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Spratly Islands News

While ASEAN countries are trying to resolve disputes in the East Sea (also called West Philipinese Sea or South china sea), China has sought to prevent it. China wants to keep ambiguous condition of its claims in the East Sea, waiting for an opportunity to swallow whole the East Sea.
China is trying to bribe Cambodia, china wants to turn Cambodian become their puppet again (like the Khmer Rouge). China has bribed money for Cambodian goverment in exchange for the support of Cambodia in delaying resolve disputes in the East Sea....

I wonder how much money was paid to Cambodia by China to side with them in the Spratly Islands dispute against the other claimant nations ...
Is that supposed to be a threat or your just 'BLUFFING' , go ahead and destroy the platform and let's see who will suffer the consequences... By the way, there are more than '1 MILLION' Chinese living here so they will probably all perish too if your country choose to release one of those pointed ICBM's towards Manila ...
LOL those so-called Chinese living in Philippines aren't even Chinese nationals. You just hate China because you hate your ethnic Chinese minorities. What a sick people you are.

Besides of yours LOL what else could you do? What I've seen from most of you Chinese used LOL at people as your shield to cover up yours Chinese weak point of debating.
LOL you Vietnamese are such a joke. No wonder we shoot at / kill / capture / turn into fish food so many of you. Yet you still think you are "Dai Viet" :rofl:

US and its allies seek to stop Chinese expansion

Australia and the Philippines are among those involved, MICHAEL RICHARDSON writes
The pieces of a new strategic kaleidoscope in the Asia-Pacific region are starting to fall into place as allies and security partners of the United States seek to deter China from using or threatening force to achieve its expansive aims, particularly in the South China Sea which forms the maritime heart of south-east Asia.
A contingent of about 200 US marines will soon arrive in Darwin. They are the forerunners of a bigger force up to 2500 marines agreed in November. Singapore has offered basing facilities to several high-speed Littoral Combat Ships being brought into service with the US Navy, while US ally the Philippines is negotiating with Washington to hold more military training exercises with the US in the Philippines and increase US Navy access to Philippine ports.
Vietnam is in the midst of a major military build-up to protect its interests in the South China Sea, following similar moves by Malaysia.

US and its allies seek to stop Chinese expansion
Put away your begging bowl. USA troops in Australia will not help Vietnam when PLA turns Hanoi into rubble using rocket artillery.

My comment: PM Dung always seeks to stand near the beautiful PM Yingluck!?
PM Dung, how appropriate for Vietnam.
LOL those so-called Chinese living in Philippines aren't even Chinese nationals. You just hate China because you hate your ethnic Chinese minorities. What a sick people you are.

LOL you Vietnamese are such a joke. No wonder we shoot at / kill / capture / turn into fish food so many of you. Yet you still think you are "Dai Viet" :rofl:

Put away your begging bowl. USA troops in Australia will not help Vietnam when PLA turns Hanoi into rubble using rocket artillery.


your post is correctly followed dirty policy of China Gov against Vietnam to rob Islands from Vietnam. All aggressors was punished in Vietnam: France, USA imperialism and China, new type of imperialist.
Good! Now Cambodia and Laos will take back their land from Vietnam. Malayasia and Indonesia will take back their land from Philippines too. You two evil countries will be ripped apart!

Let's say your idea come true, I am very happy to be come 4th class of Cambodian, Laotian citizen rather than a princes of China.

If you disgusting the worms which are needs dungs for food, that how I am disgusting Chinese people like YOU.
Good! Now Cambodia and Laos will take back their land from Vietnam. Malayasia and Indonesia will take back their land from Philippines too. You two evil countries will be ripped apart!

Tibetan, Ujgurs, inner Mongolia and Manchus will be independence states and China will be ripped apart with 7 countries same as in the past.:enjoy:
LOL you Vietnamese are such a joke. No wonder we shoot at / kill / capture / turn into fish food so many of you. Yet you still think you are "Dai Viet" :rofl:
Đai Viet army have killed 80,000 chinese troops only in ONE battle (Battle of Bach Dang 1288, although the commanders were Mongols - Yuan Dynasty). 80,000 Chinese troops all were turned into fish food at the Bach Dang estuary. You are still not afraid Đai Viet?



Put away your begging bowl. USA troops in Australia will not help Vietnam when PLA turns Hanoi into rubble using rocket artillery.

Unlike you expect, today Americans are our friends, they often visit to Hanoi instead of attacking us.
ASEAN to 'intensify efforts' on China sea disputes
Southeast Asian leaders on Wednesday pledged to step up efforts to resolve overlapping maritime disputes with China, at the end of a two-day summit which also focused on Myanmar and North Korea.

Leaders of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) "reaffirmed the importance" of a 10-year-old declaration on the conduct of the parties (DOC) pledging to promote peace and understanding in the disputed area.
ASEAN to 'intensify efforts' on China sea disputes - Economic Times

me too... :rofl: but never got a chance... :cry:

Try to become a PM!
Good! Now Cambodia and Laos will take back their land from Vietnam. Malayasia and Indonesia will take back their land from Philippines too. You two evil countries will be ripped apart!

As per the peace loving Chinese members here, India, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, S.Korea,.... all are evil and :devil:
So string of pearls is a reality, but in a reverse way :smokin:
South china Sea will always be on the agenda of ASEAN.

After the ASEAN Summit closing, the issues concerning the South China Sea remained a hot topic.
The process can not give up
in the morning press conference last four quarters, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said the East Sea was assumed that brought out the agenda of 20th ASEAN Summit as a "serious misunderstanding". Mr. Hun Sen.
pointing out in the preparatory activities for the conference, there was the 4th meeting of the Working Group of Senior Officials (SOM) on the ASEAN code of conduct in the region (COC) to the South China Sea issue. In the Declaration of ASEAN and Chairman of Phnom Penh Agenda are include content to South china Sea, Mr. Hun Sen said. ASEAN Chairman's statement indicates to achieve of ASEAN Community by 2015 "to ensure full implementation of DOC, towards 10-year anniversary of the birth DOC Conference ASEAN - China will take place in Phnom Penh 11/2012".


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