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Sri Lanka gets US$2.5bn dollars in China financing

the online SL members here dont represent SL... anyhow SL govt is making money from from India and China and is developing so its good for them... but SL will never give a naval base to China. coz any attack on India from a Naval base in SL would mean end of SL sovereignty. India would blow away the Chinese base and occupy SL and make it an Indian state and that would be perfectly justifiable and proper thing to do and SL will not be able to question it.

So I dont think SL will do it, but in case they try to do it, India should secretly tell them and warn them of dire consequences in case of Indo-China conflict and tell them exactly like above.
Do you know the range of Indian Air Force fighters taking off from South India...It would be a stupid move.Even a squadron of Apache AH-64D would be more than enough for any such base. (my intention is not to troll but giving a logical comment incase of a war)

Well the subcontinentals don't consider the world'd largest open toilet as some kind of supa pawa. Neither does the babus ruling you think that they can get away by attacking a chinese naval
base upon no provocation from the other side. The world doesn't revolve around bollywood
fantasies like you delusional indians think.:)
In case of a war everything is fair game..it doesn't matter where your bases are situated. What do you expect? You can attack us from SL and we don't retaliate.

Who said anything about a war ? and by that definition you would also have to attack the coco islands base, gwader in Pakistan, and Sri Lanka it would lead to a bigger regional conflict.
Well the subcontinentals don't consider the world'd largest open toilet as some kind of supa pawa. Neither does the babus ruling you think that they can get away by attacking a chinese naval
base upon no provocation from the other side. The world doesn't revolve around bollywood
fantasies like you delusional indians think.:)

is there a Naval base there? has SL given it to them? then why making noise?

China can have a naval base IFFFFF SL allows and India wont attack the base as they will not have any justification. But surely be ready for Indian bases in Chinese neighbourhood with more stronger nations then SL. :lol: and we will kill the Chinese Navy before it enters the Indian Ocean. :lol:

on the other hand why will India launch an attack on its own, only in case of a war will India attack and when India has already decided to go for war then all bases of China will be attacked.

In short, India will attack that Naval base when India has ALREADY decided to go on war with China. So what else? China will go for war. But we already decided for war.

But SL will not be spared and made a part of India for allowing the Chinese Naval base to attack India from their port.

So I doubt SL will ever allow Naval base for Chinese Navy... it will be nothing but suicide for SL. IT may give berthing rights to the commercial cargo.
mostly to bypass the Malacca Straits Sri Lanka and Pakistan will be a role in it.

Well, its pretty natural that the chinese will make an alternate route through Gawdar. Its a given
literally considering the strategic location of that place it is something that make perfect sense for
China. It would fast track the development of western china which would also provide china with
cheap labor than coastal china to keep her competitive edge. After developing a decent blue
water power projection capability china will embark on this alternate project. No doubt about it.
As far as BD is concerned, well the chinese have sown interest in developing our deep sea port
in mongla. The current political situation is very unstable so the deal is not going through but
BD has been a trusted friend of china for the last 40 years.
Well, its pretty natural that the chinese will make an alternate route through Gawdar. Its a given
literally considering the strategic location of that place it is something that make perfect sense for
China. It would fast track the development of western china which would also provide china with
cheap labor than coastal china to keep her competitive edge. After developing a decent blue
water power projection capability china will embark on this alternate project. No doubt about it.
As far as BD is concerned, well the chinese have sown interest in developing our deep sea port
in mongla. The current political situation is very unstable so the deal is not going through but
BD has been a trusted friend of china for the last 40 years.

China also has plans for an arctic route to also bypass Malacca, it's mostly to diversify the reliance on Malacca.
anyway were getting off topic my apologies for it. :)
is there a Naval base there? has SL given it to them? then why making noise?

China can have a naval base IFFFFF SL allows and India wont attack the base as they will not have any justification. But surely be ready for Indian bases in Chinese neighbourhood with more stronger nations then SL. :lol:

on the other hand why will India launch an attack on its own, only in case of a war will India attack and when India has already decided to go for war then all bases of China will be attacked.

In short, India will attack that Naval base when India has ALREADY decided to go on war with China. So what else? China will go for war. But we already decided for war.

But SL will not be spared and made a part of India for allowing the Chinese Naval base to attack India from their port.

And you are assuming china will sit with hands tied behind their back.:lol: You will also lose a lot
in any war. The base will be there to show the chinese might in the region and that she is the
dominant power of the IR and whole of asia. It would be a guarantee of security of her trade routes that IN possibly can harass. And forget annexing any country. SL is not sikkim.
Ok were getting off topic my apologies for it, lets just stick to Sri Lanka gets financing. :)
It would be stupid to attack a base in a foreign country and lead to a bigger issue, as I've said no concern right now but if it were attacked the consequences would be enormous .

You did not get my point.If there is a war between India and China and China decides to use the naval base in SL against India then i dont think India is not going to attack your base...thats completely stupid to think.I hope you know of a incident where the Indian Airforce dropped supplies in Jaffna,SL escorted by 2 Mig-29 even when SL had not given us the permission.

If a war is forced on us then you can expect anything.
Who said anything about a war ? and by that definition you would also have to attack the coco islands base, gwader in Pakistan, and Sri Lanka it would lead to a bigger regional conflict.

I already said " In case of war" and yes, everything that you mentioned will happen.
And you are assuming china will sit with hands tied behind their back.:lol: You will also lose a lot
in any war. The base will be there to show the chinese might in the region and that she is the
dominant power of the IR and whole of asia. It would be a guarantee of security of her trade routes that IN possibly can harass. And forget annexing any country. SL is not sikkim.

Kid,read histroy again.Why do you guys have to comment if you dont know about something..When did India annex Sikkim??

I suggest you read newspaper everyday and find out what USA is upto in this region.
You did not get my point.If there is a war between India and China and China decides to use the naval base in SL against India then i dont think India is not going to attack your base...thats completely stupid to think.I hope you know of a incident where the Indian Airforce dropped supplies in Jaffna,SL escorted by 2 Mig-29 even when SL had not given us the permission.

If a war is forced on us then you can expect anything.

Like I've said it would be stupid to start a war mainly due to China's economy but no blue water navy presence, thats why a possiblity of a naval maybe after 2020 it's to focus on china energy needs.
It seems the whole naval base talk set off alot of frustration. ;), Now sticking to the main topic for all members and enough with the personal attack this is a warning.
Like I've said it would be stupid to start a war mainly due to China's economy but no blue water navy presence, thats why a possiblity of a naval maybe after 2020 it's to focus on china energy needs.

Kindly tell me how can Chinese energy needs be secured by having a naval base in SL.You guys are known to create enemies unnecesarily.

With all due respect it is our background and we are no Phillipines or Vietnam...we have a formidable navy which will be very lethal by 2020..Such thinking would only lead to clashes which will be in Indias own backyard.You may not be able to sustain operations for long in a region away from your base.

Lastly,no one is planning to cut your supplies.You guys are unnecesarily creating problems in the region.
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