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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

you forgot USA. they are the kings in any ocean. ;)
Same usa which couldn't do any thing in 80's and 90's.it still incapable of doing anything ..dont beleieve me then ask GHQ rawalpindi.

Nothing new about it.
just reminding..cz human brain is not like elephant's brain.
I don't consider it as serious matter, India was there always. As I said earlier SL get advantage only if India is in good status in the region and the world and Asia. If we don't take the space which we have for China then it's stupid thing we ever doing, China has more share in the Asia and their capabilities are higher so that's why SL can take advantage from that at this moment.

How can you define India is weak. Don't think like that. Maybe India lags behind China in economical matters. But India is no weak when it comes to warfare. Therefore IMO Sri Lanka's existence lies with a good co-operation with India. BTW this doesn't mean we have to accept everything from India but we should take India into consideration when dealing with matters. Specially if they are involving some foreign countries.
Sri Lanka’s geographical setting attracts many networks of shipping companies of China which can service the other countries with the pendulum services.

Generally, per day about 200 ships pass Sri Lankan waters while on average 10 ships call at Sri Lankan ports.


Lot of the Srilankan economy is boosted by transhipment and port business , just like in Dubai. Sri lanka is more of a hub to Asia , South Asia, India


More than 50-60% of Indian transhipment traffic is handled by Sri Lankan ports, especially Colombo Port. A majority of India’s transhipment business of more than 7.5 million TEUs goes via Colombo, Salalah and Jebel Ali, causing considerable loss of time and money to Indian shippers.

This trend creates more business for Sri Lanka since there are many other small ports in the region which cannot attract big ships due to their depths and turning circles, which is the space to turn a ship.

So what can India do?

  • Go ahead with the proposed Nicobar port transhipment facility.
  • Go ahead with proposed port at vizhinjam,kerala and increase traffic @ transhipment facility at Kochi, Kerala
  • Remove stupid laws like Cabotage in dealing with port
  • Build and operate "feeder ships" to facilitate smooth transhipment of inbound and outbound goods
  • Implement Sethu Samudram Channel ,thereby most ships would skip Lankan territorial waters saving valueble time and hence money too
  • Develop Tutucorin Port in eastern side to serve inbound traffic from east.

So if Indian establishment decides to tighten screws , lankan ports will be reduced to half its volume.

And rest of times it can be busy exporting Dilmah tea to china and importing worldclass Chinese products to its soil.
How can you define India is weak. Don't think like that. Maybe India lags behind China in economical matters. But India is no weak when it comes to warfare. Therefore IMO Sri Lanka's existence lies with a good co-operation with India. BTW this doesn't mean we have to accept everything from India but we should take India into consideration when dealing with matters. Specially if they are involving some foreign countries.
that's what i am trying to say!we are neighbouring countries after all and we are not hostile to each other!so it will be beneficial for both of us to co-operate in certain matters.i am not saying that Lanka shouldn't befriend the chinis or any other people as you are an independent country and we Indian don't have the right to dictate your foreign policy but at the same time you guys should also consider the concerns that India has regarding the rising chinese influence on the IOR region!:tup:
I don't consider it as serious matter, India was there always. As I said earlier SL get advantage only if India is in good status in the region and the world and Asia. If we don't take the space which we have for China then it's stupid thing we ever doing, China has more share in the Asia and their capabilities are higher so that's why SL can take advantage from that at this moment.
India dont need army itc to bring it to its knees .it can just reduce sinhala to a minority with in sirilanka and take hold of the country.Sinhala chauvinism is the root of all problems in srilanka and its probles with india.its for sinhala to hink if they want go peaceful way or they want to fight it out.But just before thinking about taking arms think about ravana first..
Madam read the article carefully, Srilanka never said they are choosing China over India as an ally, They said International waters are there for every country and every country has the right to navigate and trade over them

Unlike Chinese who are claiming SCS and think that it is their pond and nobody has right over it. China should learn from India and Srilanka to co exist.

When was the last time Sri Lanka has taken you for ride being an ally?

when you supplied them faulty radars? or when SL give passage to Pak during 71 Indian terrorism?
@SpArK, sir are there any proposed plans to build a port at Nicobar or at Kerala?
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@SpArK, sir are there any proposed plans to build a port at Nicobar or at Kerala?

There was a porposal to build transhipment port in nicobar.

India Democracy :: India plans transhipment port at Great Nicobar


In kerala the country's first transhipment port is operational and one more BIG is coming up near Trivandrum.

But things are slow due to political pressures from a "few" international ports.
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When was the last time Sri Lanka has taken you for ride being an ally?

when you supplied them faulty radars? or when SL give passage to Pak during 71 Indian terrorism?

When was Srilanka taken Chinese ride and declared "higher than mountains and deeper than relationship". Srilanka and BD are not Pakistan. They are balancing the relationship and not offending either India or China.

You are still licking the wounds of 1971, better leave that racist attitude which killed 1 million fellow country men (even zaid hamid confirmed that figure).
My independent view on Sri Lanka

1) Sovereign, independent nation.
2) Right to determine its own foreign policy
3) Right to maintain its territorial claim and do whatever it wants within its territory
4) Foreign policy of Sri Lanka is not dependent on India - and should never be
5) If its military wants assistance from other nations, so be it. IT is an independent nation and its independent policies must be respected if it is about defence.
6) Every step Sri Lanka takes in order to import arms from another nation should not be seen as a threat to India.
7) China's development of ports - even though this is about economical development at least as far as the Chinese and the Sri Lankans are saying, honestly, there is nothing MUCH India can do if and when (hypothetically) Chinese naval ships use the two ports for refuelling.
8) CHina's and much of East Asia's fuel supply lines (ships) cut across the breadth of the IOR. Sea lanes of the Indian Ocean region used by these ships (be they Chinese or Lankan or Japanese or South African or Tanzanian.. happen to be away from Indain territorial waters. All flags sail through INTERNATIONAL WATERS of the Indian Ocean.
9) We Indians have to accept that - especially in the case of Sri Lanka - it is rightfully an Indian Ocean island nation and it is no nation's suzerain .
10) If the Chinese DO come to Hambantota with Zheng Ge's naval armada for refueling, there is nothing we can do about it. They will be in S.Lankan waters, using their facilities (built by the benefactor) and the transaction will be between the two nations.

Now some very immensely patriotic Indian brothers of mine will say Hambantota will be a listening post for the Chinese and it will harm India's security apparatus. Assume it happens, what ... HONESTLY ask yourself ... what the F can we do ? Resort to attacking Lanka? Stir up another hornets nest? Or make our own defenses more stronger by building our own naval / listening stations in the vicinity and hear what the secret bed talk between China/Lanka goes on?

Can we block China in the IOR? - No. If yes, on what basis? Unless they start firing at us, it is not a possibility.
If yes, which IOR waters are we talking of blocking them?

I would request all (Pak/Indi/Lankan/Bangla and whoever wants to get into this flame bait FORUM ) understand the ground realities of independent nations first and then start beating chests as to whose dick is bigger and who owns the bed and who can cheat around bedding different partners.

Another take on Sri Lanka - if it had not been for the bloody civil war spanning so many decades, TAKE MY WORD, Lanka would have been a STIFF economic powerhouse in the IOR region, far surpassing Pakistan's, India's, Bangladesh's economy of yesteryears. The worst thing to happen to Lanka was the war (and all its ethnic reasons ).

When was Srilanka taken Chinese ride and declared "higher than mountains and deeper than relationship". Srilanka and BD are not Pakistan. They are balancing the relationship and not offending either India or China.

If SL supports India then its NOT a news its balancing act indeed ;)

When Sri Lanka supports China or leaned towards China then indeed its a first step towards finding a strong and trusted ally.

I will repeat again China will be a trusted Ally to SL hence SL needs to take more steps.
If SL supports India then its NOT a news its balancing act indeed ;)

When Sri Lanka supports China or leaned towards China then indeed its a first step towards finding a strong and trusted ally.

I will repeat again China will be a trusted Ally to SL hence SL needs to take more steps.

As I said Srilankans are completely different than Pakistanis. It is Pakistanis that will do these kind of posturings :coffee:.
Go through your earlier posts and logically conclude how Srilanka became an ally of China by allowing China in international waters :D

Go through the posts, and you will find that indeed China will be strong ally to SL
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