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Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

Not just logistics, getting them to do bombs for you and stuff. You know u couldn't handle us so u got outside help. We owned 1/3 of ur country b4 u started killing civilians

yeah yeah you owned 1/3rd, though our forces had to search for LTTE pussies in the deep jungle....those LTTErs hid behind women and chindren and even shot at fleeing civilians...LTTE could not even hold onto their said captial kilinochchi. Just ran away when forces were approaching. And the top leaders tried giving phone calls around the world asking them to help them surrender and to make sure SL soldiers wont kill them. .........freedom fighters? my a$$! hiding behind women and giving phone calls all over the world so they can save their sorry a$$....

Yes true. But Aluthgama incident only aggravated the issue. Even prior to Aluthgama authorities were aware about the existence of radical cells operating in Sri Lanka.
there is no connection of radical cells and aluthgama though sinhala racists want to show a connection. what happened there is well known and already debated between u and me. I do not wish to repeat the same that too to an racist idiot.

There may not be but one cannot deny the fact that the existence of radical Islamic groups in Sri Lanka.
There exists, where did i deny? but SL defence forces is fully capable of handling them. Again it did nt have any connection to Aluthgama.

If you mean Gnanasara as the terrorist, could you please explain on what charge should he be arrested? Doesn't that rule apply to Asath Sally and Rishad Badyuddin?
I think I have already taught you why he should be arrested in another thread. Go and read it. Asath Sally has not violated law like Gnanasara. And he has been arrested and questioned by CID several times. The problem is why that law is not applicable to Gnanasara.
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Off topic

It's ridiculous how Gibbs is obsessed with Tamils and the state of Tamil Nadu; he never misses an opportunity to diss them. It's all so transparent that it's almost hilarious.

I wonder what he means by "new rich Indians" visiting his country? It doesn't make sense because Indian nationals have always been the largest contributor to their sole major economy for decades, whether new rich or old, or middle class. I don't see why anyone would make a comment like that unless the feel truly burned.

Please elaborate!

:lol: Off topic? Who said anything about you going off on a tangent? India glorifying threads? I give credit where credit is due. You seem to validate everything I've said about you being burned (and how) with every word you utter. ;)
Resorting to personal attacks is how you operate, it seems. Insecure, much?


Rather than calling him off topic, can you actually give a counter argue to the points he raise?
I actually agree with many things he says here. I guess the one that really hurt you most is gibbs saying indians coming here and doing illegal work. am i right?
Oh what a moron! Look at the map of India and Pakistan in 1947. We took junagadh from you on the pretext of hindu majority and didnot give kashmir in return. :devil: Still we have 70% of it. :chilli:


BTW...talking about maps, a little bit of slicing dicing by India and you said bye bye to east pakistan. The more we talk about wars, the more embarrassing it's gonna get get for you.
Bottom line we broke Hindustan in 3 pieces to end the brown nosing ball lifting Hindu domination. Bahut British k uthay Hindus nay.

Wrong. Kashmir was an independent kingdom when Pakistani Pashtun marauders and tribal lashkars invaded and plundered it. It was after they occupied Kashmir, that the ruler decided to acceded to India, and after that the IA stepped in to prevent the best parts from falling to your tribals.

He is completely wrong, but yes it needs to be said again and again to soothe Pakistani egos. If you hadn't attacked the independent kingdom of Kashmir, they would have been independent today.
Entire text inaccurate and pack of lies. 2 nation theory based on Muslim majority areas go to Pakistan. Read history before replying. Not Indian written history.
Bottom line we broke Hindustan in 3 pieces to end the brown nosing ball lifting Hindu domination. Bahut British k uthay Hindus nay.

Entire text inaccurate and pack of lies. 2 nation theory based on Muslim majority areas go to Pakistan. Read history before replying. Not Indian written history.
Looking at the current situation in Pakistan I am glad we parted ways back in the day. as far as the flame bait thrown people here know which country has the bowl in hands begging for alms !!!
How many pakkistanis go to sri lanka for holidays?
Bottom line we broke Hindustan in 3 pieces to end the brown nosing ball lifting Hindu domination. Bahut British k uthay Hindus nay.

Entire text inaccurate and pack of lies. 2 nation theory based on Muslim majority areas go to Pakistan. Read history before replying. Not Indian written history.

Err... you need to read history.
Sri Lankan people remember The IAF violating Sri Lankan airspace to drop food and weapons for LTTE. Not to mention India's funding and support for LTTE OVER 4 decades that killed hundreds and thousands in Sri Lanka.

Where does LTTE appear in this thread.The current thread is about Sri Lankans banning visas to Pakistan on arrival(VOA). Does LTTE travel from Pakistan to Lanka.
As a Pakistani I do take pride in crushing LTTE for good for now. Indian strategy and tactics both failed in Sri Lanka. It is a fact of history. Stop believing India won 1948 and 1965 wars in Indian textbooks. Ask yourself a question? When the 1948 war started 100% of Kashmir was India and after the was 76% was in India and after 1965 only 68% remained with India. You keep believing you won in 1948, 1965 and in Sri Lanka.

What about 1971 war in which u lost the eastern half of Pakistan(Bangladesh). Why r u not mentioning that.
Looking at the current situation in Pakistan I am glad we parted ways back in the day. as far as the flame bait thrown people here know which country has the bowl in hands begging for alms !!!
We have been through this situation before and will be victorious again, Inshallah. We bled the USSR to financial bankruptcy in the first Afghan War. Taliban & the terrorists were defeated in Swat, Malakand, Khyber Agency and SWA and will be defeated again. Pakistan Armed forces are not a Paper Army like the Indian Forces which have never fought a real war in 45 years. Do not give me the example of Kargil where 98,000+ Indian troops came to fight 1,400 Pak Army Northern Light Infantry (NLI). Had Nawaz Shareef not come under political pressure from world leaders to exit, we taught you guys another lesson.

What about 1971 war in which u lost the eastern half of Pakistan(Bangladesh). Why r u not mentioning that.
Yes, we lost the war and no longer have to financially bail out E. Pakistan from floods and aid every year.
Entire text inaccurate and pack of lies. 2 nation theory based on Muslim majority areas go to Pakistan. Read history before replying. Not Indian written history.
Muslim majority areas of British India. Kashmir was not part of India, it was an independent kingdom that refused to be part of India or Pak, until Pakistani tribals raided it.
We have been through this situation before and will be victorious again, Inshallah. We bled the USSR to financial bankruptcy in the first Afghan War. Taliban & the terrorists were defeated in Swat, Malakand, Khyber Agency and SWA and will be defeated again.

Apples & Oranges.
About the Afghan war against Soviets,the situation was different,it was a different game.Pakistan recieved billion of dollars from Saudi Arabia & America,apart from Military assistance.There was Muslim fighters from all over the world (Jordan,Iraq).There is no such thing in the current war against TTP.
On the contrary,this current war will deplete YR reserves.U don't know the impact of the current war against TTP,it is not a chor police game.
Well the TTP has been killing people right from 2002,it was only after the recent Airport attack.Pakistan woke up from the deepest slumber

Yes, we lost the war and no longer have to financially bail out E. Pakistan from floods and aid every year.

In that case u should have bailed them before 1971,rather then East Pakistanis waging a war against u for indipendence,think the other way around.Why don't u bail out BLA & TTP.
Oh what a moron! Look at the map of India and Pakistan in 1947. We took junagadh from you on the pretext of hindu majority and didnot give kashmir in return. :devil: Still we have 70% of it. :chilli:


BTW...talking about maps, a little bit of slicing dicing by India and you said bye bye to east pakistan. The more we talk about wars, the more embarrassing it's gonna get get for you.
a billion indians vs 180 million pakistanis lol.
being out numbered by over a billion i think we are doing pretty good.
you should shoot yourself in the head for not taking over pakistan even after you people out number us by a billion
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