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Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

"....the Sri Lankan media has claimed that it is being done at the request of the Indian government following a meeting between the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in which Mr Modi allegedly claimed that militants of Pakistani origin in Sri Lanka were planning terrorist acts inside India. Yet, the UNHCR’s bland details tell a different story: of the Pakistanis detained so far, most are Ahmadis while some Christians and Shia Hazaras are also included."

Failed twice over - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

I didnt' know Ahmadi,s Christians and Shia hazaras were a security threat for India.
What part of this are you not getting Pakistani exile.
The refugees are a different issue. The Pakistani agencies were using its the free access to Sri Lanka to set up intelligence modules against India.

There is also ANOTHER issue that refugees were going to Sri Lanka. India had also pointed out that out of the thousands, some of them were not refugees.

Thirdly, Pakistani preachers coming to Lanka and trying to radicalize the Muslims there.

All this problem now gets reduced quite a bit by Lanka giving visas and limited ones at that to Pakistani's.
It’s not just Pakistanis but many nationalities that Sri Lanka have removed the visa on arrival facility for. Last year they removed it for UK and EU nationals too. You now have to apply online and pay a €30 fee.This is a economic decision and is designed to make money.
your NEWS Busted lol

The Sri Lankan government on Friday cancelled the on-arrival visa facility for Pakistani. Pakistani citizens intending to travel to Sri Lanka have been advised by the government to apply for a visa before taking a flight.
The decision, which was taken in view of the rising number of political asylum cases in Sri Lanka, was officially communicated to Pakistan’s Foreign ministry.

:rofl: LOL @ this **** TIMES OF INDIA News as usual BS!
It said visa on arrival is stopped,that was what the news was about,This was after PM Modi meeting President Rajapakse in Delhi,Where they discussed about this issue.
Didnt say they banned travel from pakistan did they? or are you naive?
Rather than calling him off topic, can you actually give a counter argue to the points he raise?

First of all, I'm not here to counter points made by the labour, especially when my posting intention was clearly pointed out at the very onset. Secondly, it looks like you need a bit of a comprehension course as well. Group lessons maybe? I started off by saying that my post was about to go off topic in that I was merely pointing out (yet again) Gibbs' profound hatred and constant hissy fits on Tamils and their state of Tamil Nadu. It gets old after a while, and then of course, loose burning embers can only talk about poverty in India, like its a joke of some sort. What an absolute disgrace. :lol:

I actually agree with many things he says here. I guess the one that really hurt you most is gibbs saying indians coming here and doing illegal work. am i right?

Lol WHUT? Petty little Lankans upto their 2bit tricks as usual. Typical. Calling out anyone who has inherent hatred against an entire people and their home state, is well warranted IMO, and it wasn't in retaliation to any specifics. Besides, the issue here isn't about illegal Indians working in Sri Lanka.

Peasant love is charming. :)
there is no connection of radical cells and aluthgama though sinhala racists want to show a connection. what happened there is well known and already debated between u and me. I do not wish to repeat the same that too to an racist idiot.

Yes there is no connection between radical cells and Aluthgama incident. But Aluthgama incident made authorities think twice about the radical cells and their operatives. There is no harm in keeping them checked.

BTW I agree with your views about BBS and Aluthgama incident. There is nothing I can say from my side.

I think I have already taught you why he should be arrested in another thread. Go and read it. Asath Sally has not violated law like Gnanasara. And he has been arrested and questioned by CID several times. The problem is why that law is not applicable to Gnanasara.

The issue is he should be arrested for what? He has not done any crime according to the law. If he is to be taken custody then Asath Sally should be arrested too. You mentioned Sally was interrogated by CID, Gnansara was also interrogated by CID.
Sad news. Now newly married couples have to go to some other destinations
Lol WHUT? Petty little Lankans upto their 2bit tricks as usual. Typical. Calling out anyone who has inherent hatred against an entire people and their home state, is well warranted IMO, and it wasn't in retaliation to any specifics. Besides, the issue here isn't about illegal Indians working in Sri Lanka.

Pot calling kettle black. :lol::lol:
@Indian brothers
Why are you desperately trying to have a relationship with these snakes? Cant u see that these people hate u?

Why would u minorities flee to Lanka? Have u any idea of the savage ness of those people?
Because majority of India does not hate Sri Lanka or is unaware of Tamil genocide.
@Indian brothers
Why are you desperately trying to have a relationship with these snakes? Cant u see that these people hate u?

I disagree. It's only a couple of burned internet peasants who don't seem to like us (not that we care). There are gasbags like them everywhere... No biggie. :)

Pot calling kettle black. :lol::lol:

...and you think that Adding multiple smileys somehow validates what you say eh? Typical
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Pot calling kettle black. :lol::lol:

Seriously machun that guy need a lassie and cool down.. Still smarting from yesterday, Poor guy got hit in a raw nerve with the truth.. Sadly his utopia is not exactly what he thinks it is.. Small minds
Seriously machun that guy need a lassie and cool down.. Still smarting from yesterday, Poor guy got hit in a raw nerve with the truth.. Sadly his utopia is not exactly what he thinks it is.. Small minds

Raw nerve? Haha Utopia? Dude, you're seriously stupid if you think that any one of us are deluded enough to think we live in a utopian world. The fact that you keep hitting back with words about "feel good threads" when not a soul brought it up, only goes to show how you're burning from within. Stop putting words in other people's mouths, and stick to bad mouthing Tamils and their state, after all, that's about the only thing you seem to be decent at. Wannabes, I tell you ... Put them at the back of the plane where they belong.
Raw nerve? Haha Utopia? Dude, you're seriously stupid if you think that any one of us are deluded enough to think we live in a utopian world. The fact that you keep hitting back with words about "feel good threads" when not a soul brought it up, only goes to show how you're burning from within. Stop putting words in other people's mouths, and stick to bad mouthing Tamils and their state, after all, that's about the only thing you seem to be decent at. Wannabes, I tell you ... Put them at the back of the plane where they belong.

:lol:.. Still hurting huh ?? Sometimes it pains to hear the facts.. And sometimes it's good to kkep your two cents to yourself if you dont have anything remotely intellectual to contribute..

Look on the bright side, Looks like you have found yourself a fan boy.. Good on ya :enjoy:
...And that fan boy is you. Heya!

Facts? Such a dufus haha. Blabbering the same shyte over and over doesn't make it true, peasant.

Tsk tsk.. Dont get your panties in a twist mate.. Nah you got a teenage pussy cat stalking you.. Seems to have taken a liking to your hissy fits, Just like what he posts :lol:
This is Modi effect...Srilanka has already told that it will not allow any anti Indian terrorism from its land....
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