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Splitting India

The only way to prosper is to get the hell out of Hindu India/... More splitting will lead to more prosperity.

If India splits only then Bangladesh can grow else it'll continue to be a vassal state of India.
I dont know if the reasons for the partition were correct or not but what I do believe is that the partition was done in haste and without any care for the people of then united India.

I would hold the leaders of that time from Britain, Hindu leaders, and Muslim leaders equally responsible for the catastrophe, one of the worst of modern times, of killing a million or more people and the countless people displaced. Not to mention the subsequent wars and killings that followed after partition.

Does anyone really believe the partition was done in an equitable and just manner? Does anyone really believe the killings were justified?

I would also hold the present leaders and prominent citizens responsible of all 3 countries India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh for failing their own people and instead of leading them out of poverty and providing them a better life, leaving the majority of them to a life of perpetual suffering.

Yes we know India has been more successful economically and otherwise and that Pakistan and Bangladesh have lagged behind but there is clearly far more that can be done to make the lives of the citizens of all 3 countries better.
1-An entire state's native population is facing shyt daily because of your jurnails' obsession. They were killed, exiled and barred from their own home state.

2- Your love for LeT, JeM and a whole host of airy fairy groups that come and spread 'peace' in our land.

3- You dispute every single border of our territory despite the fact that you have what your leaders have agreed for.

4- Blatant denial of everything that everybody says.

Seriously, even Modi had to come out and tell you guys to focus on developing your country rather than wage this unending wars in this part of the world.

We also want peace. But if we resolve everything, your generals will be jobless. So they keep the ghost of ''indian threat'' alive.
If u wouldnt have occupied and killed 100 thousands os muslims we wouldnt yhave loved these jahadi group and secondly its ur obsession with Pakistan . I can give u an example, u can see our media ( print and electronic, flims and novel;s .. u can check out every thing from last 2-3 years ..what ever suites u .. u will find we dnt even talk about them .. but if u ust go to timesnow, ndtv, ibn ( or any other channel u like ) and even ur flims , just search pakistan .. u will know find out who is obssesed. i know even if u do it u will come up with a stupid logic .. we dnt care or even mention indian (except bollywood ) in our country .
One thing about reading and researching history is that it greatly impacts our world today. I, for one, abstain from stating what would have happened if that or this happened or that did not happen. History has proven to be a very unpredictable thing. There is one thing that I would like to interject here and that is that there is a narrative in the India is better off today. Yes, in some regards it is. There is no argument there, however, I would like to point out to the Indian members work done by Gytri Spivak, please read that as well.

Reading history without having a grounding in philosophy makes one prone to commit the errors that the author of this article is making. For instance, the author states that partition would galvanise the Hindu majority and therefore he suggests that had there been no partition there would have been a lessening of the ethnic problems. That is highly improbable to predict for instance, the Hindu-Sikh riots that occurred in 1984 and the events leading up to it show that inter-communal relations are unpredictable.

Secondly, the probability of the argument that had Punjab and Bengal not be partitioned the Muslims would have had a huge majority there which would have kept a check on Hindus oppressing Muslims in minority areas is also incorrect. In any case it would have increased the bloodshed for the Indian mind (pre-partition meaning all South Asians) understood and still continues to understand the communal problem in a very different angle. Historically, assimilation at least on the whole sale has not been possible. Either the minority group becaomes second class citizens or they are divided up by law. Take for instance the US, there are proper neighbourhoods of this or that community, yes, on the whole the US society has a very high integration but everyone knows that the fissures of ethnic tensions exists.

This problem has stayed for both Pakistan and India, stating that India has a relatively better off minority is not correct, the recent riots are a proof of that and this is not where we should be looking for relativity. India and Pakistan are different countries, yes they share a common culture and history but so does most of Europe, the birth place of the nation-state. This historical investigation does not solve our problems today so I find it mostly useless. It is not that why are we here, we are here and we have the burden of existence, why not focus on that?

The morality and a-morality with which we try to judge history is not sound at least in terms of methodology. Our ancestors were not exposed to the same things we were and were a different people in a different time. Plus, there was a widely held perception that Pakistan and India would be like the US and Canada: friendly, cooperative nations. In fact as late as the 60s there were discussions about a regional pact against foreign (at that time Chinese) aggression.

Our problems exist and let's focus on that rather than engage in these debates of origins it reminds me of bastards debating who is more legitimate than the other. As post-colonial nations we're all bastards. Let's try to make a society where our own people feel safe, happy and prosper. I long to see a Pakistan where a Hindu is just as safe, just as successful, just as patriotic as a Muslim in India.

well pakistan was made for the feudals by the feudals with the help of british masters and there loyal desi baristtor and his idealistick poet friend but as the times passed by things for which lakhs died and millions displaced brought the pakistni janta and Junta nothing and they are still in much mcuh worse postion and withowt any friends as they were 66 years back good luck for future thowgh :cheers:

every pakistani think it is still worth it.. No muslim will preffer to live in the country named after an other religion HINDUSTAN ... it would have been same if it was named as CHristanistan or jewistan... we have more frnds then indian have .. India has no real friend .. so just made some friends which is only friends with u bcoz of your money .. on the other hand pakistan had gud relationship with china, KSE, Turks and others .. all our neibours dont hate us land u cant say that *** well
The only way to prosper is to get the hell out of Hindu India/... More splitting will lead to more prosperity.
my fellow bangaldeshi member,you must first save your tiny little country from getting drowned into the bottom of the Bay of Bengal by 2030 as predicted by many leading environmentalists of the world.if you are successful in preventing that catastrophe(which i seriously doubt you'll be) then only we can talk about splitting India into many smaller parts!but right now the only nation on the brink of natural catastrophe is bangaldesh afaik,hope the situation change soon for the sake of 150 million poor and hungry bangaldeshi citizen or they'll left without a nation pretty soon..got it mate!
every pakistani think it is still worth it.. No muslim will preffer to live in the country named after an other religion HINDUSTAN ... it would have been same if it was named as CHristanistan or jewistan... we have more frnds then indian have .. India has no real friend .. so just made some friends which is only friends with u bcoz of your money .. on the other hand pakistan had gud relationship with china, KSE, Turks and others .. all our neibours dont hate us land u cant say that *** well
You are shaking I guess - from the way you wrote. Take a deep breath, do some deep breathing, take your pills and come here later. Try some meditation or Yoga. The incoherence of your post is disturbing. :(
Get well soon :angel:
every pakistani think it is still worth it.. No muslim will preffer to live in the country named after an other religion HINDUSTAN ... it would have been same if it was named as CHristanistan or jewistan... we have more frnds then indian have .. India has no real friend .. so just made some friends which is only friends with u bcoz of your money .. on the other hand pakistan had gud relationship with china, KSE, Turks and others .. all our neibours dont hate us land u cant say that *** well

:lol: :lol:
1-An entire state's native population is facing shyt daily because of your jurnails' obsession. They were killed, exiled and barred from their own home state.

2- Your love for LeT, JeM and a whole host of airy fairy groups that come and spread 'peace' in our land.

3- You dispute every single border of our territory despite the fact that you have what your leaders have agreed for.

4- Blatant denial of everything that everybody says.

Seriously, even Modi had to come out and tell you guys to focus on developing your country rather than wage this unending wars in this part of the world.

We also want peace. But if we resolve everything, your generals will be jobless. So they keep the ghost of ''indian threat'' alive.

and muslims are so protected and happy in India, I want Indian citizenship to save from from barbaric Pakistanis
Hindus indeed are converted to Islam.

Sometime even on live events such as the zakir naik program

Sry my dear friend that is only nt actually happening you believe it or not its happening even in vice-versa too
One look at poverty in India and its clear our forefathers made right decision. I have seen videos and even tribals areas live better then majority of Indians. Hindu premitive tribal custom of killing baby girls & dowry mean there is rape endemic right now and its only getting worse. In Delhi aka rape capital have sex ratio of 850 womans for every 1000 men. Now one can imagine the situation will be even worse in rural areas.

According to latest census muslim population increased tiny bit of %, hindus are using this as propaganda tool. While forgetting the reason muslim population increased is because Hindus killed millions of baby girls in last 20 years.
what mr.kalam predicted was absolutely true..and a gr8 article indeed.
One look at poverty in India and its clear our forefathers made right decision. I have seen videos and even tribals areas live better then majority of Indians. Hindu premitive tribal custom of killing baby girls & dowry mean there is rape endemic right now and its only getting worse. In Delhi aka rape capital have sex ratio of 850 womans for every 1000 men. Now one can imagine the situation will be even worse in rural areas.

According to latest census muslim population increased tiny bit of %, hindus are using this as propaganda tool. While forgetting the reason muslim population increased is because Hindus killed millions of baby girls in last 20 years.

Except for North Punjab which got prosperity due to British era canal colonies, rest of Pakistan is living in extreme backwardness and poverty. Sindhi, Saraiki, Baloch, Pashtun and Bengalis all were left behind.
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