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Spring between Turkey and Israel. Happy new Year

But that one was planned to go through Qatar-Saudi-Jorda-Syria-Turkey, It would have not gone through Israel.

Well what is the difference between Israel and the Europe in the eyes of extremists?


And that pipeline was actually meant to go: Qatar-KSA-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-"EUROPE".

The end-line being Israel would make no difference whatsoever. It is the same thing in the eyes of islamists.
Well what is the difference between Israel and the Europe in the eyes of extremists?


And that pipeline was actually meant to go: Qatar-KSA-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-"EUROPE".

The end-line being Israel would make no difference whatsoever. It is the same thing in the eyes of islamists.

The difference being that Europe is not occupying ''holy'' land in the eyes of the arabs, but Israel does.
That is the reason why the arabs expelled all arab jews and saudi has no official diplomatic contacts with Israel.
A country like kuwait for ex by law does not allow israeli's to travel on kuwaiti airlines.

You seriously think that saudi, qatar (who hosts and supports hamas) are going to suddenly say ok to a gas pipeline going through Israel?

You can take as many Israeli's as you want, feel free to do so please. :D :)

The problem is I don't think Israel would like who they would be getting in return :)
The problem is I don't think Israel would like who they would be getting in return :)

Take all 6 million Israeli Jews we don't want any of them. We can distribute them to all our neighbors. They can create greater 'Israel' by taking over Jordan, Turkey and whomever else likes them.
You seriously think that saudi, qatar (who hosts and supports hamas) are going to suddenly say ok to a gas pipeline going through Israel?

Well why not? Jordan says OK.

And KSA and Qatar are far more theocratic than Jordan too, it would be an easier move for them to do.

And in fact, they don't necessarily need to do it so openly as well. They could just build a "Qatar-KSA-Jordan" pipeline.

And Jordan then could claim to build their own "Jordan-Israel-Cyprus-Turkey/Greece" pipeline.

I don't think islamists could actually understand the relationship between these two project hehe
Take all 6 million Israeli Jews we don't want any of them. We can distribute them to all our neighbors. They can create greater 'Israel' by taking over Jordan, Turkey and whomever else likes them.

And who will maintain and operate the desalination plants? Hamas? hahah

Well why not? Jordan says OK.

And KSA and Qatar are far more theocratic than Jordan too, it would be an easier move for them to do.

And in fact, they don't necessarily need to do it so openly as well. They could just build a "Qatar-KSA-Jordan" pipeline.

And Jordan then could claim to build their own "Jordan-Israel-Cyprus-Turkey/Greece" pipeline.

I don't think islamists could actually understand the relationship between these two project hehe

Jordan is not hardcore islamist like saudi and they have ok relations with Israel.

yeah hehe, that would be funny.
And who will maintain and operate the desalination plants? Hamas? hahah

Are you retarded? The average member in Hamas has better education than you and your family, son of a shameless bitch. As if its rocket science to run a country, we are one of the most educated people in the region. We will have the last laugh you illegatimate children.
Lets do it, exclaiming Syria and Iraq.

Russia - Putin clown threatened with s-400, we can send them in his a...ss for sure !

He claimed TURKEY is coward and is hiding behind NATO, he would shoot all with his S-400-

WAS the fist time that I was disappointed by that IBNE Showman.

Before that I respected him.

NOW he is a CLOWN of Teheran

Putin , sana kayaacgiz oglum
So Falcon, you say this:

The average member in Hamas has better education than you and your family

and this:

we are one of the most educated people in the region

even though you yourself are also the guy who posted this garbage of an oximoron:

Spring between Turkey and Israel. Happy new Year

? Really?

I mean, do you really expect us to believe, even only after that pathetic excuse of a total catastrophe of intelligence on those who have done the cursed mistake to roll their pupils among some of your posts that represent nothing but idiocy in its purest form, that you are actually someone to actually be taken as a somewhat educated and intelligent human-being?

I am shocked I tell you.
on of a shameless bitch

to run a country

Sorry, what country ? Ok. Go on Persian game. We did what we could do

I mean, do you really expect us to believe that, even only after that pathetic excuse of a total catastrophe of intelligence on those who have done the cursed mistake to roll their pupils among some of your posts that represent nothing but idiocy in its purest form, you are actually be someone to actually be taken you as a somewhat educated and intelligent human-being?

All who praise TERROR should be eliminated.

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