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Splitting India

And you believed him!! Darker sikhs have separate temples????? This is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. Anyone and everyone is welcome in a gurudwara, I consider sikhism and buddhism to be the most egalitarian religions.


And the above paper is made up and this documentary is full of lies.

Documentary By NDTV on Chamar Community Part-2 - YouTube
Splliting of India could have been avoided by reinstating the Mughals in Delhi. The process or the movement for this should have been started long before 1947. But, no Muslim or Hindu leaders thought of a Muslim Mughal suzerainty, even a weak one, that could have avoided a splitting of India in the religious line.

So do you still want to live in middle ages.
every pakistani think it is still worth it.. No muslim will preffer to live in the country named after an other religion HINDUSTAN ... it would have been same if it was named as CHristanistan or jewistan... we have more frnds then indian have .. India has no real friend .. so just made some friends which is only friends with u bcoz of your money .. on the other hand pakistan had gud relationship with china, KSE, Turks and others .. all our neibours dont hate us land u cant say that *** well
well bro no need to get hyper i dont care what pakistanies think about there nation after 65 years its not my problem and as for friends in real world there are no real friends just there are common interests and potential gains that bring two nations or a grou[p of nations near we indians never had any friends and we have learned owr lessons the hard way so dont worry too much about us :cheers:
Per capita income

India $3700 Pakistan $ 2800


India medium level,Pakistan-low level

Literacy rate.

India 74% Pakistan 56%

West Pakistan had more literacy rate than India in 1951.
Splliting of India could have been avoided by reinstating the Mughals in Delhi. The process or the movement for this should have been started long before 1947. But, no Muslim or Hindu leaders thought of a Muslim Mughal suzerainty, even a weak one, that could have avoided a splitting of India in the religious line.

What nonsense are you talking, when does religion become a deciding factor as to who will rule 1.5 billion people. Replacing one form of colonialism with another. kya tumhaare baap ka raj chal rha hai? Democracy is and will always be the only solution, and yes I support partition, India otherwise wouldve been ruined
West Pakistan had more literacy rate than India in 1951.

Dont cherry pick figures especially PPP based per capita. After Indian rupee collapse Pakistan per capita is again higher like it was before 2008 and also GDP growth rate. Basically Pakistan started with 0 unlike India thanks to British Raj not willing to set up any industry in muslim majority areas. They always favored hindu baniyas over muslims. Even despite military coups, wars and in last decade terrorism the poverty is still less in Pakistan then India.

What is partition didn't take place? Then one just have to look at Indian muslim conditions, even worse then dalits. Its funny now Hindus say British created Pakistan because they didnt want India to become super power. But one thing is for sure as long as Pakistan exist India power will only extend to bullying Nepal.
Dont cherry pick figures especially PPP based per capita. After Indian rupee collapse Pakistan per capita is again higher like it was before 2008 and also GDP growth rate. Basically Pakistan started with 0 unlike India thanks to British Raj not willing to set up any industry in muslim majority areas. They always favored hindu baniyas over muslims. Even despite military coups, wars and in last decade terrorism the poverty is still less in Pakistan then India.

What is partition didn't take place? Then one just have to look at Indian muslim conditions, even worse then dalits. Its funny now Hindus say British created Pakistan because they didnt want India to become super power. But one thing is for sure as long as Pakistan exist India power will only extend to bullying Nepal.

India is already Regional Superpower

Be it Economy , Space or Military- we are superior to every nation in subcontinent.

Just one example> We are one of the only seven Deep Sapec Powers in world.

Pakistan and China axis were largely successful in delaying rise of India till 1990s; WOT and India's rise as Regional Economic and Military Superpower greatly reduced the effectiveness of the tactic that, earlier bogged down rise of India.
Dont cherry pick figures especially PPP based per capita. After Indian rupee collapse Pakistan per capita is again higher like it was before 2008 and also GDP growth rate. Basically Pakistan started with 0 unlike India thanks to British Raj not willing to set up any industry in muslim majority areas. They always favored hindu baniyas over muslims. Even despite military coups, wars and in last decade terrorism the poverty is still less in Pakistan then India.

What is partition didn't take place? Then one just have to look at Indian muslim conditions, even worse then dalits. Its funny now Hindus say British created Pakistan because they didnt want India to become super power. But one thing is for sure as long as Pakistan exist India power will only extend to bullying Nepal.

Pakistan started from zero is a fairy tale. :lol: British built a series of canals to bring irrigation facilities in all of semi arid Punjab making the region as foodgrain reservoir and Pakistan inherited most of it. Punjabis benefitted most of partition rest were left behind. FATA has a literacy rate of 22%.

How does the rupee fall changed the per capita income, that is compensated by increase in the size of GDP.
India is already Regional Superpower

Be it Economy , Space or Military- we are superior to every nation in subcontinent.

Just one example> We are one of the only seven Deep Sapec Powers in world.

Pakistan and China axis were largely successful in delaying rise of India till 1990s; WOT and India's rise as Regional Economic and Military Superpower greatly reduced the effectiveness of the tactic that, earlier bogged down rise of India.


Regional power as far as Nepal is concerned. After 9/11 Pakistan decade old military embargo and economic sanctions were lifted. Now Pakistan military will only get better with time. India being regional power was only possible if Pakistan was stuck in 80's while India moved ahead in military.

Pakistan started from zero is a fairy tale. :lol: British built a series of canals to bring irrigation facilities in all of semi arid Punjab making the region as foodgrain reservoir and Pakistan inherited most of it. Punjabis benefitted most of partition rest were left behind. FATA has a literacy rate of 22%.

How does the rupee fall changed the per capita income, that is compensated by increase in the size of GDP.

I was talking about industries which were only setup in hindu majority areas, British only favored Hindus. FATA being 22% literate is nothing to do with poverty i was talking about compared to majority India.

With collapse of Indian rupee nominal per capita decreased in $.
But if we did go with the Cabinet mission...wouldn't there be quarrel over who should control the federal government....didn't Gandhi try to negotiate during partition by making Jinnah the PM and was refused by Nehru....wouldn't the same situation have arisen again?

The matter of dissension was not over the formation of assembly.Muslim League's main agenda was to protect Muslim's Interest being submerged under Hindu dominated Federal Government and the proposals which were formulated in Cabinet Mission's plan was sensible enough to satisfy Mr.Jinnah who said there could not be better solution than this.

If you take look at point no.4 of the Mission's plan,it clearly states that constitution framed by the assembly do not apply to those provincial governments which are not willing to accept it. Those governments were free to constitute a separate/new assembly with representatives from their own provinces.

The most important point was Muslim Majority provinces were free to leave the Union of India under the "Ten Year Constitutional Review." These factors clearly indicates that partition,inevitable or not was a different subject to leave it for the future but the bloodshed clearly could have been avoided.

I was talking about industries which were only setup in hindu majority areas, British only favored Hindus. FATA being 22% literate is nothing to do with poverty i was talking about compared to majority India.

With collapse of Indian rupee nominal per capita decreased in $.

What industries, one they started in selected cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Karachi, Lahore Chennai. I can't see preferring Hindu here. :wacko: Why you industries, British never promoted agricultural in other parts of India like Punjab, Punjab had bumper crop every year before partition bringing prosperity for Punjabi Muslims. .

Rupee fall will only affect GDP growth wil slight effect on nominal per capita income, last year too rupee saw fall without affecting per capita income much. Look at the PPP per capita income too.

Partition gave benefits only to Punjabi Muslims, with 45% of population, they are 80% in army and 70% in bureaucracy.
What industries, one they started in selected cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Karachi, Lahore Chennai. I can't see preferring Hindu here. :wacko: Why you industries, British never promoted agricultural in other parts of India like Punjab, Punjab had bumper crop every year before partition bringing prosperity for Punjabi Muslims. .

Rupee fall will only affect GDP growth wil slight effect on nominal per capita income, last year too rupee saw fall without affecting per capita income much. Look at the PPP per capita income too.

Partition gave benefits only to Punjabi Muslims, with 45% of population, they are 80% in army and 70% in bureaucracy.

Lies and more lies which is expected at this point.

"In terms of economic resources, India did much better than Pakistan out of partition. It inherited 90% of the subcontinent's industry and the thriving cities of Delhi, Bombay (now Mumbai) and Calcutta. "

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | 629 | 629 | After partition: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

Pakistan was left with nothing in time of partition thanks to British Raj always favoring Hindus. Punjabis make 54% of army.
India need more partitioning. It should be how it was before British took over. Only after that could India become an independent state. Now, its still a legacy of British colonialism.

Hyderabad should be reverted to a Muslim state. Mysore should also be one as well.
India need more partitioning. It should be how it was before British took over. Only after that could India become an independent state. Now, its still a legacy of British colonialism.

Hyderabad should be reverted to a Muslim state. Mysore should also be one as well.

Free Tibet!!!
Free Xinjiang!!!
Free Hong Kong....

Then we will talk about more partition...


Regional power as far as Nepal is concerned. After 9/11 Pakistan decade old military embargo and economic sanctions were lifted. Now Pakistan military will only get better with time. India being regional power was only possible if Pakistan was stuck in 80's while India moved ahead in military.

I was talking about industries which were only setup in hindu majority areas, British only favored Hindus. FATA being 22% literate is nothing to do with poverty i was talking about compared to majority India.

With collapse of Indian rupee nominal per capita decreased in $.

Muslims were fearful of British education ,but hindus were not .So hindus dominated in trade and commerce.Then again the ahmaddiya muslims were not fearful of British education and modern education and despite of suppression...they prosper a lot across the world...pakistan needs to toss away its anti-ahmaddiya and anti-minority laws and open up for FDI .It will prosper.Pakistan has exponential oil and gas which cannot exploit due to pressure from Saudi Arabia and the Wahabbi fifth colums.
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