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Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

We outnumber like 200 countries by a billion. Whats with this weird comment about taking over those countries?

And why would anyone in their right mind take over pakistan, when even their best friends want extra precautions against pakistanis???

@Saradiel no india did not airdrop weapons.
you fought 4 wars with us and you always outnumbered us by the 100s of millions and you failed to do destroy us, the best you might have done is "help" bangladesh get independence after they had already been fighting us for months.
you fought 4 wars with us and you always outnumbered us by the 100s of millions and you failed to do destroy us, the best you might have done is "help" bangladesh get independence after they had already been fighting us for months.

Destroy you? Give me examples from modern times where countries were ''destroyed'' in wars. May be the possibility of countries fighting wars to achieve their well assessed objectives has slipped your mind???
Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan
TNN | Jun 29, 2014, 04.21 AM IST

NEW DELHI: Sri Lanka has banned visas on arrival for Pakistanis after investigations showed that jihadist groups targeting India were using Sri Lanka as a transit point. Lanka is also one of the few countries that extended such a facility to Pakistani nationals.

A bomb blast in a Chennai train in May revealed new plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadist groups using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. A multinational investigation including Malaysia zeroed in on a Lankan national, Shakir Hussain, who confessed that he had visited India over 20 times on reconnaissance trips.

He told investigators, as was reported by TOI, that he was facilitating militants from Maldives who were tasked with attacking American and Israeli consulates in Bangalore and Chennai, critical infrastructure like airports and power plants in Chennai among other targets.

The investigation, sources said, also pointed to involvement by Pakistani officials at their mission in Colombo. Indian officials confirmed that Sri Lanka and Maldives have been red-flagged by Indian security establishment for some time. The new Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, too, has been sensitized to the growth of fundamentalism among youngsters who may be traveling to Pakistan for religious studies.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right) with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in New Delhi.

Modi, in his first conversations with Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had raised this issue which he said was of particular sensitivity to India. On his return, Rajapaksa is believed to have launched an investigation. The results of the probe have contributed to the decision.

In a related development, Sri lankan authorities have been rounding up Pakistani asylum seekers — almost 1,500 of them will be deported back to Pakistan. This has invited sharp criticism from human rights activists and the UN, because many of them are Ahmadiyas (a banned sect in Pakistan) and Shia Muslims.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) with Maldivian Abdulla Yameen in New Delhi.
The Pakistani foreign office has also been informed that its nationals would henceforth need pre-departure visas to travel to Sri Lanka. The Lankan government probe revealed that many Pakistanis are arriving as tourists by taking advantage of easy visas on "electronic travel authorization" but staying on as "refugees". In 2013, the UNHRC recorded almost 1,500 Pakistani asylum seekers. Lanka has now decided to deport all Pakistanis who have overstayed their visas.

While Indians have traditionally focused on north India as points of infiltration by Pakistan-supported elements, south India poses a particular danger.

Modi got Rajapakse on board

May 1 Chennai train blast revealed plots against India by Pakistan-based jihadists using Sri Lanka and Maldives as transit points. Modi conveyed the sensitivity of issue to Lankan President Rajapakse during his May 26 swearing in as PM and sensitized the new Maldivian president also.

On return to Sri Lanka, Rajapakse ordered probe which led to decision.

Sri Lanka shuts terror door on Pakistan - The Times of India

MODI effect and change in foreign policy of sri lanka.Acche din aane wale hai :D:yahoo::yahoo::victory::victory:
@AugenBlick @Soumitra @Tshering22 @IndoUS @Indrani @nair @SwAggeR @JanjaWeed

your NEWS Busted lol

The Sri Lankan government on Friday cancelled the on-arrival visa facility for Pakistani. Pakistani citizens intending to travel to Sri Lanka have been advised by the government to apply for a visa before taking a flight.

The decision, which was taken in view of the rising number of political asylum cases in Sri Lanka, was officially communicated to Pakistan’s Foreign ministry.

:rofl: LOL @ this **** TIMES OF INDIA News as usual BS!
Destroy you? Give me examples from modern times where countries were ''destroyed'' in wars. May be the possibility of countries fighting wars to achieve their well assessed objectives has slipped your mind???
in which war have you achieved your objectives against us?
i would blame our previous govt for losing control over Maldieves. They handled the whole political crisis pretty badly.. & there by letting unfriendly section take control of that country! We need to reinforce our influence to make sure that the country doesn't go for dogs!

Actually GOI supported the coup against last maldivian PM because he was pro chinese in india's eyes. So they let the religious psychos win over the moderate and rational fellow
So after looking towards Israel, now the micro power needs two other smaller neighbours to ensure it's own security.....Bravo.
I don't know what world you live in. But we need every country in the world whether big or small to ensure our security.

Now that Sri Lanka is largely wrapped up for Pakistan, along with persecution of the Pakistanis in Bangladesh ie Jamaat, We just need to make sure Nepal stops VoA for Pakistan.
I don't know what world you live in. But we need every country in the world whether big or small to ensure our security.

Now that Sri Lanka is largely wrapped up for Pakistan, along with persecution of the Pakistanis in Bangladesh ie Jamaat, We just need to make sure Nepal stops VoA for Pakistan.
While this won't prevent the larger operations, it will at least make simple recon missions much harder.
Iam sure pakistan is working on making jihadi camps in sri lanka to send them from our south side since we have tight eye on nepal border and crossing LoC is inviting death.
there is no jihadi camps in SL
Jaw dropping wisdom. So pakistan plans to stop terrorists escaping by requesting 200 countries to screen their visas instead of pakistani immigration control stopping them IN pakistan? Sounds like a plan LOL!

NO. The ETA system as was applicable to Pakistanis is applicable to India, but we do not need a pre departure visa as is being implemented for Pakistan.
Quoted for brilliance :tup:

a billion indians vs 180 million pakistanis lol.
being out numbered by over a billion i think we are doing pretty good.
you should shoot yourself in the head for not taking over pakistan even after you people out number us by a billion
Why would India ever want to take over Pakistan? That is 179 million religious extremists(out of 180 million) who keep looking to Saudi Arabia for their every move. You have no major economy, are poorer than India, still have feudal culture.

It would be idiocy on part of Pakistani's to think that India would want to incorporate a country like Pakistan!

Heck even the Iranians(brother country eh?) is trying to build a fence on its Pakistani border, India already has. Does that show you something or not?

You are absolutely correct. Most of these asylum seekers are religious and ethnic minorities fleeing Pakistan. The idea that these asylum seekers are moving there to target India is stupid and alarmists, as these people are fleeing the Sunni Jihadists themselves.
The point was that because of extreme ease of travel and zero scrutiny for Pakistanis, Pakistani intelligence was able to use Lanka as a launchpad against India. That facility and ease will no longer be there.
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I was speaking from a Pakistanis POV. I have cleared it in my previous post that i am not criticizing Srilankan decision but rather our own for

1) not realizing the problem and not coming up with a solution acceptable to both nations
2) not raising an objection on the decision made by Srilankan government.
Of course governments have not fulfilled their responsibilities. Mostly because they have less options. I remember when SL passport was ranked one of the worst in SL , people were charging at the government for not taking steps. But in reality the reason is some sri lankans with their passport have done frauds in these countries. So naturally gover's ability to influence is lessoned.

Yes we are certainly not the best nation in the world and also of introspection is required but in most cases, its because we never really object where as other countries like India make sure that their concerns are not only heard but also adhered too. In our case we never even bother to raise concerns.
Others can point at us and say bad things about our countries. but lets first put our houses in order. I think that is the way to answer.

If so please show me like you have showed everything else. If not than its merely your opinion against mine. But speaking for myself, the spokesperson said is not aware neither any statement is made after this.
I do not know such a thing. I said coming to conclusion that pakistan and SL goves's havent agreed upon them is not good.

Where did i imply this? I was only telling Gibbs that i am aware of what he is trying to warn me off.
yeah, just your responses gave me the that idea.

We outnumber like 200 countries by a billion. Whats with this weird comment about taking over those countries?

And why would anyone in their right mind take over pakistan, when even their best friends want extra precautions against pakistanis???

@Saradiel no india did not airdrop weapons.
but that is not certian. after all india did give weapons even if they did not airdrop
Quoted for brilliance :tup:

Why would India ever want to take over Pakistan? That is 179 million religious extremists(out of 180 million) who keep looking to Saudi Arabia for their every move. You have no major economy, are poorer than India, still have feudal culture.

It would be idiocy on part of Pakistani's to think that India would want to incorporate a country like Pakistan!

Heck even the Iranians(brother country eh?) is trying to build a fence on its Pakistani border, India already has. Does that show you something or not?

The point was that because of extreme ease of travel and zero scrutiny for Pakistanis, Pakistani intelligence was able to use Lanka as a launchpad against India. That facility and ease will no longer be there.

"....the Sri Lankan media has claimed that it is being done at the request of the Indian government following a meeting between the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in which Mr Modi allegedly claimed that militants of Pakistani origin in Sri Lanka were planning terrorist acts inside India. Yet, the UNHCR’s bland details tell a different story: of the Pakistanis detained so far, most are Ahmadis while some Christians and Shia Hazaras are also included."

Failed twice over - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

I didnt' know Ahmadi,s Christians and Shia hazaras were a security threat for India.
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