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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

Actually, Muhajirs are our cannon fodder for North India's foreign policy. They have been successfully employed, and the results are obvious in Karachi.

Funny how you did not deny that Tamils have been cannon fodder for white north. As for Mohajirs, Jinnah was also a Mohajir, you mean to tell me he was successfully employed and carved Akhand Bharat into two?
Funny how you did not deny that Tamils have been cannon fodder for white north. As for Mohajirs, Jinnah was also a Mohajir, you mean to tell me he was successfully employed and carved Akhand Bharat into two?

Why aren't you taking it from a tamilian that tamilians are equally Indians and have the same rights and power in India? TN has 40 MPs and they have significant pull at the center. So there is no question of North dominating or South dominating or cannon fodder.
Funny how you did not deny that Tamils have been cannon fodder for white north. As for Mohajirs, Jinnah was also a Mohajir, you mean to tell me he was successfully employed and carved Akhand Bharat into two?
Jinnah, a Mohajir ???!!! As far as i know, Jinnah was a Gujju Bohra, who could speak Gujarati way way better than he could speak Urdu ; No, our fodder is Altaf Hussain, who proclaims that the division of the subcontinent was the greatest tragedy to have occurred. And the other one was Musharraf, who peed in his pants with a phone call from Richard Armitage, allowing drones to violate Pakistani sovereignty on a regular basis.

And yeah, Tamils have been a cannon fodder for the white north regularly. One example was APJ Abdul Kalam who was the most popular president of India. The other cannon fodder was PV Narasimha Rao, former Prime Minister of India. Yes, these are our cannon fodders.
Can you quantify how widespread? TN is going through period of economic growth and people over there have tasted success. So let us progress at peace. Leave us out from your strategic plans. Enough of this BS.

If India wants to do something, come up with some sort of a doctrine where you draw the line for the countries around you(borrowing it from @ajtr - come up with a Monroe doctrine or something) - Why do you need to spend more than $30 billion for the military if you do not have a hawkish foreign policy for smaller states around India?

I can empathize with your remarks, but it does little to challenge the potency of such an initiative. A move like this is politically viable - as the Dravidian parties will be seen championing the Tamil cause and the numbers in Lok Sabha would ensure that ally in Delhi would follow suit. Also, this will be a cost effective tool of forwarding our foreign policy objectives.

But i agree with you, with respect to adopting something like a Monroe Doctrine as a viable alternative to dirty tricks of the trade. However, india's foreign policy has rarely been a coherent expression of India's objectives. So i'm not quite pinning my hopes on something like that.
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Yet India can‘t deal with the Maldives。

China is taking on Japan nicely,for the latter has lost the working control of Diaoyu Islands since the illegal transfer of owership。

Nest Japan will be forced to acknowledge the existence of sovereignty dispute on the Islands。Then。。。

Step by step。Steady as it goes。 :azn:

india never bullies its weak neighbours..unlike china
I can empathize with your remarks, but it does little to challenge the potency of such an initiative. A move like this is politically viable - as the Dravidian parties will be seen championing the Tamil cause and the numbers in Lok Sabha would ensure that ally in Delhi would follow suit. Also, this will be a cost effective tool of forwarding our foreign policy objectives.

But i agree with you, with respect to adopting something like a Monroe Doctrine as a viable alternative to dirty tricks of the trade. However, india's foreign policy has rarely been a coherent expression of India's objectives. So i'm not quite pinning my hopes on something like that.

Tell me the purpose of different initiatives like raising 3 mountain divisions, setting up base Campbell,building ACs, drawing route from Kolkatta through Sittwe port to North East India, strengthening relationship with Vietnam and investing billions in building new ships if India can't have a robust coherent foreign policy?

What is needed is to draw a policy to link all these initiatives(or something might be cooking with the diplomatic circles - who knows)

- Terrorism is a tool India can't afford - period.
Uncalled for mouthing when we Indians have been cooperating with SL for ages. False flag Pakistanis from Rupee news desk at work ?

BTW Bum licking award of the day goes to you.

Now get this right away.

Sinhalese, coconuts dwellers should know it very clearly, Indian ocean is India's, fish in your waters and don't try to poke your nose in rest of the IOR. If you think this is not fair then give the same lecture to Chinese claiming SCS.

If you think China or anyone else be able to save your Island then think about the time when Chinese boats will be empty of rockets and sunk before crossing straights of Malacca and your nation will burn for many months without a break.

who is Pakistani false flag? :lol:

lol Indian ocean is just naming dear little fellow India does not own any, there are lot of countries share Indian ocean and Sri Lanka is an important country in there. We get bigger share after 2020 too.

China is already in SL, they cooperate well with SL that means they will get what they need from SL.
we knows China have right but how can you talk about rights of a country whICH doesn't believe in other's rights in SCS

If there is a matter in SCS international waters then countries who facing that issue should come forward find solution.
who is Pakistani false flag? :lol:

lol Indian ocean is just naming dear little fellow India does not own any, there are lot of countries share Indian ocean and Sri Lanka is an important country in there. We get bigger share after 2020 too.

China is already in SL, they cooperate well with SL that means they will get what they need from SL.

We chinese are please to have Sri Lanka as friendly country, SL is at the strategical location of Indian Ocean, will be the hub of 21st century ship destination. it will be a win-win for China & Sri Lanka

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In Chinese we call it "南海" which just means "South Sea". It was the Westerners who added the name China to it.

Same with the East China Sea. In Chinese we call it "东海", which just means "East Sea".

and the name "china" is given by indians ;)
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