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Spring between Turkey and Israel. Happy new Year

Seriously though, go spit your hatred somewhere else T-Imbecile.
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The Russian S-300 missiles and MIG 31s which are moving into Syria threaten the IAF’s freedom of action there, where it has intervened occasionally to limit the movement of weaponry to Hizb'allah and to keep the Golan front quiet. No doubt the IAF could shoot the Russian MIG 31s out of the sky as easily as it did Soviet MIG 21s four decades ago, but the costs of such a move, then as now, are unpredictable. Whether and how Israel handles the Russian MIGs may well define how Russia’s reentry to the Middle East goes. One thing Israel cannot count on, with Obama in office, is that the U.S. will have its back.

Israel is a very competent producer of weapon's technologies. If somebody is going to devise a counter to the S-300 anti aircraft system it is them.
Which is why we should be friend with Israel rather than arabe state. The arabe are unable even to help themself how can they be useful to Turkey ?
At least Israel was helpful to Turkey before Erdogan has cut this relationship.

Unfurtunatly I think Erdogan is too arrogent to correct his mistake with Israel.
@Oublious @[TR]AHMET

Arab Union condemned Turkey cause fighting PKK in Iraq

Arap Birliği Türkiye'yi kınayıp çağrıda bulundu

Kim takar deve birligini?

Which is why we should be friend with Israel rather than arabe state. The arabe are unable even to help themself how can they be useful to Turkey ?
At least Israel was helpful to Turkey before Erdogan has cut this relationship.

Unfurtunatly I think Erdogan is too arrogent to correct his mistake with Israel.

Orta dogu'dan avrupa ya petrol ihracati, oyle de hor gorme adamlari.
To hell with Baghdad. We should guarantee the security of Northern Iraq only, the rest of that cesspool for a country can burn for all I care
Has anyone heard that rumors...

The real reason why Erdogan cut ties with Israel.

Israel and Lebanon has agreed to serve Erdogan as a liaison for peace process between both state. This would made Erdogan as a important mediator in ME! Erdogan agreed and took his new position. But things turned out quite differently. Israel prepared for a war secretly and Erdogan heard about it and asked Israel's prime minister about that issue. He don't want to play mediator role further if Israel is preparing for a war! The Israeli prime minister denied it. 4-6 weeks later Israel start the offensive against Lebanon!
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Has anyone heard that rumors...

The real reason why Erdogan cut ties with Israel.

Israel and Lebanon has agreed to serve Erdogan as a liaison for peace process between both state. This would made Erdogan as a important mediator in ME! Erdogan agreed andctook his new position. But things turned out quite differently. Israel prepared for a war secretly and Erdogan heard about it and asked Israel's prime minister about that issue. He don't want to play mediator role further if Israel is preparing for a war! The Israeli prime minister denied it. 4-6 weeks later Israel start the offensive against Lebanon!
The 2006 war started cause the kidnap of Israeli soldiers by hizballah
At around 9 AM local time on 12 July 2006, Hezbollah launched diversionary rocket attacks toward Israeli military positions near the coast and near the border village of Zar'it[88] as well as on the Israeli town of Shlomi and other villages.[89] Five civilians were injured.[90] Six Israeli military positions were fired on, and the surveillance cameras knocked out.[91]

At the same time, a Hezbollah ground contingent infiltrated the border into Israel through a "dead zone" in the border fence, hiding in an overgrown wadi. They attacked a patrol of two Israeli Humvees patrolling the border near Zar'it, using pre-positioned explosives and anti-tank missiles, killing three soldiers, injuring two, and capturing two soldiers (First Sergeant Ehud Goldwasser and Sergeant First Class Eldad Regev).[88][92]
I don't talk the reason of war between both states! Read carefully!
I don't talk the reason of war between both states! Read carefully!
u said Israel started the War and blamed Israel for the war.
read carefully
"The Israeli prime minister denied it. 4-6 weeks later Israel start the offensive against Lebanon!"
u said Israel started the War and blamed Israel for the war.
read carefully
"The Israeli prime minister denied it. 4-6 weeks later Israel start the offensive against Lebanon!"

No. Israel blamed Erdogan, with that lie.
Fact is Israel didn't start the war, which make ur arguement irrelevant.
Israel is always preparing for war, incase it happens.

Again, read carefully!

I said Israel start the offensive! I don't want to blame Israel for that. But the point is, Erdogan was pissed because of that offensive and the lie!
Again, read carefully!

I said Israel start the offensive! I don't want to blame Israel for that. But the point is, Erdogan was pissed because of that offensive and the lie!
There's no lie, I don't know what u want. and Erdogan can be pissed about w/e he want, we won't sit quiet while our soldiers get killed or kidnapped
There's no lie, I don't know what u want

Really? Where do you know it, that there was no lie? I want to explain why Erdogan cut ties with Israel. But as I said, only rumors!
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