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Spymaster Petraeus may inflame ties with Pakistan

Your govt should answer that question in bold.

Still the Americans have enough leverage in Afghanistan to atleast continue using the drones against Pakistan.

What leverage does the US have in Afghanistan?
Forget wrong policies. They have been doing this for the last several decades and will continue to do so in the future. Dont bank too much on China buying US debt or whatever that is, world economics is too difficult to understand and discuss in a forum.

The fact is the US (with Petraeus now at CIA) is gonna put Pakistan on the gas. Trying times ahead for your country.

We had been in trying times and any massive igniting step by US is going to set entire region on fire. thats for sure.

as they say hum tau dobain hain sanam tum ko bhee lay dobain gay
They have to put Afghanistan 'on the gas' (whatever that means) first. The last time I remember, it was an Afghan pilot (a Taliban sympathizer) that shot & killed 8 US troops in Kabul, & it were the security personnel in Kandahar that let 500 Taliban escape from prison. If the US cannot even stop the Taliban from infiltrating into the Afghan forces in 10 years, what chances does it have against Pakistan?

But aren't they successfully conducting drone operations ON YOUR TERRiTORY?
My friend, the only thing that is saving your country right now is your nuclear weapons. As and when the US manages to neutralize your nukes (through economic or diplomatic or any forced military means or whatever), your China will not be able to save you.

And Russia, :lol: just keep them out, they are useless atleast for Pakistan.

lol you still not understand my point... i am not saying CHINA and RUSSIA will help us nor Russia will help india in any "TODAY's" conflict! ....

My point is Pakistan strategic location is very very sensitiv if any kind of conflict against pakistan and pakistan will start using its fully Army do you think Pakistan will stop pressing button ?? and if they press only Afghanistan will hurt ???? sorry to say you missed my point! ;)

thats clear message

"sanam dobaingay par saath sirf tumhain nahe 2 aur ko lay dubaingay" ;)
We had been in trying times and any massive igniting step by US is going to set entire region on fire. thats for sure.

as they say hum tau dobain hain sanam tum ko bhee lay dobain gay

I hope you were not referring to "India" in the "tum" above. :lol:
Do you really think these wars which are totally against Islamic countries was only US decision ? lol (you missed the country who is the most smallest but most powerfull) ;)

well no but the point here is that US is seen as the main aggressor by majority of the people in those countries they have attacked so its time American public should have some retrospection. why they are considered as aggressor when NATO is composed of many countries ?
lol you still not understand my point... i am not saying CHINA and RUSSIA will help us nor Russia will help india in any "TODAY's" conflict! ....

My point is Pakistan strategic location is very very sensitiv if any kind of conflict against pakistan and pakistan will start using its fully Army do you think Pakistan will stop pressing button ?? and if they press only Afghanistan will hurt ???? sorry to say you missed my point! ;)

I fully agree, Pakistan's location is super-strategic atleast for now. There is nothing anyone can do without Pakistan's help.
But aren't they successfully conducting drone operations ON YOUR TERRiTORY?

Yes, but only with the authorization of Pakistan. Pakistan already has anti-drone technology that can bring those drones down if it wants to.
Oh fantastic! I did;t knew that.

I hope you have not revealed a state secret !!!!!

Not really, this is common knowledge.

The service altitude of an F-16 is 60,000 feet.

The service altitude of the US Reaper Drones is 50,000 feet.

The Pakistani F-16 can easily take out the drones.

In 1958, PAF F-86F Sabre downed an IAF Canberra Bomber at a height of 48,000 ft using guns.

Today we have aircraft that not only can reach 50,000 ft but also shoot down high flying targets using 'look up shoot up' capability BVR missiles.

In tribal areas, drones fly low in order to locate and pin point their targets before firing at them. The altitude they maintain is less than 10,000 ft. All PAF aircrafts can easily intercept and down them.

Pakistan test fires anti-drone technology | Pakistan Daily
Not really, this is common knowledge.

The service altitude of an F-16 is 60,000 feet.

The service altitude of the US Reaper Drones is 50,000 feet.

The Pakistani F-16 can easily take out the drones.

In 1958, PAF F-86F Sabre downed an IAF Canberra Bomber at a height of 48,000 ft using guns.

Today we have aircraft that not only can reach 50,000 ft but also shoot down high flying targets using 'look up shoot up' capability BVR missiles.

In tribal areas, drones fly low in order to locate and pin point their targets before firing at them. The altitude they maintain is less than 10,000 ft. All PAF aircrafts can easily intercept and down them.

Pakistan test fires anti-drone technology | Pakistan Daily

Did you write "F-16" above?

You mean the same F-16's that were supplied by the Americans ?

I hope you know what will happen the day you shoot down an American drone with American F-16's ?
Did you write "F-16" above?

You mean the same F-16's that were supplied by the Americans ?

I hope you know what will happen the day you shoot down an American drone with American F-16's ?

Pakistan bought them from the US, the US sold them the F-16s. So they are Pakistani F-16s.
So what's wrong with his statement ? Pakistan as a geographic and geopolitical entity has been leased out in succession to the United States almost since its inception, and now that the "Great Satan" is unhappy, they run after China to lease their territory ; The economy in doldrums is being bailed out by IMF, and they lease out their religious identity to Saudi Arabia ; I wish to ask a question, bluntly, even at the risk of being permanently banned here ; It is a Question i ask MYSELF over and over again. What is the identity of Pakistan in the Global Arena ? What do a majority of the people in the globe associate Pakistan with ? This is precisely why the West wish to see the negativity in the Pakistani identity to be rooted out of Pakistan so that, it can live to its true name, the Land of the Pure.

don't stress yourself by asking this question over and over again...relax! pakistan's identity in the global arena is "NON NATO ALLY" and "FRONT LINE STATE ON THE WoT"!!

anything beyond that is indian imagination & not a global phenomenon!
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