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South china Sea will always be on the agenda of ASEAN.

After the ASEAN Summit closing, the issues concerning the South China Sea remained a hot topic.
The process can not give up
in the morning press conference last four quarters, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said the East Sea was assumed that brought out the agenda of 20th ASEAN Summit as a "serious misunderstanding". Mr. Hun Sen.
pointing out in the preparatory activities for the conference, there was the 4th meeting of the Working Group of Senior Officials (SOM) on the ASEAN code of conduct in the region (COC) to the South China Sea issue. In the Declaration of ASEAN and Chairman of Phnom Penh Agenda are include content to South china Sea, Mr. Hun Sen said. ASEAN Chairman's statement indicates to achieve of ASEAN Community by 2015 "to ensure full implementation of DOC, towards 10-year anniversary of the birth DOC Conference ASEAN - China will take place in Phnom Penh 11/2012".



There is much more to the article and your link is no good.
USA can build a base on the Spratly Islands you occupy but they are defenseless against a serious air and naval attack. In fact, the Philippine home islands are defenseless against a serious Chinese air and naval attack.

Would you care to 'ELABORATE' on your 1st statement above , otherwise it's just an opinion ...
Would you care to 'ELABORATE' on your 1st statement above , otherwise it's just an opinion ...
The islands are so small they are tactically insignificant. An aircraft carrier battle group would be more powerful than an airstrip on that island (we call it Zhongxindao). To be frank, Manila is within the long range attack radius of PLAAF.
The Philippines is well 'AWARE' of your 3rd statement above for a long time now , I noticed you like to 'BRAG' on just about everything related to your military all the time ...
The islands are so small they are tactically insignificant. An aircraft carrier battle group would be more powerful than an airstrip on that island (we call it Zhongxindao). To be frank, Manila is within the long range attack radius of PLAAF.
We willing to support our Scud-D missile or even our anti-carrier nuclear capable Shaddock to our ASEAN friend to counter all thread from China :

It seem like China is scared if war happen in SCS(east sea) than ASEAN countries, bcz our cargo ship now can sail near Han Nan island again , and it take only 3 days to sail from hai Phong port to Hong Kong now, not 4 days like when we rammed your ship

See again our pic on my avatar, dude:coffee:
Vietnam backs Phl's multilateral approach to Spratlys row

MANILA, Philippines - Vietnam, one of six claimants to the Spratly Islands, has categorically supported Philippines’ proposal for a multilateral approach to the territorial problem, by way of resolving it through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Quoting Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said Prime Minister Tan Dung made the declaration during last week’s 20th ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

During the summit, President Aquino proposed to his fellow heads of state that ASEAN countries, particularly claimants to the potentially oil-rich islands, should settle the issue first among themselves before China can be invited for the discussions.

“When it was the turn of Vietnam to speak, Prime Minister Tan Dung stated that ASEAN should rush the drafting of the elements of the code of conduct after which China can be invited to discuss the COC,” Lacierda related.

He said that, “in essence, Vietnam supported the Philippines’ position.”

“There cannot be a bilateral solution to a multilateral problem,” Aquino reiterated to reporters in a sit-down interview at Sofitel Hotel in the Cambodian capital, where he was billeted for his two-day stay for the ASEAN summit.

Other than the Philippines and China, those with claims to the reportedly mineral-rich Spratlys include Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and Taiwan.

Beijing prefers a bilateral approach to the problem, but stressed it was open to such a setup. It promised to “abide” by the collective action of the ASEAN with regard to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties and COC in the South China Sea.

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Such statement from a high ranking military officer is counter productive and just makes things more complicated ... :tdown:
Good! This is the signal that Philippines war has begun. Manila will be occupied by the PLA very soon. :tup:


We willing to support our Scud-D missile or even our anti-carrier nuclear capable Shaddock to our ASEAN friend to counter all thread from China :

It seem like China is scared if war happen in SCS(east sea) than ASEAN countries, bcz our cargo ship now can sail near Han Nan island again , and it take only 3 days to sail from hai Phong port to Hong Kong now, not 4 days like when we rammed your ship

See again our pic on my avatar, dude:coffee:
Our PLA ground forces are already training for an attack from Yunan and Guangxi. In just a few days, Hanoi will fall. Within one month, Ho Chi Min will fall to PLA too.
Good! This is the signal that Philippines war has begun. Manila will be occupied by the PLA very soon. :tup:


Our PLA ground forces are already training for an attack from Yunan and Guangxi. In just a few days, Hanoi will fall. Within one month, Ho Chi Min will fall to PLA too.

Wet dreaming.

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