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Spring between Turkey and Israel. Happy new Year

There is a documentation about ROMA in Haberturk ( old term was GIPSYS) they are actually Indians. Travelling and robbing the world.
They served also in Ottoman Army but traitored all whom they served.
I know why the cast system ( PARIA -untouchables) already exists there.
I would do much better job. If West does sanctions and isolates my nation then I will push the button nuke Tel Aviv and every single European capital. Then the retards in the West will realize they made a huge mistake in denying my people the right to self determination. And they will deescalate and let us be free people. If they don't then all humans die. Their choice. This is literally what I would see in first 24 hours of my rule. I will give the West 1 day to make up their mind. Either you end your terrorism/aggression against our people or the whole planet will cease to exist. You choose between human exisistence or the Jews.

You are a prime example of people called "Radical Islamic Terrorist". Israel has nukes, and it does not act like retarded rabid dogs and threaten other nations to obey them or face extinction. It is none of anyone's business anyway to begin with! Oh the hilariousity! And then you go ahead call that "self" determination! Gosh my sides!!

And you are referring "The West" (I don't know why you said that to be honest, most of Europe is actually located in the east, not west) as if it makes the whole of the planet. Why does it matter to you if a few countries out of about 200 "to make the huge mistake in denying your people the right to self determination"?

And funny thing is that you call that "self determination". The thing is that, self determination is done by one's own self, and would not be dependent on any other entity other than the self of one's own, which is "your people" according to your understanding.

You are free to determine anything you want, the way you want, as long as you leave the rest of the human-population alone.
This is called changing colors and practical real politik...When the situation arises, the Islamic nation, are ready to have a relationship with Israel to protect their interests and compromise on their stand that no muslim can deal with Israel...

It is not like i am not supporting the move...but i can see the level of hypocrisy and how the poor Palestine people has been played out in the hands of different Islamic nations where each nation used Palestine issue as their bargaining point without changing the Palestine situation too much...This is called as when reality bites, every one looks for their own shelter...

Well it's not like other muslim countries or anyone else have much to work with when it comes to the palestinians.
Both fatah and hamas encourage and glorify all those recent attacks against Israeli civilians with knives and car rammings.
You can't get angry at Israel for collateral damage when the other party actively seeks to kill Israeli civillians including children.
Well it's not like other muslim countries or anyone else have much to work with when it comes to the palestinians.
Both fatah and hamas encourage and glorify all those recent attacks against Israeli civilians with knives and car rammings.
You can't get angry at Israel for collateral damage when the other party actively seeks to kill Israeli civillians including children.

Trust me..I am with Israel.....But i follow the posts about middle east and it is very regular thing for all Muslim countries and their posters to bash Israel like anything...So when i see, than Turkey wants to mend ties with Israel, i can not stop myself laughing by looking at the situation of middle east..
Trust me..I am with Israel.....But i follow the posts about middle east and it is very regular thing for all Muslim countries and their posters to bash Israel like anything...So when i see, than Turkey wants to mend ties with Israel, i can not stop myself laughing by looking at the situation of middle east..

Turkey historically have good relations with Israel. Or more accurately: Turks and Jews have been getting along for centuries. So it shouldn't be that big of a surprise really...
Hopefully also Israel with their Leviathan gas field.

Hopefully Qatar natural gas will also be pumped through Israel now that Syria is out of the question in that regard. I've also never understood why they planned to dig that pipeline through Syria rather than through Israel-Cyprus-Turkey/Greece to begin with.

Syria keeping to be ran by Assad really does not necessarily have to mean much of a thing when we have Israel and Cyprus laying there silently waiting for their turns to start in this beneficial-to-all deal.

Turkey historically have good relations with Israel. Or more accurately: Turks and Jews have been getting along for centuries. So it shouldn't be that big of a surprise really...
Ah even more than that, we are the first nation on earth to recognize Israel's state-being. Our relations reach above some simple economic and cultural friendship
Maybe soon we'll see Turkey with Arrow 3/2 and david sling air defenses, Armed Heron TP's with spike and hellfire missiles and barak 8 including MF star radar and more technology transfer and JV .
I only hope Turkey and Israel will watch their actions and impacts unlike the last time
has outlived its usefulness

bro. you want create a new terror host for IS ? I can't follow:cuckoo:

Maybe soon we'll see Turkey with Arrow 3/2 and david sling air defenses, Armed Heron TP's with spike and hellfire missiles and barak 8 including MF star radar and more technology transfer and JV .
I only hope Turkey and Israel will watch their actions and impacts unlike the last time

I wrote before Turkish citizens were before "ONE MINUTE" VIP guests in ISRAEL,
even Kurd's who visited Dead Sea for Psoriasis skin treatment.
Our guys did training in Eilat.

That's what I may contribute.
Trust me..I am with Israel.....But i follow the posts about middle east and it is very regular thing for all Muslim countries and their posters to bash Israel like anything...So when i see, than Turkey wants to mend ties with Israel, i can not stop myself laughing by looking at the situation of middle east..

Ok, I understand what you mean. But the big difference is that in the Arab world the people don't just hate Israel but mainly any Jewish person. With Turks the critics are mostly because of the mavi marmara thing (apart from some hardline islamists here and there).

Hopefully Qatar natural gas will also be pumped through Israel now that Syria is out of the question in that regard. I've also never understood why they planned to dig that pipeline through Syria rather than through Israel-Cyprus-Turkey/Greece to begin with.

Syria keeping to be ran by Assad really does not necessarily have to mean much of a thing when we have Israel and Cyprus laying there silently waiting for their turns to start in this beneficial-to-all deal.

Ah even more than that, we are the first nation on earth to recognize Israel's state-being. Our relations reach above some simple economic and cultural friendship

I think the day that a pipeline from Qatar running through Saudi to Israel is also the day hell will freeze over.
I think the day that a pipeline from Qatar running through Saudi to Israel is also the day hell will freeze over.

Will happen, if Russia and Iran are neutralized.
And Israel must find a fair solution for Palestine.
I think the day that a pipeline from Qatar running through Saudi to Israel is also the day hell will freeze over.
Why would you say such a thing? Do you genuinely believe that leaders of those "islamic" countries actually give any kind of flying **** about any kind of religion?

They do "politics" to stay in the power. Under normal circumstances leaders of almost any country is "a politician". Politicians don't believe in any kind of ideology, that includes religious ideologies too.

Time by time "idealists" happen to rule the countries, the lucky people that actually believe in some ideologies and maybe some of them are really religious too. "Politicians" generally tend to "create their own ideologies".

But c'mon now, lets look at Saudi Arabia as an example. Those "princes" regularly get caught with lots of drugs, or prostitutes, or caught gambling. Many of them have "more than 4" wives and don't really seem to give any flying **** about religion.

If the princes are like this, think about their kings who have hundreds of wives and do all kinds of "infidel things".
Will happen, if Russia and Iran are neutralized.
And Israel must find a fair solution for Palestine.

What do you mean with neutralizing Russia and Iran?
Even if the saudi government by some miracle allows the pipeline, then you'd still have all those millions of wahabi's/salafi's in the general populace in saudi who would go crazy. Would be very sensitive to sabotage too the pipeline.
I don't see any good prospect for the palestinians while they have hamas on one side and corrupt incompetent fatah officials on the other side.
Even if the saudi government by some miracle allows the pipeline, then you'd still have all those millions of wahabi's/salafi's in the general populace in saudi who would go crazy. Would be very sensitive to sabotage too the pipeline.
The pipeline was already planned to cross KSA anyway and no uprising or alike has been recorded up to date during all these years.
Referring to whats happening in Syria and Iraq?

No, something about the whole Middle East. Which hasn't happened yet. It starts with Russians being in Iraq. Than Arabs dividing into three camps. Than people fighting over gold in Iraq. Than an invasion of ME. :D

You are a prime example of people called "Radical Islamic Terrorist". Israel has nukes, and it does not act like retarded rabid dogs and threaten other nations to obey them or face extinction. It is none of anyone's business anyway to begin with! Oh the hilariousity! And then you go ahead call that "self" determination! Gosh my sides!!

And you are referring "The West" (I don't know why you said that to be honest, most of Europe is actually located in the east, not west) as if it makes the whole of the planet. Why does it matter to you if a few countries out of about 200 "to make the huge mistake in denying your people the right to self determination"?

And funny thing is that you call that "self determination". The thing is that, self determination is done by one's own self, and would not be dependent on any other entity other than the self of one's own, which is "your people" according to your understanding.

You are free to determine anything you want, the way you want, as long as you leave the rest of the human-population alone.

Islam doesn't permit my strategy, so no has nothing to 'radical Islam' you cheap prostitute fucker. That is my logical strategy. Anyway, take the Jews into your country and lets how 'free you are to do anything you want'.
The pipeline was already planned to cross KSA anyway and no uprising or alike has been recorded up to date during all these years.

But that one was planned to go through Qatar-Saudi-Jorda-Syria-Turkey, It would have not gone through Israel.

No, something about the whole Middle East. Which hasn't happened yet. It starts with Russians being in Iraq. Than Arabs dividing into three camps. Than people fighting over gold in Iraq. Than an invasion of ME. :D

Islam doesn't permit my strategy, so no has nothing to 'radical Islam' you cheap prostitute fucker. That is my logical strategy. Anyway, take the Jews into your country and lets how 'free you are to do anything you want'.

Oh Turkey also has some people like you. If we could trade them for Israeli's that would be great :)
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