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Auckland terrorist Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen named as suppression lapses


Sep 18, 2009
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The man who carried out a terrorist attack at a West Auckland supermarket on Friday can finally be named and we can reveal details as to why his name has been kept secret.


He was Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen, aged 32.

A High Court order keeping his name secret lapsed at 11pm tonight, with family members deciding not to make an application to fight for continued name suppression.

Samsudeen is a Sri Lankan national and a Tamil Muslim. He arrived in New Zealand from Sri Lanka on 21 October 2011 on a student visa. He was granted status as a refugee and later obtained a residency visa.

He was granted refugee status on 20 December 2013 – officials persuaded by his claim that, due to his political background, he would face serious harm if he returned to Sri Lanka. It was accepted that he had been attacked, abducted, physically mistreated and humiliated in the past.

However, on 31 May 2018, the Refugee Status Branch served Samsudeen with a notice of their intention to cancel his refugee status. If his status as a refugee was cancelled, he would be deported to Sri Lanka.

On 3 July 2018, he was awaiting sentence in the High Court in Auckland and was granted name suppression as the court believed the publication of his name was likely to endanger his safety if he was subsequently deported back to Sri Lanka.

Samsudeen had appealed the notice of intention to cancel his refugee status and was awaiting completion of a hearing at the time of his death. Suppression orders, including in relation to his immigration status, now lifted following his death.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed it wasn’t known he held extremist views when he came to New Zealand.

Samsudeen first came to the attention of authorities less than five years after his arrival. Details of his offending have been listed in a raft of court documents.

FULL STORY: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/auckland-terrorist-named-suppression-lapses
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