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Spot-fixing/Match-fixing scandal

he shouldnt have overstepped,if it is ,atleast dont overstep too much,he could throw bouncers

wht ever but look at salam butt in the background, technically he should look at batsman when bowler is set to deliver the ball. I think here he was just making sure amir bowls a no ball.
Its quite a bit actually. Its more than players from a lot of other countries would make. Only Australian, English, Indian, maybe South African and maybe New Zealand would make more.

that was exactly my point when i said players from other 'big' cricketing nations. also these guys don't get to play as much as players from other countries. either in intl level or in other lucrative tournaments (like ipl). then again this should not be the reason to indulge in activities such as the one happening right now. on the other hand natural human tendancy i suppose. hey! what the heck? if you get a chance to make fast buck without any swet, u got be a saint not to get tempted, right??
pakistan will protect them as we always serves thieves, corrupt ones, mafias, dons e.t.c.

---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

This is our specialty..
The ring leaders (bookies) are Indians

"I deal with an Indian party. They pay me for the information."

In one conversation, the tabloid reported that "to hammer home the amounts of money our man could win, Majeed called an Indian bookie he regularly deals with and asked him how much he would pay for a definite Oval Test result. Majeed demanded 1.2million dollars but the bookie replied, 'I'll give you one (million)'."


Indian/Pakistani bhai-bhai in corruption :smitten:
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pakistan will protect them as we always serves thieves, corrupt ones, mafias, dons e.t.c.

---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

This is our specialty..

i think it would be harder this time. in the past it's all hearsay. but this time, maybe for the first time the initiative was taken away from pakistan authorities in the case. investigation is launched against their players not in pakistan, but in a third country. even if they if they don't want to, they might be forced to take some substantial actions to satisfy not just their own public but outsiders as well. believe me, hawks are waiting to pounse!!
i think it would be harder this time. in the past it's all hearsay. but this time, maybe for the first time the initiative was taken away from pakistan authorities in the case. investigation is launched against their players not in pakistan, but in a third country. even if they if they don't want to, they might be forced to take some substantial actions to satisfy not just their own public but outsiders as well. believe me, hawks are waiting to pounse!!

No one has any sympathy with cheats, earlier some guys were punished on public pressure but this time I don't think culprits would survive. Let it be a very fair investigation, if some one proves guilty, no matter how good player he is or how promising he is, they must be punished to maximum limit. I think board and officials must also be taken into account.:angry:
Well previous times the evidence was too weak and didn't convince anyone. This time it's pretty solid so no one is denying this.
once we had captains like Imran Khan , an oxford graduate and players like Ramiz and waseem raja (highly educated) now we have under matric bunch of fall-for-money characters in cricket . Players educational background should also be noticed before giving them 'green cap' so that they don't make(hopefully) a laughing stock of nation in RAMAZAN.
once we had captains like Imran Khan , an oxford graduate and players like Ramiz and waseem raja (highly educated) now we have under matric bunch of fall-for-money characters in cricket . Players educational background should also be noticed before giving them 'green cap' so that they don't make(hopefully) a laughing stock of nation in RAMAZAN.

That is a rather harsh assessment. Educational level is not a determinant of moral values. The kind of money involved here is so high that anyone can be tempted. On the contrary, the only thing the underprivileged have is their honor. It is likely that they value it more than the educated, supposedly sophisticated people.
No one has any sympathy with cheats, earlier some guys were punished on public pressure but this time I don't think culprits would survive. Let it be a very fair investigation, if some one proves guilty, no matter how good player he is or how promising he is, they must be punished to maximum limit. I think board and officials must also be taken into account.:angry:

Dude we have seen so many like that from the past 63 years,, now what you can expect??
once we had captains like Imran Khan , an oxford graduate and players like Ramiz and waseem raja (highly educated) now we have under matric bunch of fall-for-money characters in cricket . Players educational background should also be noticed before giving them 'green cap' so that they don't make(hopefully) a laughing stock of nation in RAMAZAN.

We have a Parha Likha Chu**ya ring Leader..
Imran Khan is the one that starts fixing in pakistan..

Is pakistan ki *** Parhe likhon ne **** hai
ooooooooooooo ayeeeeeeeee juwariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:rofl:

once we had captains like Imran Khan , an oxford graduate and players like Ramiz and waseem raja (highly educated) now we have under matric bunch of fall-for-money characters in cricket . Players educational background should also be noticed before giving them 'green cap' so that they don't make(hopefully) a laughing stock of nation in RAMAZAN.

you hit the nail. imran was not just a cricket player, he was a good leader and a well educated one. that's what made the difference. players playing under him looked upto him, not just because he is good cricketer but also he was well respected by others due to his educational back ground. that rubbed off on rest of the team mates of his. they used to follow him blindly and that's y they were so successful.
now you guys do not have a leader who would command respect from his team mates. things have gone down hill in pakistan in terms of cricketers knowledge on anything other than cricket.

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