chinese leadership is not foolish. India would not tolerate any outsider in Indian Ocean region except may be the US.

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