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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

My independent view on Sri Lanka

1) Sovereign, independent nation.
2) Right to determine its own foreign policy
3) Right to maintain its territorial claim and do whatever it wants within its territory
4) Foreign policy of Sri Lanka is not dependent on India - and should never be
5) If its military wants assistance from other nations, so be it. IT is an independent nation and its independent policies must be respected if it is about defence.
6) Every step Sri Lanka takes in order to import arms from another nation should not be seen as a threat to India.
7) China's development of ports - even though this is about economical development at least as far as the Chinese and the Sri Lankans are saying, honestly, there is nothing MUCH India can do if and when (hypothetically) Chinese naval ships use the two ports for refuelling.
8) CHina's and much of East Asia's fuel supply lines (ships) cut across the breadth of the IOR. Sea lanes of the Indian Ocean region used by these ships (be they Chinese or Lankan or Japanese or South African or Tanzanian.. happen to be away from Indain territorial waters. All flags sail through INTERNATIONAL WATERS of the Indian Ocean.
9) We Indians have to accept that - especially in the case of Sri Lanka - it is rightfully an Indian Ocean island nation and it is no nation's suzerain .
10) If the Chinese DO come to Hambantota with Zheng Ge's naval armada for refueling, there is nothing we can do about it. They will be in S.Lankan waters, using their facilities (built by the benefactor) and the transaction will be between the two nations.

Now some very immensely patriotic Indian brothers of mine will say Hambantota will be a listening post for the Chinese and it will harm India's security apparatus. Assume it happens, what ... HONESTLY ask yourself ... what the F can we do ? Resort to attacking Lanka? Stir up another hornets nest? Or make our own defenses more stronger by building our own naval / listening stations in the vicinity and hear what the secret bed talk between China/Lanka goes on?

Can we block China in the IOR? - No. If yes, on what basis? Unless they start firing at us, it is not a possibility.
If yes, which IOR waters are we talking of blocking them?

I would request all (Pak/Indi/Lankan/Bangla and whoever wants to get into this flame bait FORUM ) understand the ground realities of independent nations first and then start beating chests as to whose dick is bigger and who owns the bed and who can cheat around bedding different partners.

Another take on Sri Lanka - if it had not been for the bloody civil war spanning so many decades, TAKE MY WORD, Lanka would have been a STIFF economic powerhouse in the IOR region, far surpassing Pakistan's, India's, Bangladesh's economy of yesteryears. The worst thing to happen to Lanka was the war (and all its ethnic reasons ).

All Sovereignty, independence,Right to determine its own foreign policy etc etc on one side and pursuing national interests other side.
If its in SL's interest to introduce PRC in IOR thin its in India's interest to counteract it.
Same as in case if its in india's interest to cut pakistan in half through it cold start doctrine then its in pakistan's interests to nuke india from the face of the earth.So its all about pursuing national interests.

now coming to question that if india can stop PRC.yes it can and that too without firing.but then When IND-PRC start fighting in IOR neither of them will suffer but the real sufferer will be SL in this fight.
Present SL' move is due to it Sinhalese chauvinistic leadership .Root cause of the proble lies in SL not in india not in china or in IOR.
Sinhala leadership thinks that they can ride PRC and hence can escape from implementing 13th amendment.
Solution for internal ethnic tensions lies with in SL not in PRC.

Following interests is neither jingoism norblind patriotism.And your saying can india stop PRC.So i've a proposition for you Why fight with all the countries in your neighbourhood.Indians afterall the most hated people in SA. so lets disintegrate it by allowing the neighbours to claim the various disputed parts of it.Anyway hindus cant rule themslves.they are only made to serve their masters so lets indian's masters be Hans of PRC.
Daily wash their feet and drink that water hindus will get direct moksha/heaven etc in their afterlife.

BTW you remind me of Major General D.K. Palit famously described Indo-pak war as “communal riots with tanks”:P

Maj. Gen. D.K. Palit, one of the few soldier-scholars in the history of the Indian Army, once noted that wars between India and Pakistan resembled “communal riots with armor.”

The Mythology of Cold Start - NYTimes.com

@Sashan I wonder why only such characters are found among indians...............:undecided:
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How can you define India is weak. Don't think like that. Maybe India lags behind China in economical matters. But India is no weak when it comes to warfare. Therefore IMO Sri Lanka's existence lies with a good co-operation with India. BTW this doesn't mean we have to accept everything from India but we should take India into consideration when dealing with matters. Specially if they are involving some foreign countries.

I didn't mention we should give up India, what I have mentioned is we should take the advantage of the factor "China" in this moment. Indian military power does not important coz we aren't involving between China vs India matters. In the development and many other rankings Sri Lanka is in the top positions in the region, also among some of the south East Asian countries. We should move that position further. India doesn't show capability of sharp improvements in next decade but China does. So at this moment China is the clear advantage to us, we should take the chances we have.
WTF, mate I'm on this forum for almost 2 years now, this is the first time someone saying I'm a false flag lol I'm not a Pakistani or Chinese, I'm pure Sri Lankan! :lol:

Your comment is with anger main reason is you think Indian ocean is yours. Right be in Indian ocean has many countries including Sri Lanka that because this ocean belongs to many countries, India has the same right but it is just one country only. So don't try to claim "Indian" ocean is India's, it is hilarious. Secondly we have right to deal with countries we prefer and share our interest with those countries, China is just one country we are dealing with. If we can gain some advantages to our country by cooperating with China that's the path we should move. Why so upset with the countries who dealing with China, Maldives has same right to decide what they should do in the future. it's their country, it's their people, it's their ocean, it's their right.

Countries always try to reach the countries who can take advantages, If India was in a better development and brighter status sure all your neighbours will try to hold contact with India. But in the current situation country China is the greater one, so than dealing with a weaker country it is advantage to dealing with China. you have Indian vision, but if you were a Sri Lankan just think do you prefer weaker country or greater country.

I like when people talk in right tone.

Your tone before and itch to get into the skin of Indians in this forum is quite visible. You want Indians to answer you have got the answer. I am hardly grumpy or angry but I believe in giving straight answers without being politically correct.

You can deceive gullibles by playing innocent but people know your long history of oppressing your own citizens and real reasons behind your internal civil strives/war. You can not cut the bill on India's name for that.

You do not have any face to preach us morality. Pakistani and Chinese propaganda of 'hegemonic India' failed ages ago and no nation is buying their rants, you should be careful when sniffing the same and sneezing it out on us.

It is your nation (going by your tone) who is inviting foreign powers like Pakistan has been doing in IOR and SA. Your nation is free to decide whom to side with and we Indians believe in the same as well. But if you think you will side with Chinese for any reason and take cheap shot at Indians at the same time then its a non starter for your progress.
So if Indian establishment decides to tighten screws , lankan ports will be reduced to half its volume.

And rest of times it can be busy exporting Dilmah tea to china and importing worldclass Chinese products to its soil.

Wrong calculations, our economy not entirely based on Colombo port or Dilmah tea.
What I always think competition is always good, Indian ports aren't huge threat to Sri Lanka. In the future SL 2 ports will not enough to handle the demand, Colombo port has reach max capacity.
I like when people talk in right tone.

Your tone before and itch to get into the skin of Indians in this forum is quite visible. You want Indians to answer you have got the answer. I am hardly grumpy or angry but I believe in giving straight answers without being politically correct.

You can deceive gullibles by playing innocent but people know your long history of oppressing your own citizens and real reasons behind your internal civil strives/war. You can not cut the bill on India's name for that.

You do not have any face to preach us morality. Pakistani and Chinese propaganda of 'hegemonic India' failed ages ago and no nation is buying their rants, you should be careful when sniffing the same and sneezing it out on us.

It is your nation (going by your tone) who is inviting foreign powers like Pakistan has been doing in IOR and SA. Your nation is free to decide whom to side with and we Indians believe in the same as well. But if you think you will side with Chinese for any reason and take cheap shot at Indians at the same time then its a non starter for your progress.

All above comment shows I have written something really hurt for you lol
It is something like that when some dreams become dreams forever.
Wrong calculations, our economy not entirely based on Colombo port or Dilmah tea.
What I always think competition is always good, Indian ports aren't huge threat to Sri Lanka. In the future SL 2 ports will not enough to handle the demand, Colombo port has reach max capacity.


Sri Lanka Export Treemap
Why aren't we getting some of that Sri Lankan tea ! :blink:

Everyone from the pauper on the street to the CEO of a multinational in Pakistan is hooked to tea ! :hitwall:
Why aren't we getting some of that Sri Lankan tea ! :blink:

Everyone from the pauper on the street to the CEO of a multinational in Pakistan is hooked to tea ! :hitwall:

They have finest of the tea gardens and their cooking of sea food are awesome.
@Sashan This thread is funny.....SL defending china's right in IOR is like saying a mouse trying to stand up as dragon's first line of defense or is it a panda whom mouse mistook as dragon depending upon the size comparison between the both.China is decades away to make its presence felt anywhere in the blue sea away from its shore even if it has 1 or 10 or 100 A/C ...rest is all dikhawa(show off).As fo india it itself is a biggest A/C protruding towards equator in deep south.india is in position to control whole IOR from land itself and enforce its MD.Have some land based Ashm in deployment you are ready to control ior...

IOR is india's pond earliers these countries understand better will be for them otherwise they are gonna be in some rude shock.........As for SL and Maldives.they can never escape from india's shadows............

At the end of the day a strong leadership and a political will is needed in India and as of now, I do not believe that is there with the current leadership. This quote sums it all up.

We have the right to do it and India has the right to stop it if they can.
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But if you think you will side with Chinese for any reason and take cheap shot at Indians at the same time then its a non starter for your progress.


Sri Lanka has by FAR by the best social indicators, HDI, GDP per capita, and economic growth in the South Asian region.

India's finances are tied up in government bureaucracy, with a massive fiscal deficit and debt-to-GDP ratio. It makes more sense to for Sri Lanka to come to China when we have cash surpluses every year, as well as the largest currency reserves ($3.2 trillion).

We also have much better experience building infrastructure in the developing world. Sri Lanka is eager to further develop their country and we can help each other in this.
so...? what you want to mention?

I want to mention that corrugation of the matriculation forces with the viscosity of the amalgams are in para-grim shift from the alignment of congenial depreciation which is on tandem duplicity of inter-connectable territorial catapults which are determined by the terminal capacity of the materialized and has a potential to depolarize .
I want to mention that corrugation of the matriculation forces with the viscosity of the amalgams are in para-grim shift from the alignment of congenial depreciation which is on tandem duplicity of inter-connectable territorial catapults which are determined by the terminal capacity of the materialized and has a potential to depolarize .

I agree with every single word, except for catapults.

Oh, and matriculation.

Sri Lanka has by FAR by the best social indicators, HDI, GDP per capita, and economic growth in the South Asian region.

India's finances are tied up in government bureaucracy, with a massive fiscal deficit and debt-to-GDP ratio. It makes more sense to for Sri Lanka to come to China when we have cash surpluses every year, as well as the largest currency reserves ($3.2 trillion).

We also have much better experience building infrastructure in the developing world. Sri Lanka is eager to further develop their country and we can help each other in this.

First you read and run your brain on what I am talking.

Just being alarmed by a word 'progress' your supervisor has unleashed you on me to rant boiler plate bickering you are assigned to do here.

No one here is debating Sri Lankan progress in comparison to anyone.

I was talking about how they will get it sabotage by siding with China whose very own neighbours are preparing to clash for their obnoxious claims.

BTW People know dirty secrets of your infrastructure and ghost towns very well. I wish Chinese labour will snatch job of Sri Lankan labour when building infra for them otherwise CCP will lose mandate of heaven.
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