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Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

Of course it was China who named the sea 'South Sea' and then the westerns refereed the sea with the same name but add China there for precision purpose.

Err, I believe you guys' societies were still very primitive then or should I say were still living in stone ages.:smokin:

Do you believe to what you write?


Vietnam´s Hung Emperor 2879 BC

The history of Vietnam is one of the longest continuous histories in the world, with archaeological findings showing that human settlements as far back as around half a million years ago and a cultural history of over 20,000 years.[1]

Ancient Vietnam was home to some of the world's earliest civilizations and societies - making them one of the world's first people who practiced agriculture.

Where did I mention history? A country can have a long history but it's society remains primitive. Ever heard of a country called Ethiopia? STAY ON TOPIC will you, your posts have been deleted enough!

Sure, we remain on topic. Mod, sorry for derailing a bit.

When China makes friends and allies than everything is fine. However, if Vietnam does similar steps, all Chinese come and blame on us. Why?
"Indian" Ocean means not India's ocean, it's just a naming. Every country has a right in the international waters, so China do have right to be there.

But that does not mean your can carryout Anti-India activities in the ocean close to India!
"Indian" Ocean means not India's ocean, it's just a naming. Every country has a right in the international waters, so China do have right to be there.

But that does not mean your can carryout Anti-India activities in the ocean close to India!
But that does not mean your can carryout Anti-India activities in the ocean close to India!

Yep, we aren't giving training or space to anti-Indian terror groups in our ocean space so India has nothing to worry.
India needs to fuel the LTTE once again. The angst of people in Tamil Nadu, Tamil diaspora and the locals in north eastern parts of SL needs to be exploited to present a potent security threat to the island nation while assuring India of plausible deniability.

China has deeper pockets and India cannot afford to offer better incentives to ensure that SL befriends India. What we can do however, is create a DIS-INCENTIVE for not cooperating with India.

New found, post war confidence, needs to be quashed. India's presence needs to be maintained.
India needs to fuel the LTTE once again. The angst of people in Tamil Nadu, Tamil diaspora and the locals in north eastern parts of SL needs to be exploited to present a potent security threat to the island nation while assuring India of plausible deniability.

China has deeper pockets and India cannot afford to offer better incentives to ensure that SL befriends India. What we can do however, is create a DIS-INCENTIVE for not cooperating with India.

New found, post war confidence, needs to be quashed. India's presence needs to be maintained.

That will make more chances for China. China has more share in 2 main ports in SL, they do have entered satellite operations with SL. I personally don't think these are just helpings they do have some secrets agenda's. From the details what I have got 3rd satellite is capable of spying. Once Chinese asked some request from GoSL to build in Colombo but GoSL did not allow that. but over 80% share belongs to China now in new Colombo port.
The news source of this news = Xinhua (The official govt. of china's news agency) :lazy: :lazy:
India needs to fuel the LTTE once again. The angst of people in Tamil Nadu, Tamil diaspora and the locals in north eastern parts of SL needs to be exploited to present a potent security threat to the island nation while assuring India of plausible deniability.

Indians threatening to use bonafide terrorist groups against Sri Lanka! Why am I not surprised :D
India needs to fuel the LTTE once again. The angst of people in Tamil Nadu, Tamil diaspora and the locals in north eastern parts of SL needs to be exploited to present a potent security threat to the island nation while assuring India of plausible deniability.

China has deeper pockets and India cannot afford to offer better incentives to ensure that SL befriends India. What we can do however, is create a DIS-INCENTIVE for not cooperating with India.

New found, post war confidence, needs to be quashed. India's presence needs to be maintained.

Hell with India trying to play with Tamilian sentiments. Leave the SL tamilians alone - You did not help them then - you need not help them now or in future. Stay off causing damage to these people for your own strategic interests.

And before that, answer why Katchatheevu was granted to SL illegally while you are not willing to make compromise on Akshai Chin(which is not with you at all) and settle the issue with China? Different rules for different people? And I have seen many of the non-tamilian Indians show indifference to the killings of TN fishermen - so stay off this issue once for all.

And stop talking about creating another LTTE for your own interests.
India needs to fuel the LTTE once again. The angst of people in Tamil Nadu, Tamil diaspora and the locals in north eastern parts of SL needs to be exploited to present a potent security threat to the island nation while assuring India of plausible deniability.

What plausible deniability! are you serious or just playing around with an exotic sounding term? Read a bit about LTTE and try to sell 'plausible deniability' on that history.

And I have seen many of the non-tamilian Indians show indifference to the killings of TN fishermen - so stay off this issue once for all.
It seems you are under some delusion of equality between North and South Indians in Modern India
It seems you are under some delusion of equality between North and South Indians in Modern India

And stay off Indian internal issue as well - South Indians are doing better in modern India - look at the statistics like Human Development Index and per capita income and make a comparison between South Indian states vs North Indian states. South India is the economic powerhouse along with Maharastra and Gujarat driving the Indian growth story.
Hell with India trying to play with Tamilian sentiments. Leave the SL tamilians alone - You did not help them then - you need not help them now or in future. Stay off causing damage to these people for your own strategic interests.

And before that, answer why Katchatheevu was granted to SL illegally while you are not willing to make compromise on Akshai Chin(which is not with you at all) and settle the issue with China? Different rules for different people? And I have seen many of the non-tamilian Indians show indifference to the killings of TN fishermen - so stay off this issue once for all.

And stop talking about creating another LTTE for your own interests.

Don't cuss me for calling a spade a spade. There is widespread sympathy for the Tigers in TN - the reason that Rajiv Gandhi assassins are still alive. There are also radical elements present in the refugee camps in Tamil Nadu.

I merely suggest, providing a military medium for expression of this angst in a manner that benefits India.

Calls for the "right-thing-to-do" and morality do little to dent the strategic advantages of such an initiative.

What plausible deniability! are you serious or just playing around with an exotic sounding term? Read a bit about LTTE and try to sell 'plausible deniability' on that history.

It seems you are under some delusion of equality between North and South Indians in Modern India

As long as the Tigers wreck havoc, and SL doesn't attack India - i would be content with my convoluted definition of plausible deniability.
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